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If you were an uncontested Republican US president in 2016, what would you do?

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solid list. What about abortions and oil though.

Good point

-It's illegal for women to have jobs
-Women are taught how to cook, clean and have sex.
-Abortions are illegal
-Birth control is banned
-Viagra is free for males though (insurance will continue to cover it)
-Drill all the oil
-Bring back indentured servants (prisoners are good candidates)
-Enforce death penalty in every state, remove due process and appeals (fast track baby!)


- Demand congress pass immigration reform and border security to be tripled.
- Continue Obama's program of giving MRAPs to law enforcement for $1. However, send a bunch to the border for potential backlash from cartels.
- Demand congress fix Obamacare rather than repeal.
- Increase import taxes and lower taxes on US companies.
- Increase military spending on proven technologies.
- Increase military spending on new military technology research.
- Lower taxes on the middle class.
- Get rid of loopholes in food stamps, affordable housing, tax breaks.
- Enforce tax evasion laws and close loopholes.
- Go after health care fraud.
- Tell FBI and DEA to focus on Drug Trafficking rather than small-time drug sellers. Go after the big imports of drugs and use NSA intelligence to stop the national violence.
- Go after gangs and put gangs in the terrorist list.
- Increase education spending
- Go after more trade partnerships with existing allies.
- Mend relationships with the Americas.
-Obamacare is gone, we'll have corporations control healthcare.
-Increase taxes on middle class, lessen taxes on the rich so the money can trickle down.
-Increase the military budget
-Get rid of NASA
-Get rid of Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare
-Remove evolution from school and replace with Creationism
-Remove Separation of Church & State
-Close the border to Mexico, put illegals in internment camps
-remove all restrictions on guns
-Bring back 20 to 1 on crack/cocaine
-Make stand your ground legal in all 50 states
-Ban gay marriage
-Ban interracial marriage
-Remove all those anti discrimination civil rights laws from the 60s
-Get rid of unions
-Remove minimum wage

NASA usually gets a higher budget when Repubs are in right? I remember NDT talking about that.
-Obamacare is gone, we'll have corporations control healthcare.
-Increase taxes on middle class, lessen taxes on the rich so the money can trickle down.
-Increase the military budget
-Get rid of NASA
-Get rid of Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare
-Remove evolution from school and replace with Creationism
-Remove Separation of Church & State
-Close the border to Mexico, put illegals in internment camps
-remove all restrictions on guns
-Bring back 20 to 1 on crack/cocaine
-Make stand your ground legal in all 50 states
-Ban gay marriage
-Ban interracial marriage
-Remove all those anti discrimination civil rights laws from the 60s
-Get rid of unions
-Remove minimum wage

No minimum wage, Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare, and easy access to guns with "Stand your ground laws", goddamn. Nothing like sick, tired, angry, hungry armed masses to get the freedoms going.


-Obamacare is gone, we'll have corporations control healthcare.
-Increase taxes on middle class, lessen taxes on the rich so the money can trickle down.
-Increase the military budget
-Get rid of NASA
-Get rid of Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare
-Remove evolution from school and replace with Creationism
-Remove Separation of Church & State
-Close the border to Mexico, put illegals in internment camps
-remove all restrictions on guns
-Bring back 20 to 1 on crack/cocaine
-Make stand your ground legal in all 50 states
-Ban gay marriage
-Ban interracial marriage
-Remove all those anti discrimination civil rights laws from the 60s
-Get rid of unions
-Remove minimum wage

You forgot getting rid of the EPA and making all abortions illegal otherwise a pretty good list.


The only sane thing, the complete opposite of what my party wants. Basically I'd get a complete goal list of my party and just work in the complete opposite direction.


