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IGN: "[Wii] runs a distant second to 360 in annual profits"


TheJollyCorner said:
This just in:

Nintendo fans smolder with furious rage; MS execs enjoy turkey-pot pies in celebration.
And IGN rakes in the clicks. :/

poppabk said:
Right but that central message - that Nintendo have only been focusing on making casual games, that their output this generation is distinctly different compared to other generations, that they are undergoing a shift currently from "casual" to "hardcore", and that because of their casual focus they are seriously lagging behind the "hardcore" king the 360 in creating revenue - is fatally flawed. We have had the list wars for the gamecube and Wii's early years, Nintendo's output has been almost identical. The revenue thing seems highly unlikely, and he doesn't back it up with any figures.
No no no.

You have to read beyond the article.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Haunted said:
No no no.

You have to read beyond the article.
I tried, and low and behold the real article was literally written in-between the lines using invisible ink.


Okay, stop it. I can't stand it anymore. I re-read the article, I read the thread. Basically the article and the argument is about casual and hardcore/serious games right?

I tried to write a post about the difference... and you know what? I have no !@#!%! clue what's what. I couldn't figure it out. I tried putting my games in the correct groups... then I realized I played almost everything 'casually'.

Now anyone, I dare you to give me the definition of casual and hardcore/serious games or stop discussing about it (people shouldn't discuss about things that they don't know the definition of).

These are my games. Split them. With a HARD LINE.

Monster Hunter Tri Demo
Tetris Party
World of Goo
Metroid Prime 3
Mario Kart
Mario Galaxy
Wii Sports Resort
Wii Fit
Grand Slam Tennis
Cooking Mama
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core
Super Smash Bros: Brawl
Mega Man 9
The House of the Dead 2&3
The Conduit
The House of the Dead: Overkill
Trauma Center
No More Heroes
Metal Slug Anthologies
Battalion Wars II

Also note: if you label it hardcore/serious, it means casual gamers will never touch or buy it. Remember that when you label it. I'm going to see what people are gonna do with this and compare it to people I know who have bought certain games and are 'casual'.

I don't like this stuff about casual this and casual that. It seems like some people think all Wii owners are either grandma's or teenage boys, like the article writer.
TheJollyCorner said:
This just in:

Nintendo fans smolder with furious rage; MS execs enjoy turkey-pot pies in celebration.
I'd argue the opposite since it's more likely Nintendo's short and long-term success defied all expectations. This Fall will probably be one of their best due to Resort, NSMB and Wii Fit Plus so I wouldn't expect anything to change for a while.


legend166 said:
I honestly couldn't be bothered reading through again to bold things, it's too painful. So I'll give a quick summary:

- Wii only sells because of Wii Fit and Wii Play
- Wii does not sell software
- Wii has no hardcore games
- Contrary to point one, Mario Kart sells really well (he doesn't acknowlegde the contradiction, however)
- Oh yeah, the point in topic: apparently the Wii's high sales are moot because the Xbox 360 makes more money than it. what is this I don't even

So basically, stock standard for IGN.

Well, obviously you couldn't be bothered to read through it at all, because:

- Wii only sells because of Wii Fit and Wii Play

He doesn't say that ANYWHERE in his text. He says, that those are the best selling games for the Wii, and they are.

- Wii does not sell software

He doesn't say this. He says that Wii doesn't sell hardcore games, and he is right, especially when he mentions The Conduit, Madworld etc.

- Wii has no hardcore games

He doesn't say this ANYWHERE in his text. He says, however, that the Wii lacks "hardcore" Nintendo games, and that Smash Bros and Galaxy are not enough.

- Contrary to point one, Mario Kart sells really well (he doesn't acknowlegde the contradiction, however)

He acknowledges that in saying, that Mario Cart caters to casuals AND hardcore and had a casual appealing marketing campaign.

- Oh yeah, the point in topic: apparently the Wii's high sales are moot because the Xbox 360 makes more money than it.

He doesn't say that the sales are moot. He says that it's remarkable. And it IS, if it's true.

He also says, that he is glad that nintendo is beginning to cater more to the hardcore with Galaxy 2, New SMB Wii and Metroid Other M. That he thinks Nintendo will now put more effort into the hardcore market and in appealing to the traditional Nintendo fans than they did for the last 3 years.

