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Infamous: First Light |OT| Make Fetch Happen


It was sort of a rush job, but I went ahead and threw together a First Light trailer via Sharefactory. I hope I did inFamous and Fetch fans proud. I certainly enjoyed it. This was edited/created entirely in ShareFactory.

Oh yeah, potential minor spoilers, but if you played Second Son, you already know what's coming.


Cool! I like the idea of entering into photo mode and rotating around to get the full effect of the destruction/environment. Facial animations towards the end are just incredible.

Only complaint is around 50 seconds when you start rotating some really low res plant life pops in :0


That's ultimately what I'd suggest, they show up rarely enough that you should always have one available. I did notice the missiles killing the hostages so I'm interested in what mrstevens is seeing as far as the instant kill enemies. Even then you should be able to do the mission losing the occasional hostages to the concrete enemies, just keep that multiplier up.

I don't necessarily think it is the missles killing the hostages.. it's when I launch at a couple certain enemies, they jump at the hostage and instantly kill it.

I think the reason I'm struggling so much at this is that I hate trying to focus on several things at once (same reason I'm not a starcraft guy) and in this mode I have to worry about saving the hostages, keeping my missles loaded, staying alive, keeping the multiplier up, trying to kill enemies (especially spawners) faster than they come, etc. And that level of stress just gets to me I think. Especially when I get knocked over and everything turns grey, I just stress out.

Really not sure I can do this. I have no idea how I did alpha so easily. It is odd because I don't think I'm good at the game, but I'm not bad either.. Had no problem doing expert on the main game and I'm not having trouble with any of these other challenges.


i don't get how i can get the Dog Fight challenge done after i beat the Story. Any tips?

That's the air to air kill right? Couple posts back I mentioned that you can use the Beta arena to stasis blast enemies off of platforms, jump off the platform after them, focus, and neon kill their weakpoints. Alternatively you can just use stasis on an enemy launching them into the air and then jump off the ground, focus, and hit their weakpoints.


i don't get how i can get the Dog Fight challenge done after i beat the Story. Any tips?

Is this the one with the "airborne enemies"?!
Try going to the Gamma Arena, use one of the blue things to go higher and shoot the enemies that spawn in that floating rock in the middle.
Keep doing things like this and see if the challenge goes +1.


I didn't really worry about the multiplier too much. Staying alive is the best way to get over 500,000. That and saving the hostages. Also, use singularity whenever it's available and there are a lot of enemies. There is no good reason to save it since it respawns so easily.


Really not sure I can do this. I have no idea how I did alpha so easily. It is odd because I don't think I'm good at the game, but I'm not bad either.. Had no problem doing expert on the main game and I'm not having trouble with any of these other challenges.

Keep at it. Maybe try searching for a yellow shard (hit the police drones to drop shards) and leave it be until you are at a high multiplier, drain it, and then use the singularity on a group of tough, high scoring, DUP. I also found that those drones can do some heavy damage when left alone (along with the turrets). When I get knocked down and go gray I immediately bust into a run and go up to the high platforms on the outer edge to drain a neon and gain health, if its looking really bad pop a singularity. If you keep dying the most worrisome enemies are the rocket launcher guys that appear on the outer edge platforms, a launch of missiles will take them out easy. I try to take care of them ASAP cause they are the guys that knock you down and cost you crucial time getting to hostages

Ultimately you'll find a good strategy that works for you. Edit: Also if you aren't fully powered up maybe just farm some SP doing challenges until you have better weapons. It got easier as I upgraded more.


That's the air to air kill right? Couple posts back I mentioned that you can use the Beta arena to stasis blast enemies off of platforms, jump off the platform after them, focus, and neon kill their weakpoints. Alternatively you can just use stasis on an enemy launching them into the air and then jump off the ground, focus, and hit their weakpoints.

Is this the one with the "airborne enemies"?!
Try going to the Gamma Arena, use one of the blue things to go higher and shoot the enemies that spawn in that floating rock in the middle.
Keep doing things like this and see if the challenge goes +1.

cool, thanks guys
This was an incredible value. Overall, I think it's a better game than Second Son in terms of pacing and the arena offering more challenging trophies. Personally, I would rather get more games like this in the future. Maybe they could create a new city for three or four First Light sized games.


Cool! I like the idea of entering into photo mode and rotating around to get the full effect of the destruction/environment. Facial animations towards the end are just incredible.

Only complaint is around 50 seconds when you start rotating some really low res plant life pops in :0

Thanks man! Yeah, I noticed the low-res plant life as well. >.< May replace that at some point, and maybe redo the videos to work better with the music. There are moments where I should have cut to fit the changes, but didn't.