-Obamacare is gone, we'll have corporations control healthcare.
-Increase taxes on middle class, lessen taxes on the rich so the money can trickle down.
-Increase the military budget
-Get rid of NASA
-Get rid of Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare
-Remove evolution from school and replace with Creationism
-Remove Separation of Church & State
-Close the border to Mexico, put illegals in internment camps
-remove all restrictions on guns
-Bring back 20 to 1 on crack/cocaine
-Make stand your ground legal in all 50 states
-Ban gay marriage
-Ban interracial marriage
-Remove all those anti discrimination civil rights laws from the 60s
-Get rid of unions
-Remove minimum wage

Too liberal. I would:

-Increase taxes on both middle and lower class. Lower taxes on the rich.
-Increase the military budget and fill Europe with bases
-Outlaw foodstamps for lower and middle class. Allow for upperclass.
-Outlaw the NAACP. Build NAAWP (National Association for the Advancement of White People)
-Indentured servitude brought back
-Bring back the electric chair and guillotine
-Death penalty for drug offenses
-Require that every household owns a Bible
-Require that every household owns a portrait of Ronald Reagan
-Require that every household owns a portrait of Jesus
-American flags flown outside every home
-Increase the cost of college education tenfold
-A fee of $500 required to vote

Edit: On a serious note, they should make a game of this. Instead of an evil genius-type game, make it Evil Politician.


Not trust in the party, trust in the depth of my magical pockets.


Solve the issue of illegal immigration by conquering and annexing Mexico. Now everybody's a legal citizen. While I'm at it, Manifest Destiny 2.0. Once everybody is American, nobody will bitch about Americans calling themselves Americans.


I would push congress to propose amendment to the constitution to do away with the income tax. Then have the states ratify it.

I would push congress to propose an amendment the constitution to make make only a flat national sales tax legal for the federal government.

I would push congress to propose an amendment to the constitution to limit spending as a percentage of GDP to 20% or below.

I would sign a law abolishing Medicare for individuals under 13 while continuing to keep the system the way it is except that people between the ages of 18 and 30 would be able to opt out of Medicare and opt in to the next law I'm about to sign.

All individuals 13 and below from whatever date enacted will receive a medical spending account that will receive 10% of all of their income and be used for medical care. This account will grow into their working years. The funds are transferable so that family members and well off friends can transfer their funds into struggling individuals accounts. You can donate and pass on unused funds to beneficiaries you specify in the case of death. Not only could the funds grow strong over time but it will encourage more competition and lower rates in the medical field because you would shop with your funds and if needed your other income. It wouldn't be an incomprehensible private insurance and government mess. People will know what services cost and be able to make a decision on what care they wanted. Medical prices might plummet.

The only money that the federal government would take from any individual would be from the flat sales tax on all transactions and then then 10% percent would go into their own medical saving account where it will only be available for their personal medical use. The rest is up to them.

The government would have to shrink to under 20% of GDP and the elected officials would have to prioritize.

Well, at least the thread had one real answer.


What a dumb, loaded question to post, knowing damn well the ridiculous responses everyone would post ("reinstate slavery", "kill poor people"). At least you folks are predictable.


Unconfirmed Member
- Ronald Reagan would be added to Mount Rushmore.
- Bring up treason charges against Obama. Trial at half time of the Super Bowl?
- Shutter the EPA, FDA, ATF, FEA, HUD, BIA, BLM, plus Departments of Education, Treasury, and HHS. Divert all these funds to the Department of Homeland Security.
- Push for the adoption of English as the official language of the US, then make it English literacy a base requirement to immigrate to the US.
- Outlaw abortion.
- Privatize Social Security & Medicare.
- Repeal Obamacare. Allow private insurers to sell across state lines. Designate a couple of them to be preferred providers. These would be selected based on their level of campaign contributions.
- Appoint Rush Limbaugh as the Secretary of State.
- Remove all limits on campaign finances.
- Build a 25 foot border fence with razor wire on top and a moat on the US side filled with naval mines.
- Everyone is allowed to conceal/carry when they get a Driver's License.
- Get rid of the minimum wage.
- Outlaw electric cars.
- Privatize the entire federal penal system. Mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines.


So let's pretend you were the Republican president after a successful 2016 U.S. campaign.

Let's also pretend that you magically also have congress in your pocket, and in general, you don't have to worry about the democrats whatsoever.

What would you do as Republican president? How would the Republican talking points manifest?

