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Is Horizon ZD the only game this gen that delivered on its early trailers promise


Looks like long sticks of plastic :p

Looks like long alien arms and hands with red fingers to me. The final design of the stealth grass does imo look a bit strange in comparison to the other pretty realistic vegetation.

But in general I've never seen an open world game look better than Horizon (but I don't game on PC):




Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm sorry let me rephrase,

"stealth" grass isn't the same.

(game still delivered.)
Because the srealth grass is a minor mechanic of the game... but fine, you think clipping into grass is the same as physics based grass that moves around the character, rather than a downgrade. Even if they used the current grass' s design.


That's not really my problem. At the end of the day, there was now 'heavy downgrade', and real time does not necessarily mean gameplay.

That just really depends on how you classify a "heavy downgrade". Slightly diminished visuals, but half the framerate would qualify as heavy for many people, just as a jump up from 30fps to 60fps also would.

And no shit realtime doesn't necessarily mean gameplay... we're talking about a cutscene here... but cutscenes aren't immune to downgrades either, as is evident by all the fun being poked at Mass Effect Andromeda's cutscenes recently.

Wow, at all the people sour/disappointed with how UC4 looks.

You'd think it was NMS level downgrades they were talking about.

Well no... there's nothing wrong with arguing against statements that you feel are incorrect. This thread is asking if HZD is the only game that met its early representation (which is kinda ridiculous to suggest in and of itself). If you're then going to shortlist a handful of other games - not even taking into consideration the large number of games that improve graphically over the course of development - then UC4 is a poor candidate, that shouldn't be listed ahead of a great many games. Not many games get revealed (to ridiculous fanfare) at 60fps and then release at 30fps. It's a significant compromise.
Looks like long alien arms and hands with red fingers to me. The final design of the stealth grass does imo look a bit strange in comparison to the other pretty realistic vegetation.

But in general I've never seen an open world game look better than Horizon (but I don't game on PC):




there isnt one
I think for the most part, the Sony first party stuff has matched or exceeded the initial reveals. Horizon probably is a bit more impressive in that regard as they tidied up the framerate while throwing more impressive combat scenarios at you then the gameplay demos.

Not sure what Zelda's doing in this thread. That got a massive downgrade on par with what you'd expect out of a Ubisoft game.
Horison Comparison
Are there any other games that have come close to their reveal trailers please link if so.
I just wanted to point out that this comparison makes no sense because it's only pre-rendered stuff being compared xD

That said, I definitely believe several games have delivered or exceeded their initial gameplay reveals. People using the scene of Drake getting up on the beach (where all system resources are dumped into Nathan Drake and a tiny, controlled environment) are just pushing their agenda. Compare the actual gameplay reveal to the final game and you'll see it is majorly improved.

A few that came to mind for me -

The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild - Considering the multiple times this game got 'revealed' during its time in WiiU development, it's hard to determine what counts as a reveal trailer. But thinking back to the big E3 trailer, with wide open landscapes and Link attacking the Guardian head-on with a slo-mo bow shot - that's BotW to me.

Sunset Overdrive - While the first trailer for this was entirely CG, it absolutely nailed the tone and speed of the final product. Seamlessly chaining together a combo from powerline to powerline, blasting orange zombies with speeding vinyl - it's all in the final game. Feels just as good as you want it to be.

All that said, Sony did Horizon a huge favor by waiting long enough to show honest gameplay footage at the first reveal. The game's core concept is so strong, seeing it in motion is all you need. And that pitch is everything the final game proved to be.


Because the srealth grass is a minor mechanic of the game... but fine, you think clipping into grass is the same as physics based grass that moves around the character, rather than a downgrade. Even if they used the current grass' s design.

the new stealth grass is easy to spot for its distinctive style and color. Gotta side with GG for making that decision even though they could've gone with the other one.
I think for the most part, the Sony first party stuff has matched or exceeded the initial reveals. Horizon probably is a bit more impressive in that regard as they tidied up the framerate while throwing more impressive combat scenarios at you then the gameplay demos.

