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Hillary Clinton: More Than Just a Symbol [The Atlantic]

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From The Atlantic.
But are Millennials really being asked to support Clinton for no reason other than to shatter the glass ceiling? Unfortunately, because that message has been repeatedly linked to Clinton’s campaign—yet never directly espoused by it—its noise obscures the deeper reasons that young women should support Clinton. It’s not just that she’s a woman; it’s that she has fought for women her whole career.

For decades, Clinton has prioritized bills and policies promoting reproductive rights, equal pay, and family leave—far more so than Sanders. This is not to say that Sanders has not supported such legislation or practices. The key difference is that, for him, they simply haven’t been as much of a priority.

Clinton’s leadership and active advocacy for women’s issues, on the other hand, is a common thread that is present throughout her time in public life. While at the State Department, she established the first federal Office of Global Women’s Issues to ensure that gender equality is a cornerstone of international-relations practices, including through partnerships with local entrepreneurship programs across Africa and Southeast Asia aimed at helping women’s businesses succeed as well as plans to engage women in diplomacy and community-building in places like Burma and Afghanistan. Her efforts to support women’s rights domestically and globally are no ancillary concern: They are intrinsically tied to the core of the work she does.

In her own Senate office—where Clinton was known for aggressively ensuring that the men and women who worked for her were equally paid and were offered family-leave time—this underlying thread is especially apparent. The public release of Clinton’s email tranches revealed numerous occasions when members of her staff were granted extra vacation days around the holidays to spend more time with their families. And when Anne-Marie Slaughter, the department’s policy planning director, suggested Clinton do the same to let employees know it was all right, Clinton did just that, leading by example. As Slaughter said at an Atlantic Live event earlier this year: “I knew Hillary Clinton cared. I talked to her about having kids when she hired me.” What’s more, during her time as senator, Clinton hired twice as many women as men to work in her office—a proportion that upends the overwhelming trend in Washington.

As an affluent, white woman, Clinton is seen as representing a kind of feminism that is narrow and dated. It’s a view that partly conflates her personal identity with the actual actions she has taken, but it also holds her accountable for policies and views that aren’t intersectional—like her support for President Bill Clinton’s 1994 Violent Crime Control Act, now considered one of the largest contributors to the nation’s increasing rates of mass incarceration, and her once-lukewarm support for gay marriage. Clinton has since stated that she has learned from these decisions and that they were mistakes, but many wonder if such seemingly politically expedient pronouncements are enough.

Plenty more at the link. Detail into many of the issues Hillary championed women and families on, and also criticism of some of her actions during her political career.

I think the nuance behind the position of 'voting for a woman' is sometimes lost in discussion.


Good. Bernie has never fought for women's rights, at least not as much as Hillary. And did you see Hillary and Bernie's responses to the abortion question at the Fox News Town Hall? Hillary is 100% pro-choice and Bernie wants to regulate late-term abortions.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Good. Bernie has never fought for women's rights, at least not as much as Hillary. And did you see Hillary and Bernie's responses to the abortion question at the Fox News Town Hall? Hillary is 100% pro-choice and Bernie wants to regulate late-term abortions.

What is the definition of "late-term" in this context?


The Clinton camp has never espoused the idea? Give me a break. She can't help but break out the I am a women card and she has on more than one occasion flat out said the fact she is a woman is enough to be change
Good. Bernie has never fought for women's rights, at least not as much as Hillary. And did you see Hillary and Bernie's responses to the abortion question at the Fox News Town Hall? Hillary is 100% pro-choice and Bernie wants to regulate late-term abortions.
Bernie is a snake oil salesmen. He only cares about the white straight male. Hillary genuinely cares about minorities and women and has a pretty decent history of helping them
Clarificatiob: I don't think bernie is a racist. I feel bernie is naive and doesn't see the big picture.
Good. Bernie has never fought for women's rights, at least not as much as Hillary. And did you see Hillary and Bernie's responses to the abortion question at the Fox News Town Hall? Hillary is 100% pro-choice and Bernie wants to regulate late-term abortions.

I see what you're doing there.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
someone posted in poligaf why he is voting for hilllary and I feel it should be posted in every hillary thread


I thought this was going to be about her being beholden to corporations.
She's not. Donations haven't affected her votes or views. I used to doubt her but I finally looked it up and she's telling the truth. Elizabeth Warren in 2004 said in an interview that Hillary went from being against letting credit card companies make it harder to declare bankruptcy (as FLOTUS) to being for it (as Senator) because of the consumer credit lobbying. But don't listen to Warren. She'll say anything to further her anti-corporatist agenda.


