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I desperately need some sympathy.

F31 Leopard

If there is a fly in the house at day I turn off all my lights and close all the blinds. I leave the front door open a little with the screen door closed so it's the only source of light. Fly always ends up on the screen door. I open screen and close the door behind me and let the fly out. At night I do the same but put a lamp or flashlight in between both screen and front door. Much easier then trying to swat it.
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Gold Member
Sucks man, but *someday* you will genuinely laugh over this. Time to pick up a new hobby in the meantime. Better yet, start working out.
I’m lucky my 65 oled have resisted tons of Lego bricks, Toy Story woody, buzz , wood toys flying directly to the screen and live with no issue.

My toddler even hit it with a metal excavator toy lol


Gold Member
Perhaps, but seeing as I wasn't. How would you suggest I deal with such a situation going forward?
Blow on it if it's on something fragile, that will make it fly around. Then spray the area it's flying around with some insecticide. Although, if they really bother you and you don't want them around ever, I'd suggest getting some nylon nets. You can build or order them to fit your windows, even your doors. With those you'd almost never have one inside...
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I sympathize, brother.

About 15 years ago, I was getting out of bed when a spider dropped down from the ceiling right in front of me. In the ensuing panic I accidentally kicked my laptop's power cord, sending the power brick into my TV screen, ruining both. Now I was a young adult in the mid 2000's, and I had won the TV in a raffle at work, so you know I couldn't afford to replace that thing. I was stuck with a 10 inch CRT for like 2 years.

So, things could always be worse. Have you checked the price of TVs lately? They're dirt cheap these days.


So my TV is 3 months out of warranty. This morning I'm playing a quick round of Hell Let Loose before work.

Along comes a housefly which is the first one I've seen in months which is odd, especially as it's winter here. Now of course this fly is about as interested in my tv screen as I am. He eventually decides that the place to be is about an inch to right of my aiming reticle or whatever you call it.

Now I'd like to think that I'm not a complete idiot, as well as the fact that I don't own a fly swatter. On the rare occasion this has happened before, my go to move has always been to shoo the fly away a couple of times before grabbing a spare tshirt to swat it with, as I don't want to risk damaging my tv.

Well this morning this fly was persistent, and I was in luck because my son had just so happened to leave one of his shirts on the arm of the couch. So I grab the shirt, and wait for a few seconds for the fly to inevitably return. He doesn't disappoint, and so I swat the fly, and grab my controller to get back to my game.

Only for some strange reason there was an audible crack sound that didn't usually accompany such a move. Unbeknownst to me the shirt had a zipper on it. Well, I don't think much else needs to be said really. The worst part is that my tv is now basically junk due to the panel being cracked, and it's going to be several months before I can drop that kind of money on another tv. Even worse is that my wife, as well as basically everyone I know just laughs when I tell them what happened. Sure I get that it's a funny story, but there's still the fact that I'm now without a TV for the next few months.

I need the kind of help and support only a place like Gaf can provide. Any way we could have a brief little pity party for me and my life changing situation? Even a simple post offering condolences would help.
You write well.


Hey bro, took a break and went to the bathroom to poop... I swear it was like stuck in there... thanks for waiting... let's get back to our gami... oohhh HOLY SHIT the TV is broken! What HAPPENED?!!! Now we'll never be able to unlock that Bikini on DOA Volleyball! I'm going home. Fuck this SHIT! And why the HELL is there a dead fly on the floor by your feet?


Gold Member

What was the manufacturers warranty? 1 year?

Did you buy it on credit card? Many cards give an extra year warranty. If so, just make a claim through them saying the TV went on the fritz. Depending on the situation, they might just pay you out.
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Oh my dear, you have all my sympathy for this hardware tragedy. Sorry to read that you don't have any spare and are going to be without TV for months :(
cat love GIF

See the good side of this Wiimote era like incident: you have now an excuse to buy a glorious OLED TV !
Animated GIF

Also, please consider investing into this:
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If it makes you feel better OP, my 85” Sony X91J is IN warranty and despite having developed a long dark streak down the center of the TV, no one will do anything about it because “it does not impact the viewing of the television.” The pixels aren’t dead, it’s just dirty screen effect and I’m fucked.

