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How I Met Your Mother Season 8 |OT| Finish your goddamn story, Ted.

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Even though the show is dragging a bit and the quality is dropping, I still enjoy every episode. Can't wait.

big ander

Reports are just that - reports. NPH just came out to say he still loves doing the show and if it's financially right he'll continue on to dispel all this talk. Radnor has said on multiple occasions that he still likes doing it as well. Most of the talk was coming from Segel's camp but I can see him coming back for a 9th if possible.

Chances are though, there won't be a 9th. The writers are coming to the fork in the middle of S8 in which they can continue the story or blast forward to the end game - the point of no return so to speak. I actually think 9 seasons would be perfect enough to wrap up the Barney/Robin Ted/Victoria thing and have Ted meet the mother finally but I hope they can do all that in 8 without it feeling rushed.
Reports are just reports, but here's the most recent one: http://www.avclub.com/articles/this-will-be-how-i-met-your-mothers-final-season-u,85105/
Basically, Bays and Thomas started this season under the mindset that it was the last. But if they get a good offer for a ninth season, they could come up with an idea. They're also having it where they have two ideas for a finale, where one is the end end, and another could lead to another season. Plus, the show could technically go on without them if the studios and nets really wanted to. Same goes for the actors. Even if they're saying they'll leave, if they get a high-paying offer (because this show is a gold mine for them) I'm sure they'll do it. And if they don't, they'll push on without a character.
So in summary: this might be the last season. If it's not, then Bays, Carter, and most of the cast might come back for more seasons. If those people don't come back for more, they'll make a show somehow anyway. It's all going to depend on how badly 20th Century Fox and CBS want the show.


Spoilering just in case...

Was not happy at all when they showed that
Robin will marry Barney. It makes no sense! They already tried a relationship and it ended badly. Quinn seems like the perfect match for Barney. Why build it up their relationship just to tear it down for a shittier one?

Besides that, I still enjoy the show. Still funny, so i will keep watching. I just hope they don't screw it up.

Why is that a spoiler? that was at the end of season 7. If people still don't know about it. well it is their fault. since the show starts tomorrow.

Quinn is perfect. I never understood why they would put Robin is better for Barney over anyone else since he has changed his life around for his other gfs not for Robin.


I'll watch this, hoping for the mother. I'll even laugh at many of the jokes. I might even enjoy every episode in the season But I won't be happy about it because the endgame should have happened two seasons ago.

Show will be redeemed if Victoria is somehow revealed to be the mother and all the inconsistencies handwaved away with a sh*tty explanation like "She was a completely different person when we first dated. We both were." Or even time travel. Time travel makes sense in a show like this, right? :-/

Victoria > Robin > Stella > Cindy > Karen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoey

They already said they will be breaking up

The Real Abed

Yeah, I miss Quinn and was so happy when the wedding came up and was like so happy because he was going to marry --- Robin? WHAT? COME ON! Quinn was so awesome and probably wants children. Why, Barney? Why? Don't you want a little Barney? Robin never has children! You suck. Why. How. Dammit.

So anyways.. yeah, I look forward to seeing what they do now. *sigh*


season 7 was weak and really not that funny except for a few episodes, hopefully it returns to its former glory.

I doubt it.


season 7 was weak and really not that funny except for a few episodes, hopefully it returns to its former glory.

I doubt it.

I watched the whole thing recently (I'd never seen it before) and I would say Season 6 seems a lot weaker than S7. The show's quality is pretty consistent though, IMO. Can't wait for this one although I do hope it's the last.


Season 6 was the low point of the series for me. Season 7 was pretty poor, bit it was a slight improvement IMO.

I don't have high hopes for season 8, but Ill be there tonight watching.


I watched the whole thing recently (I'd never seen it before) and I would say Season 6 seems a lot weaker than S7. The show's quality is pretty consistent though, IMO. Can't wait for this one although I do hope it's the last.

I loved the first 6 seasons, maybe 1 - 4 were a bit stronger.
My wife and I recently started watching season 1. You're telling me that they're in season 8 and Ted still hasn't met the mother????
I don't like Victoria anymore after the last finale. It's supposed to be that girl you were totally into for years, and you see each other for a bit but something gets in the way. Then you keep thinking "What if?" the entire time and then you finally get with her, and you find out she's a little crazy (if not completely insane).

I think Ted will see that. The chick just walked out on her own wedding for a guy she didn't have the balls to call for 6 years. Something's a little nutty about that.


