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HTC Vive World Tour Dates & Locations are up.


I got to try the Vive today at the Chicago stop!

It's the same suite of demos that many other people have written about already, but I just wanted to express how amazing the experience was -- I've used DK1 and DK2 extensively, and going through these demos brought back that feeling of trying VR for the first time. The controllers alone elevate the experience well above the Rift, and being able to walk around just made it even better.

The Aperture demo is just incredible. Really makes me hope Valve develops some sort of single-player experience for the Vive, because they really are on another level.


Felium Defensor
Would this ruin other VR experiences for me if it's the first VR solution that I try? Meaning trying Vive before DK1/2 or Morpheus? lol
Would this ruin other VR experiences for me if it's the first VR solution that I try? Meaning trying Vive before DK1/2 or Morpheus? lol

Vive isn't really better than the consumer version of Oculus Rift, it's just different. Morpheus is supposed to be pretty good too, though many of the Morpheus games will probably be running at 60fps (but then, some will be running at 120fps, more than Vive/Oculus' 90fps).

Oculus DK1 and 2 are far worse than Vive and the consumer Rift, so if you are saying you plan on buying a dev kit after trying the Vive, then yes it will ruin you for that.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Oh my god why am I just learning about this now?! I've already got plans with my SO for tomorrow, but I'm trying to convince them to make a detour to stop by Navy Pier and check it out. I've been wanting to try quality VR for a while.

Anyone know what time it'll be open tomorrow? Still 10AM to 8PM?

Hibiki Rush

Neo Member
I went to try this today. Got there at around 8:55 am, there were 7 people ahead of me. Got in to play at about 10:20 am. Not that bad of a wait considering I had to wait about 45 mins for Oculus and Morpheus at E3.

In either case, this was the best VR demo I have done so far. Way more impressive with the movement tracking. While the demos weren't very complex or "gamey" they were all varied and impressive in their own right. HTC and Valve may be onto something here...

Definitely worth visiting if it comes through your town, just go before they open if you can.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Me and my SO arrived around 9:30. We ended up getting our demo in around 12:30 and we were done by 1.

It was my first experience with real VR (I've tried cardboard before) and it was just fantastic. My SO was hesitant to try it, but I convinced her, even though she wasn't stoked about it. I'll recount my experience as well as hers as she told me about it.

You go into the truck and find yourself in a decently sized all black air conditioned room. You put the headset on, they put headphones on you, then they hand you the two controllers. I'm not sure what I expected but it was interesting to first put it on and truly see nothing. You're completely isolated from the outside world, and I was staring into empty blackness for a while because initially my headset wasn't displaying anything. They had to fix that, but when it finally was working I saw myself in a big white room with screens all around me that held different VR demo names. In each of my hands were paddles that looked like the controllers I held in my hand.

The left controller had a color wheel on it. You could move your thumb on the touchpad, select a color, then squeeze the handle and a balloon would inflate and shoot out. The thumb touchpad felt really finnicky and assuming it's the same way on the Steam Controller, I hope it gets improved. It didn't seem accurate enough, or perhaps the demo itself wasn't coded well. A tip for anyone else who tries it, the balloon will shoot off whatever direction the controller is pointing, even though the balloon fills straight up. So if you want it to shoot up and then try to hit it, make sure your controller is pointed up.

My SO noted that if after making a bunch of balloons you look up, you can actually see them all Edit: floating away above you which is a nice touch.


After this, they load you onto a sunken wooden ship. You're underwater and can see fish and manta rays around you, as well as the ship itself broken. You can walk around the deck and its a neat little experience. I remember looking up, seeing the sun peering through the water, and having this strange switch in how my body felt, almost as if there was a small pressure around me. Here is where I had one of my first really impressive moments, walking to the edge of the ship and peering overboard. Looking down gives that genuine feeling in your stomach of "I'm really high up" and it was very striking. Down below the ship overboard was the wreckage from a plane as well, which was a fun little surprise. Here I had the thought "I wonder what my legs look like", followed by looking at where my legs should be - seeing nothing - and getting an uncomfortable feeling in my mind. I think this was my first time feeling that disconnect of "this isn't right" and it felt strange. Its manageable, but its a really distinct and unique feeling I don't think I've ever felt before. The lightbox tracking is magnificent. It really is 1:1. Every step felt right. My hand movements felt right. Reaching out towards a fish and watching it swim away gave me a big grin. Peering and leaning and crouching all felt perfect. I was probably a bit too excited, because more then a few times I ended up bonking a wall because I would move from place to place too swiftly, eager to explore. I got a little too into the world I guess!