I can't see what's got you so wound up??
guggnichso said:
He also says, that he is glad that nintendo is beginning to cater more to the hardcore with Galaxy 2, New SMB Wii and Metroid Other M. That he thinks Nintendo will now put more effort into the hardcore market and in appealing to the traditional Nintendo fans than they did for the last 3 years.
Yet that gives them no credit for their last 3 years. They came out with Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 in their first year. How are Galaxy 2 and Other M supposed to represent a new direction when those types of games are already on the system?




FireFly said:
Lets rewrite the article!
Since you cant comprehend why the article is bad ill help point it out for you.

Heres a listing of all the paragraphs and the sentences that are just fanboy comments or flamebait.

After Microsoft revealed its impressive, Wii-challenging Project Natal at last July's Electronics Entertainment Expo, I turned to IGN's Nintendo Editor-in-Chief Matt Cassamassina and asked "How's Nintendo going to respond to that?" He just shook his head.

Couldn't blame him, really. I'm the guy who's been known to lead off a column by typing "the Wii is a fad" several times in a row. Not because I personally believe it, but because it's fun to watch Nintendaddicts get Hulk-mad (complete with humorous color changes) and the very notion raises interesting questions. Questions Nintendo's asked itself ever since their little white wonder took off strong in 2006. Wiimotion conquered the world on a solid wave of casual consumers playing casual games in casual ways, and it captured a chunk of the zeitgeist in the process... three years ago.
God the article sure gets off to a great start!!!
Meanwhile, Nintendo's faithful core of gaming customers almost fell by the wayside, grossly under-served in comparison to the casual crowd. And while WiiMotion Plus recently tightened up the controls to a more gamer-oriented level, the only thing that's truly changed in three years is that Wiis are now readily in stock at Babies R Us, a.k.a. the pastel circle of hell. That's just depressing. The Wii is common. The shine is off. Natal is the new hotness.

But those who do fire up their Wii spend more time on it than PlayStation 3 owners spend in PS3land. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata saw this problem coming back in 2008.

My personal Xbox/Wii game ratio stands at about 4 to 1. Months can drop away between worthy hardcore titles, while a mountain of cheap, poorly-selling, third party mini-game garbage floods store shelves, grabbing at Wii Play's success like a used car salesman stalking Donald Trump.
O god now we get to the HERES MY GAMING LIBRARY and all wii games are complete shit!!!

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo's not giving up those casual dollars. It just isn't working as hard for them anymore... primarily because there's no need. Wii Sports Resort and a Wii Fit sequel will do the heavy lifting for the next year or so while the rest of us can look forward to a whole slew of Wii games that won't bring eternal shame to our family should we play them.


Now most people after stupid shit like this wouldnt read the article especially if it was about the 360 or PS3. Even people in the OT would just make fun of an article like this. But hey since the Wii gets special treatment lets move on.

Heres a listing of the factually wrong, distorting facts paragraphs.

The Wii's always been a borderline schizophrenic. You really can't understate what Nintendo's accomplished with its hail Mary pass, coming off the GameCube's distant third showing, but you also can't ignore that it currently runs a distant second to Microsoft's Xbox 360 when it comes to annual profits.
:lol :lol
Factually wrong

Dig past the WiiGame-branded titles to the hardcore fare that hardcore gamers crave, and you find Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy made just over a third what Play and Fit each raked in and just over half Mario Kart's numbers. Nothing else comes close. Unlike Play, Fit and Mario Kart, Brawl and Galaxy aren't even in the top fifty monthly sellers anymore. They'll have to settle for being smash hits in the 8 million units sold range, as opposed to Play and Fit's mid/low 20 millions and Mario Kart's 15.5 million.
1. SSBB and SMG sold more than every single game this generation except for the COD's, Halo, GTAIV and Assassins creed this is somehow disappointing? Who gives a shit if they didnt sell as much as Wii Fit.
2. SSBB is actually STILL in the top fifty monthly sellers based on leaked data and SMG is in the top 20-30 Wii games.

