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Intervention: Microsoft GAF, you're out of control


Oh, fuck off.

I'd need a fucking team of auditors and a month to catalogue every time SonyGAF have shat up the front page of Gaming this year. Week after week, and the mods humored them and their embarrassing clickbait that clogged up the forum. Where the fuck was your concern then?

I think we all know the answer.
Jim Ryan done Sony Gaf dirty with the We believe in Generations thing. Got them all jazzed up about how Spider man and Horzion 2 couldn’t be done on current gen hardware...

I could feel the ground shake when all there Jaws dropped after the Ps5 presser. 4-5 years of cross gen content.... Even MS wouldn’t go that far.
I am getting a ps5 day one, but boy-oh-boy did I have BIG LAUGHS at the end of sony's showcase :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I even made a gif, and for me to sit and do that it takes a very special psychology:messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:
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This isnt 2003, there are tons of devs and games outperforming anything MS has in its stable today, tomorrow and in the future.




Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Not all PC gamers are master racers, in fact many on here are not.

Totally agree. There are a few but I think next to Nintendo fans, PCMRs are the least fanboyish, us Xbots are 2nd worst and we all know who is #1 not only in Sales.

It seems to me like Nintendo, Xbox and PCMRs all get along pretty well for the most part and I think all 3 get along fine with all the normal Sony fans that just happen to prefer PlayStation. The uber sony fanboys don't get along with anyone, hell they even fight with each other if they don't pass the SONY purity tests (NEVER EVER say anything even slightly negative about Sony)


Gold Member
Leave them be, you can just ignore those threads. Sony fans gave them so much shit after the Craig reveal, I think its fine for them to have their fun. Like I've said before, I personally feel that this celebration of Bethesda acquisition is a bit premature, but a win (?) is a win, I guess.

Now, onto the Microsoft x Sega rumors. I feel a shitstorm incoming, I hope I'm wrong.


You need to understand, they're overjoyed because they finally get someting to be happy about in the now. You'll see... XB fans have been led with nothing but promises of a better tomorrow from Phil for years now (next E3 will be the one guys!...). Sure, they'll have to wait years to see meaningful fruits from the Bethesda acquisition... but that's fine by them, they're used to waiting on Microsoft to one day (finally) churn out the (good) games.


Totally agree. There are a few but I think next to Nintendo fans, PCMRs are the least fanboyish, us Xbots are 2nd worst and we all know who is #1 not only in Sales.

It seems to me like Nintendo, Xbox and PCMRs all get along pretty well for the most part and I think all 3 get along fine with all the normal Sony fans that just happen to prefer PlayStation.

I think that console gamers really misunderstand the PCMR meme. I'd argue that PC gamers are the only community in gaming. Folks in the PC community contribute to the PC platform and its users for free, making our gaming experience better everyday. Whether its mods, fixes, total conversions, fan translations, the PC gaming wiki, PC performance threads. I'd argue the community aspect and openness of PC gaming is what makes it the best platform to game.

For some reason, console users believe PC gaming is just about specs when that couldn't be further from the truth. That's just part of the fun.
You need to understand, they're overjoyed because they finally get someting to be happy about in the now. You'll see... XB fans have been led with nothing but promises of a better tomorrow from Phil for years now (next E3 will be the one guys!...). Sure, they'll have to wait years to see meaningful fruits from the Bethesda acquisition... but that's fine by them, they're used to waiting on Microsoft to one day (finally) churn out the (good) games.



Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I think that console gamers really misunderstand the PCMR meme. I'd argue that PC gamers are the only community in gaming. Folks in the PC community contribute to the PC platform and its users for free, making our gaming experience better everyday. Whether its mods, fixes, total conversions, fan translations, the PC gaming wiki, PC performance threads. I'd argue the community aspect and openness of PC gaming is what makes it the best platform to game.

For some reason, console users believe PC gaming is just about specs when that couldn't be further from the truth. That's just part of the fun.

I used to be a PC gamer mostly MMORPGs. These days I prefer consoles. It's a personal choice, more convenient, and PC for gaming doesn't work in the space I most prefer to play games these days.