Not sure what Zelda's doing in this thread. That got a massive downgrade on par with what you'd expect out of a Ubisoft game.

It's likely a direct result of the criticism they took last gen for those early target renders. That mistake really followed them throughout most of that generation, so there was no way they wanted a repeat of that. And Guerrilla certainly didn't want to deal with it again.


Huh, interesting that Horizon's intro "growing" cinematic had Aloy originally running through a far lusher grounds. Wonder what made them change to a more winter setting.
Zelda is the biggest downgrade I've ever seen, maybe there's worse but I can't think of it right now.

Not just lighting changes but assets as well, unlike say DSII which was mostly lighting.

And the framerate was cut in half too, from 30 to 15fps.

I still find the game nice looking sometimes but I would love to play the reveal.


Huh, interesting that Horizon's intro "growing" cinematic had Aloy originally running through a far lusher grounds. Wonder what made them change to a more winter setting.

Well, the region around Mother's Heart, where Aloy and Rost live, is wintery now.


The Order surpassed its initial visuals.



To hell with anyone who speaks ill of 1886.

It did!

I think I'm one of the few people on here that thinks The Order is an underappreciated gem. It's not a perfect game, and I have my issues with the narrative (mainly the abrupt ending), but I thought the atmosphere was fantastic, the visuals stellar, and the gunplay very satisfying. I just wish there was more of everything. It really deserved a sequel.

I've been debating popping the disc in again and doing a livestream of it. My backlog is too big at the moment, however, and I keep adding more games to it!

Coming out of Rant Retirement in regards to this game very soon. Playing it again, and while the design itself left a lot to be desired, the presentation hit it out of the park. It did a lot wrong, but as a cinematic game fan, it sure as hell did a lot right too!
Coming out of Rant Retirement in regards to this game very soon. Playing it again, and while the design itself left a lot to be desired, the presentation hit it out of the park. It did a lot wrong, but as a cinematic game fan, it sure as hell did a lot right too!

If you like cinematic games and were ever even curious about The Order, it's definitely one to check out, even if it's just for a single playthrough (it's not that long a game) because, presentation wise, I don't think there's a game that really tops it. Just prepare for the feeling of disappointment that there will never be a sequel to fix the issues the game has.


I think lots of people got confused when naughty dogs said that the PS4 can't run the original trailer in Realtime at ZBRUSH SUMMIT 2016, what they were saying is that the Final full game can't run on the PS4 , with the same graphics as the reveal, with addition to the Fighting and Gameplay sequence which will be added to the game. But they, than n there confirm that the trailer is indeed running in realtime(with high res shadow and transparency map) and they treated the Ps4 as a "render farm" but that doesn't mean they prerendered it.Check back the whole summit and it will get clear to you.

This is for those people who are saying that the first trailer is CG and not Realtime. Obviously you can say there is a downgrade from the first reveal to final game, and it will not be wrong.but the First trailer is indeed In Realtime.


And yes, horizon did deliver on all the aspects from the initial trailer. The Screenshot thread is a sight to behold, if someone still saying no , take a look at that thread.


Well, the region around Mother's Heart, where Aloy and Rost live, is wintery now.

Yeah I know that, what I was saying is that it's interesting earlier designs of Nora region were less snow-heavy and actually more Spring-like. I mean, there's plenty of diversity in the whole map but just an interesting change.


I think it is the lesson from the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005 to 2006. They showed hype trailers for stuff like Killzone 2 and MotorStorm which they did not manage to match in the beta footage in 2006. They still turned out really well in the end, but everybody remembers the 'downgrade' and not how close the end result actually was.


I think lots of people got confused when naughty dogs said that the PS4 can't run the original trailer in Realtime at ZBRUSH SUMMIT 2016, what they were saying is that the Final full game can't run on the PS4 , with the same graphics as the reveal, with addition to the Fighting and Gameplay sequence which will be added to the game. But they, than n there confirm that the trailer is indeed running in realtime(with high res shadow and transparency map) and they treated the Ps4 as a "render farm" but that doesn't mean they prerendered it.Check back the whole summit and it will get clear to you.