Awesome! Must be on your way to the platinum? The first hour I played the arena I had no clue there were even shards you could drain, did they even explain that?

I don't remember it being explained, but I might have missed it.

Just got Gamma round 30 first try :) So just clean up for various challenges. Thanks again for your help.


Got the platinum tonight :) very easy one (really don't think the game should of had one).

Game was fun look forward to any more of these if they do another one.


If anyone is having trouble I would suggest trying all the arenas and getting as many challenges done as you can, before trying to go for longer scores. This enables you to get more upgrades which will make obtaining higher scores easier.

Zoom. Weak point. Singularity.
I don't remember it being explained, but I might have missed it.

Just got Gamma round 30 first try :) So just clean up for various challenges. Thanks again for your help.

It was kinda explained at the end of the story mission. Drain drones for neon but I think that was basically all of it.

I think they may have been a VO in the arenas but I don't recall.


If anyone is having trouble I would suggest trying all the arenas and getting as many challenges done as you can, before trying to go for longer scores. This enables you to get more upgrades which will make obtaining higher scores easier.

Zoom. Weak point. Singularity.

I just spam fully upgraded missiles -> reload neon -> repeat -> when the singularity if fully charged use it.
Finished this today. Played on expert and it wasn't hard, only died a couple of times.
Gameplay was solid.
Story was great. Really loved Fetch, and really enjoyed seeing her story fleshed out. I think it's hard to tell a good story in an open world game, but they pulled it off.


Downloading this now. Apparently, I pinched enough pennies before rent was due.

If anybody doesn't want their DUP Fetch outfit code, I will gladly take it. :D
Finished the story last night and loved it, i only have 1 more thing to do for the Platinum, its to survive 30 waves in the Gamma Arena. That will give me the 100% of challenges and fully upgrade Fetch's powers. They are the only 2 i need for the platinum. I got to the 29th wave and got fucked by the demons with the lasers.


And 7 of your 31 came from an expansion. It's nuts. I felt like when I wrapped up the game I got 4 golds and a platinum within 5 minutes. Not that it matters, just curious how they decide what game gets to have how many.
Games that have Platinum have to have enough trophies to fulfill some kind of trophy score limit. It's kind of like 1000/1000 Achievement points, but the points are hidden behind the different tier trophies. The total number of trophies basically mandate how many golds a game can have If some game only has, like, 15 trophies and platinum, they'll all have to be gold. If it has over 50, there are mostly bronzes.


Platinum get. Arena turned out to be pretty easy after I got used to it. If you did well in Alpha, the rest are a piece of cake. Gamma wasn't even that hard. It's so large that running away wasn't a huge issue. I got really into it. I'm sorta hoping we get another story DLC with Eugene.


The powers in this game may appear to be a little shallow, until you learn how to tie everything together.

I'm doing a mission, and there are snipers on a rooftop, while I'm on the ground fighting. I don't understand what the huge triangle and square icons above enemys' heads mean, but I zipped all the way onto the roof, triangled both of those guys, then I zipped back down and did a ground pound, did some more flashy melee moves without even touching the ground. A fun thing I like to do is fight people while only using O as means for travel, it makes me look like a superhero.


I got the urge for more Infamous so I re-bought a used copy of Infamous 2 and I'm finally doing my evil playthrough.

First it's crazy that an hour or so into the game and already there are more side missions than First Light and Second Son. I forgot the UGC existed so now I'm curious to try out more user levels since I didn't so much of that at launch (seems less limited too as I got message about all these new things that were added). It's also crazy to actually have to climb and I'm missing Fetch's neon powers already.
I just spam fully upgraded missiles -> reload neon -> repeat -> when the singularity if fully charged use it.
Or that, sure. It's pretty easy no matter how you slice it.
Platinum get. Arena turned out to be pretty easy after I got used to it. If you did well in Alpha, the rest are a piece of cake. Gamma wasn't even that hard. It's so large that running away wasn't a huge issue. I got really into it. I'm sorta hoping we get another story DLC with Eugene.
I'd buy more dlc but I wouldn't be super excited about Eugene. I'd rather they move on to I4 and bring the content (more good/evil missions, etc).


Platinum get. Arena turned out to be pretty easy after I got used to it. If you did well in Alpha, the rest are a piece of cake. Gamma wasn't even that hard. It's so large that running away wasn't a huge issue. I got really into it. I'm sorta hoping we get another story DLC with Eugene.

I think a prequel DLC where you played as Augustine before she began to lead the DUP would be interesting, plus of course a continuation for the Paper Trail.