At this point, I heard a creature behind me - turned around - and saw a huge whale coming closer. As it got closer the true size of it became apparent, and that was humbling. It really helps you appreciate how large these creatures really are. I've never seen a real blue whale up close, but assuming its accurate size it seems like a real behemoth.

My SO exploring the ship ended up on the left side peering over (I looked over the right side) and said the coral reef looked Edit: Cool, and the colors matched the rest of the demo well. When she heard the whale she turned and saw it, and when it got close she said she got really freaked out. It got near and she looked at how big its eye was and said for the rest of the time she turned away because she was too scared of the whale. A really cool thing she noticed is that when she turned away, she could still tell where the whale was because of the way it sounded in her headphones. So she was really impressed by the positional audio, as well as the massive size of the whale.

Also, my SO said she heard more than a few *thunks* against the wall next to her, so I guess she could hear me bumping!


The next demo was a Job Simulator, which was a cooking game. They start you out and say "Make this soup" and list 4 ingredients, a tomato, a mushroom, salt, and a bottle of sauce. You look down and you can see two blocky cartoonish hands, and you're in a cartoony kitchen.

When my SO played, she said she turned to the fridge, opened it, grabbed the tomato, mushroom, salt, and sauce - then placed the first two into the pot and poured the second two in. The ingredients poofed away, turned into a can of soup. She grabbed the soup and put it on the delivery tray where it got picked up and taken away. Then she went to the next demo.

When I played, I went to the fridge, grabbed the tomato and mushroom, brought them to the cutting board. Then I grabbed an egg and threw it at the wall, which made it *SPLAT* and turn into a sunny side up egg on the spot. I picked up a rolling pin and started waving it all over the table and stuff didn't react as much as I'd hoped. The soup pot didn't have any physics so the rolling pin just sort of got stuck against it. I tossed it over my shoulder. There was a plate with bread on it next to the soup pot, which I flipped upwards, causing the bread to fly off onto a tray and the tray lifted up and presumably was taken to a customer. That was a good laugh. When I looked behind my shoulder, I found there was another counter top with other supplies on it, as well as a knife. I picked it up and held it infront of my ~VIRTUAL EYE~ because its not a real knife so I can do that! It was cool holding it inches from my face, then slowly pushing it into myself, because obviously I could never do that. I put the knife down on the counter, and wanted to pick it up to slice with which was a bit confusing. The default handposition you use to hold the remote is palms inward, and thus the in game model is also palms inward. But when grabbing stuff, you simply reach forward and press the trigger, so there was this disconnect where I would reach forward to grab it, but now I was holding the knife sideways, so I had to actually think it through, flip the knife, then grab it to be holding it in a proper cutting position. I went and sliced down on the tomato, and the knife instantly shattered like glass into a dozen pieces, which was a laugh.

Here, is where I had my second really uncomfortable experience, this time intentionally. I looked down, and I reached my hand through the table. My brain knows I SHOULDN'T be able to do that, but alas I was, and I felt this strange sensation in my wrist because of it. Again, it wasn't game breaking or anything, but just an odd sensation I'd never had before.

I was worried they might just skip the demo and move on so I decided to finish up the recipe, throwing the ingredients into the pot. I started pouring some salt in, then i decided to just throw the whole salt shaker + sauce bottle in. It turned into a soup can, which I transferred to a delivery tray, which they took and delivered.


Next up was a 3D painting demo. You see a colored line start to appear in front of you, and watch as it turns into a flower. You can move around the flower and see the full size and depth of it. You look down and your right hand is a paint brush, with your left hand holding all your tool options. It has 3 sides, one showing a color wheel, one showing a list of paint types (brush, rainbow, leaves, stars, that type of thing), and the third which I don't remember.

I drew a little bit adding to the flower which was interesting for a short amount of time. I wanted to change the color, which appears in your hand as a color wheel, with the wheel being the same shape and position as the touchpad on the controller. When holding the controller in the default position though, you aren't facing any single side. If you swipe on the touchpad, you can see it rotate, but as soon as your finger comes off it snaps to default position. I asked "How do I change color?" and they said you point to the color you want with your paint brush.

At this point, I turned the left controller so the color wheel was facing me, then I pointed the right controller at it and saw a little pointer that it would eyedropper tool from and I said outloud "That is just brilliant." So I started painting things directly in front of and around my head. I ended up hitting myself in the face a few times, but no biggie~ It was cool just moving around in and through these paint strokes. After a short time, we moved on to the next demo.