This is for those people who are saying that the first trailer is CG and not Realtime. Obviously you can say there is a downgrade from the first reveal to final game, and it will not be wrong.but the First trailer is indeed In Realtime.

Could you link to the relevant bits of the video? It's nearly 90mins long, so watching it all for the bits you mention isn't a very appealing prospect.

The term "render farm" would be a very strange way to describe anything being rendered in realtime, and honestly doesn't make much sense as a differentiator imo, seeing as that's basically what any game would be doing for any cutscene.

Endo Punk

People saying The Order 1886 delivered its original vision 😂


When did you get to fight multiple werewolves at once or out in the open?? They were all in boxed warehouse locations coming one after the other like an assembly line. The vision of the trailer was the reason I was super hyped for the game. Just for the graphics alone you say? What a garbage low bar, they absolutely intended for it to be a representation of the gameplay and immersion none of which was present in the actual game unless only looking skin deep.

Horizon gotta say indeed delivered on its vision but one game that at least for me exceeded the original trailer, gameplay, teaser whatever was Bloodborne. Just masterpiece of game design and one I will happily put in the pantheon of greatest games of all time next to the classics.


Could you link to the relevant bits of the video? It's nearly 90mins long, so watching it all for the bits you mention isn't a very appealing prospect.

The term "render farm" would be a very strange way to describe anything being rendered in realtime, and honestly doesn't make much sense as a differentiator imo, seeing as that's basically what any game would be doing for any cutscene.

Its in the intro like first 10-12 mins. or just wait i will link the timestamp shortly.


Zelda: Breath of the Wild too.

Sorry to be that guy.
Both exceptional games

Seriously? it's one of the more heavily downgraded games of this gen, can sit next to some of Ubi's reveals, only because It's Zelda and Nintendo that there wasn't much noise.




People saying The Order 1886 delivered its original vision ��


When did you get to fight multiple werewolves at once or out in the open?? They were all in boxed warehouse locations coming one after the other like an assembly line. The vision of the trailer was the reason I was super hyped for the game. Just for the graphics alone you say? What a garbage low bar, they absolutely intended for it to be a representation of the gameplay and immersion none of which was present in the actual game unless only looking skin deep.

Horizon gotta say indeed delivered on its vision but one game that at least for me exceeded the original trailer, gameplay, teaser whatever was Bloodborne. Just masterpiece of game design and one I will happily put in the pantheon of greatest games of all time next to the classics.
This The Order is a clearly an in-engine cinemtatic, and cinematics in the game look like this or better. Like in this one, there are in-game cinematics with multiple werewolves.

This video is focused on revealing the game world, concept, characters, tone and vibe. Not gameplay, like the Bloodborne debut video. So it doesn't make sense to expect gameplay to be like this, it makes more sense to compare it with in-engine cinematics.

Instead, Horizon debuted with a gameplay demo video. So in that case makes sense to compare gameplay vs the debut video.
Didn't the developer of The Order mostly do PSP games before making The Order?
They also ported Okami to Wii, but yes.
Games like Splatoon, Yoshi Wooly World, and the like were pretty consistent in terms of delivering, don't you think?

Hell, Splatoon overdelivered based on that first trailer.


I think for the most part, the Sony first party stuff has matched or exceeded the initial reveals. Horizon probably is a bit more impressive in that regard as they tidied up the framerate while throwing more impressive combat scenarios at you then the gameplay demos.

Not sure what Zelda's doing in this thread. That got a massive downgrade on par with what you'd expect out of a Ubisoft game.
No it didn't. Stop with this crap.
Forget even fulfilling the visuals shown in the 2011 trailer, zelda didn't even come through on the framerate
Nice comparison between a room of a tech demo and a giant open world.


