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Is Little Big Planet Series successful ? [8.5 million units, 60M DLC downloads]

Sony is probably mildly disappointed with the sales, but I think a LBP3 in the PS4's launch window could be a success. Unfortunately, Sony is way too quick to give up on most of their game series.


I don't think LBP is going anywhere.
Sackboy is on plenty of PS related ads that Sony creates and has a much wider demographic which is something Sony needs.


Yes, because when I think of wildly successful IPs, I too immediately think of Klonoa :p

Little Big Planet is a series that could potentially appeal to pop culture if it was on phones and/or multiplatform. It has all the pieces there, it's just held back by being a Playstation exclusive. A lot of the people who would love the game (creative folk, kids, "casuals") are on their phones, tablets and computers even moreso than whatever console their household happens to own.

It's all there, they're just not accessible in the ways it needs to be.

I only meant in terms of being a great game, not that it was popular. Klonoa never got the marketing and position to reach 5 million, i'm sure if it did, it would be going strong today. LBP had amazing marketing and positioning in the market, but the game part itself wasn't that compelling, unless you like building stuff. It isn't a solid platforming series for someone like me who is used to Mario/DK/Klonoa/etc, but if it were, the ps3 would be among my favorite systems for breeding a new amazing platforming ip.


I think LBP is a moderate success, but yeah i can see that it's popularity is slowly going down. Maybe Sony could make an animated series or something to boost it's appeal.


Seems like a modest success overall, which can't hurt. As for being a perennial brand that Sony can rely on for years to come, I'm not so sure about that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So are you implying the first game had better legs than the second game over the long term? If so how is this derived.

I found more data regarding the first game.

With the benefit of the extra month of November it sold the same as LBP2 did in 12 days in January.

You didn't particularly answer the second question about what your assertions were based on. I'm still not seeing on what basis your "dying" "fading fast" "half the first" comments are based on, with regard to the two mainline games.

Word of mouth. The first game seemed really popular both here and elsewhere. The second game just dropped off the radar relatively soon after launch. It was surprising.
Sure a slight success, but it would do much better in the mobile market. The Vita version was a good idea, but nobody actually has Vita.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
The series is an immense success given how much the first two sold, and with a relatively small budget to produce those games.

I just have to laugh when people claim it's only a slight or moderate success.


As of December 1, 2012

LBP - 5.05M
LBP 2 - 2.77M
LBP PSP - 2.13M
LBP Vita - 0.25M
LBP Karting - 0.21M

Each release appears to have seen sales drop, which is pretty much in line with my personal view on the franchise, I was psyched beyond belief for the first game, and played the heck out of it, but thanks to the lackluster online netcode, I had a little interest in the sequel and never really bothered too much with it, and then completely ignored the others.
In terms of sales its done well and been successful. However it could have been so much more.

I really think it could have been sonys answer to mario as a huge sony mascot but despite them pushing it hard at conferences i dont think it was pushed enough.

I really think it should have been similar to microsofts avatars or nintendos miis, and they would have made so many sales on costumes e.t.c like microsoft seems to do with there avatar dressups.

I still think theres time to turn him into an official mascot. Perhaps with the PS4
Of course it's successful, the games are fantastic and the DLC alone racks in truck loads of cash. There is a large community dedicated to user generated levels crossing each installment.

I'm sure SONY originally planned for Sackboy to be up there with Mario, but given its still very positive sales- I'm sure they are pleased.

I'm still curious at to what their third IP is for the Play. Create. Share. Model


As of December 1, 2012

LBP - 5.05M
LBP 2 - 2.77M
LBP PSP - 2.13M
LBP Vita - 0.25M
LBP Karting - 0.21M

Each release appears to have seen sales drop, which is pretty much in line with my personal view on the franchise, I was psyched beyond belief for the first game, and played the heck out of it, but thanks to the lackluster online netcode, I had a little interest in the sequel and never really bothered too much with it, and then completely ignored the others.

