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House of Cards - S1 on Netflix - Spacey & Fincher - *UNMARKED SPOILERS FOR ALL OF S1*

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Since this premieres tomorrow, a refresher on the spoiler rules here:
the OP said:
Regarding spoilers, since all of the episodes will be up immediately for streaming, we're in something of a gray area. After some discussion with other posters here, we decided that all discussion will be tagged and labeled for the first month while people are initially watching the series, and then after that we'll go to full discussion of everything without tags. Please spoiler tag any discussion and label which episode you're talking about outside of the tags: e.g. Ep 3:
I can't believe Kevin Spacey killed another hooker.
Again, as this is a new process for all of us, please bear with us as we work through some growing pains. Constructive criticism and respectful feedback is always appreciated as we figure out the best way to handle this.
- Poniewozik for Time Magazine: House of Cards Sinks Its Sharp Teeth into Washington
It is an ambitious series, a series about ambition and a series of ambitious purpose: to make Netflix (which is streaming the whole first season Feb. 1) a pop-culture destination the way The Sopranos did HBO and Mad Men did AMC. House of Cards, directed by David Fincher, is not as out-of the-box astonishing as those two, but it does arrive confident and polished (and showing every dime of its reported $100 million budget on the screen). It’s good reason at least to use your Netflix subscription, if not to rush out and get one.
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 'House of Cards' comes to Netflix
The first two episodes establish "House of Cards" as a smart, astute political thriller/soap worthy of comparison to the shows that air on HBO and Showtime.
- SF Chronicle: 'House of Cards': Sexy political revenge
Netflix tested the original-content waters last year with "Lillyhammer," and now follows with the 13-episode first season of "House of Cards," a sassy, sexy and often just delicious political thriller starring Oscar winner Kevin Spacey as a modern-day Machiavelli, wheeling and dealing his way to power in Washington just so he can use that power to get more power.


Started my free month as of right now. I hope they're adding them right at 12:01 EST but for all I know Netflix runs on PST.
- NPR on House of Cards: 'House Of Cards' Is Built To Last
The way Spacey's Underwood manipulates the press is especially smart and credible. But all of House of Cards is intriguing and exciting: The first two episodes I previewed are so good and so addictive, I can't wait to see more.
- Onion A|V Club: House of Cards
The first two episodes of House Of Cards certainly leave the viewer wanting more, but they also feel curiously undernourished, driven by scripts that leave too little to the imagination and treat the audience’s interest in antiheroes as a fait accompli. But so long as Fincher, Spacey, and Mara are at the show’s center, there’s enough here to entertain.


How much involvement did Fincher have? Did he direct episodes?

Directed the first two episodes, and apparently the rest of the episodes are shot "from his playbook" (no handheld cameras, no Steadicams, etc.). According to the DGA article posted earlier, this is also a bit more director oriented than most TV and he gave the other directors quite a bit of freedom to shoot their own back to back episodes as 2 hours movies of sorts.
How much involvement did Fincher have? Did he direct episodes?
He directed the first two episodes to develop the style for the show. He was pretty hands off with the directors after him, but he did look at what they were doing and make suggestions. There's a good article in the DGA magazine about how they put it together from a directorial standpoint.
Working off a two-season, 26-episode commitment from Netflix, Fincher looked to implement a creative process that was liberating for directors. After directing the first two episodes himself, he handed the reins to a succession of five established talents-- James Foley (At Close Range, Glengarry Glen Ross), Joel Schumacher (Phone Booth, A Time to Kill), Charles McDougall (Desperate Housewives, The Office), Carl Franklin (One False Move, Devil in a Blue Dress) and Allen Coulter (The Sopranos, Boardwalk Empire) and told them they could steer their assigned episodes as they saw fit. Directors were able to cast their own day players and people who were introduced in their episodes. As executive producer, Fincher would be there as a sounding board. But unlike most television programs, which are set up to give writers, producers and executives final word, House of Cards was going to be a director-centric playground, filming on several massive sets in a 150,000-square-foot Baltimore warehouse. "I felt like we were telling 13 stories that are all part of one big story, and I was handing off movements to people whose work I admire," says Fincher.


you speak so well
Do we know when this is going up tomorrow? Being able to watch an episode tonight at midnight would be pretty great.

