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Hubris and Bullshit: Modern Warfare 2 PC will not allow dedicated servers.


Can't believe they're trying to dumb MW2 down to console levels... :/

Though I still wanna see how IW.net works before I pass final judgement.
Hope there's a video demo soon.


Water is not wet!
lol @ the nail in the coffin stuff. MW2 is the game that made like 10 large profile games push themselves into 2010, right? How many PC units would have been sold? 100k vs the millions on console? How many fewer games sold will happen because of this? 5k? 10k? Activision isnt going to give two shits about this uproar. Who cares if the PC crowd made IW who they are? You dont make them as much money now so thats all there is to it.


Water is not wet!
wmat said:
There were some problematic patches for CoD4 in the past. Probably part of the reason.
Are you at uni? Maybe you have some troll in your local network.
im at home. i just clicked on a forum link further up the thread and my access is cut. Like i was saying ive never been to IWs site ever. Well maybe like years ago if CoD1 had a patch i needed to get.



I'm extremely butthurt right now. I'm goofing around with the map making in TF2 and I wanted to try other game toolkits as a hobby. BUT I guess you can scratch that thought off.

I'm looking at my copy of United Offensive and CoD1 right now - the burning I feel right now is nothing but shame. :lol
wmat said:
Some threads now have flash sounds in them, so turn your volume down if you go over to IW.

It's been awhile since I've been legitimately rick rolled...:lol

Edit : Does every thread have this now? I'm random clicking and all of them have this....


Seems the mods over at IW, have deleted the main thread but left all the other spam there.

edit: seems like they cleaning it all up now, they may as well delete the whole lot after 4chan members got on there


Confirmed Asshole
They might as well delete the forums since fourzerotwo is on Twitter now and community doesn't matter anyway rite


corkscrewblow said:
I take it you never played CS (not Source) then. They ruined that game with their 1.6 bs.
1.5 >>>>> 1.6

This! Strictly talking about CS, Steam and 1.6 brought more trouble than it's worth. They still continue to fuck with the gameplay in CS in an effort to make it more noob friendly. It's like they can't help themselves. Lets not even get into CS:S and DoD:S. God DoD:S, What were Valve thinking :( It brings me down just thinking about it.

It could always be worse though. The CoD community must be ready to slit their wrists at this point. IW has fallen so far since CoD 2. Even EPIC doesn't have a clue anymore. What the hell has happened.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Number 2 said:
lol @ the nail in the coffin stuff. MW2 is the game that made like 10 large profile games push themselves into 2010, right? How many PC units would have been sold? 100k vs the millions on console? How many fewer games sold will happen because of this? 5k? 10k? Activision isnt going to give two shits about this uproar. Who cares if the PC crowd made IW who they are? You dont make them as much money now so thats all there is to it.

Are you... defending them?

And yeah, this change alone will not signal a nail in the coffin for IW and Modern Warfare 2 will probably be one of the best selling video games of all time across the platforms, but that doesn't mean bullshit like this will help Activision out in the long term. Activision is obviously arrogant. They are spending any goodwill they accumulated as a company like water and it will eventually run out. EA had a huge backlash after it shit down the throats of its customers for years and I have no doubt that Activision will receive similar treatment. They have run out of new materials and are just running all of their franchises into the ground.

Considering how late in the game the game this announcement is, I doubt the news will spread fast enough for most people to hear about the news before buying the game and those PC gamers who enjoyed CoD4 are in for a big surprise when they are greeted with some bullshit matchmaking screen upon booting up multiplayer. The community is as good as dead and people will just move on to other games or go back to CoD4 and you can bet they will all remember this fiasco when Activision starts promoting the next Call of Duty game.

If they don't care about PC sales then maybe they shouldn't even release the damn game instead of acting all holier-than-thou.


At this point i don't know why do they even bother with the PC, IW should break off the support for PC completely as they clearly don't care about it. We'll survive.
Putting the PC in the same basket with the PS360 hurts the PC more then not having the game at all since it just enforces the console "standard" for the future and making the platform something it isn't and doesn't want to be (imho).