Least you think I'm simply moving the goal posts so I can gloat over Nintendo's failure, since I so clearly have it in for them, I refer you to a recent study by Nielsen, the same guys who track television ratings. In the last six months, far fewer people have actively gamed on a Wii than any other console. More people are gaming on a PlayStation 2. Hell, more people are gaming on a GameCube. But those who do fire up their Wii spend more time on it than PlayStation 3 owners spend in PS3land. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata saw this problem coming back in 2008.
Factually wrong.

It was actually the Wii had the lowest average play time. Obviously there are NOT more people gaming on a gamecube. But hey distorting the facts if fun!

Also nice flamebait at the end.

A few developers stepped up to fill the hardcore void Nintendo left, and the results have been shaky to say the least. Capcom's done well porting its popular Resident Evil series to the Wii, but tanked badly doing the same to zombie apocalypser Dead Rising. Sega's bombed three times in a row with Madworld, House of the Dead: Overkill, and The Conduit.

All these games put together wouldn't match the sales figures of Wii Music, which (at 2.6 million sold) is the comparative "failure" of the Wii Game imprint. No lie, some of them are well deserving of their abysmal fate, but Madworld and Conduit are good games that could have and should have done better.
Obviously hardcore games dont sell as much on the Wii but this is still terribly written
1. Dead Rising was garbage but hey since it TANKED I guess that means it offsets Resident Evil
2. HOTD:Overkill didnt bomb by any means and its a lightgun game
3. Sega stated that only Madworld bombed
4. Would ANY of these games sold 2.6 million fucking copies on ANY platform? I mean seriously.

Ok who cares if he distorts facts or just writes flat out wrong stuff. Lets move on to points he makes

Heres a list of the paragraphs of completely baseless or wrong points.

N-fans love to shout Wii sales numbers (52.3 million units at this writing) and its total market domination (almost half of all consoles sold is a Wii) and call it good. It is good... it's just not good enough. The real money's made in software, and that's where the Big N's had a ton of trouble reconciling two distinct classes of consumer: casual players and hardcore gamers.
Ok so wheres he going to go with this....

I'll sum up Nintendo's monster hits in five words: Wii Play and Wii Fit. Wii Play is three years old and, until recently, moved a minimum quarter-million units every month. That's some legs, friend. About 700,000 Wii Fits sell monthly, a year post-release. Almost half of all Wii owners bought those two games... and few others. Nintendo's big quandary for the last three years has been how to get casual players to buy more games, preferably before those Wiis end up in the back of a closet. Unfortunately, part of what makes a casual player casual is that they don't play a lot of games .
Wii has similar tie ratios to the PS3 and has the lowest average weekly ownership out of any of the consoles. See jokers post

But hey Wii doesnt sell games!!!!
Of course, Nintendo's real goal is to make crossover hits that appeal to casual and hardcore camps simultaneously, but that's awfully tough to pull off. Nintendo's done it exactly once with Mario Kart Wii, which benefited from having "Wii" in the title and a marketing push that never mentioned Mario... a character more famous world-wide than Mickey Mouse. Every commercial was Cowboy Jed screaming "Get behind the wheel!" in a manner so annoying it practically qualified as a plea for death.
:lol :lol

RIGHT so the only reason why it sold was because it had Wii in the title. THeres not enough fucking smiles for this.

Nintendo expects a similar buy-in for New Super Mario Wii, but I've played it, and that's not going to happen. There's no pretending this one's just a happy Wii racing game. It's not for the Wii Fit crowd. It's a Mario platformer.
So ignoring that its topping the Wii pre-order charts, Nintendo expects it to sell 10 million along with everyone else, and even those nielson surveys say its going to do awesome NSMB WII is going to be diappointing?????

So what knocked Wii Play down to 50K-a-month last June? More casual titles, specifically EA Active and Wii Sports Resort. The good news is we can officially toast the "fad" theory; casual players don't buy a lot of games, but they all buy the one or two titles that do interest them year to year. The bad news is hardcore gamers, who'd cheerfully snap up a dozen games a year in lesser but still impressive numbers, aren't seeing the games they want.
Go back to the Tie ratios.