Oooo. Well hmm. I suppose I should keep it brief

1. Tax reform. Close all loopholes. Simplify it. General tax cuts.
2. Education reform. School vouchers, major overhaul.
3. Healthcare reform. I dont know that I would repeal Obamacare so much as try and make it obsolete with free market options and tax incentives.
4. Reform the immigration policies. Better processes to let many more good hardworking people get in, more enforcement to keep out criminals.
5. Abortion. Somewhere between Germany and the UK laws. Counseling/information given. Legal first trimester... 15 weeks.. somewhere in there. After that life of mother or severe birth disorder.
6. Social security reform. Make it personal accounts for anyone under say... 50.
7. Reduce spending on National Defense, pulling back, leaner etc.
8. Reduce spending on Medicare, made up for by tax breaks and open markets. I dont care if I'm a one term guy =p
9. Free market policies. Simplifying and streamlining regulations, opening trade.
10. I'm sure I'm forgetting something so I reserve 10 for that ;)
So let's pretend you were the Republican president after a successful 2016 U.S. campaign.

Let's also pretend that you magically also have congress in your pocket, and in general, you don't have to worry about the democrats whatsoever.

What would you do as Republican president? How would the Republican talking points manifest?

I would let the Republicans know that I trolled them through the entire campaign and unleash the most progressive administration that the US has ever seen!


Black Canada Mafia
What a dumb, loaded question to post, knowing damn well the ridiculous responses everyone would post ("reinstate slavery", "kill poor people"). At least you folks are predictable.

? I've gotten a lot of actually interesting responses - you think it's possible to make a GAF thread like this without a shitload of silliness? Also, in what way is it loaded? I didn't say "If you were a dumb, stupid face republican, how would you ruin the US of A!!?!?" - I just wanted a fun way to people to talk about what they think the Republican platform is, in general.

Do you think not a single poster actually did a halfway decent job?


-Obamacare is gone, we'll have corporations control healthcare.
-Increase taxes on middle class, lessen taxes on the rich so the money can trickle down.
-Increase the military budget
-Get rid of NASA
-Get rid of Food Stamps, unemployment benefits, Medicare
-Remove evolution from school and replace with Creationism
-Remove Separation of Church & State
-Close the border to Mexico, put illegals in internment camps
-remove all restrictions on guns
-Bring back 20 to 1 on crack/cocaine
-Make stand your ground legal in all 50 states
-Ban gay marriage
-Ban interracial marriage
-Remove all those anti discrimination civil rights laws from the 60s
-Get rid of unions
-Remove minimum wage

Republicans like NASA, but other then that it's spot on. I would also try to find away to gerrymander future presidential elections so the GOP can stay in power forever!

Edit: Also, get rid of the Dept of Education, we don't need that shit!


? I've gotten a lot of actually interesting responses - you think it's possible to make a GAF thread like this without a shitload of silliness? Also, in what way is it loaded? I didn't say "If you were a dumb, stupid face republican, how would you ruin the US of A!!?!?" - I just wanted a fun way to people to talk about what they think the Republican platform is, in general.

Do you think not a single poster actually did a halfway decent job?
I dunno, did they? http://www.gop.com/2012-republican-platform_home/


Black Canada Mafia

Woah that's a very large document, I skimmed it - and yeah a lot of posters hit on a lot of talking points. Tax reduction, anti-gay marriage stuff, some stuff about trying to get people to work for food stamps, LOTS of stuff about obamacare needing to be repealed, privatizing medicare/cade, cutting social security, removing regulations - there's more but I didn't want to read the whole thing.


Woah that's a very large document, I skimmed it - and yeah a lot of posters hit on a lot of talking points. Tax reduction, anti-gay marriage stuff, some stuff about trying to get people to work for food stamps, LOTS of stuff about obamacare needing to be repealed, privatizing medicare/cade, cutting social security, removing regulations - there's more but I didn't want to read the whole thing.
They used to have fights over these.

They still do, really nasty ones, but nobody gives a shit because nobody reads it and it's just a week long PR event.

Truman in 1948 infamously used the GOP platform against them because one wing of the party (the Dewey Progressives) controlled the platform and another wing (the Taft Conservatives) was dominant in Congress. So he essentially dared the Congress to pass their parties platform (which was more in line with Truman's positions), then when they did nothing he campaigned against the "do nothing Congress."