I feel a great deal of dissapointmend over the this trend, i don't enjoy games as i did before as i lose functionality for the sake of "steamlining", something i am not willing to accept.

I hope things change in the future before PC loses all the things that made it unique.


Eel O'Brian said:
If you're really serious about not picking this up, you could steer your $60 towards L4D2 or Borderlands if you're interested in what those games have to offer. If you've got three other friends willing to kick in, both games have 4-pack preorder bundles which work out to just $33.75 per person. You could get both games for just a little more than the cost of this one game.

speculawyer said:
Forget $60. Get in on a four-pack for Borderlands and pay only $34 or so. People keep organizing four-pack buy groups in the Borderlands thread.

LovingSteam said:
Exactly. Might as well tell those who buy cars and expect to have working engines/transmissions/breaks, "Hey guys, GUESS WHAT, you don't have to worry about those pesky things that keep the car running! Isn't it awesome?!

Seriously, Activision and now IW can go screw themselves. Lets see here, Borderlands and Left 4 Dead 2 for $68 or COD MW2 for $60 and no dedicated servers, hmmm....

speculawyer said:
Not necessarily. If people go buy Borderlands and/or Left 4 Dead 2 instead of MW 2, that will show the PC market is thriving and works well with digital distribution and reasonable prices.

datamage said:
Hah. I'll just echo the sentiment of most folks on here. I'd like to thank Activision and IW for saving me $60 in November. Hello to Borderlands, which I was probably gonna get anyway.

Pctx said:
Either way the only way to vote on this is by simply not contributing to it and for $60 bucks, Borderlands coming out 2 weeks earlier, Gearbox just may have gotten their Christmas bonus this year thanks to IW.

BloodySinner said:
Well, this was a shocker. Now I have no plans on purchasing the game. I'll just stick to Borderlands and L4D2.

Hellsing321 said:
Well looks like I can put money towards better games like L4D2 or Borderlands instead.
Thanks Infinity Ward and Activision!

Mr. Snrub said:
A game that had consoles as it's lead platform? Bit inappropriate, don't you think? Go go Borderlands!

eggandI said:
They are dumb because their money & time would be much better spent on games like Borderlands/Uncharted 2 :)

Smash88 said:
*Side Note*: Looks like I'll just pool all that money to Borderlands and L4D2 as a Day 1 purchase. At least they know how to treat customers, that helped make them as big as they are today. I was also close to buying CoD4 for PC, since I sold my 360 copy, but looks like that plan is gone.

Alright guys, spill it... how much are Valve and Gearbox paying you? I want in on this deal. :p


IW Forum moderators just deleted the petition thread after it reached aprox. 1400 replies.

They're handling this well :lol

Ps. Sorry, this was already mentioned earlier. Definitely worth repeating though.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JCtheMC said:
IW Forum moderators just deleted the petition thread after it reached aprox. 1400 replies.

They're handling this well :lol

Ps. Sorry, this was already mentioned earlier. Definitely worth repeating though.

Wow and that was like the only level-headed thread on there.


JCtheMC said:
IW Forum moderators just deleted the petition thread after it reached aprox. 1400 replies.

They're handling this well :lol

Ps. Sorry, this was already mentioned earlier. Definitely worth repeating though.

Hopefully PC crowd does a Spore on Infinity Ward and Activision. Amazon review has to be the place to vent!:D
wmat said:
Oh shit not this again :lol
It's probably the only way these oft mentioned Pepsico executives will take note.

:lol it begins

Infinity Ward recently announced that they will NOT be releasing dedicated server files for Modern Warfare 2
This means we will be stuck with the same matchmaking service as Xbox and PS3 customers are forced to endure.
It also means no mods, no custom content, no clan scene.

Basically they screwed us as PC gamers.

mandiller said:
I wonder if IW will actually hear the PC community and change things. What's wrong with matchmaking support for those that want it and dedicated servers and server browsers as well in one package

Not that I disagree with you, but it's 'cause they can't squeeze one red cent from the dedicated server community. Sad, but true.