Thank you, finally actual numbers. And even with putting the Vita game out, it doesn´t look that good. And there was alot, really alot marketing buzz behind it.


I got the game for free and still dont play it. Tried multiple times to get into it but the floaty jump mechanics just threw me off.

Agent X

As of December 1, 2012

LBP - 5.05M
LBP 2 - 2.77M
LBP PSP - 2.13M
LBP Vita - 0.25M
LBP Karting - 0.21M

Each release appears to have seen sales drop, which is pretty much in line with my personal view on the franchise, I was psyched beyond belief for the first game, and played the heck out of it, but thanks to the lackluster online netcode, I had a little interest in the sequel and never really bothered too much with it, and then completely ignored the others.

For what it's worth, LBP2 was released after LBP PSP.


While sure LPB sales are going downward but since the game is free for a year on plus im pretty sure , more and more users played the game.

Also the game has good legs so i wont be surprised if lpb 2 has reached close to lpb 1.

MM did say that during holiday LPB recieved a 250k bump in sales


ADD New Gen Gamer
It is a platformer that sold millions. Since you don't find that nowadays unless you are Mario, it is a tremendously successful IP.

However, they should really fix that floaty jump. I mean. Seriously.
While Sony was hoping for the original game to be their very own Super Mario Bros., I don't think it's ever come close to reaching that level. Sure, there are kids whose parents buy them the LBP games since they're kid friendly but I don't think the kids themselves are pandering their parents for some more Sackboy.

The series has become more of a niche bunch of games for would-be developers / mod / DIY'ers just for fun and messing around.
It's really a novelty game. I loved the first LBP. Played it to death. The sequel was a great improvement and I had a lot of fun with the story, but I'd gotten over the user generated stuff by that time.

Overall it's been a success, but the appeal has diminished.


As far as I understand, the sales have been consistently poor to disappointing for all of the games.

I heard the first game sold, like... 200k copies in the U.S. before discounts and bundles? I guarantee it did not sell anywhere NEAR 5M copies - that'd put it above Uncharted and God of War.

For a flagship title with such critical acclaim and hype, that is really awful. And I'm not sure LBP2 did any better. And the handheld versions were never going to be severely hampered by their platforms, too.

However, they should really fix that floaty jump. I mean. Seriously.

Yeah, this is completely unacceptable - how Sony ever let the games ship playing like this is a mystery to me.

I really, really wanted to like these games, but the jumping and general mushiness of the controls made them impossible for me to enjoy. Had they addressed that before release, it could have not only been Sony's Mario, I think it could have been one of the most important games ever made.
LBP2 was probably unnecessary considering the nature of the game, but a LBP3 on ps4 will probably reach 5 million just like the first one. The vita version should have solid legs like the psp version too.


It is a platformer that sold millions. Since you don't find that nowadays unless you are Mario, it is a tremendously successful IP.

However, they should really fix that floaty jump. I mean. Seriously.

For real. I played through the first game and even though I enjoyed it I felt like it was enough to satiate my curiosity for that type of gameplay. The floaty jump is kind of awkward to get used to as well.
I remember being so pumped for the first game, salivating over every piece of content I could find and scrambling for a beta code. My excitement died with the beta. The game had very bad physics and it just wasn't very fun to play outside of a few minutes at a time. I ended up picking up the full version not much later and stayed unimpressed. To have any fun, I felt you just had to invest way too much time or not play it for months at a time. I tried LBP2 because it was free and felt the same way. If my experience is like anyone else's, I can easily see why the series is decaying like it is. So much promise, so much under-delivery.


My GF can't get enough of LBP. Saying that, she's not interested in Karting because she doesn't like kart games at all.

But we have LBP, LBP2 and Vita. In fact, LBP was the first video game she ever bought.
GAF, is LBP Vita worth a pop? Completely forgot about it and that large image on the previous page reminded so much about what I love about these games.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
It's a decent enough franchise and is known to gamers. But that's it.