Had a decent run this morning.



This is probably a dissenting opinion but I thought this wasn't that great. Its good but not great. The story is pretty good even though we knew pretty much everything that went down. The writing was also decent but weaker than other entries in the series.

I've never liked challenge arena/mini-games in games and this challenge arena is no exception. It just feels like it highlights a lot of stuff I don't care for in the series. Namely, pretty damn high precision shots from everyone, really annoying distracting enemies in the midst of battle, and moves from enemies that completely stuff what I was doing. And the "enslaved" AI is really terrible. Why don't the enemies just change targets and attack as aggressively as they were before?

(Also, in the story did she ever have to drain neon except for when sniping?)


This is probably a dissenting opinion but I thought this wasn't that great. Its good but not great. The story is pretty good even though we knew pretty much everything that went down. The writing was also decent but weaker than other entries in the series.

I agree, Fetch is a great character but First Light is just more inFAMOUS. It is a good game and I did enjoy it, but it doesn't do anything new.


This is probably a dissenting opinion but I thought this wasn't that great. Its good but not great. The story is pretty good even though we knew pretty much everything that went down. The writing was also decent but weaker than other entries in the series.

I've never liked challenge arena/mini-games in games and this challenge arena is no exception. It just feels like it highlights a lot of stuff I don't care for in the series. Namely, pretty damn high precision shots from everyone, really annoying distracting enemies in the midst of battle, and moves from enemies that completely stuff what I was doing. And the "enslaved" AI is really terrible. Why don't the enemies just change targets and attack as aggressively as they were before?

(Also, in the story did she ever have to drain neon except for when sniping?)

The "enslaved" AI seemed to work really well for me. The Akura dudes jump up and immediately start firing like crazy, while the DUPs attack enemies the way they attack me. It's also pretty cool when the stronger DUPs will actually throw a concrete shield up for you (much cooler in the arena, that is). At first I didn't think the AI was doing anything either, mainly because "free roam" is so easy that they're hardly useful, but in arena combat they really do contribute.

And true, you don't have to suck up neon all that much in the single-player campaign, but I would attribute that to Fetch being much more efficient with that power compared to Delsin, so you don't have to fill back up quite as often.


Unconfirmed Member
I got the urge for more Infamous so I re-bought a used copy of Infamous 2 and I'm finally doing my evil playthrough.

First it's crazy that an hour or so into the game and already there are more side missions than First Light and Second Son. I forgot the UGC existed so now I'm curious to try out more user levels since I didn't so much of that at launch (seems less limited too as I got message about all these new things that were added). It's also crazy to actually have to climb and I'm missing Fetch's neon powers already.

Or that, sure. It's pretty easy no matter how you slice it.

I'd buy more dlc but I wouldn't be super excited about Eugene. I'd rather they move on to I4 and bring the content (more good/evil missions, etc).

Yeah, the missions, story, etc. were definitely better in inFamous 2. I'm pretty sure that if Second Son didn't have to be a launch window game it would've been a lot better.

And the traversal got infinitely better once you got the Static Thrusters and Ice Launch. I'm still sorely dissappointed that you never got the concrete jump and perch like the enemies in the game had.


I agree, Fetch is a great character but First Light is just more inFAMOUS. It is a good game and I did enjoy it, but it doesn't do anything new.

Yeah, I guess I was just expecting something that was different (moreso than this is). Freeroam stuff was great during the story but anything at Curdan Cay just felt annoying. Would have appreciated it at least being all story/free roam in Seattle and making the campaign longer.

The "enslaved" AI seemed to work really well for me. The Akura dudes jump up and immediately start firing like crazy, while the DUPs attack enemies the way they attack me. It's also pretty cool when the stronger DUPs will actually throw a concrete shield up for you (much cooler in the arena, that is). At first I didn't think the AI was doing anything either, mainly because "free roam" is so easy that they're hardly useful, but in arena combat they really do contribute.

And true, you don't have to suck up neon all that much in the single-player campaign, but I would attribute that to Fetch being much more efficient with that power compared to Delsin, so you don't have to fill back up quite as often.

Maybe I'll try it out in arena battle for a little while because in free roam it took a while to get the challenge done and often it felt like they did little to nothing before dropping dead. In free roam it seemed to function better with Akurans rather than DUP. I don't know. I'll give it a shot but I'm hating the arena as it is. Think this might be the first infamous where I don't try to 100% the game.


