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I can't get over how bad FFXV's cover is

Boy band cover for a boy band game.
Nah, boy band would have been to use this:

Did a quick Google search and couldn't find it, would someone be able to point me to a hi-res, clean version of the image used to create the second cover on the first post?


Deluxe Edition is gross.

This is how you do a steelbook:


I own this version & I love it, but I have a minor beef with the actual FFXII logo.

See how this FFX logo is? Text over the art, rright? Every mainline FF game has been updated to fit this mold. Then there's this:

Why is it so huge? Don't get my wrong, I love the art & Gabranth might be my favorite character from the game, but where's the consistency?

I may be a hypocrite though because the FFIX logo gets a pass from me.

EDIT: On mobile & format keeps messing up, but you get what I'm saying.


Yep, I'll definitely take advantage of the reversible cover, but I agree that it's disappointing that the standard cover is rather bad.

Japan got the better cover:

Hoooooo. That is good. Same idea like the NA one which is "4 guys on a trip" but less in your face and the logo is there in all its glory. It's not even too "easy breezy, Japaneasy" so it would have worked globally.


I honestly find it hard to believe that an artist of Amano's caliber messed this up so badly.I'm willing to bet that this is a case of bad communication between Amano and whomever was the art director for that cover.

Amano is a fantastic artist obviously but you can really tell when he doesn't give a shit. Nomura at least makes consistent artwork. (Yoshida is probably the most consistent FF artist.)

Funny thing is, he made that 10 years ago.


I don't think it's that bad, but the japanese one is way better.

The key art one is just plain horrible. It doesn't help that it neglects all the bros (for better or worse they are a huge part of the agame) for a secondary NPC.
Yep, I'll definitely take advantage of the reversible cover, but I agree that it's disappointing that the standard cover is rather bad.

Japan got the better cover:


God, that's loads better. It actually conveys information about the game, such as the road trip aspect and the vast scale. Much more interesting than the one we're getting.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I think it's alright. I wouldn't want a repeat of the XIII cover. It worked because of Lightning and all the hype around her...when the game came out. But Noctis looking off into the distance wouldn't have the same appeal.

As it stands we ended up getting Noctis staring into the distance anyways but at least there's other stuff going on in the image.
Why is it so huge? Don't get my wrong, I love the art & Gabranth might be my favorite character from the game, but where's the consistency?

The FFXII logo looks different because Amano just drew it on a whim when his Square contact was late to their appointment :lol

Pour le logo de Final Fantasy XII par exemple, aviez-vous une idée spécifique à exprimer ?

Amano : On m'a fait des demandes précises sur la forme –je devais dessiner un Juge-, mais comme la personne de Square qui devait orienter et valider mon travail était en retard d'une demi-heure au rendez-vous, j'ai commencé à improviser pour m'amuser. Et quand je lui ai montré le logo, c'est celui-là qu'elle a retenu ! Et c'est devenu le logo final. D'habitude il y a davantage de préparation.
Quick translation said:
For the logo of Final Fantasy XII for example, did you have a specific idea to express?

Amano: I was given precise requests for the form -- I had to draw a Judge --, but the person from Square who was supposed to guide and validate my work was half an hour late to our appointment, so I started improvising for my own fun. And then when I showed him/her the logo, it is the one that was selected! And it became the final logo. Usually there is more preparation work.
I have nostalgia for the amano artwork covers so they will always look poor compared to that. the Key Art one is a pretty image but illogical, then again most cover art is. The main one is just a bit "What!?", doesn't tell you a ton about the game.


They're all pretty terrible. The JP one is okayish. The one with Regis is probably the best one. I'm getting the Deluxe so at least it isn't the worst one.


I'd just be happy if marketing would stop putting "Day One Edition" text on my games. Like anyone at all gives a shit about that, and llike they don't sit on shelved for over a year with that on them until they are recollected by a distributor to be repacked into a greatest hits box.


Their poses are what make it really bad. The fan ones are even worse IMO even if they were better made. The key art looks nice, but not as a cover. The classic solid white/black is nice for fans of the series but I don't think it makes a good cover for everyone. I think the Japan boxart is amazing on all fronts for everyone and gives a sense of what the game is about, but chalk it up to Western marketing thinking everyone wants "aggressive" art on their covers.
Ever since switching largely to digital (mostly for the guaranteed availability), I can't bring myself to care about cover art. Now I'm all about getting good dynamic themes.

- J - D -

It's pretty terrible. If it were me I'd would've put Prompto's gun front and center. As it is, you ain't gonna hook in Joe Walmart walking past the games shelves on his way to buy ammo, beer, and a camo vest.


Gold Member
Japan's is the best followed by the emblem only and then the first one. That second one is definition of bad... Lost by a huge margin.


lol, I've never really paid attention, but yeah that's total trash.

I got the deluxe edition because I found it the least gross out of all of the covers (except maybe Japan's standard cover, which is nice enough).
I just wish they'd went with something like this for the standard cover (this must be like the 4th time I post these, sorry for that):

Way more classy than the pure white or pure black from the reversible cover, the logo is actually centered well and no "day one edition" banner.
They should have used this.


the cover is so fucking american.

why cant we have the simple cover back from the old days?
ff7-12(iam from europe)
those were the glorious days.

it baffled me always to see cringy shit on the cover.

japan had the same, why does the US ALWAYS NEED BLOATED UP SHIT ON THE FRONT PAGE?

thanks donald.
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