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I know we all hate Trump, but is going for his impeachment so hard a bad thing?


I'll preface this thread with the fact I have a Masters and am working on my PhD in Political Science and that I am also an evil Jewish Libertarian. Socially liberal and fiscally moderate.

Anyways, we can all agree among ourselves that Trump is terrible and that he is a puppet. His Presidency is a disaster so far. Etc etc. I know short term thinking suggests impeaching him is good because we all hate him. I argue that while we hate him the best chance to wrest the Presidency from his and Republican hands is to let him finish his four years of glory and oust him in the next election.

Let's look at some very brief facts because I don't want to type the long version. Basically even if you oust Trump the executive is still in Republican hands, and it will be in the hands of Pence. That's the same Pence who thinks electroshock therapy is a great tool to use on gay people to make them straight. Yes Trump is vain, has no filter, and is a bully, but Pence is quiet and competent evil. If you want to put this in D&D alignment terms Pence would be Lawful Evil and Trump would be Chaotic Neutral. He's a puppet for Pence and his cronies. A puppet that a lot of people are really beginning to hate.

So if he is ousted we will get Pence and the Democratic party will have expended any little bit of political capitol they have on getting rid of him. This same level of hate and ire does not exist for Pence. I would say people may even want to give Pence a chance for a term or two because Trump was ousted, etc.

Instead of working so hard to impeach Trump instead you make sure you have a quality candidate for the next election and lay the ground work to make sure he is a one and done President. He has given you plenty of ammunition to do it and if you oust Trump it's still the same government that is in place right now passing the same things and targeting the same people. The people that come after Trump will appear like reasoned adults and that will earn them good will. We do not want that good will spent on someone like Pence.

Would be interested to hear what others think. Also, keep in mind this is a devil's advocate position to stimulate conversation. No need to hurl insults at me because I am mentioning there could be a blowback scenario for ousting Trump jackals.


Pence is not a Russian stooge and while he would make for a shitty President that must be fought, the chaotic evil shit that is spewing out of Trump at a near hourly rate is insane. Pence would be LEAGUES better.


Yes, it could be. Depending on if the republican party can shift the blame.

Worst case you're handing Pence the 2020 elections.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
He's an incompetent dumb moron Russian stooge who was almost certainly peed on. No.
No. If anything, impeachment happening and the next President not just pardoning him is almost necessary for a lot of people to have faith in our government again.


Pence is not a Russian stooge and while he would make for a shitty President that must be fought, the chaotic evil shit that is spewing out of Trump at a near hourly rate is insane. Pence would be LEAGUES better.

I really doubt anyone in this admin isn't at the very lessst complicit in what happened. Pence won't be around much longer than Trump
Pence is not a Russian stooge and while he would make for a shitty President that must be fought, the chaotic evil shit that is spewing out of Trump at a near hourly rate is insane. Pence would be LEAGUES better.

Pence ain't clean. He knew about Flynn being compromised and did nothing to protect the nation's secrets from a foreign agent.


There's bad and then there's catastrophic. Having just a bad Republican president would be a substantial upgrade at this point.


Impeachment isn't removal of the president, it's putting the president on trial for crimes he may have committed. If he is found guilty of said crimes, then he is removed as president. I think Trump can be removed from office on various things, but until he is proven guilty, nothing happens to him.


Kills Photobucket
We're getting shirt, regressive GOP policies regardless of who's in the White House.

But Pence would be somewhat competent on the world stage.


there shuoldn't be a "so hard" component. The man doesn't need to be in charge. The man did things that make impeachment a good idea. The effort level is a side issue. It really shouldn't take more effort than logically necessary. all the extra bullshit political theater is the problem.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
A Pence Presidency will be the lamest duck that ever was. If Trump's whole administration minus Pence and whoever else goes down, the Democrats haven't wasted their political capital. The wave is coming in 2018, and if somehow Trump is gone before then, it isn't like Pence and the GOP are going to be able to craft any sort of legislation. They have all three branches right now and can barely get anything done. The stink of Trump will linger on long after he's gone.


I have incredibly mixed feelings on this topic.

Would I like him impeached? Sure.

Am I fearful of what a more competent Mike Pence would do as President? Absolutely. He might find himself crippled with public opinion, but that doesn't appear to be stopping anyone in the GOP right now from pursuing their policy goals.

Do I really think that there are 20-something GOP Senators who would be able to override fear of their constituents and vote for removal? Nope. No way in hell.

The most I can realistically hope for is that Trump and the GOP brand become so poisonous that 2018 is an amazing repudiation at the polls.


Pence is a shitty Republican no doubt, but he would be a president, he wouldn't shred the constitution in an attempt to be a dictator. What Trump is doing is basically destruction.

Now imagine if Trump is impeached. What do you think is going to happen to the party? President Pence would basically spend the next 2 years or so with his head down. He won't be pushing any huge agendas with the country already having lost their faith in the party.

He would be a limp president just waiting for the Democrats to take the seat.

Now all that said, I don't think Trump gets impeached. The Republicans are not getting off this train. Their greed has the best of them. They see chances to make themselves richer. But I don't think he gets reelected with a not Hillary Democrat candidate so we just have to somehow survive the next 3 years.

Costa Kid

I agree. I think Pence would be able to do awful and evil things, fully aware of what he's doing, and if wouldn't get much media attention at all. Whereas Trump just does as he's told and through his own stupidity has the media talking about every single little detail.

