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I feel like I'm the only gamer that doesn't get Metal Gear Solid


I get the issues with controls and cutscene heavy nature of previous games some people in this thread have, but I'd be extremely curious to see what they thought if they played MGSV for a few hours past the tutorial.

The controls in the new are some of the smoothest around and it is heavily gameplay focused. To the point many longtime fans are complaining about it. You guys should give the new one a try.


I've enjoyed all the games but yeah, I don't get why people like it as much as they do. They're good games but I never got the legendary status it holds.
i feel that any attempt at real gravity in a game that has as much terrible dialog, voice acting, and outright goofy bullshit as MGS falls completely flat

if it were just wacky spy hijinks it wouldn't bother me as much, but the games make me think kojima is trying to be a serious auteur with deep important things to say about heavy topics like war, rape, politics, and violence. it kinda clashes with the vagina bombs, ninja strippers, skull-faced guys named skullface, and laughably bad delivery across the board.

I personally find the tonal shifts to be part of the allure of the series. It's a narrative that embraces both the absurd and pure camp, while also striving for lofty intellectual and ideological goals. It is certainly idiosyncratic, but in a way I find it's more interesting than a 'straight' attempt at such narrative goals would be. It takes the ridiculousness that is often times inherent to the medium (disparity between gameplay and narrative) and runs with them, incorporating that tonal shift in and of itself into the story, sometimes to a fairly staggeringly insightful way in the case of Metal Gear Solid 2's metatextual, post-modern narrative.

Of course, when the stories are purely absurd without Kojima's more ambitious ideas behind them they crumple under the absurdity and become cloying melodrama (MGS4 and Peace Walker). But when he gets the balance right, what would otherwise be 'bad' narrative techniques actually end up strengthening the whole.
The bigger problem is the actual action and shoot in the game. Both of the action and shooting part of MGS series suck ass. They are not half as good as other action and shooters.

It's a stealth game.

Been watching the 500+ hour stream, and aside from the BS that is MGS4's story, everything Kojima was saying about the overflow of digital information in today's world is pretty damn accurate considering MGS2 itself was made in the late 90's before social media and the internet became what it is today.

Some of you guys should revisit the last fight with Solidus where the truth gets revealed and the ending. It may be convoluted, but it makes a lot more sense now then it did during it's release. All of us should be able to relate or at the very least understand what the Colonel, Rose and Snake(Kojima) are talking about at the end. Those that understood it back then are the ones that rate the game so high. The game was ahead of it's time.
Metal Gear takes it's themes seriously, but it also knows and pokes fun at the fact that it's a game. And it's proud of that fact.

You might like 5, they changed it up a bit.

I thought she was 25 but posing as a student in PW?

Your right.

She's a spy for....................... Cipher


MGS has sucked since MGS2, is such a mechanically stunted,weirdly paced series, every theme it sets off to deal with is done in an incompetent info dumb manner that cant decide whether to criticize or fetishies something.

MGSV looks really interesting tho, ill probably play it just as long as there is a way to play this alone and make stripper sniper skippable.
I get the issues with controls and cutscene heavy nature of previous games some people in this thread have, but I'd be extremely curious to see what they thought if they played MGSV for a few hours past the tutorial.

The controls in the new are some of the smoothest around and it is heavily gameplay focused. To the point many longtime fans are complaining about it. You guys should give the new one a try.
There was basically no story in GZ and I didn't like it either.


you are not alone.. even though I'm not really a stealth guy, so my consideration of the game is affected.
story for me is the worst kind, pretentious silly.. I can get behind a silly story, but not when it's trying to take itself seriously while still being kinda dumb and far-fetched... gameplay wise anni said I can't really judge.
the game is definitely unique though, so I can understand the following it got


I'm sure many people will disagree, but I think MGS is a series that one has to have some nostalgia for to get into in 2015. The past games were great at the time, but can be a chore to go back to now. MGS2 has a strange dichotomy of being one of my favorite games ever and yet is one that my adult self will never ever touch again. The games are entirely unique and are unlike anything else. They bounce back between self-serious monologues about nuclear proliferation and goofy self-referential humor constantly, are entirely self-aware, and assume that the player is in in the joke too. At this point the in-jokes and stupid story have been built upon for so many years that each entry is a joy for those who have invested in the series and impenetrable for those who haven't. So, if you don't "get" MGS then don't worry about it. I, on the other hand, am going to go back to Craigslist to check for nearby stores selling the game early.

I just hate how the series takes itself too seriously.

No series takes itself less seriously than MGS. Dont worry though, a lot of diehard fans haven't figured that out either.


MGS has sucked since MGS2, is such a mechanically stunted,weirdly paced series, every theme it sets off to deal with is done in an incompetent info dumb manner that cant decide whether to criticize or fetishies something.

MGSV looks really interesting tho, ill probably play it just as long as there is a way to play this alone and make stripper sniper skippable.
I've only played MGS4 and Ground Zeroes. And I gotta say that GZ is light years better to play. It really feels like a completely new series gameplay-wise. TPP should, allegedly, control even better.

