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I am addicted to Spelunky!


Well now that Spelunky is free on Ps+ im addicted again. Damnit! I thought I was done with it on 360 awhile ago. It sunk its claws into me yet again. Amazing game!
Are the PSN leaderboards limited to 10,000 players? That seems awfully shit, especially so now that it's a PS+ game.

Hundreds of thousands of people won't even make the leaderboard.


But it's a digital input....

I know but I just find it more comfortable. I'm playing all my platformers with analog sticks, Super Meat Boy, Mario, Spelunky, etc. It works well. The only thing I use the D-pad for when playing video games is changing equipment. I don't find it comfortable for anything else (and I've tried quite a few of the ones that are supposed to be really good, like the DS4 or the Wii U's).

The Real Abed

I too play with the control stick, but only because the 360 controller I have has a terrible D-Pad. I'm so used to it that I rarely use my D-Pad on my Wii U in games like these.

The only problem I've had in Spelunky is when the stick springs back and causes the character to turn around at the worst possible times. Mainly whipping a bat that is coming towards me or a snake or something.


I feel great shame when I die in the mines, which has happened the last two daily runs. I've beaten hell numerous times now, and to still be making sloppy mistakes just makes me facepalm.


I feel great shame when I die in the mines, which has happened the last two daily runs. I've beaten hell numerous times now, and to still be making sloppy mistakes just makes me facepalm.

Don't feel to bad I have over 500 hours in this game and also still make mistakes. Today's daily was no exception I thought I could jump at the right time to avoid the bomb.

It's a damn shame lan play between two ps4's still makes both players stick to the same screen. If a vita is used the second player has their own camera and doesn't have to closely follow the flag carrier, i don't know why they couldn't do the same with two ps4's. It's a minor thing but really disappointing.


I just started playing this on PS4 and can't get past mine 1-3. I just keep doing stupid shit that is entirely avoidable. Still having fun though!
So I finally spent some time with the PS4 port last night. I didn't see anyone mention this, but the game automatically records your daily run and you can also watch a replay for anyone on your friends list. Also, as you're playing the daily, it will show where and how each person on your friends list died, indicated by a ghost of their character on the screen (really tripped me out seeing this for the first time, thought I had somehow enabled some 2 player mode glitch).

Such cool little touches! I think this might just make it the definitive version of the game for me.


I got the key from the Mines all the way to the end of the Ice Caves, and I haven't felt that much glee since playing Dark Souls.
The only problem I've had in Spelunky is when the stick springs back and causes the character to turn around at the worst possible times. Mainly whipping a bat that is coming towards me or a snake or something.

this is happening to me ALL THE TIME on PS4. I keep turning right no matter how careful I am.


This maybe a dumb question but I chose my character and then dumps me to a Chinese character on a tutorial, I want to play with my chosen character ( Not really is a character my daughter chose) and I cant.
This maybe a dumb question but I chose my character and then dumps me to a Chinese character on a tutorial, I want to play with my chosen character ( Not really is a character my daughter chose) and I cant.

It's like a flashback thing, you just have to playthrough the tutorial once before the proper game unlocks.


I just started playing this on PS4 and can't get past mine 1-3. I just keep doing stupid shit that is entirely avoidable. Still having fun though!

That's normal. Game has a steep learning curve.

It's fun seeing how you progress. I remember those days. Now I can get to the last stage and beat it around 80 percent of the time.


Seems like PS4 version is still a bit wonky. Tried to do today's daily and when it loaded in all the controls were re-mapped to X and the settings were greyed out and inaccessible. Quit to the menu, but of course it's like I forfeit today's chance at the daily.

It's also having a difficult time pulling my player stats from the cloud. I saw they were correct once, but every other time it is resetting my progress, even if I delete the local save file. PS3 and Vita have no problems syncing. Hopefully the devs are working on a patch.
Seems like PS4 version is still a bit wonky. Tried to do today's daily and when it loaded in all the controls were re-mapped to X and the settings were greyed out and inaccessible. Quit to the menu, but of course it's like I forfeit today's chance at the daily.

It's also having a difficult time pulling my player stats from the cloud. I saw they were correct once, but every other time it is resetting my progress, even if I delete the local save file. PS3 and Vita have no problems syncing. Hopefully the devs are working on a patch.

Precisely what happened to me. I played on though, because it was actually pretty funny trying to play it with one button. I have since tried to set all my controls to X manually because I quite wanted to have another go to see how far I could get but you can't even do that in the options. Once you set them back to the defaults, that's it! All your sliders like brightness and stuff probably get set to nothing as well, and your HUD/damsel will have been set to standard. Such a weird bug.

Did you go straight into the Daily when you booted? I was messing around trying to watch replays of the previous day's Daily beforehand, and a few of them didn't load and one of them I quit and it went a bit weird with the music and I wondered if somehow I caused the bug that way. I was kinda hoping so, anyway, otherwise it's just totally random which is a worry.

I managed to get my save back. I deleted it from online on the PS4, and in storage in the PS4, and then shut down the console. I uploaded the most recent save on my Vita manually, and then when I restarted the PS4 my save came back (though it was still a little weird, I lost a jewel I had for completing the game with no shortcuts).


Are the spelunky servers down? I haven't been able to get into the daily challenge on PC - just sits there at "Checking for existing daily score. Please wait." Yes, I am addicted, and starting to go into withdrawal.
I got forgiven by the shopkeepers yesterday, first time I've seen that happened since the old classic version.
Do they place a peaceful shopkeeper on the level where they stop being angry? It was a dark level so I wasn't sure what was going on.



I have never finished the game. Got to Olmec once.

I played this game to hell and back when I was away with work in May for three weeks.


Managed to beat olmec starting at world 4. Currently trying to get to
city of gold
but keep making silly mistakes when I have the ankh from the jungle.


Always loved Spelunky but would probably consider myself a casual player. Played for about a year and a half (whenever ps3 version released) and I've only reached the ruins once, I've unlocked Abraham and got to the worm a few times but overall just enjoy the spelunky ride.

Anyway, decided to get the shotgun to the tunnel man so I could have the ice caves at my disposable.

The ice caves, oh man! This game just reached a whole new level of fun. Whipping saucers, flinging mines and leaps of faith are so satisfying.

The Real Abed

The way he did it so casually without saying a word before breathing a sigh of relief and excitement. One false move and he'd have to go back to try and get rid of Olmec. He just ran off before even making sure he even fell in the lava. That's skill right there.

On another note, I haven't been to the temple in ages. So long that I can't even remember what it's called. I am so sad there's no Mac version at all. It's just an inconvenience to keep launching Parallels every time I need to play. It runs so well in a VM it wouldn't be a big deal if it was a quick "Wineskin" port or something. Anything. I'd settle for a Wii U version so I could play on the GamePad. I should just buy a Vita. lol
Did a daily on ps3 and the leaderboard kept repeatedly updating and moving to random places down the list, very strange. I read something about some psn leaderboards being messed up in some games (velocity?) but I'm not sure it's the same thing.


Played it a bit when it came out for free with PS+. The music is really really not good imo, and the whole time I'm playing it just feels like a worse Rogue Legacy.

The Real Abed

Rogue Legacy? The game that is nothing like Spelunky and came out well after it? Really? Bad music? Really? Your opinion man, but seriously. Wow.


Rogue Legacy? The game that is nothing like Spelunky and came out well after it? Really? Bad music? Really? Your opinion man, but seriously. Wow.

They're both platformer based rogue-likes with similar mechanics, I wouldn't really say they're nothing alike. And the version that I'm sure most people are playing came out after Rogue Legacy. The music was just generally irritating to me, idk.
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