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Independence Day:Resurgence|SPOILER THREAD|Today we celebrate our idenpendendneys day

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This movie was REALLY REALLY BAD....

Did I emphasis Really enough?

Where to begin? I don't feel like typing alot because this movie literally does not deserve the effort or energy.

-It felt like a movie from the past but with today's technology/effects/green screen.
Primarily the script. It's as if it's a movie that ignored the evolution of what movies have become today and instead....decided to be a real BY THE NUMBERS with every hollywood trope you can think of.

-Literally 90% of the jokes fall flat because they are predictable, corny, bad timing, or just plain stupid.

-The acting was ATROCIOUS except for Jeff Goldbloom. He is literally the only actor in this movie worth a damn. Everyone else is either bad, or laughably bad.

-geezus the dialogue in this script.......it's literally the worst thing ever.

-a shit ton of plot holes but you know, I'm willing to give plot holes a pass with anything futuristic/sci-fi/aliens/summer blockbuster.....but....They couldn't get anything else right so this doesn't get a pass.

I'd say the Only positives of this movie is the "spectacle" of some of the action and destruction, and Jeff Goldbloom, and the fact there are 3 acts. I mean, with how bad the movie is, the fact that it actually has a start a middle and an end is an achievement.

This movie literally makes Batman vs Superman seem like a masterpeice.

Do not waste your time or money on this turd. if you haven't seen it and are lurking in this thread.

I hope this movie dies a fast but horrible death at the box offices so that Hollywood knows that we won't accept shit shows like this.

Ignore the people shitting on and mocking your post. Everything you said is 100% accurate. I almost felt like they were TRYING to make this movie as bad as it possibly could be while watching. My expectations weren't high- I wasn't expecting an oscar contender, I was expecting something at least around the same level as the first movie. I tried as hard as I could to like this movie, trying to ignore every shitty line and flaw while watching, and eventually I gave up and acknowledged the fact that this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Which is a fucking shame since I was willing to forgive so much in order to enjoy it.
Ignore the people shitting on and mocking your post. Everything you said is 100% accurate.

Maybe the only reason people are doing this is because it reads as though this is a defining opinion and you're wrong if you like the movie. I'm not sure why people can't just share an opinion, good or bad, without trying to project their personal thoughts onto others. That's literally the lamest thing you can possibly do in any kind of conversation. I could rip something to absolute shreds without telling someone else that they shouldn't bother or be allowed to make up their own minds. Some people liked this and some don't, it's this way with a lot of things, including "acclaimed" movies. It's pretentious as fuck to parade around as though what you're speaking is the gospel.

Nobody that likes this movie is pretending like it's some kind of art or film of the year material.
I actually thought it was quite enjoyable and can't really understand most the complaints, for a summer blockbuster I felt it was competent enough to be entertaining. Although I do agree that the older characters felt a lot more compelling than the newer characters, I couldn't have given an honest shit if the white guy and white girl were gonna survive and kiss at the end. Reminded me of that half backed romance they forced into Godzilla.
Maybe the only reason people are doing this is because it reads as though this is a defining opinion and you're wrong if you like the movie. I'm not sure why people can't just share an opinion, good or bad, without trying to project their personal thoughts onto others. That's literally the lamest thing you can possibly do in any kind of conversation.

Where did I say that other people are wrong if they liked this movie? I'm fully stating MY opinion of it completely everytime in every response.

IF YOU decide to read something that ISNT there? that is not my fault.

and Ironically, I get told my opinion is wrong, but I don't see you calling him out.


Oh and lastly, I never pretended it was an artsy fartsy movie up for oscars. Don't think I ever even mentioned as such or expected as such.

but as a dumb summer blockbuster, this shit missed the mark completely.
WHAT DOES THAT have to do with telling someone their opinion is wrong?

Look around. Not everyone dislikes it. "Recommending" people to not watch a movie is the same thing as saying that you think it's bad and they shouldn't watch it even if they may personally end up having a fun few hours with it.
Look around. Not everyone dislikes it. "Recommending" people to not watch a movie is the same thing as saying that you think it's bad and they shouldn't watch it even if they may personally end up having a fun few hours with it.

Making a recommendation based on my opinion....has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with telling someone else their opinion is wrong.

the fact you are trying to correlate the two is utterly ridiculous.

either you're trolling, or you have no idea what you are talking about.
Making a recommendation based on my opinion....has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with telling someone else their opinion is wrong.