EDIT: Oh I should really learn to read the thread, question was just asked :lol
- Slate.com review: Bet you can’t watch just one
Too jaded to lament the backroom maneuvering of politicians, the creators of House of Cards instead take that state of affairs as a given, tart it up, and fashion a wry piece of escapism—a backstabbing procedural delivered in a sophisticated style.
- Sepinwall: Kevin Spacey a force in Netflix's 'House of Cards'
It’s entirely possible that, like many of the great cable dramas whose company “House of Cards” aims to join, the series will get significantly better as its first season moves along. And after I find the time to stream the rest of the season, I’ll be happy to let you know. But it’s a very promising start, at a minimum.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Looks like this show could be really interesting. A whole season of Arrested Development (it's almost bizarre to think the show is actually coming back after all these years) is also incredible. I really hope this catches on and is the wave of the future.....I've grown accustomed to watching tv shows at my own pace and I quite like it. It's pretty interesting to think of what the industry will be like in 10 years. The decades old model of releasing tv shows one episode per week, even one season a year, could be a thing of the past.

As a long time Netflix subscriber I will definitely be watching through House of Cards, and not just because the show itself looks good. It being available in its entirety at the height of the hype just makes me that much more likely to give it a chance. Would be a game changer if it turns out to be a huge success. If it catches on and Netflix acquires more exclusive shows I honestly wouldn't think twice about paying double what I'm paying now. I already feel like I'm practically stealing all this content for only 8 bucks a month when I used to be paying an extra 60 on top of my internet bill for cable tv.
- Philly.com: 'House of Cards' a first-class thriller available for streaming
With its first foray into original production, Netflix hits the bull's-eye resoundingly. House of Cards is a fascinating, first-class political thriller starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright.
- Grantland: House of Cards Preview: Kevin Spacey and Netflix Get Ready to Feed Binge-Watchers 13 Episodes of Political Intrigue
The production is gorgeous, the performances pristine. Nothing feels out of place, but nothing feels particularly vibrant, either. It’s the sort of unflappable cool we see reflected in Frank Underwood, whether he's licking barbecue sauce from his fingers or dabbling with treason.


I am in Canada and I saw the promo for this about 3 weeks ago,on Netflix but it disappeared since...while this be on the Canadian Netflix as well? I hope so,it looks great.
- ET Online: Kate Mara: Queen of the 'House'
- KC Star: Netflix’s exclusive series “House of Cards” could alter TV programming

- Maureen Ryan's Review: Kevin Spacey's Trip Through Washington's Dark Side
I've only seen two installments of the 13-episode "House of Cards," which will be available in full Friday, so I can't offer a complete assessment of the show, for which David Fincher serves as an executive producer and director of those opening episodes. But I can say that in the early going, it resembles the many other top-dollar cable productions we've seen in the last decade, for good and ill.


@HouseofCards When are the episodes going online?

@jedtb 12AM PT, and will be streaming across multiple devices by the morning.

If anyone's wondering, eps are going up at midnight PST according to the guy running their twitter.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Just listened to Fincher and Spacey on Fresh Air on NPR and it made me even more excited to see this.
- Here's a link for the Fresh Air interview: Spacey And Fincher Make A 'House Of Cards'

Also, since this is up in a few hours, one last quick reminder on the spoiler rules for the thread:
Regarding spoilers, since all of the episodes will be up immediately for streaming, we're in something of a gray area. After some discussion with other posters here, we decided that all discussion will be tagged and labeled for the first month while people are initially watching the series, and then after that we'll go to full discussion of everything without tags. Please spoiler tag any discussion and label which episode you're talking about outside of the tags. For example:

Ep 3:
I can't believe Kevin Spacey killed another hooker.

Again, as this is a new process for all of us, please bear with us as we work through some growing pains. Constructive criticism and respectful feedback is always appreciated as we figure out the best way to handle this.
Thanks for your help and enjoy the show!
Probably gonna stay up and at least watch the first episode. Kind of worried my complete inability to understand political concepts will make this show confusing for me though. Really curious to see it though, mostly to see what a netflix produced show is like since I never watched Lilyhammer


Anyone seen the original UK series?

I'm probably just gonna watch this then watch the UK version later down the track if I feel the need.


I fell asleep after dinner and just woke up, 2 minutes and I think I'll watch an ep and go back to bed.

I figured it would be PST.

And they're up. That was prompt.


They're up?

It's sort of awesome all the episodes for the season get put up, could be fun to do a straight up marathon for the weekend. I kinda wish there was a spoiler thread put up, gonna be a lot of black bars.
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