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Installing game every Act (MGS4). Is this a good trend of game loading?


ElyrionX said:
Also, if you play through the game more than once, the total time spent staring at the installation screen increases even more.
You realize you don't have to sit there and stare at the screen? That's the main advantage of less frequent, longer installations over more frequent, shorter loading -- and the reason I prefer the former. I just check GAF during installations.


force push the doodoo rock
I don't see the big deal, believe it or not.

If it was like, installing inbetween room transitions, I'd be pretty peeved, but a short install inbetween chapter breaks is and was no real issue for me.

It's still preferred over multi discs and or 45 minute initial installs.
MrTroubleMaker said:
To bad they couldn't have been allowed to go larger, I would rather have 1 big install instead of what we ended up with.
well, remember a 20GB PS3 with 10GB set aside for a Linux partition only has 8.6GB free (and that's with nothing else on the drive) so the max install size can only be so big before it starts to get into mucky territory...


y'all should be ashamed
Quite frankly I'm more upset with one time installs from games like Hot Shots Golf and Bourne that require 4+ gigs of space. I mean, really?


chubigans said:
Oh give me a break.

We went from cartridges to CDs, and what were the downsides? Load times, and CD scratches. But the positives outweighed the negatives, and we moved forward. Many devs have eliminated load times altogether.

Now we have Blu-Ray instead of DVD. There are obvious benefits, but the downsides is what we see going on here in MGS. BD has come a long way since launch, and MGS 4 could have handled this a bit better methinks, but to somehow imply that DVD is a much more viable format than Blu-Ray is incredibly stupid.

I'll gladly eat those words if Xbox 720 still uses the DVD format.

Nobody's arguing that DVD "is a much more viable format than Blu-ray". It's just a fact that what's the point of having a larger capacity disc when you can't stream data off it fast enough and devs have to resort to prior installations in order to get their games to perform?


ElyrionX said:
It's a bad trend. What makes it worse is the fact you brought up: you have to sit through every single installation when you replay the game. It's ironic really. If they had called it a "Loading" screen, every single review out there would have bitched about the long load times.

But instead, they call it "installation" so it doesn't get nearly as much negative attention as it really deserves.

It's fucking worse than changing discs. At least, changing discs don't require two minutes.

100% agree

i hate installations - especially clustered ones like in MGS4. if i would like them, i would play on pc. but i playing console games, because i dont have (or had) bothering about such nonesense.

some examples:

- MGS4 (4.6GB)
- Bourne conspiracy (5GB)
- Quake Wars (4.1GB minimum)
- Turning Point (2.56GB)
- Civ Revo (687MB)
- Dark Sector (1.37GB)
- Haze (5GB)
- GTA 4 (3+GB)


In the space of our play experience, we've already seen two separate installs. The game is still broken up into discrete areas, which I found odd, the assumption being that if we were taking time out to install shit it was because we were doing it to sustain a single world. You would have a hard time convincing me that multiple installs over the course of playing a videogame are worse than disc swapping. This has become some kind of theological question on forums, a kind of philosophical pinata, except no matter how many times you strike it no reward is forthcoming. Blu-Ray is only a convenience if it is actually convenient, if it doesn't require concessions either at the beginning of an experience or at several points throughout. It's amazing to me that this is considered progress.
Wow, fucking nailed it.

You trade swapping a disk for sitting through a 2 minute install. They both suck, one sucks because it requires you to move your fat ass, the other sucks because it takes a long time.
People who would 'gladly accept' multiple installs throughout the course of the game - repeatedly I might add ! - are either plain strange or masochistic. Why is it a good thing? I thought the initial install was bad enough, then I realized I needed to install again for act 1 - then again for the next 4 acts. And then it got even worse when I wanted to load up different sections of the game only to be forced to install again and again and again.

I'm currently doing two playthroughs - a Big Boss playthrough, and an exploration/weapons playthrough. It really does not help that I'm in one act for the Big Boss playthrough, and another for the exploration and I have to reinstall every time I switch between those two game saves. And yet people say it's a good thing? Fucking slavering fanboyism that's what it is. This install system is also why the game has no theatre mode and no boss rush mode. Why don't you think about that for a minute.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
They need to add a patch where I can just install the whole thing and leave it on there. I'm not sure why they don't do this. I bought a huge HD, and MGS4 is one of those games that I don't ever want to delete and don't really care how much HD space it's taking up. I do mind having to install at the beginning of every section every single time I play the game though. Just leave the shit on there for fucks sake.