I've never found out if TPP has decent boob physics?
Weird feeling tbh

I know tons of people who do not like MGS at all.

I appreciate it personnaly but it is clearly a polarizing series


It's a super campy action series in the guise of "stealth"-based gameplay. It's way too serious some times and excessively goofy at others, but that's what makes it enjoyable.

The ignorance of MGS2's obviously terrible story is laughable.
To me the story is the good part of the series except when they got to MGS4. The story in MGS4 is just way to lame, with tons of cliché. It seems Kojima was forcing twists rather than trying to make the story make sense.

The bigger problem is the actual action and shoot in the game. Both of the action and shooting part of MGS series suck ass. They are not half as good as other action and shooters.

It's not an "action or shooter" though. It's not trying to be. It becomes bad when you try and force it to be a straightforward kill'em all style game, because the game is designed to resist your inclination to do so.


I was thinking about this the other day.

I don't play MGS for its story, or even its gameplay. I don't think I could ever rate either above other good games.

What makes MGS my favourite game franchise are its instances of game design genius. It's in all of them. There are things that you do in each of the games that is nothing short of genius. They might be a boss, or they might just be an attention to detail towards something unique you decide to try. "Let me try this and... it worked!?".

So I could deal with holding down three buttons to shoot when I experience a moment uniquely possible in gaming and uniquely devised by a genius game designer.

I'm playing MGSV now and it still has that core, those "... I can't believe someone thought to do that in a game. That's amazing" moments.


I was thinking about this the other day.

I don't play MGS for its story, or even its gameplay. I don't think I could ever rate either above other good games.

What makes MGS my favourite game franchise are its instances of game design genius. It's in all of them. There are things that you do in each of the games that is nothing short of genius. They might be a boss, or they might just be an attention to detail towards something unique you decide to try. "Let me try this and... it worked!?".

So I could deal with holding down three buttons to shoot when I experience a moment uniquely possible in gaming and uniquely devised by a genius game designer.

I'm playing MGSV now and it still has that core, those "... I can't believe someone thought to do that in a game. That's amazing" moments.
Also, the Psycho Mantis gag from MGS4. It's these crazy unexpected moments that sets MGS apart from other franchises. It never takes itself too serious. FromSoft does it too. Japanese developers are great at this. CD Projekt and BioWare could learn a lot from this.


I don't get why people have such venom against a video game they don't like. I'm not a fan of FIFA/Pro Evo but I don't have such resentment towards them. Just comes across like a superiority complex the way some people act as if they're better for not liking the series and people are stupid for liking it. Big surprise; people have different tastes and you don't have to like or agree with everything.


I've been really up and down with the series - loved 1, was disappointed with 2, loved 3, nearly hated 4.

Very excited for 5, regardless. Hope I end on a high note with the series.
I don't get it either but then again I don't like a lot of popular games. I've tried to get into the series multiple times but it just doesn't do much for me. Rising was pretty cool though at least.


so kojima is the banksy of gaming?


This got me.

This is basically the intellectual depth of MGS. If the other side of that paper has a poop joke and a zoomed-in picture of a woman's chest, you hit all the marks.


I tried playing MGS3 but damn that game is clunky. I just ended up reading a plot synopsis rather than having to struggle with the controls and camera.

You will have to get used to it, but the controls are the best part of the game because the flexibility of it, you could do pretty much everything you want and tackle each level whoever you see it fit.

But yeah, it will appear clunky at first which can be a huge detriment.
I've mentioned this before, but I basically try each game and quit inside of an hour or so. I think it's because somewhere deep inside I knew in MGS1 when I put that cardboard box on, I had seen the best thing that could ever happen in the series, and it would all be downhill from there

I just hate how the series takes itself too seriously.

Does it? It's so painfully contrived and juvenile I always figured the gravitas was part of the joke

It's like a grown man acting out a soap opera with his GI Joes


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
There was a lot of people that said the original Matrix they just didn't understand.
Sometimes your lack of understanding of a subject or elements of something can change your prospective and in this class make it less enjoyable or more enjoyable, it all depends.
My mates girlfriend loves MGS but she don't play it, she watches my mate play it.
But he rather play Fifa.
It's the exactly same reason why people don't get video games and people that play them.
Don't mean to be that guy and don't take this the wrong way but there's no other way to say it other then it's your lack of understanding the story that causing the problem maybe.
You even said MGS2 was terrible, yet it's ingenious really....if you understand it.
Same with Films, Films can be too smart for their own good and receive bad reviews because of it.

But ya not the only one.
MGS has sucked since MGS2, is such a mechanically stunted,weirdly paced series, every theme it sets off to deal with is done in an incompetent info dumb manner that cant decide whether to criticize or fetishies something.

MGSV looks really interesting tho, ill probably play it just as long as there is a way to play this alone and make stripper sniper skippable.

