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Hindsight is 20/20: Killzone: Shadow Fall


Very boring campaign and super unpolished. You can tell that they rushed it to make the launch window.

MP is decent but there's better stuff.
It's worth a playthrough if you pick it up for 5 euros during a psn sale like I did. It still holds up visually and has some good moments but it's a very average game.
Never tried the MP.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Because it's still a CoD linear shitfest but with a bit of faux-exploration where every alternative route is actually a dead end. It has none of the excitement or interest of uncovering hidden areas/rooms that was in classics like like Wolfenstein or DOOM, and there's still only one (incredibly poorly signposted) route to complete the objective.

I get what KZ:SF is trying to do with the combination of large open areas and corridor sections throughout the game, but there are tons of shooters that pulled it off better.

Granted, I may be misremembering, but I sort of recall many of the routes funnelling towards an objective as alternative pathways. Or in some cases, alternative routes were utilized as measures of backtracking after completing objectives. (Though admittedly much of the back-half of the game was basically a corridor killfest which was a shame)

The map .gif in the thread that keeps getting quoted doesn't seem as accurate as I recall my experience being. Or at least I can't think of many moments where I literally reached dead-ends with no purpose(as in not even hiding collectibles).

I mean the first level is split among three branches like a fork. The player must visit each branch in any order before eventually meeting back at center to finish the level and escape.

I believe it was the 3rd level which caused so much frustration(being on the space station and lots of vent navigation). That level had a few entirely unique routes that lead to an objective, but granted there was one specific hatch that can easily be missed by many leading to players doing laps among the multi-routes not realizing they are actually bypassing the point where players literally could get lost(and frustrated). I would kind of blame Guerilla there for not highlighting the path a bit more.

I just don't recall many instances where levels were literally a dead-end clusterfuck though.


A tech demo that makes for a pretty poor Killzone. They wasted good characters on shitty ones that no one will ever care about. Multiplayer was decent though.


It looked damn good but the SP was... poor. I thought the MP was ok though.

Amazing that they went from Killzone to Horizon.


I wish all the levels were like the forest level, I would have liked the game a lot more. Warzone mode is cool.
Should have held it back tbh
Battlefield 4 x ghosts were the shooters people played and killzone looked pretty but was zzzzzzzz
Multiplayer was ok

Lol they still haven't put it up on PS+? Why is Sony so stingy with it
Incorporate some skins x lootchests with horizon stuff and release it free to play
Shadow fall was garbage day one. Very little to like

Definitely well below all cod campaigns by a fair margin. To quote the above. There are some bad cod campaigns but so is in a top 30 worse of all time campaign list imo. Especially considering how 2 and 3 were good.

Ghosts ended up the best campaigns easily out of the three. Bf was bad too. Campaign wise.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Good graphics. Having also played 1, 2, and 3, it is by far my least favorite Killzone, and the only one that I wasn't able to enjoy. Hell, I played KZ1 (HD) in 2013 and I still had an OK time.
I have a feeling Horizon was so good because the same person who directed it, also directed Killzone 2.

Whoever the fuck directed Shadow Fall needs to be demoted.


I enjoyed the first half of the game and felt it was well put together for my taste with amazing visuals, but then you could feel how rushed it was in the 2nd half of the game.


My opinion of it hasn't changed. Its a poorly paced but half decent game with an excellent MP. If they cut half of it out and left the good half in it would have been great imo.

Nice graphics. Fun combat. I enjoyed the characters and story (especially compared to past killzone games which were shit) it just had these weird stretches of nothing which hurt the game a lot...Like the space station level. It looked amazing. And made me want a new dead space so bad. But the gameplay within it (replacing power cores) was just utterly boring. But the woods level which was semi open and gave you multiple objectives. That was like a crysis game but actually fun. It needed more of the latter and less of the former.


The helghast are sincerely one of the most misused enemy factions in shooter history. Sincerely it's the most nonsensical premise, literally destroyed their planet n self defense and let them do a hostile takeover of half of our planet while retaining the nazi imagery and weaponry.

They really need to give us a game from their perspective and how they became what they are.


It's one of the worst fps campaigns I have ever played. I went in with low expectations and was still disappointed, really struggled to finish it even though it is not a very long game. Crazy that this is the same developer that made Horizon which I absolutely love. For whatever it's worth Shadowfall is still not quite as bad as Blops 3.


I hated it then, and I still hate it now. Probably my least favourite game of the generation.

I'm glad Guerrilla Games moved onto bigger and better things.


Definitely underrated. Nowhere near as bad as they say. It's more of a cold war spy adventure game than the typical shooter everyone assumes it was trying to be. True it's no 10/10 GOAT or anything, but there's plenty to be enjoyed in it. And yeah, it's a four year old PS4 launch title that still graphically outdoes almost any PS4 game since.
My impression of the game actually improved after playing it for the second time. Those wave based enemy encounters are real bad tho. Wish devs would stop doing that.
I remember being very excited for this game since I enjoyed the campaigns of both KZ2 and KZ3 but Shadowfall didn't quite cut it for me. Very pretty back in March of 2014 (when I first played it) but the lack of cover based fps -which I really liked in the past Killzones) and the rather "open" maps just killed it for me.

I'd like to replay it if I have the time to see if my opinion changes.
Looks great, plays great (great gameplay mechanics), some boring levels, some good levels. Nice epilogue. Good online.

Had zero problem with the forest level and some levels at the end.


Combat mechanics was very good as they were further refined from Killzone 2 and 3 (though the campaign pacing did stand in its way). Graphics as well were very impressive. First four levels (2-5) was pretty Okay & varied but then the campaign went to hell after that, no real characters or story to involve you that much, clearly the second half of campaign was rushed out with very questionable flow. I didn't play the multiplayer much but it seemed polished and with the same foundation as KZ2 & 3 (which were excellent). It was an Okay launch game.
It wasnt good, dont even bother with it. The best Killzone game is actually Mercenary the vita game and its not even close. Though i never played the psp game but thats top down shooter i believe. Also never played 1.


Un Rama
Textbook definition of okay. Graphics and Lore are standout. The gunplay is fine but it's not held together well due to a crap story and weird level pacing. Would have preferred to have played as the Helghan as their story has always been more interesting to me.

MP was solid though.
K: SF isn't bad, it just fails to be good. It's mundane, mediocre, in an age filled to the brim with shooters. There are some good ideas and some good mechanics there, but they aren't realized properly, to their full extent. There is some exploration to the map design, but none of it leads to anything. It's clearly a game made by a team trying to break from its mold, from their formula - that wasn't ever all that good, to begin with - but not quite achieving something. Also, the story is shit and the narrative is painful.

The multiplayer was fun, though. And the game is pretty.


I had a single match in BF4 not crash on me in the two months following launch. It was a catastrophe.
And AC4 being pointed out as one of the best stand-outs...

Very ho-hum launch. My two favorites were probably Resogun and Warframe.

InFamous released a couple of months later and was by all accounts a very good game and visually great but it never grabbed me personally.
MGS5 prequel was cool but short. For me the generation didn't start rolling before Destiny released in September 2014.


I thought it was terrible around launch. I really, really disliked that game, and I enjoyed Killzone 2 and 3 very much. Horizon Zero Dawn is hands down Guerrilla's best game, and I'm really happy for them that they made such an awesome game. I personally don't want to see them make another Killzone.
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