Heres the listing of weak "points" he made on the article that we can discuss!!!!
Part of me wants to put it down to N-fans being hard-wired to instinctively distrust third party software - not without precedent - but mostly I think the Nintendo faithful didn't buy a Wii to play Halo. A true Nintendo game has its own vibe... I hesitate to call it chaste, but they're generally not as gory, cynical or in-your-face as what you find on an Xbox or PlayStation.
There's a certain atmosphere, whether it's crushing dread or selfless heroism or lighthearted whimsy, that's missed when absent. That might be tough to contemplate for somebody who equates challenge with blood spatter, but developers must tap into it to really succeed on the Wii.

Retro Studios did (under heavy influence from the Nintendo home office) when they translated Metroid into Metroid Prime, one of the GameCube's top sellers. I'm not so sure Wii-bound rail shooters Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles and Dead Space: Extraction will follow suit. Hopefully, I'm wrong, but I'm also not so sure anybody's really interested in rail shooters at all, outside of an arcade.
Uh What??? A rail shooter if never going to be a top seller
High Voltage Software, the developer behind The Conduit, has bravely dedicated itself 100% to hardcoring on the Wii. I find that entirely laudable, but its next project is Grinder, which the High Voltage guys freely admit is Left 4 Dead for the Wii. Except I don't play Left 4 Dead on the Wii. I play it on the Xbox 360. I'd rather High Voltage make Grinder for the Wii its own game with its own personality on its own platform. It's a mistake to shoehorn a PlayStation or Xbox game into the Wii. The bigger consoles do them too well.
High Voltage did make Hunter the reckoning..... which is in a similar vain to The Grinder.

For a perfect example of third party, Wii-specific hardcore, I'd point to Ubisoft's incoming Red Steel 2. It's a Wiimotion Plus first-person swordfighter, something that just wouldn't work as well on any other console. More to the point, it exploits the Wii's strengths while staying within its limits. The gameplay's tight, the graphics flashy, the combat satisfying and viscera-free. Is it going to look as amazing as an A-list PlayStation 3 game? No, but it doesn't have to. I like eye-popping graphics, but I'll take brain-popping gameplay first. I don't need Pac-Man in HD.

Good thing Nintendo's already reinventing the Wii as a hardcore gaming platform. It's the smartest move it could possibly make.

Less than a day after Microsoft premiered Natal, Nintendo announced a lineup that read like a love letter to its diehard fans. A new Legend of Zelda. New Super Mario Wii and Super Mario Galaxy 2, marking the first time two 3D Mario games will share space on the same console. Metroid: Other M by Team Ninja, the guys who heaped on the pain for gamer-murdering favorite Ninja Gaiden on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox. Doesn't get more hardcore than that. But this isn't a response to Natal. This is a response to Nintendo's own dual (and dueling) market needs, and it's long overdue.

"Even if it is revolutionary, people will become tired of a new form of entertainment. This happens faster when others try to reproduce the initial change. Then what seemed fresh inevitably will be lost. For all of us in the video game industry, there is danger in standing still," Iwata-san said.

Clearly, a chunk of Wii people go deep with what games they have and enjoy them perfectly fine, but the majority have strayed. Their games are on another console. If more traditional Nintendo games were available on the Wii, they'd buy 'em. That's why they bought a Wii. And Nintendo seems to have finally remembered that. They're diversifying back into the market they started from, putting real muscle into creating games for the people who've been in their corner all along.

Sharply skewing the casual/hardcore ratio serves Nintendo as well as us. They can release two more casual mega-hits for that half of their install base, then jauntily throw out a half-dozen Super Mario Galaxy-sized smash hits (such as Super Mario Galaxy 2) for the gamer population, and suddenly the Wii actually starts performing like the all-knowing, all-devouring gaming platform it's advertised to be.

At least, that's the theory.

And while we're on the subject, any snob who dismisses the Wii as "a toy" should re-evaluate their need for playing games. Here's a history lesson: GoldenEye 007 reinvented first person shooters for consoles on the Nintendo 64. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem evolved survival horror on the GameCube. The original Ninja Gaiden trilogy, which didn't coddle you like the newer versions, lived on the NES. Once upon a time, Nintendo was the hardcore, and while it won't overtake the competition in that respect, it can easily carve out its own niche in the badlands.