What you say about the vast majority of PC gamers is true. I think the PC itself is almost a hobby in and of itself for enthusiasts and even here at GAF you see fellow PCMRs helping each other or people wanting to get PC gaming, giving advice, fixes and optimal settings. Then there is the whole PC mod community.

There are a few assholes that like to look down on anyone that doesn't have the absolute top of the line PC, or are just asshole irrelevant to owning a PC, but at least on GAF they seem to be a very, very small minority. I find the vast majority of PC gamers get along well almost everyone here.


I know it's been a hard gen for you and you're hungry for retribution against Sony but reading GAF since the Bethesda acquisition anouncement is unbearable. Almost all the threads, related to Sony or not, are full of console warring cranked up to the max, unprovoked attacks, constant references to Sony fans and, in general, a very toxic atmosphere.

So go on, mock me and insult me for saying it, but also think about it because it's out of control and moderators apparently don't think so.

I know it's been a hard week for you and you're hungry for retribution against MS fans enjoying all the good news lately, but reading Sony GAF bitterly try to downplay this since the Bethesda acquisition anouncement is unbearable.
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Console jingoism is the dumbest shit, it's a champagne psychological problem.

Don't kid yourselves, it's a serious psychological problem, unless you're a CEO or an executive of either company, there is no reason to fight anyone over something you have no agency in, and have no real stakes in, CONSUMING a company's good still makes you a CONSUMER no matter what you think, you're being manipulated by your brand's marketing.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X

This is the delusional persecution complex I've mentioned. You seem like someone hell-bent on not getting along with people who own other brands and will even make up incredible fantasies about the forum at large to justify bad behavior toward another brand.

I can respect people who say "can't we just get along?" or "let's just laugh it off" but for people to chime in and say "NO! Sony fans had this coming" only proves the OP's point.

Self-awareness is sorely lacking. Fans need to embrace self-deprecation and be willing to see the flaws in their favorite stuff. Snide assholes have no business rubbing people's noses in it.

If you are truly unaware of Next Gen Spec thread, the shitstorm after the halo reveal, the never-ending Craig memes, the last 6+ months of spiteful drivel from Sony fans because Xbox is supporting current gen consoles until the end of 2021, how at Sony "we believe in generations" (turned out to be a big fat PR lie), the Sony fans proclamations how PS5 would have all next Gen exclusives while Xbox held back next generation, you really need to get caught up.

In days since since Phil dick-slapped Sony and all their Bethesda timed exclusives there's been a shit ton of threads filled with Sony fans crying how unfair it is, port-begging or port demanding Xbox share their $7.5 billion dollar investment with PS5. If you really aren't aware of all this maybe you shouldn't be passing judgment from on high.

Receipts? Here you go. Read through this epic circle jerk. I have no doubt you can find some receipts in there. And NO I'm not going to go find them for you.


voted poster of the decade by bots
No, considering how ridiculously pro sony this board was before, its nice to see some balance. It was so bad, the couple of times I called it out I was banned for, and I barely said anything. It had me to the point that I thought the board was actually being run by Sony and I was ready to move on.
And I'm not even an xbox only person, I buy all the consoles.
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I haven't been here in forever and just started reading/posting recently to keep up with next gen stuff.

One thing I've observed is some of these threads have the dumbest takes ever, it's as if people have nothing to do so they make them for the sake of it.
If I'm honest even though there's fanboyism on both sides the Xbox Fans that stick out more. I don't know if it's the recent acquisitions that lit a fire under them but it's fucken annoying reading these some of these threads.

Now that being said I wasn't around before for this supposed 7 years of Sony tyranny, so if that's the case I kinda get it, but does that mean its just gonna be revenge season and costant high school bickering forever?