At the end of the day though, it's one of the best games ever made, and I will deal with this minor flaw and not let it ruin the game for me. Now if this were a siphon filter or a ghost recon or something, I would not be so forgiving.


I don't mind them. I could wait a few minutes between each act or wait a while longer in the beginning. I'm indifferent about either design choice. Also, each act is pretty lengthy, so it's not like you have to do it constantly. So far, it's taken me an average of 5 hours to complete an act. That's days (or even a week when I have a lot to do) worth for playing for me.


ElyrionX said:

Are you fucking kidding me?

Load times between areas are about 5 seconds, and the area's are considerably larger than any other game of it's scope. Coupled with the near instant loads of camo, different kinds of costumes, different enemies w/different weapons, near instant codec convo's, very quick loading of cutscenes, etc...yes, it comes at the benefit of the game.

Especially when you consider the game has no pop in or texture loading.

OR do you think the game has 10 second load times, and 20 minute installs still (even though you've been proven wrong already multiple times).


If the reason they couldn't give the options of one full install are indeed Sony guidelines of 5GB maximum per game, those should be changed. Sony was nice enough to let us get high capacity HDDs in our PS3s very cheaply. Let us use them as well.

ElyrionX said:
Nobody's arguing that DVD "is a much more viable format than Blu-ray". It's just a fact that what's the point of having a larger capacity disc when you can't stream data off it fast enough and devs have to resort to prior installations in order to get their games to perform?
Except it can stream data just as quickly as 360 can (from DL DVDs). We went over this in 5 threads already.
The whole "trade installations for disc swaps" line of thinking is completely meaningless because of this.
tha_con said:
How long does it take to load certain segments of Halo 3 each time you play? Quite a few minutes.

GTA IV? Same.

Also, it's 19 minutes the first time you play, to include the intial install, after that, it's roughly 12 minutes of install times TOTAL for all the acts.

If you play GTA IV 5 separate times in one day, you're already waiting longer on THOSE load times than you are on MGS4 install times.
well, it'd be 12 minutes if it took you all day to get to act 3...


On paper, it reminds me of Halo's HD cache. Thing is, Halo's took, what, 30 seconds? 45 seconds? Two minutes sounds excessive.
Durante said:
If the reason they couldn't give the options of one full install are indeed Sony guidelines of 5GB maximum per game, those should be changed. Sony was nice enough to let us get high capacity HDDs in our PS3s very cheaply. Let us use them as well.

Except it can stream data just as quickly as 360 can (from DL DVDs). We went over this in 5 threads already.
no, it can't.


Draft said:
Wow, fucking nailed it.

You trade swapping a disk for sitting through a 2 minute install. They both suck, one sucks because it requires you to move your fat ass, the other sucks because it takes a long time.

I'm 100% positive MGS4 would have load times similar to Halo 3 or GTA IV at the start of each act if it were on 360 or did not have an install. Guaranteed.


y'all should be ashamed
Zedsdeadbaby said:
And yet people say it's a good thing? Fucking slavering fanboyism that's what it is.

Not really. The idea of having to keep up with four discs doesn't appeal to me at all. I rather have short installs where I keep myself entertained for two minutes than have four discs to the game. (I have three CD 200+ binders, and the less space one game takes up, the better).
Tain said:
On paper, it reminds me of Halo's HD cache. Thing is, Halo's took, what, 30 seconds? 45 seconds? Two minutes sounds excessive.

Eh? I don't know what you're talking about, those two aren't even remotely similair. One game makes you install it several times at a few minutes each, the other loads for a minute after you turn it on and never ever loads again throughout the campaign in one sitting.

chubigans said:
Not really. The idea of having to keep up with four discs doesn't appeal to me at all. I rather have short installs where I keep myself entertained for two minutes than have four discs to the game. (I have three CD 200+ binders, and the less space one game takes up, the better).

What the fuck does changing discs have to do with anything?


drakesfortune said:
They need to add a patch where I can just install the whole thing and leave it on there. I'm not sure why they don't do this. I bought a huge HD, and MGS4 is one of those games that I don't ever want to delete and don't really care how much HD space it's taking up. I do mind having to install at the beginning of every section every single time I play the game though. Just leave the shit on there for fucks sake.

