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If I could go back to the start I would

You'll look back and think how silly this was to feel so bent out of shape.

It's all in the chemicals, and you need to alter yours, pronto. Go to the gym, take the opportunity to do things you wouldn't be able to with a ball and chain, and reprogram your brain for a new reality.

Happens all around the world, everyday. Your drama isn't even a drop in the bucket. Now get going and explore the unknown!
What happened to the co-worker you were infatuated with 2 months ago op?


Or the girl on facebook you were obsessed with last month?


When did you have time to fit your (ex)girlfriend in?


What happened to the co-worker you were infatuated with 2 months ago op?


Or the girl on facebook you were obsessed with last month?


When did you have time to fit your (ex)girlfriend in?

Ahhhhh. I know everyone's laughing but I actually kind of feel bad for OP. Because this behavior is totally unhealthy for him and everyone around him. Take this time OP to work on yourself and to get your mind right, you and others around you will have a happier life by doing so. And also, don't do stupid shit and then blame it on the "feels".

With that said, this chain of events is a giant bag of WTF.


I'm assuming the girl was never his gf, yeah he may be a liar, exaggerated and whatever. But many of you could learn to say it without going full on mean and copying the same Jesus christ, creepy blah blah posts you always do. Want to treat people well but then many of you show you don't actually

As a woman: no. I'm sick of being expected to "play nice" and "consider the feelings ;-;" of weird, creepy, stalker behavior, like it's not some big deal for the women involved in this shit. We're not his therapist, and OP is practically a fucking stalker who lusts after his employees. Completely blocked this girl, but knows she has a boyfriend and implies he knows when they're together? OP should look at these harsh responses and try and learn something about himself.

So many people in this forum think that "being nice" to racists, sexists, and people exhibiting dangerous behaviors is going to magically fix them.
I'm assuming the girl was never his gf, yeah he may be a liar, exaggerated and whatever. But many of you could learn to say it without going full on mean and copying the same Jesus christ, creepy blah blah posts you always do. Want to treat people well but then many of you show you don't actually
I'm not surprised a thief is telling other people to stop criticising creepy behaviour.
As a woman: no. I'm sick of being expected to "play nice" and "consider the feelings ;-;" of weird, creepy, stalker behavior, like it's not some big deal for the women involved in this shit. We're not his therapist, and OP is practically a fucking stalker who lusts after his employees. Completely blocked this girl, but knows she has a boyfriend and implies he knows when they're together? OP should look at these harsh responses and try and learn something about himself.

So many people in this forum think that "being nice" to racists, sexists, and people exhibiting dangerous behaviors is going to magically fix them.



As a woman: no. I'm sick of being expected to "play nice" and "consider the feelings ;-;" of weird, creepy, stalker behavior, like it's not some big deal for the women involved in this shit. We're not his therapist, and OP is practically a fucking stalker who lusts after his employees. Completely blocked this girl, but knows she has a boyfriend and implies he knows when they're together? OP should look at these harsh responses and try and learn something about himself.

So many people in this forum think that "being nice" to racists, sexists, and people exhibiting dangerous behaviors is going to magically fix them.
Seriously this 👆
If I could change I would take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could stand up and take the blame I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave I would
If I could change I would take back the pain I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made I would
If I could stand up and take the blame I would
I would take all the shame to the grave

I knew the thread title reminded me of something

To be without you
A sea with no shore
To live without you is like a room without a door
And I keep wishing I could break free
If you would come back here and free me
This thread has been kindof a rollercoaster. Like, if it started in a trench and just went down... I guess it's kindof more like a plane crash that started at ground level and just cratered down. I dunno, either way I'm just waiting for OPs return.
As a woman: no. I'm sick of being expected to "play nice" and "consider the feelings ;-;" of weird, creepy, stalker behavior, like it's not some big deal for the women involved in this shit. We're not his therapist, and OP is practically a fucking stalker who lusts after his employees. Completely blocked this girl, but knows she has a boyfriend and implies he knows when they're together? OP should look at these harsh responses and try and learn something about himself.

So many people in this forum think that "being nice" to racists, sexists, and people exhibiting dangerous behaviors is going to magically fix them.

Women can be creepy too. I had a bad run in with one last year. I was kind of shocked :/
As a woman: no. I'm sick of being expected to "play nice" and "consider the feelings ;-;" of weird, creepy, stalker behavior, like it's not some big deal for the women involved in this shit. We're not his therapist, and OP is practically a fucking stalker who lusts after his employees. Completely blocked this girl, but knows she has a boyfriend and implies he knows when they're together? OP should look at these harsh responses and try and learn something about himself.

So many people in this forum think that "being nice" to racists, sexists, and people exhibiting dangerous behaviors is going to magically fix them.