Fucken both sides get over it lol its sad really
I was a longtime lurker and am console agnostic, so if you haven't been here in a long time I can see why you might think the Xbox Fans have been worse. But for seven freaking years this place has been a barley tolerable cesspool of SONY fanboys, with just enough other content to keep me lurking. The Xbox stuff you are seeing, was 3x worse but from Sony Supporters and has been going on since the Xbox One launch video/E3 introduction... I tend to think that the Xbox bros have every right to gloat a little.
Damn, Xbox fanboys must of been salty over the amount of abuse and salt intake over the years lmao. they are still butthurt over the Craig memes 🤣
It's not that Xbox fanboys are salty over Craig memes. It's that Craig memes inundate every xbox thread even when they aren't relevant or appropriate... Just non-stop trolling. It forces you to sort through endless bullshit to actually read something meaningful by people who actually want to talk about the topic.


Its not my console of choice, i havent owned a console since PS3 and 360, in fact The Last of Us was the last ever console game i played, i didnt even play Halo 4 lol. I'm a Microsoft 'fan' because their games come to PC, and sometimes you would like to go into a Xbox thread and discuss stuff without running into 8 year old memes, drive by's, concern trolling, Craig as a reply to half the posts.
It gets tiring, you get it?.

To me it all just comes off as the same console warring shit. Your crying about meme's being unfair and acting as if you want through something traumatic. Why? Oh, because of Craig? 😂

I just see people acting childish

It's not that Xbox fanboys are salty over Craig memes. It's that Craig memes inundate every xbox thread even when they aren't relevant or appropriate... Just non-stop trolling. It forces you to sort through endless bullshit to actually read something meaningful by people who actually want to talk about the topic.
You mean like 12 TFs did for months?

Or shit, Betheseda right now? 🙄
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Lol, personally I love the console wars and the gloating back and forth. It's general all in good fun or at least in fun spite. Like I've been having a lot of fun laughing at overly defensive PS fanboys or the stupidity of the Xbox naming scheme, just like I did back in 2013, just switching out PS with Xbox fanboys. Xbox fans are a minority here as well, so as the underdogs it's understandable the few times they get to gloat, that they do so. Them gloating because of good Xbox news is not toxic in my opinion. What is toxic is people not playing around, but being deeply invested in console wars in a way that's not just fun ribbing. As in people suddenly caring about winning the sales numbers and not what they as consumers actually get. As toxic as that is, it should still be allowed.
What really annoys me is people whining about others "destroying their hype" whenever this next generation is put under a critical view. Like we're all part of a marketing machine or something and we need to entertain the circus. Personally I'm disappointed with both console makers and have decided to wait to buy a console. With everything being cross-gen for a couple of years, I imagine that like with PS4, the console will really get good after yeard 2 or so.

Don't really see what mods really could or should do. This is part of the season, been so every generation. If you're just looking to make yourself feel better you could stick to marketing material. This rollercoaster ride is a mix of up and downs, but it is without doubt at least exciting.
Trying to overly moderate is kinda what we want to avoid, outside of really clear cases of antagonism and not "x console fans gloating due to big recent news".

Kagey K

Lol, personally I love the console wars and the gloating back and forth. It's general all in good fun or at least in fun spite. Like I've been having a lot of fun laughing at overly defensive PS fanboys or the stupidity of the Xbox naming scheme, just like I did back in 2013, just switching out PS with Xbox fanboys. Xbox fans are a minority here as well, so as the underdogs it's understandable the few times they get to gloat, that they do so. Them gloating because of good Xbox news is not toxic in my opinion. What is toxic is people not playing around, but being deeply invested in console wars in a way that's not just fun ribbing. As in people suddenly caring about winning the sales numbers and not what they as consumers actually get. As toxic as that is, it should still be allowed.
What really annoys me is people whining about others "destroying their hype" whenever this next generation is put under a critical view. Like we're all part of a marketing machine or something and we need to entertain the circus. Personally I'm disappointed with both console makers and have decided to wait to buy a console. With everything being cross-gen for a couple of years, I imagine that like with PS4, the console will really get good after yeard 2 or so.

Don't really see what mods really could or should do. This is part of the season, been so every generation. If you're just looking to make yourself feel better you could stick to marketing material. This rollercoaster ride is a mix of up and downs, but it is without doubt at least exciting.
Trying to overly moderate is kinda what we want to avoid, outside of really clear cases of antagonism and not "x console fans gloating due to big recent news".
It’s only really got exciting in the last week or so. Basically everything before Sony’s final pitch right before preorders opened sucked giant balls.