I'm pretty sure she's an optional character.
I admit it's a bit of a simplification, but it is an honest assessment. Especially in the face of all the wacky nonsense that accompanies the themes that you refer to. That's what I meant by an earlier comment about the "thin veneer of seriousness" which the whole series trails around.

Again, gameplay is fine; writing is awful.

im not really following how wacky characters existing in mgs2 make a summary of its narrative as simply 'the government is lying to you' an honest assessment. limiting it just to that completely overlooks how the game utilizes a metanarrative in a way to make a statement about its fanbase and how it was acutely aware of its own marketing and hype as a sequel in a hit franchise.

while its always been true that kojima is in dire need of an editor and is inelegant and clumsy at best when it comes to microlevel storytelling, mgs2's thematic ambitions make it so that the literal plot really cannot be taken at face value. this is sadly lost in all games following mgs2 which play things completely straight ultimately culminating in the carnival of stupid that was mgs4.


The best part of MGS that I played (only played 1 and 2) was the Tanker mission from 2 because it kept the goofiness and anime ridiculousness and philosophy babble to a minimum. Other than Ocelot's talking Liquid Snake arm. That was terrible. The Tanker Mission was like a James Bond movie. It was worth experiencing MGS just for those 30 minutes.

If anyone agrees, is there any part of any other MGS that is as grounded and good as the Tanker Mission from MGS2?
It's OK TC not everything is for everyone. I think halo series is really bad but millions love it. But that's ok. We all have different opinions and tastes.
im not really following how wacky characters existing in mgs2 make a summary of its narrative as simply 'the government is lying to you' an honest assessment. limiting it just to that completely overlooks how the game utilizes a metanarrative in a way to make a statement about its fanbase and how it was acutely aware of its own marketing and hype as a sequel in a hit franchise.

while its always been true that kojima is in dire need of an editor and is inelegant and clumsy at best when it comes to microlevel storytelling, mgs2's thematic ambitions make it so that the literal plot really cannot be taken at face value. this is sadly lost in all games following mgs2 which play things completely straight ultimately culminating in the carnival of stupid that was mgs4.

As I said in a previous thread, if you want to assign a greater value to the 'meta' aspect of the game, that's fine. But even so, all the silly garbage that surrounds it cheapens the impact of any of the seriousness that the game tries to push on you. Ambition is all great, too, but what it amounts to is little more than a man tripping over his own feet, then getting up and yelling "TA-DA!"

This happens about 50 times in a row, and gets less entertaining with each successive fall.

L Thammy

Most of my friends hate Metal Gear Solid and think Kojima is a hack. Though that might be because someone else forced them to watch while he marathoned the entire series.


I've never heard of sonic kissing a girl or a hamster getting crucified. It sure does seem hard to come up with examples. Metal Gear gets more "actually called out" for it's story than any other game I can remember. Nobody's ever going to have this conversation about splinter cell.

That's because Splinter Cell, by and large, has a consistent tone throughout the series and doesn't swing back and forth between brooding and anime wackiness in the span of a few minutes. Metal Gear has such a campy style and the dialogue is so unnatural that it frequently conflicts with the bizarre techno-philosophizing and contemplations on the nature of war/humanity.

The "Hollywood style" is what Kojima has always aspired to, so I'm not sure why you mention it as though it's some kind of perjorative. Consistency of tone is a goal for most storytellers though though, Hollywood aside.


You are not alone my fellow gamer, i too dont get it. I tried playing the first one on ps1 and got stuck trying to get to the elevator on the first stage and was like nah im out not my cup of tea
There was a lot of people that said the original Matrix they just didn't understand.
Sometimes your lack of understanding of a subject or elements of something can change your prospective and in this class make it less enjoyable or more enjoyable, it all depends.
My mates girlfriend loves MGS but she don't play it, she watches my mate play it.
But he rather play Fifa.
It's the exactly same reason why people don't get video games and people that play them.
Don't mean to be that guy and don't take this the wrong way but there's no other way to say it other then it's your lack of understanding the story that causing the problem maybe.
You even said MGS2 was terrible, yet it's ingenious really....if you understand it.
Same with Films, Films can be too smart for their own good and receive bad reviews because of it.

But ya not the only one.
This is like the most pretentious thing ever. "You didn't understand it" is what pretentious people say when other people point out that their bad thing was bad. It's a justification their deluded brain makes in order to avoid being depressed. It's pretty pathetic really.


I played that Ground Zeroes or whatever and nothing really grabbed my interest there. Seemed to be okay but //shrug.


Neo Member
MGS is definitely a strange animal. You always get the feeling that it doesn't quite take itself too seriously. I guess that's why I love the series do much.
It's OK TC not everything is for everyone. I think halo series is really bad but millions love it. But that's ok. We all have different opinions and tastes.

Yup, I think CoD and madden are horrible and yet millions love it. Just because you're not into a game doesn't take the genius behind it at least that's what I think. For instance bloodborne is amazing however it's just isn't for me.
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