I like that Nintendo tries to straddle the line on occasion, but the Wii can support two separate-but-equal customer streams. Now, finally, it will. Nintendo is leading with all its big guns, and there are plenty more franchises to follow up. Expect Kirby to get a Wii game at some point. Cassamassina insists Kid Icarus Wii is still a go, despite the recent implosion of its developer. Deep in the heart of Texas, Retro Studios is up to something and Sega isn't giving up yet, either. Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Capcom are all looking to tap the Wii's biggest untapped market. More is coming. A lot more.

Casual games for casual gamers. Serious games for serious gamers. It's our turn now.

Ok so heres his MAIN POINT that Nintendo is somehow turning a magical corner into satisfying harcore gamers.... I dont feel like getting the list wars out but what exactly is Nintendo doing different? OMG they are making a SECOND SMG, Zelda, Metroid all of which are already on the Wii but somehow the Wii isnt hardcore until the SECOND one comes out............. Pretty freaking weak "article"

In summary if any article requires multiple people to translate, ignore multiple flamebait paragraphs, ignore multiple factually incorrect paragraphs, ignore multiple baseless and stupid claims to get to a few minor weak points most people would say that the article is complete shit.

Most people dont want to discuss articles written like garbage so its no wonder that theres a lot of smiles in this thread. But hey I guess nobody was reading BEYOND what the article was saying right? :lol :lol


Chumly said:
RIGHT so the only reason why it sold was because it had Wii in the title. THeres not enough fucking smiles for this.

Wait just a minute. New Super Mario Bros. Wii also has Wii in the title. Doubters pwned!
TwinIonEngines said:
Wait just a minute. New Super Mario Bros. Wii also has Wii in the title. Doubters pwned!

I can't wait for Wii Chess to be brought over to the US and Japan. It'll storm the sales charts just like it did in Europe!

"Wii _______" rule disproved


Survives without air, food, or water
I like the part where he explicitly states he's a troll. I like the part where he calls NATAL "the new hotness". I like the part where he is factually incorrect. I also like the fact that he still has a job.

Oh wait.
Interesting how this appeared right after the whole EA fiasco. Maybe EA strong armed IGN into trolling the Wii as a distraction in order to take the heat off of what happened a couple of days ago.

Stranger lulz have happened.[/lol]


Chumly said:
Since you cant comprehend why the article is bad ill help point it out for you.

Heres a listing of all the paragraphs and the sentences that are just fanboy comments or flamebait.

God the article sure gets off to a great start!!!


O god now we get to the HERES MY GAMING LIBRARY and all wii games are complete shit!!!


Now most people after stupid shit like this wouldnt read the article especially if it was about the 360 or PS3. Even people in the OT would just make fun of an article like this. But hey since the Wii gets special treatment lets move on.

Heres a listing of the factually wrong, distorting facts paragraphs.

:lol :lol
Factually wrong

1. SSBB and SMG sold more than every single game this generation except for the COD's, Halo, GTAIV and Assassins creed this is somehow disappointing? Who gives a shit if they didnt sell as much as Wii Fit.
2. SSBB is actually STILL in the top fifty monthly sellers based on leaked data and SMG is in the top 20-30 Wii games.

Factually wrong.

It was actually the Wii had the lowest average play time. Obviously there are NOT more people gaming on a gamecube. But hey distorting the facts if fun!

Also nice flamebait at the end.

Obviously hardcore games dont sell as much on the Wii but this is still terribly written
1. Dead Rising was garbage but hey since it TANKED I guess that means it offsets Resident Evil
2. HOTD:Overkill didnt bomb by any means and its a lightgun game
3. Sega stated that only Madworld bombed
4. Would ANY of these games sold 2.6 million fucking copies on ANY platform? I mean seriously.

Ok who cares if he distorts facts or just writes flat out wrong stuff. Lets move on to points he makes

Heres a list of the paragraphs of completely baseless or wrong points.

Ok so wheres he going to go with this....

Wii has similar tie ratios to the PS3 and has the lowest average weekly ownership out of any of the consoles. See jokers post

But hey Wii doesnt sell games!!!!

:lol :lol

RIGHT so the only reason why it sold was because it had Wii in the title. THeres not enough fucking smiles for this.

So ignoring that its topping the Wii pre-order charts, Nintendo expects it to sell 10 million along with everyone else, and even those nielson surveys say its going to do awesome NSMB WII is going to be diappointing?????