I disagree with people that Second Son should not be made. I loved SS. And I don't want Fetch taking over for Delsin at all.
Just finished it. I haven't played Second Son so the whole neon power is completely new to me. Anyway, it's fun as fuck! Really enjoy just moving around even. If I had a bone to pick though, the missions are mostly pretty crap. I liked the last hour when the stakes got turned up a bit and I stopped sleepwalking through the game but even then, the context was just more interesting. I can't think of better scenarios that could work instead. Batman for example fits really well into the stealth genre which has a lot of established conventions that work as a base. What can be done by a neon person and no one else? The only thing that comes to mind is turn the stupid dial to 11 like Saints Row 4 and go from there.

So yeah, I liked it over all. Gonna try and get that Platinum before Destiny comes out.


Maybe I'll try it out in arena battle for a little while because in free roam it took a while to get the challenge done and often it felt like they did little to nothing before dropping dead. In free roam it seemed to function better with Akurans rather than DUP. I don't know. I'll give it a shot but I'm hating the arena as it is. Think this might be the first infamous where I don't try to 100% the game.

Yeah, I thought the exact same thing, like it was a gimmick at first. The Akura did seem to be the only ones doing anything, and then I saw a DUP soldier run over and melee another before I could attack him, that was pretty cool. And I'm sure you're aware that there's an additional level to that which causes them to stay in that "enslaved" state for a longer period. The first level of that is so-so, but the second level is quite nice.

I'm not usually into that battle/challenge arena stuff either, but I think because I like the game and the character so much, I wanted to test/push my skill in a game that I really enjoyed. When I really like a game, I feel like I take ownership of it and have to possess some form of mastery (which is why I don't go platinum-crazy, unless it's a game I truly want to identify as a favorite, or really connect with on some level.)

As long as you've got a decent amount of upgrades, give the arena a shot. It can get a bit tiresome, but the challenge is pretty satisfying, especially when you launch a Neon Singularity when you're just about to be had.


1:38:00....that's a pretty long session.

Indeed. I was starting to get to the point where I thought I was gonna' just quit before the game made me. It's a lot of running and gunning. Had I realized that there were so many names above mine in the high scores list, I may have pushed a bit more towards the end, because I don't know if I could go that long again, unless maybe it's in one of the other arenas.


As long as you've got a decent amount of upgrades, give the arena a shot. It can get a bit tiresome, but the challenge is pretty satisfying, especially when you launch a Neon Singularity when you're just about to be had.

I'll give it a shot slowly. Too long will burn me out so I'll play it a little each day if I have some time available (very busy semester at school). But Destiny might make me let go of this. But I am willing to continue and try to challenge myself, I'm just annoyed at the tedium.



Platinum'd. The alpha rescue wasn't that hard after all, managed to clear it on tonight's first try. The super bolt challenge took me a while, as the blue shards don't manifest that often.

Had a decent run this morning.


Damn. My best score is less than a half of that.



Had a decent run this morning.



Did this last night. The top guy has like 40 million. The method I was using, I probably could've gotten that if I played long enough. I just let myself get killed because it was late. But it took me like an hour just to do 12 million. 68th place isn't too bad for now.

EDIT: Whoa. You played like a half hour longer and got more than twice as many waves? The hell? I guess multipliers really help a ton.



Did this last night. The top guy has like 40 million. The method I was using, I probably could've gotten that if I played long enough. I just let myself get killed because it was late. But it took me like an hour just to do 12 million. 68th place isn't too bad for now.

EDIT: Whoa. You played like a half hour longer and got more than twice as many waves? The hell? I guess multipliers really help a ton.

Whoah man, awesome job! Yeah, that goes to show that maintaining a solid multiplier is definitely the way to go. Likewise, I might have been able to keep going, but the will to do so was just fading. I suspect once I get the explosive melee finisher upgrade, it might be easier to jump straight into the fray for a higher multiplier.

I think the kill distance is also pretty telling. Notice how much farther out I was most of the time, thus creating a higher probably for the multiplier to drop.



Did this last night. The top guy has like 40 million. The method I was using, I probably could've gotten that if I played long enough. I just let myself get killed because it was late. But it took me like an hour just to do 12 million. 68th place isn't too bad for now.

EDIT: Whoa. You played like a half hour longer and got more than twice as many waves? The hell? I guess multipliers really help a ton.

Hey I see my psn in that pic :p


How do I get this? I am going to take some more screenshots because I just realized that this screenshot makes the location non-specific, but I can't reach it. I'm doing the O+jump technique right into a booster and I'm still not reaching it.

How do I get this? I am going to take some more screenshots because I just realized that this screenshot makes the location non-specific, but I can't reach it. I'm doing the O+jump technique right into a booster and I'm still not reaching it.

To get that one you have to hover a long distance from one of the other tall buildings I believe.
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