As a high-level franchise that could be relied upon to sell consoles it's a non-starter. The game is too complex for that sort of universal appeal, and streamlining the user-created aspect of it would betray the core base of it. Combine this with there being zero cultural relevance to it, and there's no chance of it becoming a mascot-level franchise unless Sony attempted to brute force it, and that tends to leave a sour taste in the mouths of core fans.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It used to bug me that the series was only popular because of how they bundled the crap out of LBP1 and 2, but then I realized that Sony really doesn't give a shit how many copies of these games that they sell, it's all about the DLC.

I fully expect LBP 3 to be the next Home/Avatar system for PS4.
If the question is does it make money for sony the answer is: Clearly.

If the question is does it compare with COD? No.

It's my favorite franchise this gen. It's incredibly creative and it gives me the tools to be creative myself which I find rewarding in a way that no other games on the market can match. So in terms of its scope I think it's amazingly successful.

And while I don't think it will move units like a Super Mario Bros or a COD or whatnot, I do know that LBP has a pretty small but incredibly hardcore following. There is a chunk of folks that own a PSP because LBP came out on it. And now they own the vita because it's out on there. 100k maybe? 50k? 10k? Who knows. But I hang out in a bunch of communities in the LBP-verse and the refrain from just about everyone that saw that LBP was coming to the vita was "well, I guess I need to get a vita now." Again, it's not mario, but Im sure sony is happy with its performance. If it wasnt there wouldn't be 2 PS3 games, a psp game, a vita game and now a ps3 karting game.
i'm not talking about the quality of the games, but of the franchise itself, from a sales point of view and it's appeal across gamers.

do you think sony is going to expand on it, making it a flagship franchise for both the younger and hardcore demographics or do you think it will go the way of the dodo next gen, like unfortunately other successful franchises from the ps2 and ps1 era?


because i'm dumb and it's 1:30 am and for whatever reason i thought that writing Planet in the title i'd have excluded little big planet karting >.<

please mods change it

I think Sony chose the wrong genres to invest in, but not only with LBP but also with Uncharted and others...
I mean, they are both terrific games but at the same time not the right games to rise the attachment rate and quality of the console.

Little big is awesome, especially the second one, but the editor part, the most important part of the game, is really difficult for the average joe. The editor is really easy but the problem is the imagination the player have to provide to have fun. Imagination is not a common quality, or a perk you easily feed with work. This limit the appeal of the game.

Uncharted is awesome, bright high but consume twice as fast, not a meaty experience, you know. After two day what's left? You bought an awesome single player experience and now you find yourself with a mediocre at best multiplayer game.

And what about their Fps? Why invest so much money in two games? And so you find yourself with one game mediocre and one good, but how much good? Seems not enough, Killzone is a moderate success but also a system seller? No.

Heavy Rain maybe is the most focused title from the bunch, but sadly is not one of the most popular kind.

Sony must do a lot of homework to put together a first party line-up capable to break the market. In this generation they put a lot of quality in these games, scattering potential, wasting opportunities.
As of December 1, 2012

LBP - 5.05M
LBP 2 - 2.77M
LBP PSP - 2.13M
LBP Vita - 0.25M
LBP Karting - 0.21M

Each release appears to have seen sales drop, which is pretty much in line with my personal view on the franchise, I was psyched beyond belief for the first game, and played the heck out of it, but thanks to the lackluster online netcode, I had a little interest in the sequel and never really bothered too much with it, and then completely ignored the others.

What are these numbers? World wide? North America? Where are they from? Do they include digital? Where did you get them?

To me the quality of the franchise is on the rise. LBP was a great game but it's outclassed in every conceivable category by LBP2. And LBPvita refines LBP2 into something even great.

Karting is amazing but was destined to bomb. No one cares about a karting game that isnt mario, especially one that comes out against COD and Ass creed 3.
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