I mean, kind of. In the event that they disagree with you, you would likely believe their opinion is wrong, but hell-- as long as they follow your opinionated recommendation, they'd never have the chance to disagree anyhow! :p

But it's cool, whatever, this is by no means anything worth arguing about. I'll back off. I just believe that people should make up their own minds.
I mean, kind of. In the event that they disagree with you, you would likely believe their opinion is wrong, but hell-- as long as they follow your opinionated recommendation, they'd never have the chance to disagree anyhow! :p

if they took my advice, they saved money and are better for it.

if they didn't take it, and ended up liking it, then that's that.

it has absolutely nothing to do with telling people their opinions are wrong. basically, you just said a bunch of bullshit in regards to me, but when others did the samething in regards to me, they got a pass, and now you see the fallacy in your ways.

it has absolutely nothing to do with telling people their opinions are wrong. basically, you just said a bunch of bullshit in regards to me, but when others did it in regards to me, they got a pass, and now you see the fallacy in your ways.


I didn't read the other posts, for what it's worth. I liked the movie but I wouldn't tell you that your own personal opinion is wrong. That's dumb. But I wouldn't tell anyone to not go watch it in the case that they like it.
I didn't read the other posts, for what it's worth. I liked the movie but I wouldn't tell you that your own personal opinion is wrong. That's dumb. But I wouldn't tell anyone to not go watch it in the case that they like it.

do you never make recommendations based on your opinions in your life?

so whenever you ate at a restaurant where the service and food was terrible and someone asked you about it? you just kept tight lipped because "hey they might like it"!?!!?

gimme a fucking break.




Shockingly, this movie seem to exceed even the vileness of the entire Transformers franchise. If there is ever an example of a rogue A.I. gone mad and attempting to utilize machine learning of human culture to "craft" a movie, this must be the result
If someone asks me for my opinion, I'll let them know, but I have no idea how they may respond to it and I'll usually say something like "but maybe you'll like it" or vice-versa.

Food is also subjective. :p

EVERYTHING is subjective.

That doesn't change that recommendations based on other opinions are still valid.

Whether in support or not in support. You can't be upset at someone telling someone to not see a movie, but be ok with someone telling someone to go see a movie. That's contradictive.

You basically act like yelp, amazon reviews, hell any reviews and the essence of word of mouth shouldn't exist.


Did anyone else laugh at the couple failed attempts the movie had at crafting another "Independence Day" speech like in the first movie?

The world was united. There wasn't another "We all celebrate ID!!" moment to be had.
You basically act like yelp, amazon reviews, hell any reviews and the essence of word of mouth shouldn't exist.

No, they should. Anyway, like I said it's not worth arguing about, if you want to take this as a forfeit I'm 100% fine with that and I apologize I bothered you to begin with.

Did anyone else laugh at the couple failed attempts the movie had at crafting another "Independence Day" speech like in the first movie?

To be fair, I really don't think they tried. There were a few speeches, one from the new President, who sucked, so she didn't deserve to make a good speech, and the other from Whitmore-- which was actually a decent scene because he was just talking to David but others in the room were latching onto what he was saying.


Did anyone else laugh at the couple failed attempts the movie had at crafting another "Independence Day" speech like in the first movie?

The world was united. There wasn't another "We all celebrate ID!!" moment to be had.

There were plenty of moments when this movie tried to re-create the magic of the original.

They all failed... hard.


Whew, what a wet fart of a sequel that was.

This was one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. OK, original Independence Day is dumb as hell, sure, but it works in that setting. Resurgence just goes way too far. Every single scene is just perplexing to the max. Why did the aliens see the President's speech when receiving the distress beacon. How did the hauling ship not break when lifting a humongous cannon. Why did they just blindly attack the sphere when it appeared. Why did they eradicate the aliens almost worldwide... and left Africa to fight them for a decade? How did nobody notice aliens drilled a huuuge hole in the ground. Why did the queen leave for the sphere herself? Why when protecting the queen the alien ships did not, well, protect the queen but kept on encircling her as she was gunned down? Why wasn't the excavator's ship sucked into the whirlpool after drilling stopped? Why was the entire presidential line of succession all flown into one place and why was Fichtner immediately declared new president?

...and so on and so on, it's just a tip of the iceberg, nothing makes sense. There are some decent, interesting ideas, as GhaleonEB said, but they are butchered, totally butchered.

The new cast is abysmal. The most uninteresting set of characters I've seen in a while.

