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IGN: Vita is destined to sell better than 3DS


Jealous Bastard
theBishop said:
To the people who reacted strongly negative to this article:

What are you really arguing against here? I mean, how can you strongly feel that 3DS "deserves" to sell more based on what we know about both game libraries. I feel like some people here would be rooting for My Pet Rock to win out over Vita. Shouldn't you care about which system has the best games?

to see you try and set forth your assessment of one unreleased system's games as factually superior to another system's games is almost comical. if it were parody i would think you a savvy humorist, but i don't think it's parody, so i'll set forth this example--a statement about whether someone should travel to the united states or spain--to showcase how ludicrous your logic is:

What are you really arguing against here? I mean, how can you strongly feel that Spain "deserves" to have more tourism based on what we know about both places? I feel like some people here would be rooting for Antarctica to win out over the United States. Shouldn't you care about which country is the best?


theBishop said:
2 years. Because his standards for software lineup is so high that he knows he won't want one.

Oh, I know what he wrote. It's just that there's nothing out there called a PSPV, lol.


Fuck Cancer
beelzebozo said:
What are you really arguing against here? I mean, how can you strongly feel that Italy "deserves" to have more tourism based on what we know about both places? I feel like some people here would be rooting for Antarctica to win out over the United States. Shouldn't you care about which country is the best?

That's a funny variation.


theBishop said:
2 years. Because his standards for software lineup is so high that he knows he won't want one.

Or he suspects with some good reason that the bulk of that lineup will be available in superior form on one or both of the HD consoles he already owns.

To me this is the problem with Sony's positioning of Vita (and to a lesser extent 3DS). I think the 'console experience on the go' angle is a really awful misreading of the market for handhelds -- at least outside Japan.


gkryhewy said:
Or he suspects with some good reason that the bulk of that lineup will be available in superior form on one or both of the HD consoles he already owns.

How you came to that conclusion based on what he wrote is pretty amazing.

Some of these games, if ported to PS3 or something, probably would be worse off there due to control limitations.


Takao said:
How you came to that conclusion based on what he wrote is pretty amazing.

Some of these games, if ported to PS3 or something, probably would be worse off there due to control limitations.

"He" is a foil -- I was just taking the opportunity to make my own point.

I think console-style games would still be doable without front and rear touching, but maybe that's just me.


Super Member
theBishop said:
To the people who reacted strongly negative to this article:

What are you really arguing against here? I mean, how can you strongly feel that 3DS "deserves" to sell more based on what we know about both game libraries. I feel like some people here would be rooting for My Pet Rock to win out over Vita. Shouldn't you care about which system has the best games?
With Wii and DS, Nintendo had the most successful policy to sell their hardware at a low, affordable price while being able to profit as well.

Sony spoke a lot of crap about their competitors and released products that were counter to their competitor(s) hardware philosophies and DS, Wii, AND 360 wiped the floor with PSP and PS3.

Despite Nintendo's success, 3rd Parties were still reluctant to offer priority support (which went to the others because they offered better hardware potential and they could split the same product between two HD platforms). Sure there's a few things Nintendo could do to get support, but in the end it's the 3rd Party to actually commit to making money on Wii. Nintendo left a ton of space in the 3DS launch window for 3rd Parties but they didn't even take advantage of it.

Nintendo seemed to have let some of them skip to 3DS and Wii U, much to the chagrine of Nintendo fans who like 3rd Party games (myself, for one).

Nintendo also went against their own philosophy with the pricing of the 3DS (dunno what could've been done about the limits of the battery technology; but that would be the other problem). So people who are saying that "Oh just because Sony did X one time doesn't mean it won't happen again" need to notice that NINTENDO tried it again, and it hurt them.

I actually have no doubt that Vita, PS4 and Xbox 720(?) will have more support but that's only because I don't have any faith in 3rd Parties to be able to see (or outright refuse to see) opportunities on Nintendo platforms.

Conversely I have no doubt that I will enjoy Nintendo's future 3DS/Wii U's library.

For what it's worth, I think SONY HAS learned from their mistakes. The hogwash they spread before releasing PS3 is only being reiterated by misguided media. I guess that shows a positive growth for everyone else involved.


gkryhewy said:
Or he suspects with some good reason that the bulk of that lineup will be available in superior form on one or both of the HD consoles he already owns.