My SO did not have a good time with this demo at all. She spent a long while struggling with getting the colors working, and trying to use the touchpad to select the color. She said the person explained how to change color but they didn't do it really well. After drawing a small amount, trying to change color to better suit the flower and being stuck trying to change colors for a while, the person moved them to the next demo. I think this is actually reasonable, and I think it was a bad idea for them to have the touchpad actually cause the tools to move. It was really confusing and if I had not asked and had the person tell me, I would likely not have figured it out for a while.


The last demo was the Aperture VR demo. It is a fairly scripted demo that you can probably find detail of elsewhere, so I'll just talk about the parts that stood out to me.

It was very lightly interactive, and it would have been nice to have more stuff to just randomly fool around with in the room.

When the service door opens, and Atlas walks through was truly stellar. He is emitting sparks and moving in a very herky jerky manner. I crouched down and got really close to the door and to Atlas, and every time he shifted forward I jumped back. It looked really real and impressive. Me jumping back was also reflexive, which was a nice surprise.

At this point you basically pull out Atlas's innards, which expand outward into a really long extension, something like 8 feet out, of all mechanical interworkings. They give you a lot of time to look at it and make it move. So I made it spin so all the machinery was moving like clockwork, then I went to the very tip, and moved my head through it, actually putting my vision directly inside and through all of the machinery. It was insane. There was so much detail, and it looked so complex.

The parts eventually all fall from suspension to the floor, and the floor drops out beneath them. Where I was standing was on the last line of tiles still standing and the depths felt truly cavernous beneath, I felt a slight worry. I saw the tiles beneath my feet start to bend downward and immediately jumped back.

This was probably the most impressive part for me. The side wall comes off and GladOs lowers down. She is MASSIVE! Oh my god! Was this section designed to scale? In the games you really don't appreciate just how large and intimidating GladOs truly is. I know it sounds strange but the scale here impressed me more than the whale from the first demo, because I felt like I had context here. I've never seen a whale up close in person (neither have I GladOs) but I have experience with GladOs. I've played and enjoyed the Portal games and I had never realized her true scale. I think the really fine detail combined with the familiarity made this part the most impactful for me. It felt scarily intense. I loved it.

My SO did this demo also and was really impressed by it. The complaints she had was that she didn't really understand what to do because the instructions weren't clear enough. She didn't know what the charge station was where she was supposed to charge her controllers. She didn't know where the drawers were. She didn't know where the service latch was. Also, she said when Atlas entered she got really close because she wanted to read the text on his body but that it was too blurry to read up close. I had attempted similar and had the same problem. I don't know if it is a limitation of the Vive, a limitation of the stretched FoV, or simply a not high enough resolution texture. Either way, that was a very minor issue, and she still thought it was awesome. When Atlas's parts fall, she wasn't looking at the floor and when she eventually looked down she saw she was standing over the gaping hole and got really freaked out and jumped to land. Some real Loony Tunes shit right there lol.


I'm really grateful that we ended up in rooms right next to each other, because while I was playing I did hear my SO talking to the guide person, laughing, and sounding really enthralled by the stuff she was doing and seeing.

My SO finished a bit before me so she was waiting outside, but when I met her out there she told me she was really, really impressed, loved it and wanted us to get one. She said the whale one was her favorite and she would love to just put a rift on before bed every night and fall asleep just getting to look around at new beautiful nature worlds. She was saying she'd love for there to be more ocean ones, a jungle one, a desert one, and just all kinds of nature. She is really into the idea of us getting an apartment with an extra room that we can use exclusively for VR. I was really surprised but she went from mostly disinterested to 100% sold on it and really excited. We're talking about Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and considering which we should try to get, and when.

It was an awesome experience and I really wholly recommend that if you get the chance you take it.

^ so did you manage to convince them?



Welp Alo81 had a really great write up and i won't bother trying to match that but i was at the HTC event on Navy Pier as well today. I got their really early, like 7:15am and there was already someone there! I was like woah, this dude is hardcore and he told me he had been there since 530AM lol. He was a cool guy though, we got to talking right away about the Vive and the OR quite a lot, glad he was there!

Anyways, the staff on hand which was a lot we're really cool. I know it was their job to kind of sell this event but they seemed genuinely cool and awesome. Props to the 4 or 5 staff that went out of their way to talk to us and be super cool about everything.

....As for the the Vive demo itself, wow just wow!!! Admittedly this is/was my first time with anything VR in many many years and but i am glad i went in cold because every demo was completely and utterly amazing. Especially Blue, the sunken ship and Aperture. I really did not care for Job Simulator and Tilt Brush although if i could draw Tilt Brush would definitely be a much better experience. I have hope that Job Simulator will be better fleshed out once it actually releases to retail.