Bernie is a snake oil salesmen. He only cares about the white straight male. Hillary genuinely cares about minorities and women and has a pretty decent history of helping them

She's not. Donations haven't affected her votes or views. I used to doubt her but I finally looked it up and she's telling the truth. Elizabeth Warren in 2004 said in an interview that Hillary went from being against letting credit card companies make it harder to declare bankruptcy (as FLOTUS) to being for it (as Senator) because of the consumer credit lobbying. But don't listen to Warren. She'll say anything to further her anti-corporatist agenda.

I don't understand anymore.


Bernie is a snake oil salesmen. He only cares about the white straight male. Hillary genuinely cares about minorities and women and has a pretty decent history of helping them
I used to defend him but you're absolutely right. Bernie hasn't done anything for women or minorities. LOL at saying he cares because of marching with MLK and getting arrested. Literally saying that being able to walk and having a criminal record proves that he cares about minorities. I'm not falling for it anymore.


I'm really shocked by the 180 I've made on Bernie. I used to like the guy. Really like the guy. But now...ugh. I don't know what happened.


I'm really shocked by the 180 I've made on Bernie. I used to like the guy. Really like the guy. But now...ugh. I don't know what happened.
Join the club. After I heard Bernie yell "EXCUSE ME I'M TALKING" I'm like... no way he would have said that to a man. Sure enough, when Don Lemon interrupted Bernie, Bernie's like, "Oh I'm sorry."


I am highlighting an article that delves into how a vote for Hillary is more than just a symbolic vote for a female to be president. The author delineates Hillary Clinton's accomplishments in policy regarding women's issues and explores what a vote for a woman like Hillary Clinton means, and critiques some of the stances Hillary holds now.

Why the sarcasm and the derail? What is wrong with reading something that discusses the Democratic primary from a different perspective, specifically one involving women?


Good. Bernie has never fought for women's rights, at least not as much as Hillary. And did you see Hillary and Bernie's responses to the abortion question at the Fox News Town Hall? Hillary is 100% pro-choice and Bernie wants to regulate late-term abortions.

Didn't you use to be a huge Sanders supporter? I specifically remember you posting in several threads with very pro Sanders remarks. What changed if you mind me asking?

On topic, and as a large Clinton supporter, I don't think Sanders is anti women, or anti minorities. He just hasn't spent as much time with those specific communities or voters. He is also a pretty one track voter, wanting to get money out of politics and dealing with Wallstreet and not much else.

When you spend your whole life dealing with that one issue, it's hard to not exaggerate how much it affects other issues. Hence why he spent a lot of his early campaign making issues in African American communities largely about economics. While obviously it has some impact, his problem was overestimating the effect that it had. Same for womens issues.

Also a lot of it is exaggerated, just like it was in 2008. Cause its an election year and it happens.


Didn't you use to be a huge Sanders supporter? I specifically remember you posting in several threads with very pro Sanders remarks. What changed if you mind me asking?

There are practically no serious responses in this thread.


Bernie is a sexist and a racist now? I need to keep up with my current events

Arguably worse than Trump. Bernie has even had trans people introduce him at rallies. I'm progressive but trans people should wait for their moment like gays and lesbians did.
Join the club. After I heard Bernie yell "EXCUSE ME I'M TALKING" I'm like... no way he would have said that to a man. Sure enough, when Don Lemon interrupted Bernie, Bernie's like, "Oh I'm sorry."

Even though you are probably joking, that was one of many moments for me that cued me into who this guy really was. Though I never bought into the Sanders hype, I'm skeptical of anyone claiming that we'd all have pie in the sky but "X" is to blame from stopping us. You can't blame billionaires and trillionaires for everything wrong with this country and not every issue is an economic issue.


Didn't you use to be a huge Sanders supporter? I specifically remember you posting in several threads with very pro Sanders remarks. What changed if you mind me asking?
It just all added up. Not one thing in particular.

Yelling at his debate opponent (a woman) for interrupting didn't help, especially when the same night a man interrupted him and he said "Oh I'm sorry."

He also gets mad at reporters if their questions aren't "important" enough for him. God forbid someone wants to talk about hair instead of war.

Didn't see it this way before, but the way he runs campaign means taking money exclusively from the middle class and poor. Isn't that against his supposed platform?


That was one of many moments for me that cued me into who this guy really was. Though I never bought into the Sanders hype, I'm skeptical of anyone claiming that we'd all have pie in the sky but "X" is to blame from stopping us. You can't blame billionaires and trillionaires for everything wrong with this country and not every issue is an economic issue.

It's as if the economy runs a country, it's just crazy how much influence people think money has.
Here's some advice that's helped me navigate political topics and their comment threads. If you can't tell whether a comment is satirical or serious, it's best to just stay on the safe side and assume that it's all pure insanity and meta commentary that cannot be comprehended by mortal minds.

It's Cthulhu in political commentary form.


Sorry if my posts are worded strongly. Sometimes when you feel lied to, it's just too strong a feeling and it comes out the first opportunity.

Back on topic: Yes Hillary's policies and not just her gender are good for women.
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