To me this is the problem with Sony's positioning of Vita (and to a lesser extent 3DS). I think the 'console experience on the go' angle is a really awful misreading of the market for handhelds -- at least outside Japan.

It's no different from 3DS, except 'last-gen console experience on the go'.


gkryhewy said:
"He" is a foil -- I was just taking the opportunity to make my own point.

I think console-style games would still be doable without front and rear touching, but maybe that's just me.

I don't think Sound Shapes, and Gravity Daze (which originally was a console game) would be as fun as they are on Vita if they were ported to PS3. There's more to Vita than just touch, like the gyroscope (which is more natural when it's built into the unit with the screen rather than using a controller), and you know, portability. ;p


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Takao said:
the gyroscope (which is more natural when it's built into the unit with the screen rather than using a controller)
Um, that depends on implementation, there are many applications for motion controls that work better when the controller isn't also the screen. Like most of the motion controls in a game like Skyward Sword. But yes, there are motion controls equally suitable to portables, like tilting for marble type or other racing games, or platform games, etc, or better suited to portables, like the first person view controls in OoT 3D (though, for an actual FPS, I'd prefer to have home console style motion controls).


theBishop said:
It's no different from 3DS, except 'last-gen console experience on the go'.

I agree to an extent, as indicated in my post. However, Nintendo at least has pillar portable franchises with demonstrated success in all regions to fall back on. Two of them are releasing this fall, so we'll see what they do.

Takao said:
I don't think Sound Shapes, and Gravity Daze (which originally was a console game) would be as fun as they are on Vita if they were ported to PS3. There's more to Vita than just touch, like the gyroscope (which is more natural when it's built into the unit with the screen rather than using a controller), and you know, portability. ;p

That angle (big budget console experience on a small screen with bonus control gimmickry!) doesn't seem like a mass-market selling point to me. My point is that I don't think there's a large, market-moving clamor for big-budget console experiences on portables in 2011.

And I think that the vast majority of the Vita library will also be available in some form on the HD consoles, in many cases on Day 1.


It's like the saying goes, you can't spell ignorance without IGN.
Souldriver said:
See, there's nothing wrong with a little speculation on how the future can turn out, based on what we know and the trends in the gaming industry.

But when you mention stuff like "3DS won't take the Vita out with N64 ports and tired, worn series", there's absolutely no way anymore to try and present the article as anything but (1) fanboy drivel, (2) trolling, or (3) tripe for the sake of getting page views.

I hope stuff like this does have a lasting effect and that the overall popularity of the site goes down due to horrendous reputation.
Yep. Gaming journalists in general seem to lack any kind of professional integrity.


Super Member
Shin Johnpv said:
How many of them at this point are actually journalists, and not just fanboys who fell into a job?
but but IGN's hiring policy clearly states that favoritism is unacceptable

not only did they lie in their current work, they lied to bypass the keystone of IGN editorial integrity
Radec said:
I hope so.

Tech leap like that needs to be acknowledged.

This. The Vita is better tech and deserves to do well for that reason alone, not to mention the software line up is looking a lot better then 3DS's offerings (especially for launch). I don't know if it will outsell it, but it certainly deserves to (btw yes I own a 3DS).


TheBanditKing said:
This. The Vita is better tech and deserves to do well for that reason alone, not to mention the software line up is looking a lot better then 3DS's offerings (especially for launch). I don't know if it will outsell it, but it certainly deserves to (btw yes I own a 3DS).

Not only that, but almost everything about the Vita indicates that Sony's learned from its mistakes this gen. And the fact that they seem so willing to embrace the undeniable smartphone market insures that they'll probably get more software support in the long run.

Really, I think that people are too focused on the similarities between this gen last. I think more attention should be paid to the differences. And what's different definitely seems to stack in Vita's favor...


You could realistically just say that an unsuccessful Vita means less games. Be it from Sony, or third parties. Obviously Sony isn't going to make a 3DS game, but the same can be said of certain third parties (I can't see NIS, Falcom, Rockstar, and a few others pushing major efforts on 3DS).
MisterHero said:
but but IGN's hiring policy clearly states that favoritism is unacceptable

not only did they lie in their current work, they lied to bypass the keystone of IGN editorial integrity

It's not so much a stone as it's a Twinkie actually. A big one but a Twinkie nonetheless.


royalan said:
Really, I think that people are too focused on the similarities between this gen last. I think more attention should be paid to the differences. And what's different definitely seems to stack in Vita's favor...
Except that the single most important PSP franchise is now (from what it seems like) 3DS exclusive.