Yup, Sony's warranty on TVs sucks from what I heared. It may be on par with other manufacturers like Samsung but paying premium you would also expect the customer support being a little better. Their processing advantage is underrated IMO but I wish they would offer some kind of extended premium warranty service at least.

Unfortunately same goes for Panasonic, also heared pretty bad things. Seriously premium brands like Pioneer just don't exist anymore.
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So my TV is 3 months out of warranty. This morning I'm playing a quick round of Hell Let Loose before work.

Along comes a housefly which is the first one I've seen in months which is odd, especially as it's winter here. Now of course this fly is about as interested in my tv screen as I am. He eventually decides that the place to be is about an inch to right of my aiming reticle or whatever you call it.

Now I'd like to think that I'm not a complete idiot, as well as the fact that I don't own a fly swatter. On the rare occasion this has happened before, my go to move has always been to shoo the fly away a couple of times before grabbing a spare tshirt to swat it with, as I don't want to risk damaging my tv.

Well this morning this fly was persistent, and I was in luck because my son had just so happened to leave one of his shirts on the arm of the couch. So I grab the shirt, and wait for a few seconds for the fly to inevitably return. He doesn't disappoint, and so I swat the fly, and grab my controller to get back to my game.

Only for some strange reason there was an audible crack sound that didn't usually accompany such a move. Unbeknownst to me the shirt had a zipper on it. Well, I don't think much else needs to be said really. The worst part is that my tv is now basically junk due to the panel being cracked, and it's going to be several months before I can drop that kind of money on another tv. Even worse is that my wife, as well as basically everyone I know just laughs when I tell them what happened. Sure I get that it's a funny story, but there's still the fact that I'm now without a TV for the next few months.

I need the kind of help and support only a place like Gaf can provide. Any way we could have a brief little pity party for me and my life changing situation? Even a simple post offering condolences would help.
Man, not gonna lie.... I could see myself doing that.

Strangely enough, while doing laundry today I noticed a horse fly and thought; "WTF its January, that's a first".



Gold Member
You could browse Craigslist or Facebook marketplace. I sold my Vizio on there and met the person at the store up the street. There’s always people out there looking to sell their stuff for some quick cash.


On the off chance if you happen to be in the UAE I have a spare 55 inch Q70r that I'm not using.
Cool. Didn't know you were in the UAE. I've lived there for quite a while. In Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Have family there too.
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I'm sorry to hear about the damage to your TV. It can be frustrating to be without a major household appliance, especially when the damage was caused by an unexpected and unavoidable event. It's understandable that your friends and family are finding the situation humorous, but it's important to remember that it's a stressful situation for you. I hope that you are able to find a solution that works for you and your family in the meantime, whether that's a temporary replacement or finding a way to save up for a new TV. It's important to take care of yourself and not to beat yourself up over the situation.
Tvs are dirt cheap these days . Just buy a basic El cheapo and save until you can right this wrong.

But yeah , sorry that happened , surely a kick to the groin.
I feel for you, that sucks.

One time, my brother picked me up from a summer school for kids program at our local community college. I remember being excited that morning. I was in an insect class. That day, we watched “THEM” before proceeding to dissect the largest, most viscous grass-hoppers I’d ever seen up until that point. I still remember exactly how it felt as we excitedly sliced open our enemies compatriots.

As we cut these bugs down their long, inches long, inches that put my pud to shame inches, the exo-skin leather opened like a vagina under my scalpel. (Hey-oh) I heard an audible puff. (“Puff” is incorrect, imagine if a puff squelched and how comic book writers would imagine putting that sound in bubble form. It’s hard. Now, imagine the Gears of War sound team hitting that watermelon in the toilet bowl with the sledge hammer. The first part is more real, the second reference was just something cool I thought of. Watch it on an OXM demo disk or something.)


The smell is something I can’t describe. I have never and will never experience that particular smell ever again, for the rest of my life. With nothing to compare it to before, let alone since, you’re just going to have to imagine it.

One time a guy told me, in order not to cum too fast, to think about tongue rolling my grandma in a heap of garbage. That stayed with me, as did the smell. Maybe that will stay with you, adding affect to the story.


It felt ‘narly. I thought about Ice-T. About the Cube, the Pyroclastic Flow, etc.

My brother picks me up in his truck and as I enter the passenger door I notice a wince on his face. Once sitting down and clicking my seat belt (like a good boy) I then see the ziplock baggie full of ice resting on his nutsack, exposed through the zipper of his pants. At this moment, two zips couldn’t contain those nuts.