Go back to the Tie ratios.

Heres the listing of weak "points" he made on the article that we can discuss!!!!

Uh What??? A rail shooter if never going to be a top seller

High Voltage did make Hunter the reckoning..... which is in a similar vain to The Grinder.


Ok so heres his MAIN POINT that Nintendo is somehow turning a magical corner into satisfying harcore gamers.... I dont feel like getting the list wars out but what exactly is Nintendo doing different? OMG they are making a SECOND SMG, Zelda, Metroid all of which are already on the Wii but somehow the Wii isnt hardcore until the SECOND one comes out............. Pretty freaking weak "article"

In summary if any article requires multiple people to translate, ignore multiple flamebait paragraphs, ignore multiple factually incorrect paragraphs, ignore multiple baseless and stupid claims to get to a few minor weak points most people would say that the article is complete shit.

Most people dont want to discuss articles written like garbage so its no wonder that theres a lot of smiles in this thread. But hey I guess nobody was reading BEYOND what the article was saying right? :lol :lol

Did you even read the article?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I've read and re-read this article and I can't tell the point it was trying to make.


Chumly said:
Since you cant comprehend why the article is bad ill help point it out for you.
Please, point me to the post where I said the article was good on any level. Go on.

Oh right, you can't because as I've said a hundred times, I'm not defending it. I was qualifying the point the author was trying to make; that's all. Yes, how dare I try to clarify the point the author was trying to make so it can be fairly appraised.

I must have been under the false impression these forums were for the purpose of discussing any points that could be relevant to the gaming industry and its future; instead it seems they're merely an editorial review system, in which articles that contain a certain number of factual errors are instantly disqualified and cannot be discussed further, unless such 'discussion' constitutes the posting of amusing gifs and emoticons.

Sorry for my mistake, and feel free to continue to poke fun at the authors' errors.


FireFly said:
Please, point me to the post where I said the article was good on any level. Go on.

Oh right, you can't because as I've said a hundred times, I'm not defending it. I was qualifying the point the author was trying to make; that's all. Yes, how dare I try to clarify the point the author was trying to make so it can be fairly appraised.

I must have been under the false impression these forums were for the purpose of discussing any points that could be relevant to the gaming industry and its future; instead it seems they're merely an editorial review system, in which articles that contain a certain number of factual errors are instantly disqualified and cannot be discussed further, unless such 'discussion' constitutes the posting of amusing gifs and emoticons.

Sorry for my mistake, and feel free to continue to poke fun at the authors' errors.

The article is stupid and most people realized this, hence it wasn't worth the effort. Do you scrounge thousands of poorly written blogs looking for points that could be relevant to the gaming industry or only consider shit when it's attached to a brand name?


xs_mini_neo said:
Interesting how this appeared right after the whole EA fiasco. Maybe EA strong armed IGN into trolling the Wii as a distraction in order to take the heat off of what happened a couple of days ago.

Stranger lulz have happened.[/lol]
What happend a couple of days ago?


jay said:
The article is stupid and most people realized this, hence it wasn't worth the effort. Do you scrounge thousands of poorly written blogs looking for points that could be relevant to the gaming industry or only consider shit when it's attached to a brand name?
I don't think it makes a difference really. You read an article with a hundred points and you consider each on their own merits.


Door2Dawn said:
What happend a couple of days ago?

Rumor that EA got a bunch of PS3 features (custom soundtracks, cross-game chat) canned because their earlier games on the PS3 wouldn't be able to support them and they didn't want their games to look bad by comparison to games that could support those features.

The rumor came from the same account that leaked the PS3 slim info, so it was treated with more credibility than usual. End result: wailing, gnashing teeth, people spamming the EA forums with scat pics, etc. etc.

EDIT: thread in question


Sho_Nuff82 said:
Wow at the reactions on the first page. Aside from the goof about the 360's profits, its actually a very positive article about the Wii if you read the whole thing.

And I agree with his point about NSMB.