Vita might sell better (or more, actually - let's just go with better) than the 3DS but not because of "high-quality visceral first-class AAA action/shooter"-games - as you can get those at the same price but in a better format on the 360/Ps3
What Vita need to work with is it's AR capability (greater than the 3DS) and it's multi-touch (back too) features - then it has a chance to "sell better".

But that won't happen I bet, instead 70% of all the PSV games will be console down-ports.
Takao said:
You could realistically just say that an unsuccessful Vita means less games. Be it from Sony, or third parties. Obviously Sony isn't going to make a 3DS game, but the same can be said of certain third parties (I can't see NIS, Falcom, Rockstar, and a few others pushing major efforts on 3DS).

We'll see, but I don't think Rockstar will be pushing any major efforts on Vita anyway. As for NIS and Falcom, their historical preference for Sony platforms is fairly obvious, but I don't know if they'd necessarily be adverse to moving to 3DS should their market fail to materialize on Vita; for one thing, the move to solid-state media has likely significantly eroded, if not eliminated, one of the advantages that made PSP more attractive to niche publishers.


theBishop said:
2 years. Because his standards for software lineup is so high that he knows he won't want one.

maybe it's not about the software but rather the price of entry. He doesn't see PSV plus a memory card he wants to cost less than $169 in 2 years.


Shanadeus said:
Vita might sell better (or more, actually - let's just go with better) than the 3DS but not because of "high-quality visceral first-class AAA action/shooter"-games - as you can get those at the same price but in a better format on the 360/Ps3
What Vita need to work with is it's AR capability (greater than the 3DS) and it's multi-touch (back too) features - then it has a chance to "sell better".

But that won't happen I bet, instead 70% of all the PSV games will be console down-ports.
Many of the best-selling and system-driving games on the PSP and DS were games with high quality and production values from popular franchises. The same thing will happen with the 3DS, seeing as some of the greatest hype for the system is for Mario, Mario Kart, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, etc. Why would Vita be the exception?


Father_Brain said:
We'll see, but I don't think Rockstar will be pushing any major efforts on Vita anyway. As for NIS and Falcom, their historical preference for Sony platforms is fairly obvious, but I don't know if they'd necessarily be adverse to moving to 3DS should their market fail to materialize on Vita; for one thing, the move to solid-state media has likely significantly eroded, if not eliminated, one of the advantages that made PSP more attractive to niche publishers.

I was reaching with Rockstar, but I can see the other two fleeing back to where they came (Falcom to PC, and NIS to console exclusively) or trying out other avenues rather than deal with Nintendo. Apparently Nintendo isn't always fair in the price of getting their DS cards made.

As for UMD vs. VGC there's always the third option: Digital Download. Though they might have to do what NISA is thinking of doing with Black Rock Shooter (which is including a DD code in a package with the soundtrack, and other physical goodies) so their core fanbase isn't entirely peeved.


I think that for the US market people should hope for the best of both platforms. It's useless if both have no real relevancy and a widespread software success even on a niche/hardcore basis. Most games on portables have to sell, publishers need to find a way to reduce the number of <10k bombas.
Mmmm sassy. I love how IGN makes an opportunity to praise one system while at the same time bash another. That's serious journalism guys! It's not some random attempt to throw gasoline in a stupid portable wars.

Also, this statement "The Nintendo 3DS is certainly not going to take the Vita out with N64 ports and tired, worn series.", comes before the release of Super Mario Land, Mario Kart, Luigi's Mansion and Kid Icarus... I wonder how will be the review scores of that games and the inevitable quotation of that phrase again.


I think it's ridiculous that there's a system coming out in 2012 that requires a memory card. I don't care if every piece of Sony hardware in the past, aside from the PS3, has used memory cards. They've also used optical media and that's not ok for a handheld in 2012 either.

For the average consumer, whether this quality of technology for this price is a great value or not doesn't matter either. It didn't help the PS3 and it won't help the Vita.