I will wrap this up by just pointing out that i pretty much felt what i would consider presence throughout every demo and it was glorious. I found myself reacting to things like Atlus skulking towards me, GLaDOS shoving it's face into mine(SHE WAS MASSIVE IN SIZE HOLY SHIT!!!!) and the whale. In each instance i found myself instinctively walking backwards and i realized that each time i did that and i was giddy with glee. Also, for all the naysayers saying that vr graphics will be crude, i disagree if these demos have anything to go buy, especially Valve and Aperture of course. Although i definitely do not see PS4 pulling off these visuals so maybe people we're partially correct.

As long as HTC does not price the headset north of 550 dollars, i am totally pre-ordering this as soon as we can. I just cannot wait for the end of the year now, i'm in fully with the HTC Vive.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I will wrap this up by just pointing out that i pretty much felt what i would consider presence throughout every demo and it was glorious. I found myself reacting to things like Atlus skulking towards me, GLaDOS shoving it's face into mine(SHE WAS MASSIVE IN SIZE HOLY SHIT!!!!)

Presence is that word I kept looking for in my post above. I felt it in every single demo, it really did feel like I was there, in the locations.

Also, seriously GLaDOS was SO BIG! I seriously need to know if that is to the same scale as in the Portal games because she felt so SO gigantic in the demo, it was such a profound difference.

Fuck, I missed it, and my brother lives right by Navy Pier.

OP should be updated since they've added locations:

  • July 9-12, Island St & 6th Ave, San Diego, CA, USA
  • July 17-19, Forecastle Festival, Louisville, KY, USA
  • July 22-23, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL, USA
  • July 25-26, North Shore Beach, Chicago, IL, USA
  • August 2-8, The International, Seattle, WA, USA
  • August 5-9, Gamescom, Cologne, Germany
  • August 13-16, specific location TBD, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • August 20-23, specific location TBD, Portland, OR, USA
  • August 28-31, PAX Prime, Seattle, WA, USA
  • September 4-9, IFA, Berlin, Germany
  • October 28-November 1, Paris Games Week, Paris, France

North Shore Beach is still in Chicago, and they're doing that in 2 days. It's absolutely worth taking a look at.


Presence is that word I kept looking for in my post above. I felt it in every single demo, it really did feel like I was there, in the locations.

Also, seriously GLaDOS was SO BIG! I seriously need to know if that is to the same scale as in the Portal games because she felt so SO gigantic in the demo, it was such a profound difference.


Honestly scale or not, i loved the size of everything. It makes you feel so small and it was a great yet terrifying feeling. When all the walls we're removed in Aperture i felt again just so overwhelmed in every way at the vastness of the world within Portal. I struggled to take in everything that was around me before the walls we're put back together. Right before the ceiling came, i looked straight up and saw a massive
air ventilation/fan in the ceiling and i was just impressed. It's little details like that to me that help keep you in that world.
Nice impressions!

Did they have drinks there btw? Can't imagine waiting hours in this heat (no idea how hot it is currently in the US, but it's effing hot over here) without refreshment.


PAX is going to be a bloodbath

They better have more than 6 stations since Valve is just down the street

Already getting PTSD from thinking about the Oculus lines


Thanks for the impressions. Hopefully I get a chance to see this in Ohio at some point. I finally got to try the Rift out at the All-Star Fan Fest but it was a really basic umpire "sim" that didn't really have a chance to wow me and I don't know what model the Rift was, but there was definitely a noticeable screen-door effect. It was definitely neat and I could tell I'd love VR with some good games on it, but the Vive and its demos sound amazing.

I'm just eager to try out some good demos that really make me lose myself in the moment.


Great impressions, Alo.

I picked it up and held it infront of my ~VIRTUAL EYE~ because its not a real knife so I can do that! It was cool holding it inches from my face, then slowly pushing it into myself, because obviously I could never do that.
Can i ask you something? How did it handle objects being really close to your field of vision? Does it break up somewhat, since your eyes have to focus so extremely close, or what?


Low Poly Gynecologist
Nice impressions!

Did they have drinks there btw? Can't imagine waiting hours in this heat (no idea how hot it is currently in the US, but it's effing hot over here) without refreshment.

No drinks, but leaving to use the washroom or get a drink or something didn't lose your spot in line. If people had seen you there and knew it was your rightful spot, no one had problems with going out and coming back. Some people were out of the line for like 30 minutes to take phone calls and came back as well.

Great impressions, Alo.