Nah even Driveclub threw out some bulldhot promos in the begining the IQ never reached that standatd

I would have assumed that a game would qualify simply for looking "as good or better" in general than the reveal, rather than having to match the reveal in every area. Driveclub's IQ was worse than the initial reveal, true... but I'd say that it more than made up for that with much of the trackside details that were added over the course of its development. And that's not even taking into consideration that the entire weather aspect (which is what really elevates the game's graphics) didn't exist at all initially.

If some aspects being worse than the reveal is enough to disqualify a game, then honestly, I don't think Horizon Zero Dawn would qualify either. There are aspects of the final game that are noticeably not at the same level as the E3 2016 trailer, even if the overall look of the game holds up.


Shadowing is noticeably better, and of higher precision in every scene of the comparison. Foliage and is more detailed and consistently reacts to Aloy moving over it. Hell, you can even see small plant life casting very accurate and believable shadows over the field in the E3 2016 footage.

Its in the intro like first 10-12 mins. or just wait i will link the timestamp shortly.

Just watched the first 10 minutes, which I'm assuming covered the part you were referring to. It's interesting for two reasons.

Firstly, they didn't say anything about the initial trailer running in realtime on PS4... at least not in the beginning segment I watched. They specifically stated that they treated the PS4s as a render farm, by loading it up with effects and shaders that they couldn't run in realtime.

The other interesting thing though, was that unless its covered later on, they didn't seem to state that the initial trailer was produce by "treating the PS4 like a render farm" either. For all I got out of that segment, this could have been there very first approach, and the trailer we saw may already have gone through the compromises required to make it possible to run in realtime. I'm not really sold on this idea however, as if that were the case, then the cutscenes in the game itself would have been able to run equivalently.

EDIT: Oh... I didn't watch the right segment apparently.... nvm. I'll update later.

Seriously? it's one of the more heavily downgraded games of this gen, can sit next to some of Ubi's reveals, only because It's Zelda and Nintendo that there wasn't much noise.

You know the worst thing about the Zelda suggestion?

It's not even that it saw a Ubi-esque downgrade from the initial footage. It's that it jumped to a new fucking generation and still missed the mark by that magnitude, whilst having performance issues.


You know the worst thing about the Zelda suggestion?

It's not even that it saw a Ubi-esque downgrade from the initial footage. It's that it jumped to a new fucking generation and still missed the mark by that magnitude, whilst having performance issues.
You don't seem to be familiar with the concept of "direct port with no optimization". I'll ignore the rest.

yeah dude the game totally looks like that
I already argumented on what changed between the trailer and the final game and i did it a billion times. The real mystery here is why i even bother.


Its start from
where she starts to describe Hair pipeline,

at https://youtu.be/IPaxZ1QmXUo?t=12m48s
she talks about not sacrificing gameplay for the looks.

The "render farm" comment is about, there pre production process while creating the Shading & lighting Pipeline, they are looking at the Ps4 as a "render farm",

Ah ok. So I'm guessing the "render farm" bit was what I had watched (and commented on) before. But yea, it doesn't sound like we saw that implementation at any point, and the initial trailer already makes concessions to be able to run in realtime.

The "gameplay" part still makes little sense, when you consider that cutscenes are by definition the parts of the game where there is no gameplay, and for that reason are other superior to other areas of the game graphically (both because you don't have to worry about interactivity.. but also because you can control exactly what is drawn to the screen at all times). I'd imagine what she meant by that was that the scene complexity that would be required for the rest of the game's settings (and other characters), wouldn't have been feasible, as they'd essentially blown all their resources just drawing Drake to the screen. So it'd be a bit like the Shenmue passport models which looked as good as they did without crippling the Dreamcast, simply because they were the only thing it was drawing at the time.


You don't seem to be familiar with the concept of "direct port with no optimization". I'll ignore the rest.

I am familiar with the concept (I owned Phantasy Star Universe on Xbox 360)... but how that makes it any better a suggestion for this thread I honestly don't know. It's not like someone surprised Nintendo with a new console they couldn't see coming... and it's not like that changes the end product for the consumer.
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