In my case, I'll get a Vita eventually, but not until a hardware revision/price drop/bundle with a memory card like I did with the PSP. It's a nice piece of hardware but there's nothing coming for it any time soon that I really want to play that I can't play on my PS3.

DCharlie said:
You know - the 3ds manages to tick a fair few of these boxes. You can usually rely on nintendo for insane battery life but the 3ds breaks that run
Apparently you weren't paying attention when the DSi was announced.


Vita has a pretty tough road ahead, in my mind. It's still rather expensive, is too big for most people, and really doesn't have a particularly impressive list of titles slated so far for the first year of release. It remains to be seen whether Uncharted can push units in the West, because I'm really not seeing very much in way of mainstream appeal otherwise.

Me, I'm still hoping for a new Monster Hunter game, perhaps naively. I'd really like to see what a good studio can do with the hardware a few years into its life cycle.

I will probably wind up canceling my Vita pre-order, because there's nothing particularly interesting at launch but there should be a fairly healthy selection once the first hardware revision becomes available.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
djplaeskool said:
This escapes me.
It's barely larger than a PSP.

Sure, it has a tough road if it plans to go toe to toe with the 3DS, but I hardly see it failing.
It's not only big, but its screen is unprotected, which makes a case of some sort necessary (which makes it even bigger).
Not a problem for a home usage, but it's not convenient for someone like me who mostly play during commutes.


marc^o^ said:
It's not only big, but its screen is unprotected, which makes a case of some sort necessary (which makes it even bigger).
Not a problem for a home usage, but it's not convenient for someone like me who mostly play during commutes.
I dont think that this will be much of an issue for most people. For example, iPad alone has sold like 25 million units and that is much bigger than a Vita, and it also have no build in screen protector. It is also more expencive. Then you have the sales of all other tablets on top of this as well.
I agree. Vita is too big. Also, an iPad can be pulled out at work or in social situations, so it doesn't necessarily need to go in your pocket.

I had the same issue with PSP though, and I bought that.

Also, why would you complain about buying a memory card for the system? You do the same for many phones, all cameras etc. It also gives you the option of expanding your storage capacity when prices go down.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I agree. Vita is too big. Also, an iPad can be pulled out at work or in social situations, so it doesn't necessarily need to go in your pocket.
It is true that tables can have a bit different use, but regarding portablility, the same goes for the PS Vita as well though, it doesnt necessarily have to go in your pocket. I just used tablets as an example to show that pocket size doesnt always matter that much =)


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I agree. Vita is too big. Also, an iPad can be pulled out at work or in social situations, so it doesn't necessarily need to go in your pocket.

I had the same issue with PSP though, and I bought that.

Also, why would you complain about buying a memory card for the system? You do the same for many phones, all cameras etc. It also gives you the option of expanding your storage capacity when prices go down.
If I want a 4GB memory card for my camera, which will go a lot farther than a 4GB memory card for a Vita, It's like $5.

I put an 8GB SD card in my 3DS because I wanted to put some mp3s on it and it was $8 or something and completely optional since the included 2GB SD card would have been plenty if I wasn't between iPods.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Also, why would you complain about buying a memory card for the system? You do the same for many phones, all cameras etc. It also gives you the option of expanding your storage capacity when prices go down.

The problem isn't necessarily that there's no included storage. I wouldn't complain at all if there was a MicroSD slot on the side.

The problem is it's a brand new, Sony-branded, overpriced, proprietary format.


djplaeskool said:
This escapes me.
It's barely larger than a PSP.

Sure, it has a tough road if it plans to go toe to toe with the 3DS, but I hardly see it failing.
Yeah, and the PSP isn't particularly portable. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen someone playing one in public, and each time that individual fit some variation of the hardcore gamer stereotype. If the Vita is to succeed (i.e. significantly outsell the PSP in the West and eat some of Nintendo's marketshare) it's going to have to appeal to people outside of that audience. Based on what I've seen so far, Vita only appeals to a niche.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Also, why would you complain about buying a memory card for the system? You do the same for many phones, all cameras etc. It also gives you the option of expanding your storage capacity when prices go down.

I don't think the problem for most is about buying a memory card, but rather the fact that you're forced to, because it doesn't even come with one.
Having to purchase an overpriced special proprietary one, certainly doesn't help.
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