Can i ask you something? How did it handle objects being really close to your field of vision? Does it break up somewhat, since your eyes have to focus so extremely close, or what?

It just stops rendering that portion. It's basically like a small bubble around your head where they'll stop rendering whatever portion passes the boundary. You needed to get it really close to your face before that happened though. So with the knife example, the tip just sort of disappeared. The most impressive example of this was just pushing my head through all of Atlas's pillar of machinery. Every layer I pushed through revealed something new beyond it.

Like I said in my post, I was trying a lot of stuff and actually physically hit myself in the face a few times, so you can get pretty close.


Gonna be at North Ave Beach today for the tour!! Maybe I'll see some of Chitown GAF there!!

I'll be in a blue checkered Polo and wearing a black cap!


It just stops rendering that portion. It's basically like a small bubble around your head where they'll stop rendering whatever portion passes the boundary. You needed to get it really close to your face before that happened though. So with the knife example, the tip just sort of disappeared. The most impressive example of this was just pushing my head through all of Atlas's pillar of machinery. Every layer I pushed through revealed something new beyond it.

Like I said in my post, I was trying a lot of stuff and actually physically hit myself in the face a few times, so you can get pretty close.

Thanks for the reply.
Sounds wonderful!


Finally got to try. Goddamn.. Vive is the real deal. SDE was there, but they've done some filtering to where in some demos I literally did not see the pixels.

Glasses people like myself, glasses do fit, at least my average sized one did and the headset itself is definitely way more comfortable than DK2 or the Gear. I can honestly say that after a minute, I literally FORGOT I had a headset on my face. It was that comfortable.

Expectedly, wires are gonna be a problem. I stepped on them a few times and I hit the wall once or twice. Durante's suggestion of wiring through the ceiling is looking mighty attractive after demoing the Vive.

Latency wise.. I can honestly say no latency whatsoever. And I'm talking about the headset and the controller. I'd honestly be surprised to hear motion sickness with the hardware unless said hardware is struggling. About the controller, very precise, did not lose tracking and I was moving around too. In job simulator, I dropped a few eggs and vegetables and picking them back up from the floor to put in the pot, I never lost tracking and it was precise.

Demo wise, you guys already know the demos so I won't rehash. I can honestly say though, that hardware is not the only factor in presence, but content and how your environmenta reacts to you. An example of a simple, but big presence killer for me was a part in job simulator. Usually when I put things in a microwave, I tend to slam the door closed. In job simulator this was missing. I tried to do a familiar action, but the door would just stop immediately after you let go. It's those small things that can take you out of the moment.

Moving onto the other demos, the Blu was alright but it's hard for me to be impressed now with scale after having been constantly awed by scale in Elite Dangerous in the DK2. The Portal demo did not disappoint. Writing, content, DETAILS!!! Oh god, the DETAILS!!!! Atlas was so intricately modeled. Valve really cares about their franchises and it shows. This was a production ready scene and screams Portal immediately at you.

For VR developers like myself, after trying the Vive, this is seriously AMAZING hardware. But I noticed, experiencing these experiences that as the brain gets more easily tricked into believing what VR is showing you is real, the easier it is to tear through that fabric of reality. Case in point, me anally pointing out my issue with Job Simulator.

It seems even the people working the booth didn't know this swinging the headset around and such. It just makes me appreciate more 2hat Valve and HTC have done with VR.

I'm a veteran of VR with the DK2 and I can confidently say my mind has been blown once again by this medium. I cannot wait for release!

Hibiki Rush

Neo Member
I went to try it for the second time in Chicago at the beach. It was just as awesome the second time around. I just tried to do things a bit differently that time around, different angles etc. Even then still noticed some different details in the demos. So cool.
Saw this tweet linked from r/oculus about the new dota demo for Vive. Sounds pretty sweet, hope HTC has it available for demo in Seattle come the 2nd:



Saw this tweet linked from r/oculus about the new dota demo for Vive. Sounds pretty sweet, hope HTC has it available for demo in Seattle come the 2nd:

You are probably better off hearing Pyrion Flax describe his experience of the Secret Shop demo and everything else he saw. He describes it very eloquently and explains things well, starting from what he saw last year, to yesterday and the Dota Secret Shop demo and the other demos he had and what he has heard of the spectator mode - https://youtu.be/bgJBfKyTmyw?t=49s
Portland has been updated. Will be at Waterfront Parl.

Also,TI is booked full, they encourage everyone to wait for PAX.

I saw the tweet that mentioned that, where were sign ups offered for demo spots? I didn't see anything advertised for reservations, thought most spots on the tour were first come first served.
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