Is Ted really that much of an arse in later seasons? I've only watched the first few, which I currently enjoy.
Robin and Barney are a terrible couple, and I don't know why people want to see them together. I was saddened that they went back to this relationship last season, and feel worse that they are going back to it yet again.

Ted is a douche because they don't know what to do with him.

Marshall and Lily moving back to NYC was just a giant fucking cop out, and I am not looking forward to fucking stupid, by the trope baby episodes.

Yet I am still watching :(
God damn I was pissed off after the last episode in season 7, one of the reasons for this was that I hate Victoria, I've hated her since way back in the first season. Another was that Ted acted like the biggest most unlikable asshole ever and that they just gonna throw Quinn and Barney away for a relationship that last time they tried it almost ruined the show with its suckiness.

It really was a horrible, horrible episode.


Getting older will do that.

It's not that though. Look at her in Trilogy Time. She looks as good as in the first season. It's the combination of her hairstyle in season 7 and drastic weight loss somewhere around 2011 (she is WAY too skinny in there, almost unhealthily).


It's not that though. Look at her in Trilogy Time. She looks as good as in the first season. It's the combination of her hairstyle in season 7 and drastic weight loss somewhere around 2011 (she is WAY too skinny in there, almost unhealthily).

Yeah, thats kinda what I meant. I mean I thought Lilly looked better as the series went on.


Even though the show is dragging a bit and the quality is dropping, I still enjoy every episode. Can't wait.

Same here. While I do hope the show eventually has a satisfying conclusion, I'm fine with it going on as long as it entertains me. The main problem being that the overarching storylines the show has relied on the in the past couple seasons don't seem to allow for as much organic humor as the early seasons.
Season 6 was the low point of the series for me. Season 7 was pretty poor, bit it was a slight improvement IMO.

I don't have high hopes for season 8, but Ill be there tonight watching.

The thing about How I Met Your Mother is a lot of the episodes change meaning over time. The best example I can give is the Bad News/Last Words episode from season 6, which was a gut-punch and sad overall, yeah. But last year my dad got cancer, and while he got through it, the episodes took on a whole new meaning and are much more important now.

On a more lighter note, in season 5 there was the Hooked episode, which I thought was only okay at first glance, but a couple years later on rewatch I'd experienced what had happened in the episode and I appreciated it more.

I was 20 when How I Met Your Mother first started airing, so I'm kind of getting to the phase in my life where I'm the same age as when Ted started out, and a lot of the finer points of the episodes are starting to hit home more often. There is definitely some retreading and I'll admit I hated the season 7 finale, but overall I think the magic is still there. I mean, Ducky Tie from season 7 is viable as a classic HIMYM episode I'd say.


This show's still going? And Mother hasn't been introduced yet? UGH. I quit watching in like, 08, after
he got dumped by the doctor chick.

How in the hell has Ted Mosby been constantly almost running into his future wife for 8 years without ever once seeing her? Who did he marry? Carmen Sandiego?

The show ends with Robin being recruited by Nick Fury for the Avengers initiative

Quite possibly the best spin-off of all time.


It's funny how I skipped out an entire season two years ago, and coming back a season later, and it's like I didn't miss a thing.

Anyway, Ted and Victoria came off as assholes in the season finale, and I forgot who said it, but I agree that Ted pretty much regressed in recent seasons. Either that was intentional or it was because of terrible writing.

Show needs to end soon. I'm probably going to bail out when either Jason Segel and Cobie Smulders bail out. Marshall remains consistently the best character of the show, and Robin remains somewhat the more interesting character vs. Ted and Lily. Unless the writers manage to keep things interesting.

The show ends with Robin being recruited by Nick Fury for the Avengers initiative

How I Met Your Fury.


Surprisingly solid episode. Based on that ending, this has to be the last season.

Expect filler episodes the next couple weeks though.


How many times have we seen this damn yellow umbrella now? Just show us who it is!

I would be annoyed if this is the final season and they wait until the final episode to show her.


How many times have we seen this damn yellow umbrella now? Just show us who it is!

I would be annoyed if this is the final season and they wait until the final episode to show her.

Well, that's probably how it's going to go. Then a quick montage of what they did together (dates, proposal, marriage, pregnancy, kids), then in "present day" popping into the couch scene. I'd imagine a quip from either kids saying how "that felt like years" and they actually looking older.

It's called "How I Met Your Mother," not "How Your Mother And Ended Up Here."
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