There is no tension at all. The stakes should be high, the planet's core is at stake, but it feels far less threatening than the invasion in the original Independence Day. The aliens do nothing for the majority of the movie. The pacing is horrible.

I felt... nothing. It's mind-boggingly stupid and uninteresting. Still, I'd love to see the sequel to see how they would handle the ludicrous notion of humanity leading the resistance against the Harvesters because of reasons, but I'm aware it's never happening.

I guess I liked the Alien Queen, that was handled decently. Beyond that, it's a 3 out of 10 movie AT BEST.


This was stupid but it was also brainlessly entertaining. Whether or not you enjoy it probably comes down to your ability to go along for the ride without analyzing it at all.

I don't see anything wrong with a movie requiring you to be in an uncritical mindset, as long as the movie is up front about that from the very beginning. It's OK to indulge in junk food from time to time.
I think this film needed to rely more on plot and the characters because it exists in an era of the MCU, Transformers, and the resurgence( no pun intended) of the Star Wars franchise. Hell, even the new Star Trek films. We have our share of big-bang spectacle films, and plot and characters were two things this film fell short on. Not like the plot in the first one was original or compelling, but Will injected more charisma into the first film than all the new characters put together, Brent Spiner aside.
This was stupid but it was also brainlessly entertaining. Whether or not you enjoy it probably comes down to your ability to go along for the ride without analyzing it at all.

I don't see anything wrong with a movie requiring you to be in an uncritical mindset, as long as the movie is up front about that from the very beginning. It's OK to indulge in junk food from time to time.

but junk food is enjoyable. this is like endulging in cow feces.


I liked it. First one is obviously better but this wasn't so bad. Real sad about the box office outcome, there are much more terrible movies out there that rack in the dough.

The crazy scientist and the former president stole the show. They should have developed more of a relationship between the mom and the kid. Completely missed an opportunity there.

And where the hell was the dog fighting! All this stuff with the cool jets, just to get sacked in two minutes. Wanted more dog fights.
Well, The Shallows is supposed to be an actual good movie, so...

It's an "actual good" movie in that it's shot and acted well, which covers some technical bases, but I found it pretty forgettable. It's not bad, but pretty much exactly what I expected-- which is okay, but nothing really took me by surprise or changed anything up. It also goes for gritty realism until the climax, where it completely shits the bed lol

For sure worth checking out though, it has pretty good tension and some nice setups. And Blake is fantastic in it.
This was stupid but it was also brainlessly entertaining. Whether or not you enjoy it probably comes down to your ability to go along for the ride without analyzing it at all.

I don't see anything wrong with a movie requiring you to be in an uncritical mindset, as long as the movie is up front about that from the very beginning. It's OK to indulge in junk food from time to time.

I loved this film for the exact reasons why I should have hated it.


This was stupid but it was also brainlessly entertaining. Whether or not you enjoy it probably comes down to your ability to go along for the ride without analyzing it at all.

I don't see anything wrong with a movie requiring you to be in an uncritical mindset, as long as the movie is up front about that from the very beginning. It's OK to indulge in junk food from time to time.

I'm jealous. I wish I could have turned my brain off. :(

I enjoy brainless popcorn flicks - that's what I was hoping for when I went - but I thought this fell short of that. To me a good popcorn movie is one that knows what it is and rolls with it. ID: Resurgence had a level of dumb to it that kept startling me out of the action stupor I was hoping to be in. As CassSept touched on, I found myself thinking, "Wait, that's stupid," at nearly every scene. The aliens plan didn't make sense, what the humans did in response didn't make sense.

Thinking back over it, I'm realizing I didn't enjoy a single action scene in the entire film. The falling gun/rescue scene at the beginning was perfunctory and tension free. The ship landing on a good swath of earth somehow has less visual impact and none of the build up, tension or spectacle of the initial attack in ID4. When they do stage an action scene well, we get stuff like the school bus full of kids driving around in the open under the alien queen's feet. I wanted to switch my brain off, but it kept rebelling.

It made me realize the casting director was the real hero of ID4. Can you imagine that movie had with the cast of newcomers this movie had? Swap out Will Smith for Not Will Smith in Resurgence, or Bill Pullman for...whoever the President was in this. Replace Goldblum with his female counterpart in Resurgence, and Hemsworth for Randy Freaking Quaid. Those characters won us over, they had us pulling for them, they elevated material that had no business working as well as it did. (Goldblum and Pullman do it again in Resurgence, to their credit.) Randy flying off into the big alien dong in ID4 was that nexus between cheesy and sincere that this movie never landed.

