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I found some old video game drawings from my childhood

Today I stumbled upon an old binder while cleaning up my storage room. The binder was full of childhood drawings from the 90's, amongst them a great deal of video game drawings. I was hit hard by nostalgia viewing them, and I thought I would share them with gaf for fun sake.
I was around 10 years old when I made these drawings. Although the perspective could use some work, I'm rather amazed that I had the patience to fill out every damn space on the papers, especially considered how big some of those spaces are. The ocd must have been strong XD.
I had some more random Yoshi and other Mario character drawings that I omitted as there are more than enough in the OP already, and these are somewhat connected in a theme. For some reason I was able to remember that I also had drawn a lot of scenes from GoldenEye 007 (1997, N64), but they must have been thrown out unfortunately.

I was raised with Nintendo consoles and the late 90's were defined by the Nintendo 64 to me, but if anyone else got some video game drawings from their childhood feel free to share. :)

Mario Kart 64 (1997, N64)













Yoshi's Story (1998, N64)



Star Fox 64 (1997, N64)





Bomberman 64 (1997, N64)













I was raised with Nintendo consoles and the late 90's were defined by the Nintendo 64 to me, but if anyone else got some video game drawings from their childhood feel free to share. :)

I have my own mess of black-and-white "comics" (Mega Man and Mario stuff). If this thread survives to that point, I'll happily post my own.

Thanks for sharing your own childhood artwork unashamed!


damn. these are awesome.

I wish I was cool enough to draw video games back when I was a kid. I think I spent most of my time making mazes.
I definitely have a collection of fake Pokemon cards and Mario Kart maps I drew when I was a kid. Probably some other stuff too, but those are the ones I'm sure about.

You are braver than I for posting these.


These are so great. Thanks for sharing! I did a lot of drawings myself at that age. Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby, etc. I'll see if I can post a few later.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Now that you make me think about it for some reason i have never drawn videogames characters, and i love videogames since i was a little child...


This is a neat thread.

Do you still draw pictures now? It would be a hilarious comparison to see how your skills have improved.


These are great. I take you it played as Toad a lot in MK64 ;)

I am also dying to know the story behind the weird cave man face hiding in the bottom of this one:



In art class in high school, all I did was pretty much just draw video game characters. My art teacher got mad at me for it, saying that I need to draw other things, so I drew a YooHoo bottle and got an A+ on it. Also my Link drawing was apparently so good the teacher thought I traced it.


I used to draw Prince of Persia a lot (one of the older if not the oldest version), I even made him a partner that looked like Guy from Final Fight and some new levels and enemies.

Sadly, I lost all my drawings.


When I was about 10 or 11 I drew the front cover of Streets of Rage. It took me around 3 or 4 days to complete.

I used to still have it until a couple of years ago but I think I've thrown it away now.


Wish I had kept my 100+ deck of Pokemon cards I made with completely new Pokemon. I also had a drawing of a bunch of Pokemon on a mountain which was framed for some time.

That was probably my best work ever.
I designed a ton of video games and board games as a kid.

I made characters on little paper handles that fit inside slots cut into the paper so that you could move them back and forth, make them jump, etc.

I remember I made Super Mario Bros. 4 where you could see the top of items jutting out from question blocks, thus negating the purpose of the question mark entirely, because as a young kid I was annoyed at not knowing what was in them.
Haha, that's great.

I did something very similar to this when I first got my NES when I was 6. I drew a comic of the very first level of Super Mario Bros, showing every jump, enemy, block layout, etc.

It was probably the most boring comic book ever made.
So... uh... after some brief searching I found this, ahahaha. I believe the stars are supposed to imply that it was holographic... or something...

Considering what age I likely was at the time this was drawn, I was clearly not an artistically gifted child. It looks like it was drawn by someone several years younger, heh. Yours are pretty amazing in comparison!

The sad part is that my relative artistic talent (or lack thereof) has surely stuck with me since.

anyways there's my gotta-go-fast-tier childhood art
i no longer have any shame
damn you neogaf
This is a neat thread.