Long story short, left nut met left protruding point of a Dreamcast controller. He was trying to get a one CC clear, as Ivy (Hey-oh) on the hardest difficulty.

So while your out of warranty television is fucked my user error probably not covered by warranty to begin with, at least you didn’t stab your left testicle with a Dreamcast controller and, like a bitch bemoan to this day:

“I can’t have kids.”

“Why not?”


So what? You’re the dip shit, stupid ass motherfucker who slapped his television with some weird version of a shirt I’ve never heard of before. Proving to me, for once that zippers can contain it. “It” here being you’re own silliness as a man.

At least you don’t have BALL CANCER given by IVY FROM SOUL CALIBUR.


Agreed - I'd also advise checking with local repair shops. Some will come to you, see if they can fix it onsite, and if not take it to their shop for a day or two. Screen replacement will vary on the TV, but it's usually about 50% - 75% the cost of the TV. Which is steep, of course, but it beats the price of an entirely new one.
Really? See, that's what I was thinking. I called around to 4 local tv repair shops in the DFW area. 3 told me that it would cost about the same to just by a new TV. The other one was a complete idiot that told me the price would depend on which panel the tv had... Which was impossible to know without removing the current panel to get the part number. I almost couldn't hang up I was laughing so hard.


For want of a dead fly the TV is lost, for want of a TV the game is lost, for want of a game the OP is lost.


No he's right. If you can't afford to replace a TV that goes out then taking a look at your finances would be a good thing to do.
No he's not. The fact that the person says they can't buy a new TV at the moment and they have a kid means they're well aware of their finances.

Do you budget to buy two of everything you might have saved for though? This TV is also out of warranty meaning they have probably had it for at least a while. The persons financial situation may have changed especially with the current economy. Criticising the person for owning a TV which they say they can't afford to replace at the moment when they want some sympathy is just uncalled for really.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Really? See, that's what I was thinking. I called around to 4 local tv repair shops in the DFW area. 3 told me that it would cost about the same to just by a new TV. The other one was a complete idiot that told me the price would depend on which panel the tv had... Which was impossible to know without removing the current panel to get the part number. I almost couldn't hang up I was laughing so hard.

I guess the shops near me just provide better service, and have lower prices. But hey, you tried. Sorry to hear it didn't work out.


Last week I ordered a plate of sushi. So I put the plate on a wooden cutting board and walked out the kitchen.

Well. Let's say I leaned a bit forward to much taking a step and the whole plate fell..sushi everywhere. Luckily I had vacuum cleaned hours before and you know about the 5 second rule. But man i felt like such an ass.

Hey OP hope you can get it fixed or whatever.. Best of luck.
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No he's right. If you can't afford to replace a TV that goes out then taking a look at your finances would be a good thing to do.
That's true, but there's a difference between "taking a look at finances being a good thing", and being concerned that "I bought a TV I couldn't afford to replace."

Me saying I'm going to have to go a few months without a tv is specifically because I took a good look at my finances.

I'm not like most people. I'm 43 and never had so much as a single credit card. Like ever. The only things I've financed are two houses and 1 car. I've saved and paid for absolutely everything else with cash.

And while it obviously doesn't look that way now, I do try and take care of my stuff. The TV this one replaced was a DLP 65 inch Mitsubishi with the mirrors that give you arthritis when you attempt to clean them. My daily driver is a 22 year old Chevy with the original drivetrain and 320,000 miles. I'm even typing this on my Note8

Which is why I think I'm so bummed about it. Because it's despite how well I usually treat my stuff that I still broke my TV, and so soon. Like, what am I gonna do with this nearly full bottle of screen cleaner that is extra gentle so as not to damage the anti-glare coating on my screen?


I'm not like most people. I'm 43 and never had so much as a single credit card. Like ever. The only things I've financed are two houses and 1 car. I've saved and paid for absolutely everything else with cash.
Buy what you can afford and pay it off in full at the end of the month. All the free money from cash back could have bought you multiple TVs at this point in your life.


Surly you have another tv? I'm a single guy and have 2 tvs, a monitor and a projector lol. Gotta have backups for the backups 🤣.

Do you have accidental damage house contents insurance?
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