I never once found myself rooting for anyone, like I was in ID4. Stuff just happened for convoluted reasons while characters I didn't care about went through the motions of an action movie with sub-par action staging. I really wish I could have shut my brain off, and I'm actually envious of those who were able to.
The dogfighting was clearly not nearly as good as in the first movie, which was a bummer, but I did like the entire climax with the queen and everything revolving around it.


The acting is so, so bad in this film. Pullman is genuinely atrocious, Goldblum veers between not giving a fuck and giving too much of a shit with some bizarre acting choices, and the new leads... yeesh.

But I had a great time. It's a mess of a film, but it did tick the stupid fun boxes. Everything with Brent Spiner was really, really fun. Great job there.


The dogfighting was clearly not nearly as good as in the first movie, which was a bummer, but I did like the entire climax with the queen and everything revolving around it.

I thought that was the best action in the film...and yet it had a school bus full of kids driving around that the alien queen somehow couldn't shoot or step on, despite shooting planes out of the air and standing right over it. It was kind of symbolic of the giant dumb streak running through everything, but it stood out the most there, IMO.
But I had a great time. It's a mess of a film, but it did tick the stupid fun boxes. Everything with Brent Spiner was really, really fun. Great job there.

Yeah, I thought he stole the movie. Not everyone should turn it up to 11 like that, but if the new cast were half as engaging in their own right, the movie would have been so much more fun.
I thought that was the best action in the film...and yet it had a school bus full of kids driving around that the alien queen somehow couldn't shoot or step on, despite shooting planes out of the air and standing right over it. It was kind of symbolic of the giant dumb streak running through everything, but it stood out the most there, IMO.

I thought it was trying to, it chased after it and shot at it and stuff but then the younguns came in the alien fighters and shot up its gun. I know what you're saying but yeah that's one of those things I feel like I could criticize in similar ways in other movies (or movies like it), I just don't care enough to :p

Just in terms of action, that whole sequence at least was a lot of fun, I was just hoping the aerial battles would have been better.


I thought that was the best action in the film...and yet it had a school bus full of kids driving around that the alien queen somehow couldn't shoot or step on, despite shooting planes out of the air and standing right over it. It was kind of symbolic of the giant dumb streak running through everything, but it stood out the most there, IMO.

Yeah, I thought he stole the movie. Not everyone should turn it up to 11 like that, but if the new cast were half as engaging in their own right, the movie would have been so much more fun.

Spiner just looked really, really fucking happy to be in a blockbuster again. Maika Monroe didn't look like she wanted to be there at all - which makes me wonder why they didn't get the original Patricia back.

That said HOLY SHIT that was some fucked up shit with Hillier's mother. Like after she dies he gives NO fucks. At all. Is she even mentioned again? That and Hillier's friendship with Patricia which we're told about but never really shown. So horrible given the original did some nice character work.

I mean it was still a blast, but between that and 'LOL FUCK YOU CHINA' and slow-motion scenes of people in China being pulled into the sky... this was a weird film.
Mae Whitman played her in the original and she looks to be mostly a voice actress for animated shows.

Would have been awesome though, looked up pics and she's pretty good looking. Plus it's not like she'd have actually failed an audition for this movie lol


Mae Whitman played her in the original and she looks to be mostly a voice actress for animated shows.

Would have been awesome though, looked up pics and she's pretty good looking. Plus it's not like she'd have actually failed an audition for this movie lol


Yeah, that's bizarre. Like I get why they wouldn't want a kid actor who hasn't done shit, but she's relatively well known and couldn't be any worse than Maika Monroe was. And that's down to this film, Maika was really good in It Follows.

Yeah, she was really good in It Follows (didn't like the movie but her performance was good). I don't think she was particularly bad in this, but it's a movie where all the actors know exactly what they're in. It's not much of an excuse, but Emmerich probably didn't ask for much out of them either.

I think if it were the original actress that maybe it would have felt more emotional, at least on a placebo basis.



Yeah, that's bizarre. Like I get why they wouldn't want a kid actor who hasn't done shit, but she's relatively well known and couldn't be any worse than Maika Monroe was. And that's down to this film, Maika was really good in It Follows.


Mae Whitman is in Arrested Development and Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, and she's fantastic in both. I'm sure more people recognize her than Maika.

Chris Stuckman commented on this, and his unproven opinion is they probably didn't want Mae because she's not "attractive" in the traditional sense. If so, that's very sad.
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