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Hitman Absolution Director: "We won't be dictated to by the fans"



Unconfirmed Member
Interfectum said:
Oh and apparently there wont be a newspaper at the end of every Hitman level like there used to be. :\

Well to be fair it was only in one game out of the series. The main thing I would be worried was if they ever removed the results and your ranking at the end of each mission.


I'm all for developers marching to the beat of their own drums but it sounds like his beat is shit game design.


I guess, in this case they feel they have IP awareness because of the movie?

Why else would you take a beloved hardcore game, and change it so that the built in audience for the game is going to hate it?

Just so you can try appeal to the fickle mainstream/COD crowd? Who most likely will just ignore it? Now you are left with a dead IP, you have alienated the fans, and failed to get the critical mass of new ones that you were hoping for.

I just really don't get it in most cases. In this case, because of the movie, I at least understand how they could be led down this idiotic path, but it is no excuse.
DMczaf said:
That's because they weren't listening to the fans on Hitman 1-3.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the fans!?



Speedymanic said:
Listening would mean the map making a return, listening would mean allowing the player freedom, listening would mean removing the checkpoint system, listening would mean removing the instinct mode.

Yeah, they won't be listening to anyone.

Or, maybe you're not the only person with input and some of us disagree with you and they're listening to us all? Just something to think about.


"Developers, make your own game according to your own vision! Unless we don't like it. Then make exactly what we want. Otherwise we'll bitch all day long.

Also don't use focus groups. Unless said focus group is comprised entirely of people who like exactly the kind of games that we like."
Brobzoid said:
mini ninjas was cool damn it :(
:arr it was

Van Buren said:
I've been relying on the Death to Spies games for my Hitman fix, and based on this interview, I'll be surprised if that changes in the future.
we shall see how death to spies 3 turns out (or Ghost of Moscow: Death to Spies, as it's called now LOL). it looks like they are doing some weird changes to that as well. although it certainly could use some improvements, death to spies moment of truth is one of my absolute favourite games from the last few years, and weird magic vision modes definitely will not improve it.
duckroll said:
There's actually one part of the quotes I completely agree with.

Everything else sounds horrific and the game will probably be just another generic third person stealth shooter now, but that quote is something I think everyone SHOULD agree with. Reloading over and over to "perfect" something should not be the way games are played. But since it's basically impossible to recover from being detected in Hitman games, slow trial and error with either a lot of reloading or just a lot of dying was the only way to significantly progress in a mission. That's something they should fix if they ever do make a real Hitman sequel.

Hitman games allows you to play the game anyway you want, that's the beauty of them. Trying to get a "Perfect Assassin" rating is up to you. The great thing about Hitman games is the replay value of them. trying to get that ranking is fun as hell to me. Reloading on missions to me is similar to "training" before the actual combat. If Hitman games had mock stages of the actual mission before you start the real one, would that help? I think so. But reloading was the only option for such a thing back then.
duffyside said:
Or, maybe you're not the only person with input and some of us disagree with you and they're listening to us all? Just something to think about.

Actually, there's nothing to think about as it's pretty obvious they are listening to the wrong 'fans'.

I'd actually really like to meet the Hitman fans who suggested/asked them to remove the map, restrict freedom, add in a checkpoint system that makes levels less emergent and more linear and add a mode that allows you to look through walls, enter disguise mode, see guard paths and generally act like a god tier mode...


“One of the things that was difficult with the old games was that there was a lot of freedom, but you really had to dig it out, it wasn’t really presented to you at all. So you could start a level and there was ten doors open to you and was like, ‘well, where the hell am I supposed to go? I don’t know, I’ll just have to try the first door, oh I got killed, now I’ll try the second one.’

He sees the oldschool hitman games like that? No wonder we are getting a fucking gimped ass bullshit hitman game.

No fucking buy, no goddamn way. Maybe in a bargain bin or second hand. The idiocracy these developers have shown towards their FANS and the people who made the old games fantastic is just puke worthy.

Fuck you io, FUCK YOU.
I liked conviction, while I felt it was a departure from the earlier cannon, I still enjoyed the title. If the new hitman is going to be as enjoyable, I think I might give it a try.


Aside from my previous post I would like to add I'm getting really fucking sick of developers telling us and press "you know that old game we made that you all liked? It wasn't really that good after all, instead here's everything that was wrong with it, and we are determinated to fix it in this here sequel!"

It's like Molyneux all over again. "Yeah Fable II wasn't as great as we wanted to make it, but in Fable III everything is much better!"

So you're telling me the game I really like is shit? Fuck you.


Anastacio said:
I have an urge to print out a paper with a message from NeoGAF and tape it to their front door. They are located about 15 minutes away from me here in Copenhagen. ^_^

Please, just print out this thread on a huge piece of paper and stick it all over their office. Make them read that.

Dabanton said:
You've just got to love selective quoting here's the full quote.

Now whats wrong with that?

Uhm doing away with your loyal VA staff and throw in some damn Hollywood actor who nobody even cares about shows me how much they really care about the Hitman franchise. They just want that mainstream money while making a game that tries to cater to the idiot demographic who needs instinct to complete the game and the people who loved their old games.

I'm already done with this game though, I'm not going to support these assholes.