Honestly, you would. Its not surprising that you would find that nonsense 'spot on'. This thread has a chance at having a very good purpose. To point out the goofballs. You just have to be off of your rocker to not shake your head at that nonsense. IMO Wii isnt half the gaming console PS3 or 360 is in terms of neither library horsepower or even potential (online, MMOs, large firmware updates? untapped horsepower perhaps? falling dev costs opening up the consoles to smaller indie devs over time?) but even I cant read that tripe and not want to puke.

There are ways to go about having this type of discussion, and this 'writer' fucked it up horribly. It reads like a forum poster with a spell checker and a thesaurus to keep it from sounding completely juvenile.

SamBishop said:
Name an FPS on the Wii that has delivered the same level of multiplayer depth, story or, yes, visual/aural fidelity/immersion as the bigger titles on the HD systems. Now who's being ignorant? Jeezus, do you even know what that word means?

This thread is driving me nuts. Please read the article, then read my and the posters who are contesting the OP's posts and understand where the clear break in comprehension is happening. Or just keep posting hilarious .gifs. Sometimes I fucking hate this place.

Yeah, if you want to try and conceal that you have some affiliation with IGN or arent a raving fanboy with an agenda, this post is a perfect example of how NOT to do so. Your taking this a bit to hard friend.

And as for your last line, people DO tend to begin to hate GAF just as soon as they realize that most (most) of the posters on this particular board aren't full of shit, and dont bandwagon and swallow anything tossed at them like the nonsense that goes on at the IGN, Gamefaqs and Gamespot forums. Your not going to find a huge group of people here willing to co-sign you on such a shitty article that's clearly bias. They are just gonna call bullshit, bullshit. not much of a 'cool kids' club here, you'll have to find that somewhere else.


poor, homeless and tasteless
Call me crazy, but I think that the only 2 requirements for NSMB Wii's sucess are

A) A solid MARIO game
B) A great advertising campaign


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
So I re-read the article, being a little more sober than a few hours ago, and my opinion has only strengthened- it is a poorly disguised troll of an article full of half truths and outright lies in a transparent attempt to discredit any "core" game success the Wii has achieved.
I recall saying in Amirox's other thread that Game journalists hate the Wii because it isn't the 360 or PS3.

Good to see I don't need to alter that statement one iota for this thread.


Unlike most of you, I actually read the entire bold-less article.

He does make some good points, as a Wii owner and Nintendo fan, I can agree that Nintendo is having a hard time appealing to both audiences at once, and that third-party developers and publishers are having that same problem. Hopefully he is right about these next two years being better on all fronts.

Oh and stop reading the title and posting without actually reading the whole article morons, the money part was only a couple paragraphs.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
MrMister said:
Unlike most of you, I actually read the entire bold-less article.

He does make some good points, as a Wii owner and Nintendo fan, I can agree that Nintendo is having a hard time appealing to both audiences at once, and that third-party developers and publishers are having that same problem. Hopefully he is right about these next two years being better on all fronts.

Oh and stop reading the title and posting without actually reading the whole article morons, the money part was only a couple paragraphs.

I read the entire article word for word 3 times and I think it is incredibly clear to anyone who reads it with any sort open mind what the author was attempting to do.


It seems like the people defending this article don't understand that the manner in which you present your argument is as important if not more so than the actual argument itself.

This is the kind of stuff you'd see from an 8th grade research paper. That's acceptable when you're in 8th grade, not so much when you claim to be a professional journalist.


jman2050 said:
It seems like the people defending this article don't understand that the manner in which you present your argument is as important if not more so than the actual argument itself.

While true, I think the fact that the argument he tries to make is not only factually incorrect, but is also in no way positive or verifiable, even though he tries to represent it as such, supersedes the presentation of the article.


Puncture said:
Yeah, if you want to try and conceal that you have some affiliation with IGN or arent a raving fanboy with an agenda, this post is a perfect example of how NOT to do so. Your taking this a bit to hard friend.

Yeah I wasn't even going to comment on that piece of sorry excuse for an article, but I find it very funny that somebody who's being paid by IGN defends it so vehemently on this board.

Oh wait, an employee of IGN? Ignore list he goes.
Looks like the author makes some reasonable points near the end of the article (as far as games being released for Nintendo systems having a certain feel), but they do not coincide with what he was trying to establish early on in the piece.
Plus the opener sounds very fanboyish/unprofessional.
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