I truly believe Pence would be re-elected as well if Trump got impeached. This is not what the US needs in 2020.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I'd personally prefer he continued as an inept dipshit. Right now he can't get a damn thing done because he doesn't understand his own fucking job, the republicans are still infighting, and enough people on the left and middle are rallying to block him. Let him continue being a lame duck for now.

Of course I would be just as happy to see his treasonous bigoted ass impeached. It's just that I'm hoping his incompetence prevents republican policies from being widely passed and enacted.
Instead of working so hard to impeach Trump instead you make sure you have a quality candidate for the next election and lay the ground work to make sure he is a one and done President. He has given you plenty of ammunition to do it and if you oust Trump it's still the same government that is in place right now passing the same things and targeting the same people. The people that come after Trump will appear like reasoned adults and that will earn them good will. We do not want that good will spent on someone like Pence.

I can agree on this point since I see impeachment being almost impossible without a Democrat led Congress. At this moment, elections are the one thing that we can count on occurring, gerrymandering and harsh voting laws aside.
There's bad and then there's catastrophic. Having just a bad Republican president would be a substantial upgrade at this point.
It boggles the mind when one has to accept how true this is and I bleed the bluest of blue.
I'd personally prefer he continued as an inept dipshit. Right now he can't get a damn thing done because he doesn't understand his own fucking job, the republicans are still infighting, and enough people on the left and middle are rallying to block him. Let him continue being a lame duck for now.

Of course I would be just as happy to see his treasonous bigoted ass impeached. It's just that I'm hoping his incompetence prevents republican policies from being widely passed and enacted.
Then again I also know this to be true. His incompetence is astounding to the point that government is practically paralyzed and I can't say it's the worst thing in the world when hardcore alt-right loons currently control Congress and the White House.

Mr. X

Pence is compromised and Trump is committing treason. Neither are surviving this. Nothing happening in Congress is silver lining to this shitshow.


I just think it's unrealistic. A lot of people getting way too hyped and constantly think impeachment is right around the corner - gonna result in serious boozing when he's sworn in for second term.


Trump is dangerously unstable and incredibly corrupt & corruptible. It's the difference between a madman and an evil person with a sense of self preservation. Trump needs to be removed from power and replace with someone mentally stable.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I think this is why some people hope to bring down Trump and a lot of the shitstains that surround him instead of just Trump himself.

I'm not sure if Pence would be an improvement over Trump. You're right in that he'll just be a competent evil rather than an incompetent evil. Still, with the White House seemingly being permanently on fire, Pence might be an improvement in that regard because a competent GOP administration might still run the country better than Trump and his gang of morons.

But I'm not totally sure, because part of me thinks I suspect the GOP would still push through many of the same policies that Trump has, but without Trump constantly acting like a moron and shooting himself in the foot. It's obvious that Trump didn't write that horrible health care replacement bill, but is too incompetent to push it through. If you gave something like that to Pence and a competent GOP administration that doesn't have to put up with Trump, then such a bill might have a much better chance of going through. And that thought terrifies me.

But on the other hand, Trump is seriously unhinged and may start a war during his administration for super petty reasons... Not to mention he's obviously a Russian plant.


Unconfirmed Member
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it to all Republicans trying to "but what about Pence" the anti-Trump sentiment: Pence might be shitty but I'm pretty sure under him the US will still be around by 2020, whereas I can't say the same about with Trump.


I just think it's unrealistic. A lot of people getting way too hyped and constantly think impeachment is right around the corner - gonna result in serious boozing when he's sworn in for second term.

Now this would be amazing and devestating. With his numbers I don't see how he wins, unless Hillary Clinton runs again.
Maybe impeachment wont happen. But for me, we need to keep exposing his shady and corrupt tactics to help drive up his negatives to ensure him and the GOP are toxic. Let's suck out their political capital so they can't pass their harmful policies. We need to be like the conservative media where they keep hammering their narrative in the country no matter what.
Ain't nobody scared of a failed governor, who is already tainted by being a part of this shit show. Impeach the imminent threat and hand Pence his ass in 2020.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
If the President committed a crime, he should be impeached. You can't keep a criminal in office because you don't like his replacement. Pense is far more qualified to govern anyway.
I think discrediting his and Republican policies is more important than blindly opposing him as an individual. Yes, a moronic orange cheeto as president harms us all, but focusing entirely on him allows shit like the Republican senate getting close to approving Trumpcare under the radar.
Why not both? Impeach trump and have quality candidate for next election. So much damage in relations with allies in such a short time.
This is honestly, obnoxiously stupid. Yes, we should ignore a president that may have collided with a hostile foreign government and committed crimes because really we should be focusing on the next election. No, how about we use our laws like we are supposed to and prosecute and punish people who violate our laws and purposefully harm our country. This isn't some partisan nonsense, he is doing things that may be illegal but you seem to want to reduce it down to "partisan politics". Shameful




I agree in so far that Democrats have to get their shit and built up a candidate. Its a both thing, not instead.

No. He already did too much damage to US - rest of the world relations. This shit is not sustainable.

Thats one thing people tend to overlook. There are some check and balances when it comes to stuff within USA, but there is practically nothing to his actions affecting other countries. And we already see the fruits of that... Paris Climate Accord, Global Gag Rule, Qatar crisis, being Putin's b**ch, the NATO out of all organizations not able to trust and rely on USA....

its a unprecedented disaster.
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