At the end of the day though, it's one of the best games ever made, and I will deal with this minor flaw and not let it ruin the game for me. Now if this were a siphon filter or a ghost recon or something, I would not be so forgiving.

The Faceless Master said:
as several people have said before, there's a Sony TRC that limits install size for games to 5GB, so MGS4 literally *cannot* install the whole game. they overwrite part of the install each act.



ElyrionX said:
So watching Snake smoke and reading lameass "advice" off the screen for 20 minutes is supposed to be "better".

Good lord.

I don't think it was that long but yeah that loading screen really pissed me off. Even after I used the bathroom it was still loading. Don't know why though since I can stand installs of games on my computer. Guess I'm just not used to them on consoles. Anyway I just played a little of hot shots golf while I waited for it to install.


tha_con said:
I'm 100% positive MGS4 would have load times similar to Halo 3 or GTA IV at the start of each act if it were on 360 or did not have an install. Guaranteed.
When did you start working for Kojipro-san?


Zedsdeadbaby said:
Fucking slavering fanboyism that's what it is. This install system is also why the game has no theatre mode and no boss rush mode. Why don't you think about that for a minute.
What? Please do explain to use the technical architecture of the game. And how do you get "fanboyism" out of people not being bothered by installations?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Zedsdeadbaby said:
People who would 'gladly accept' multiple installs throughout the course of the game - repeatedly I might add ! - are either plain strange or masochistic. Why is it a good thing? I thought the initial install was bad enough, then I realized I needed to install again for act 1 - then again for the next 4 acts. And then it got even worse when I wanted to load up different sections of the game only to be forced to install again and again and again.

I'm currently doing two playthroughs - a Big Boss playthrough, and an exploration/weapons playthrough. It really does not help that I'm in one act for the Big Boss playthrough, and another for the exploration and I have to reinstall every time I switch between those two game saves. And yet people say it's a good thing? Fucking slavering fanboyism that's what it is. This install system is also why the game has no theatre mode and no boss rush mode. Why don't you think about that for a minute.
Because that's what it took to get the game's engine performing acceptably. Sure it isn't something I'd ask for, but hey, it's there and it makes the game run fantastically. I am not complaining.


tha_con said:
Dude, Tycho is a fucking retarded, he didnt' sum up shit. The Installs come to the benefit of the game, coupled with the amount of data that can be stored on Blu-Ray. I think it's quite obvious Tycho has his 'preference' with consoles, and he hasn't been afraid to voice that opinion in the past.

:lol you MGS defence peeps like to be banned, don't you? I hope you are getting paid for this shit.

Whether it's the fault of Kojima, or Blu-ray's limitations, these installing times suck. And as mentioned repeatedly, they don't get rid on regular loading times while playing the game as well. It scares me away.


formerly cjelly
I personally think it's a great trend. I would love more games to offer a 2 minute install after certain sections if it meant better games.


The Faceless Master said:
well, it'd be 12 minutes if it took you all day to get to act 3...

Yet Act 3 is a perfect example of the install being beneficial. You're riding High Speed through an area (HUGE area) for how many minutes, and only 2 loading sequences that last a few seconds each? No pop in, no texture loading, and the transition into multiple camera angles instantly and the extremely fast transition to cutscenes...yea, I'm not buying the complaints, it's nothing more than a double standard.

No one had issues with GTA IV's long ass load times on BOTH systems, and praised it. The word 'install' makes people get their damn panties in a bunch and they cry their bitter eyes out. It's stupid.

But, as usual, people will complain just for the sake of complaining. If it were on multiple discs and had long load times, people would still cry their bitter eyes out.

News at 11.


hide your water-based mammals
What really matters most is that I have played through this excellent game. Who gives a shit about something that is going to help the game. I know there are some in this thread who have not even completed/played the game, get out. You should feel jealous since you haven't experienced one of the best games created. Installs are not what I'll remember about this game.

Continue your nagging.


Im pretty ashamed to be a gamer sometimes, with all this "Defense Force" and "Console Wars" going on, they are fucking games for fucks sake, people are acting like this will cause world war 3.
I think part of the reason may be (although I have not researched it) a dual layered DVD has a slower read speed than a single layer DVD. I'm thinking a Dual layered Blu-ray has an even slower read speed than a single layer blu-ray, which may be why we had this.