Speedymanic said:
I'd actually really like to meet the Hitman fans who suggested/asked them to remove the map, restrict freedom, add in a checkpoint system that makes levels less emergent and more linear and add a mode that allows you to look through walls, enter disguise mode, see guard paths and generally act like a god tier mode...

They made up about this excuse. IO took note that, if other developers manage to make the series as one by the other every year just for profit (COD, NFS, Conviction, etc), why not to do as well like the others. I don't know, something is fishy about this answers from them. They are involved in other things.

All I think is that in what we are looking now at IO are other young new people with some ideas and few but their personal interest is more directed to money, yo know everybody what's to be famous than the other game company. We lost the old talented people.


This is getting weirder all the time
I just can't express my indignation and exasperation at the comments. Why won't you listen to the fans? They're the ones who are your damn audience, not Singstar fans in a fucking focus group. I'm prepared to eat my words but I don't think I'm going to have to... this game is going to suck fucking balls. Such a disappointment.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Well, the quote in the header is nothing to be concerned about, you cant make a game dictated by the fans, that just wont end up being good.

As for the rest of the interview ... yeah, not so great.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Always try to know what your fans like, but (generally) never listen to them about specifics.

Unfortunately, it sounds like IO doesn't even know what their fans like going into the project. Maybe this is just another case of trying to "expand the audience" (read: shit on your long-time fans to try--and almost certainly fail--to reach the dudebro audience and casuals).


“There’s always people in the office checking up, especially on the Hitman forums. We want to probably know what they’re thinking, and we want to make a game that people like, not just a game we like and no-one else cares about,” said Blystad.

“We’ll listen to them, but we won’t be dictated to by the fans because we also have so many segments of fans that we could listen to one group say, the game has to be more difficult than any other Hitman.’ Well, that’s going to be hard for us to pull off if you make a game of this magnitude.”

Oh, the irony.



I remember having a chuckle at the potential changes to Hitman from a Square-Enix published perspective. Oh the happy bliss of ignorance.

clown shoes
Speedymanic said:
What the fuck is this noise?

That was one the greatest things about the game, the emergent gameplay that made the series standout against all others.



That quote says everything about this game design. This is NO Hitman game. This is alternate Splinter Cell Universe.
Mindlog said:
I remember having a chuckle at the potential changes to Hitman from a Square-Enix published perspective. Oh the happy bliss of ignorance.

clown shoes[/QUOTE]

Oh jeez a squeenix JRPG hitman would be hilarious and potentially actually fun. At least if it were bad it'd be a funny trainwreck instead of a depressing one. There are two ways that a game franchise turns soulless-when the executives meddle to try to be mainstream and when the designers either don't understand why the previous game succeeded, or just don't care. This game looks like all of that at once.


You know, while I agree that this is taking an even steeper turn for the shitter, those 'shops in the OP one of the reasons why devs won't listen to fans or people on forums.


MMaRsu said:
Aside from my previous post I would like to add I'm getting really fucking sick of developers telling us and press "you know that old game we made that you all liked? It wasn't really that good after all, instead here's everything that was wrong with it, and we are determinated to fix it in this here sequel!"

It's like Molyneux all over again. "Yeah Fable II wasn't as great as we wanted to make it, but in Fable III everything is much better!"

So you're telling me the game I really like is shit? Fuck you.

Oh yea. That's just such bullshit. I hate that with a passion.


GuardianE said:
What's with new directors shitting on fanbases lately? I thought this is why PR people are hired?

They're trying to overcome a generation of oppression by the fans caused by selling too many games.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
fredrancour said:
Oh jeez a squeenix JRPG hitman would be hilarious and potentially actually fun. At least if it were bad it'd be a funny trainwreck instead of a depressing one. There are two ways that a game franchise turns soulless-when the executives meddle to try to be mainstream and when the designers either don't understand why the previous game succeeded, or just don't care. This game looks like all of that at once.
I don't think Squeenix executives meddled here. At least, they didn't for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This particular stupidity is likely purely on the part of the dev team.


Tacitus_ said:
You know, while I agree that this is taking an even steeper turn for the shitter, those 'shops in the OP one of the reasons why devs won't listen to fans or people on forums.

Those shops were made to show the developers how far they are taking things. It's an comic relief example of something that we don't want the game to turn into.

And like those people are the only fans they could listen to. They know what we ( the real fans ) want. They just don't give a fuck and are chasing that $$$$$$$$


I enjoyed Splinter Cell Conviction, had it been named anything else I probably would have appreciated it more. If Hitman goes the same way then i'm sure it will be an entertaining game but it won't be Hitman.

Van Buren

Joseph Merrick said:
we shall see how death to spies 3 turns out (or Ghost of Moscow: Death to Spies, as it's called now LOL). it looks like they are doing some weird changes to that as well. although it certainly could use some improvements, death to spies moment of truth is one of my absolute favourite games from the last few years, and weird magic vision modes definitely will not improve it.

What sort of changes are we talking about here ?

Moment of Truth was one of the best Stealth games I've played, and I'd be gutted if Haggard streamlines the difficulty which rewarded patient players.


Chairman Yang said:
I don't think Squeenix executives meddled here. At least, they didn't for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This particular stupidity is likely purely on the part of the dev team.
From an outsider perspective Square has been a model partner to their new developers. Lots of money without much interference as far as I can tell.
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