Do you still draw pictures now? It would be a hilarious comparison to see how your skills have improved.
I don't draw today, perhaps in another life, I defintely got the talent, just not the patience. But occasionally I do hit the ink and somehow it's always gaming related:









Metroid Maps



Pokemon Ghosts







These are great. I take you it played as Toad a lot in MK64 ;)

I am also dying to know the story behind the weird cave man face hiding in the bottom of this one:
Pretty sure I was bored to no end by having to fill out so much paper that I decided to draw other things, and then realizing the error midway XD

Haha, pretty spot on in style though XD


Haha, that's awesome OP. I wish I could find some of the ones me and my best friend from highschool used to draw of Myth II Soulblighter. We used to draw comiceque panels and give them to each other in between classes to laugh about.
Good stuff OP, some great colouring in. I remember designing a some enemies for Mega Man (one of the earliest Game Boy games I ever owned), I used to draw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I'd do big Star Wars space battles with a backdrop of Star Destroyers and rebel ships engaging with TIE Fighters in the foreground.


The oldest game drawings I have are from when I was in high school, so that's no fun : ( Also when I was in 9th grade, in art class, we had to do a clay project of whatever we wanted, so I made Mizar's palace from Jet Force Gemini.

But man, when I was little, like 4 or 5, I'd draw Link's items from Zelda on cardboard and cut them out so I could "use" them, including sword and shield. I'd also draw whole game scenes out on long rolls of paper, make a fake paper Game Boy, and pull the scene roll through the paper Game Boy to simulate a game being played. That's kind of sad now that I think about it :p

When I was 12, I'd draw Earthworm Jim on my desk every day. The picture from when a level is starting.

I don't think I drew too much stuff between those things, though. I was more of a make believe kind of kid, pinning pillow cases to my shirt as Super Mario capes and such.

I also drew a lot of Sonic and Earthworm Jim. They were pretty good too.

Ooh, this reminded me I used to draw a lot of Sonic as well. Start with the hot dog bun shaped mouth. Then the giant connected eyes, like two hills. Then the head, remembering the indent near the eye closes to the head. Then the one visible ear. Then the spikes. Pretty sure I also did some Sonic flipbooks where he's roll through tunnels.


I had this Ren & Stimpy game on my Sega Megadrive that I would pause and then draw the entire scene. No idea why, other than being a really big Ren & Stimpy fan at the time.
I'm pretty sure I threw them out when we moved. I used to stumble upon them from time to time.
I also drew a lot of Sonic and Earthworm Jim. They were pretty good too.
But man, when I was little, like 4 or 5, I'd draw Link's items from Zelda on cardboard and cut them out so I could "use" them, including sword and shield. I'd also draw whole game scenes out on long rolls of paper, make a fake paper Game Boy, and pull the scene roll through the paper Game Boy to simulate a game being played. That's kind of sad now that I think about it :p

That's not sad, that's awesome! I remember doing stuff like that too.

My parents used to limit me to 1-2 hours of gaming a day, but I wanted to play so much more...so I would read and re-read the awesome NES manuals, copy the art from them, and draw and design all kinds of games.


I have an entire 8x11 notebook filled with variations of Kirby on different types of drugs (drug needles, surrounded by alcohol and guns). I can't seem to find it. I was an off kid.


Awesome pictures - I used to draw a lot when I was younger but there is no way I still have any of those.


This reminds me of how much I loved me some Bomberman 64.

This also reminds me of how I used to redraw Mega Man X art back in the day.


you can't put a price on sparks
interesting stuff. i used to enjoy coloring a lot more than actually drawing, but i did draw stuff occasionally. i would just never color it since it always looked worse when i did.

i always asked other people to draw me something from a game so i could color it.


provides useful feedback
Ah man, this makes me want to find some of my old drawings I used to do. I wonder if they're still about.

I do have sketches and drawings I did for a Zelda fangame years and years and years ago, but nothing to hand when I was in my early teens, sadly. Perhaps my dad kept them.
Thanks for sharing op! My inner ten year old is jealous of your skills!

This takes me back. I remember pouring through game manuals and magazines as a kid, drawing all the hero and enemy portraits, and designing my own "original" characters in those styles. My favorite was always the Mega Man X series because each new game would bring a slate of new bosses and armors to draw. The original Yoshi's Island was also amazingly good fodder for this. I remember its crayon stylings just setting my imagination on fire back in the day. Oh, and the cast of street fighter! I remember obsessively trying to draw the world warriors and failing miserably every time because I didn't know how muscles worked. Ah man, good times.
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