The Faceless Master said:
no, it can't.
Oh well let's do this again.
PS3's BR read speed is 9 MB/s CLV (over the whole disc)
360's DL DVD read speed is 4.36MB/s - 10.57MB/s CAV (varying from center to outer parts of the disc, average ~7.93MB/s)

Seriously, this has to be one of the greatest hardware myths this generation. I'm getting tired of it.
Clinton514 said:
What? Please do explain to use the technical architecture of the game. And how do you get "fanboyism" out of people not being bothered by installations?

Use your brain:

Boss X is in Act Y
Boss Z is in Act V

Installation of both Act Y and V required if you want to do bosses X and Z one after the other in boss rush mode ala Snake Eater. And as for people saying multiple installs is a 'good' thing (nice to see you twist the fact that some people said 'it's a good thing' towards 'not bothered by it' btw), that kind of thing only comes from bias, there is absolutely nothing good, MGS4 is broken up in chunks of minutes-long installs that have to be repeated, breaking suspension of belief like a baby through a window.


i'm very interested in hearing technically why this "Installing game every Act " is necessary. Can't they just install, let's us, 10G, at one time?


ya it sucks, you would expect it to not load after every checkpoint/cutscene. It absolutely kills the rhythm of the game.


I don't really care for the installs and wish it could've been done differently. Because it's not like the installs cut back on the loading. There's 5-7 sec loading between cut-scenes and certain parts of the acts on top of the initial 8 minute install loading and 3 minute loading of each act. The loading and installs break the flow and take you out of this masterpiece of a cine-game.


gconsole said:
And with the new stage installation, the old stage data will be deleted. If i stop my play at stage 3 and my brother want his own play start from stage 1, it means the game has to re-install stage1 and then re-re-install the game when i want to continue my play from stage3 :/.

Is this actually true? When people replay, do they have to do the installations over again?

I haven't replayed the game yet, but I noticed that the installation data doesn't seem to get smaller after each act.


Gold Member
The Faceless Master said:
well, remember a 20GB PS3 with 10GB set aside for a Linux partition only has 8.6GB free (and that's with nothing else on the drive) so the max install size can only be so big before it starts to get into mucky territory...
Oh yeah, I feel bad now, I forgot about the 20GB HDD setup like that. The first thing I did was to put a large HDD in the PS3 and haven't thought about it much since.
Zedsdeadbaby said:
Use your brain:

Boss X is in Act Y
Boss Z is in Act V

Installation of both Act Y and V required if you want to do bosses X and Z one after the other in boss rush mode ala Snake Eater. And as for people saying multiple installs is a 'good' thing (nice to see you twist the fact that some people said 'it's a good thing' towards 'not bothered by it' btw), that kind of thing only comes from bias, there is absolutely nothing good, MGS4 is broken up in chunks of minutes-long installs that have to be repeated, breaking suspension of belief like a baby through a window.

Erm... They could easily just install the boss data instead of the whole act you know...
tha_con said:
Yet Act 3 is a perfect example of the install being beneficial. You're riding High Speed through an area (HUGE area) for how many minutes, and only 2 loading sequences that last a few seconds each? No pop in, no texture loading, and the transition into multiple camera angles instantly and the extremely fast transition to cutscenes...yea, I'm not buying the complaints, it's nothing more than a double standard.

No one had issues with GTA IV's long ass load times on BOTH systems, and praised it. The word 'install' makes people get their damn panties in a bunch and they cry their bitter eyes out. It's stupid.

But, as usual, people will complain just for the sake of complaining. If it were on multiple discs and had long load times, people would still cry their bitter eyes out.

News at 11.
i do have to say one thing.. if the game said NOW LOADING for two minutes instead of PRESS X TO INSTALL ACT 3, a lot less people would be complaining...


y'all should be ashamed
Zedsdeadbaby said:
And as for people saying multiple installs is a 'good' thing (nice to see you twist the fact that some people said 'it's a good thing' towards 'not bothered by it' btw), that kind of thing only comes from bias

I just told you why you crazy fool! There are people who prefer it to multiple discs. What's hard to believe about that?


No, I like installing. I uninstall stuff just so I can see that install bar again. I get off on it.


Metalmurphy said:
Erm... They could easily just install the boss data instead of the whole act you know...
haha but that would require a separate boss rush install when you want to use that feature.
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