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Hindsight is 20/20: Killzone: Shadow Fall


Since I just bought a PS4 and haven't regularly gamed in about 7 years, I've got a bit of a backlog right now (to say the least). Thought I'd start something here by making posts about games that have come and gone to help determine what I want to play based on NeoGAF's impressions.

We all know impressions on games vary wildly when they first release; so much hate and so much love can dilute true impressions of games that often settle in months later.

That's what these Hindsight posts will be all about!

With that in mind, what are everyone's thoughts on Killzone: Shadow Fall today?


A very boring but pretty game

Tried playing it again last year after being soured on it at launch. Same opinion.
The revive mechanic completely killed multiplayer for me.

You can't kill downed enemies and their teamates can revive them at a fairly large distance. Yeah, fun....
Loved Killzone 2. Couldn't even bother to finish this game's campaign, let alone play more than two matches of multi-player. It's what made me really regret picking up a PS4 when I did.
The campaign starts off well enough, but boy does it go to shit by the end.

The multiplayer was fun enough, in a very slapdash and chaotic kind of way. Boy did people love to spam shields and grenades in one section of the map.



Pretty graphics (one of the few, three, games that wowed me on this generation. one of the other two being made by the same developer), horrible storytelling, fun shooting in some levels (some levels were good, some not so good).

I'd say mediocre, not that replayable, and if you can get a cheap price (like 10 or 15 bux) on it is worth it.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I played it at launch, and just recently when boost mode was in beta.

Graphically, if it came out today it would still be called impressive. The Decima engine is a beast.

Gameplay, it had some really great ideas with the weapons and the owl. The forest level for instance is gaming bliss. However the game didn't capitalize on these great concepts enough.

The art design is top notch.

Story is servicable. Not great, not terrible.

Overall the game feels like it was undercooked. Another 6-10 months in the oven would have done wonders imo.

Now as far as the multiplayer goes? Outstanding, its a blast to play, feature rich, and post launch support was fantastic.

Can't wait to see GG revisit Killzone in the furture. In the meantime, a Killzone 2/3 Remaster is really the one glaring whole left in the PS3 library for PS4. (And maybe Resistance)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
What did people find boring about it? I thought the less linear design and greater focus on exploration made for interesting design - though not all levels took advantage of this. It was rough in some ways, but I thought they did a nice job. A solid but not spectacular game. My biggest issue is really the AI which, while not bad, wasn't always that engaging to deal with.
So much wasted opportunities...

Incredible graphics and art team. Settings are amazing and very diverse. Some are even great level (Cassandra holy shit, the wing suits / free fall sections HOLY SHIT, the last mission HOLY SHIT)

Gameplay is more open but pacing suffer greatly from it.

Also, some very questionable game design questions, all guns look and feel samey, you are force to always have your starter rifle/tool and have limited slot for other gun (One slot I think ?)

and like all Killzone, stupid, rethorical, nonsensical narrative wasting all the amazing lore and actual work put into the universe.
It felt so needlessly "heavy". Like everything in the game weighed a million pounds. And of course that slowed the game down. I don't hate it, but I beat it and deleted it off my system.


I liked it, honestly. Was it great? Nah but the owl was cool, making gunfights more dynamic.

The story was just basic and barebones but nothing offensive.


Visually amazing, and the audio is super good! The story is pretty shite though, and the campaign got really repetitive. The multiplayer was really fun though!


There should be more tampons in gaming
It's the worst Killzone game but still decent. I thought KZ1 was good, KZ3 remains for me, the highpoint of the franchise from a gameplay standpoint while KZ2 is the top in terms of story.
Decent launch game that looks very pretty. Campaign was decent, I didn't enjoy multi-player.

Edit: I did like how they used the touchpad for the owl.
Average shooter with good graphics and sone interesting mechanics. I think the story is actually better than people give it credit for since it touches on the hatred of two groups of people eventually consuming them. Your character and Echo are both forced to confront the fact that your respective factions are so consumed by racism that nothing will stop the fighting.

It doesn't tell that story very well, but the ideas are there.

MP had a good offering at the time, and the horde mode- intercept - was quite fun.

Please note it also had free maps without microtransactions- unlike a certain franchise I won't name.
I really like the forest level. Playing it with no HUD and trying to fight the snipers and the ships landing with troops was pretty immersive.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
What did people find boring about it? I thought the less linear design and greater focus on exploration made for interesting design - though not all levels took advantage of this. It was rough in some ways, but I thought they did a nice job. A solid but not spectacular game. My biggest issue is really the AI which, while not bad, wasn't always that engaging to deal with.
There's not a single charming or memorable character in the game's campaign. It is so transparently a tech demo with how close characters lean into you to show off their engine's uncanny valley face capture. And the levels get increasingly linear after the first forest level which, wasn't even that fun since there's not much to find while "exploring." The helghast are sincerely one of the most misused enemy factions in shooter history. Sincerely it's the most nonsensical premise, literally destroyed their planet n self defense and let them do a hostile takeover of half of our planet while retaining the nazi imagery and weaponry.
I was thinking about the PS4 launch and I think my Switch has seen more use in 1 week than my PS4 did in its first 6 months.

Got to the the very last mission in Shadow Fall. Failed it. Closed game and never touched it again.


The Amiga Brotherhood
It's good with some flaws here and there. Compared to the garbage from Activision DICE you'll have a better time with this game.
i never played the MP, only the SP campaign..and i agree with the general consensus...

it's not bad as the detractors had said but it is definitely incredible boring and unmemorable...it's like the campaign and its pacing lack excitement and energy.....


A lot of wasted potential, particularly with the weapons (too many similar assault rifles)

For the price I paid it was decent though.
I was thinking about the PS4 launch and I think my Switch has seen more use in 1 week than my PS4 did in its first 6 months.

Got to the the very last mission in Shadow Fall. Failed it. Closed game and never touched it again.

take away zelda and your narrative will be completely different..
The campaign was uneven. It had some really good parts (Chapters 4-7) but the beginning of the game is dull and messy while the end has some bullshit encounters.

The multiplayer is absolutely fantastic and still some of the most fun I've had this gen, a shame the playerbase never took off.


I enjoyed playing through it (did it in one day), and the graphics of course still hold up incredibly well. It had some fun elements like the rope line that you could deploy almost anywhere, but some of the repeated elements like
finding the cores
weren't that fun.
One of the absolute worst games I've ever completed. It's difficult to even fathom that Horizon was made by the same development team.
Campaign had a few solid moments, the rest of it was pretty uninteresting especially compared to previous Killzone games. And some really godawful gameplay moments. I didn't really like the characters.

Multiplayer was fun though and looked great at launch.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
The gameplay and graphics were fine, but the story was trash-tier.
Every time there is a thread like this I am reminded of how spoiled we are and how few of you have actually ever played a bad game. Shadow Fall is sure as shit not a bad game, but I wouldn't say it was particularly good either.

It was just so so in most regards and that's about it. Pretty much your standard graphical showpiece launch title.


Absolutely putrid firefights and enemy encounters.

It's a real shame such a gorgeous artstyle was wasted on such an awful game.


The helghast are sincerely one of the most misused enemy factions in shooter history. Sincerely it's the most nonsensical premise, literally destroyed their planet n self defense and let them do a hostile takeover of half of our planet while retaining the nazi imagery and weaponry.

Oh fuck I forgot about this bullshit. I could never wrap my head around that shit.

absolute dogshit
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