? I've gotten a lot of actually interesting responses - you think it's possible to make a GAF thread like this without a shitload of silliness? Also, in what way is it loaded? I didn't say "If you were a dumb, stupid face republican, how would you ruin the US of A!!?!?" - I just wanted a fun way to people to talk about what they think the Republican platform is, in general.

Do you think not a single poster actually did a halfway decent job?

My point is, knowing the political leanings of this forum, you have to have known the responses you were going to get, and you might as well have worded it that way. If you honestly had no malicious intent then I apologize. I am all for political discourse. Also,
I wouldn't say there have been a lot of reasonable responses, but yeah, there been a couple.


Looking for Pants
Couple of things I would try to do:
1. Treat income from any source as income with a progressive tax rate. Hopefully by pulling in capital gains and dividends, I would be able to reduce the progressive tax rates down for all brackets. I would sell it to the American people that I would be reducing taxes for all.
2. Reduce the payroll tax for employees and employers by eliminating the cap on social security funding which currently sits at 100k. A flat tax is better than what we have now.
3. Tax stock transactions at a small percentage say 0.2% to discourage speculators and high frequency trading. Use the money trading public corporations to finance an investment bank for infrastructure projects.
4. Do everything possible to help Iraq get back on their feet before the country goes into a full civil war and dissolves into nothingness.
5. Legalize marijuana at a federal level after Washington and Colorado has shown that nothing bad will happen. Leave it up to the states to decide if they want it to be legal.
6. Ride Obamacare out, unless someone gives me a better idea. Just because something isn't a perfect solution, doesn't mean it's not a step forward.
7. Do nothing to counter the gay marriage fight, it will end up being decided by the courts as pro-gay marriage.

Probably be my short list.


Neo Member
Be as conservative as possible, and target young voters. Encourage talk about families while simultaneously not talking about homosexuality. It's a states issue, and should remain a states issue. Offer an alternative fix to Obamacare, but not get dragged on it. Hammer Obama on his foreign policy and geopolitical threats. Russia, China.Talk about support for Israel.(it's a topic conservatives love). Also bring up unions and how they prevent competition by retaining bad teachers/cops when they could be let go.(another conservative talking point) The border. Have an incredibly strong ground game and match the Democrats dollar for dollar. Talk about rights, and expanding the STEM fields. How Engineering is necessary for the future. Be realistic, not grounded in hope.
remove tariffs and encourage free trade with more countries

reduce spending in all departments

invest in renewable sources of energy to decrease dependance on foreign oil from foreign dictator dicks

approve Canada's Keystone Pipeline project into the US, better make business with friendly neighbors than with theocratic dictators in the middle-east.

remove tax exemptions for religious institutions

cut funding for foreign nations ran by dictatorship and or have humans rights violations. Cut Pakistan lose, cut Israel lose, cut China lose, all of them cut off all foreign funding. Help America at home.

ban earmark pork barrel projects

introduce the guillotine as the form of capital punishment

complete the Star Wars program with all lasers pointing at Putin

militarize NASA, colonize Mars


remove tariffs and encourage free trade with more countries

reduce spending in all departments, including the military, hey if you gotta be frugal, do it on everything

invest in renewable sources of energy to decrease dependance on foreign oil from foreign dictator dicks

approve Canada's Keystone Pipeline project into the US, better make business with friendly neighbors than with theocratic dictators in the middle-east.

remove tax exemptions for religious institutions

cut funding for foreign nations ran by dictatorship and or have humans rights violations. Cut Pakistan lose, cut Israel lose, cut China lose, all of them cut off all foreign funding. Help America at home.

ban earmark pork barrel projects

introduce the guillotine as the form of capital punishment

complete the Star Wars program with all lasers pointing at Putin
That's almost a GOP platform I could take the time to vote for.


Neo Member
I wouldn't be surprised if the 2016 platform looks more like this than the 1996 platform.

Except for one thing. Something about invading Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out of America.

It won't. I guarantee it. I know a few higher ups in the party. My buddy runs the ground game for the NRA in a few states. It'll probably look more like when Regan ran, rhetoric is golden esp with Russia waking up and China being more aggressive. A strong foreign policy president is something they desperately need but he also has to be moderate.
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