Hazaro said:
$27 off Borderlands if you buy 4. :lol
It pays to be in the know with Randy. :D

Also--- the more I think about IW doing this... the more I figured this is exactly the route MS would go if they ever would release Halo 3 on the PC. *sad panda.gif*
Puck said:
This is a really really really really really shitty move if it is true from my perspective.

I won't be able to rent a server and invite friends / random people onto it for drunken fun while being in control of the server, ie settings.


What? Fuck you, you should be thankful, dammit! They said specifically that they did this to save you, their customer, a ton of money!

/sarcasm off
BigNastyCurve said:
Not that I disagree with you, but it's 'cause they can't squeeze one red cent from the dedicated server community. Sad, but true.
I would've thought they'd look at the balance sheet versus the sales for each version. Providing extra services at cost to a version of the game which sells less is bad business.
x3n05 said:
What's really funny (on the iw forums), is that PS3/360 fans are banding together against the PC gamers, it's no wonder why some PC fans despise consoles. Especially after PC gamers made IW a relevant company in the first place and now they are just dumbing the game down to the lowest common denominator.

Yah I don't really get this. I rarely game on my PC anymore except for WoW and I have a nice laptop that could run anything - but still, I used to be a heavy PC gamer and very much support my PC counterparts in this mess. That PS3 and 360 users would mock PC gamers is the height of stupidity.

But we really are the most lube-ready community in the tech world, I think (we console users). It's quite sad.
Visualante said:
I would've thought they'd look at the balance sheet versus the sales for each version. Providing extra services at cost to a version of the game which sells less is bad business.

Except sometimes you just gotta do things out of good will to keep your reputation within a community. Those little intangibles might look red on a balance sheet, but maybe it's what made your franchise a juggernaut to begin with.


The more I read this thread the more it pisses me off... Does anybody know if amazon will let me move my discounts from my MW2 pre-order to another game?
JoeFu said:
The more I read this thread the more it pisses me off... Does anybody know if amazon will let me move my discounts from my MW2 pre-order to another game?

Yes, if you cancel the order you can re-use the code.


Matchmaking is good for consoles, but with PC communities you always want server lists/favorites, etc.

It's kind of against the grain of the greater customization/choice you get with the platform.

It doesn't bother me because Call of Duty or any war shooter of that ilk is like the last thing I want to play anymore, but people who are still interested in MW2 should just buy it or dont, dont go with some half assed boycott where you make tons of concessions for some silly principals that you would break constantly under normal conditions.


BigNastyCurve said:
The uproar over Spore prompted change. Why couldn't this be any different?

There have been plenty of things that developers/publishers have tried to screwing gamers over with and backed down on. I hope this is one.

Just wait until they see piracy sales hit a record high, just like Spore because they tried screwing people buying it.


Should not be allowed to breed
amazon.co.uk review:

Reasons to avoid:

1 -
Up to now, clans (not infinity ward) rented tens of thousands of dedicated servers that were located on professional datacenters with huge bandwidth and low pings. And cheap.

2 - From MW:2 onwards
Dedicated servers are banned in this game. It means you will play online in some random kid computer while he downloads porn on the background 10 minutes before he goes to bed, by which time you'll get "server disconnected" message. He owns you.

No more choosing the lowest ping server.

No more choosing the best server in relation to number of users/ping

No more customizable server options to better suit different styles of play (are you Solid snake or rambo?)

Clans biggest nightmare.

No custom maps

You are also forced to pay for downloadable content every time it comes out if you want to play online. This, because IW system will conveniently point you to a game that HAS downloadable content, but because you CANT choose the servers you are stuck with it.

The first game sold 14 million copies. For a company, to sell up to 1 or 2 million copies keeps them honest, its like smocking a cigar. Addictive but sane. But at 14 million, you are into heavy drugs. You will steal your son to fund the vicious cycle.

Matchmaking garbage...............sheeeesh won't buy this, I have a extra $50 what to buy? Probably spend it Blackfriday get like 4-5 games with it.
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