I'm pretty sure if we WERE his therapist, we still wouldn't be telling him anything he does is okay. We'd probably be force-committing him to rehab for the substance abuse instead.


Women can be creepy too. I had a bad run in with one last year. I was kind of shocked :/

Everyone can be shitty or creepy, but women are the ones who deal with this shit the most. You have one bad run in last year you can think of? I have lost count of all the harassment I have dealt with based purely on my gender. I've been followed home, another friend has been followed by cars on three occasions, my mom has been followed in grocery stores, a friend of mine had a lit cigarette flicked at her from a random guy on the street, another friend has stopped leaving the house with stylish makeup or revealing clothes because of comments from men, I've had strange men block my path while walking, men make comments at my work about how my scarf makes it look like I'm not wearing clothes, men try to ask me in detail what body hair I like (again, while at work), I've had a former male "friend" tell me half a decade after high school that I was nice because I never "led him on" (inferring it was because of my boyfriend), a married man in Wendy's tell me he'd like to have my legs while his wife was in the bathroom, a man ask to kiss me after talking to him maybe 5 minutes, etc etc etc.

So yes, women can be creepy too, but that's not even relevant to this OP, and it's usually not a constant reality that guys live in. And it's just as fucked up when women do this shit.

I'm pretty sure if we WERE his therapist, we still wouldn't be telling him anything he does is okay. We'd probably be force-committing him to rehab for the substance abuse instead.

For real. Dude definitely needs to stop drinking.


She is still the center of my universe and some other man has her wrapped in his arms. But you're right I have gone through this and it will pass. But I would bend over backwards just to get a chance to experience and feel her soft hair on my shoulders

There's your problem, you think you're the shit and that you deserve her and no one else does. Forget another guy being with her, if she was never with you in the first place it's pointless fawning over her.

Said with true experience and many a depression that left me emotionally crippled. Need to get over yourself and her, God's speed!


"Guys, I got arrested for stalking. The cop was... Just absolutely beautiful. We hit it off I think but I don't want to make her jealous as I'm pretty sure my probation officer now has the hots for me and I don't know what to do. Please help, GAF. I'd give anything to feel that sweet police woman's hair on a stick in my closet again."
She is still the center of my universe and some other man has her wrapped in his arms. But you're right I have gone through this and it will pass. But I would bend over backwards just to get a chance to experience and feel her soft hair on my shoulders
This is even creepier in context of the other threads and the fact that you never dated this chick.
Either OP is someone very young playing a character so to speak as a way to garner attention or he has a very serious mental health issue that is worsening due to clear signs of alcoholism.

In any event, you need to get yourself in check. Visit a professional for some evaluation, get a hobby that keeps you away from the bottle and the internet and most importantly, step away from the phone and computer. Your post history suggests some very sinister, disturbing things about you and you would do well to take a break from the constant pressures of social media, GAF and other places that give you a platform to preach your innermost private thoughts unfiltered.

I seriously hope you listen to many of us in this thread and consider that you are not well mentally and you need some serious help with your issues. This is not how a normal adult thinks, acts or speaks and I worry that you will become a threat to yourself and others like this girl. Please step away from the internet and the bottle and seek a professional to help you work through these issues.
Everyone can be shitty or creepy, but women are the ones who deal with this shit the most. You have one bad run in last year you can think of? I have lost count of all the harassment I have dealt with based purely on my gender. I've been followed home, another friend has been followed by cars on three occasions, my mom has been followed in grocery stores, a friend of mine had a lit cigarette flicked at her from a random guy on the street, another friend has stopped leaving the house with stylish makeup or revealing clothes because of comments from men, I've had strange men block my path while walking, men make comments at my work about how my scarf makes it look like I'm not wearing clothes, men try to ask me in detail what body hair I like (again, while at work), I've had a former male "friend" tell me half a decade after high school that I was nice because I never "led him on" (inferring it was because of my boyfriend), a married man in Wendy's tell me he'd like to have my legs while his wife was in the bathroom, a man ask to kiss me after talking to him maybe 5 minutes, etc etc etc.

So yes, women can be creepy too, but that's not even relevant to this OP, and it's usually not a constant reality that guys live in. And it's just as fucked up when women do this shit.

For real. Dude definitely needs to stop drinking.

Damn that's really terrible. Do you live in a third world country?
What happened to the co-worker you were infatuated with 2 months ago op?


Or the girl on facebook you were obsessed with last month?


When did you have time to fit your (ex)girlfriend in?

lmao always hilarious and creepy in gaf's capability to always spot up the right topics

OP, you need to calm the fuck down dude. Also stop obsessing over people who don't even dig you back, it's embarrassing.



OP, you need to get sober...and perhaps it's time to find a hobby (that's not substance abuse) and get lost in it for a while. Even find a good TV show and binge to get your mind off it. Just do something other than sitting around, drinking and moping.
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