It’s only been the “fine print,” after Sony’s pitch to the PS5 preorder mess to MS purchase to MS preorder that have been exciting.

The rest was bullshit insiders and a whole lot of nothing. I will say though this last week has more than made up for it and provided me with a ton of entertainment. (Which is a good thing since I’ve been basically locked in my bedroom waiting for the results of a COVID test that I know is coming back Negative)

Mandatory for me and my daughter to get it though since we both got sick and she needs it to get back in school.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I mean whatever. Xbox fans got their little grain of rice from daddy Phil. They're happy for right now. When xbox inevitably fucks everything up as usual things will go back to normal.

I hope they fuck up like with the Xbox 360 and have one of the greatest libraries.


I mean i like all the salt and tears, but i'm missing the Craig Gifs. I think we also lost some Craig avatars the last few days :messenger_crying:
My favourite part of all this is how now you can post the Craig “there is no need to be upset” gif to make fun of the Sony fanboys and just know that it makes them seethe haha. They made it to make fun of Xbox and now it’s making fun of them.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Let them have their fun, I find it funny with them pretending Sony fans are in meltdown

Looks like a "and then I said" meme


It's not that Xbox fanboys are salty over Craig memes. It's that Craig memes inundate every xbox thread even when they aren't relevant or appropriate... Just non-stop trolling. It forces you to sort through endless bullshit to actually read something meaningful by people who actually want to talk about the topic.

They are as boring as a game of Gran Turismo.


All I see is a bunch of people 'microsoft GAF' going round and posting "salt salt" to every thread discussing events. It's actually hilarious how much pride they feel from an acquisition.

Kagey K

Let them have their fun, I find it funny with them pretending Sony fans are in meltdown

Looks like a "and then I said" meme

There’s a reason for all the traffic here right now, and it’s not the delusion you made up.

Its funny how much this mirrors the Xbox 1.5 shit, aNd people can’t see it. Though I guess they didn’t back then either.
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I know it's been a hard gen for you and you're hungry for retribution against Sony but reading GAF since the Bethesda acquisition anouncement is unbearable. Almost all the threads, related to Sony or not, are full of console warring cranked up to the max, unprovoked attacks, constant references to Sony fans and, in general, a very toxic atmosphere.

So go on, mock me and insult me for saying it, but also think about it because it's out of control and moderators apparently don't think so.

Xbox fans were getting slammed for months. Besides, it's just words on an internet forum written by strangers you mostly have never met and will never meet - who really cares.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.

There’s a reason for all the traffic here right now, and it’s not the delusion you made up.

Its funny how much this mirrors the Xbox 1.5 shit, aNd people can’t see it. Though I guess they didn’t back then either.
Look I think it's great, Bethesda and their games are a Great fit for Xbox just like they was for 360 years ago when they was mostly exclusive then.
No one is saying it isn't a big win, but Xbox fans are exaggerating beyond it's value and in delusion that all PS Fans are bothered about it more then they actually are.
I'm relatively new to GAF but if you were also wronged in the past that doesn't make what going on now ok. I've seen moderators give warnings for fairly mild provocations (including an unfortunate post of mine) but suddenly they are allowing everything. I don't get it.
I checked this with a mod recently and my point was simple.
Why allow trolling in general threads when there are threads created already for console warring to take place?

Its simple. Why does every thread related to Sony get trolled relentlessly. Good or bad news it's just endless trolling and console warriroing. It's seriously detremental to discussion taking place on real topics.

I have started reporting people because the mod advised to report users who troll.

Kagey K

Look I think it's great, Bethesda and their games are a Great fit for Xbox just like they was for 360 years ago when they was mostly exclusive then.
No one is saying it isn't a big win, but Xbox fans are exaggerating beyond it's value and in delusion that all PS Fans are bothered about it more then they actually are.
I can’t agree or disagree, only time will tell. I’m not going to pretend I can predict the future.

The sheer amount of threads here convincing themselves that MS will still make them multiplat says it’s a bigger deal then you believe though.
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