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Is the Batmobile the worst AAA gameplay mechanic in recent memory?


I didn't say he did. I'm saying that using one would have been lethal in pretty much any circumstance other than the very specific one Batman: Arkham Knight presents.

Even if this is the only time this world's Batman uses it, it's still perfectly within character for it to exist as part of his arsenal as that's exactly what he does: prepares for anything. From a lore perspective, it fits perfectly.

From a mechanic perspective the entire game is full of contrived things to make the gameplay work, the first two games are full of them too, the BM is not unique in this regard.
Batmobile portion was terrible and a big turn off for me. At least the game is a $40 trade in from Best Buy which is not bad after Gamers Club Discounts and gift certificate.
You really have gotten to the core of the character, haven't you? Haha.

Batman has also been confined to a wheelchair, but that doesn't make crawling around with a broken spine compelling gameplay.

Look, my issue with the Bat-Tank is that I felt that it was a reductive element of the game. The combat itself wasn't all that interesting, and the increase in difficulty was pretty much "more lines". It takes precedence over things like the pursuit mode chases, which are really cool and dynamic and are a part of the Batmobile that doesn't require the Bat-Tank element.

As the game progressed it seemed more and more like a crutch to put before or after other parts of gameplay, or in lieu of on-foot boss battles, without much thought. "Sir, you just arrived, the drone forces are incoming". "Sir, before you leave, the drone forces are incoming". Not once did I think to myself "Fuck yes, another one of these sections", but I certainly did that with the Predator areas, the Dual-Play areas, the Pursuit chases and a good number of the Freeflow areas.

I don't think it's terrible. I just think Batman: Arkham Knight would have been better off without the Bat-Tank, and I hope the DLC doesn't have it.

Gotham City was evacuated, leaving almost nothing but huge gangs of criminals all working for one nefarious super villain or another. Is it that jarring, thematically or mechanically, for Batman to have a tank outfitted with weapons for suppressing large groups of people (Air Cannon, Rubber Bullets), as well as the more traditional forms of those guns for whatever purpose he may need them? I just don't see why it's so out of character.

Now, if you just dislike how it fits into the gameplay of Batman: Arkham Knight, that's fine. I mostly disagree, but that's not an unreasonable opinion by any means. But this notion that a Batmobile with a secondary Tank Mode is against Batman's character is, to me, just flat out wrong. Batman has all types of weapons and gadgets, and the Batmobile in Arkham Knight is multifunctional. It fits. It makes sense.


Gotham City was evacuated, leaving almost nothing but huge gangs of criminals all working for one nefarious super villain or another. Is it that jarring, thematically or mechanically, for Batman to have a tank outfitted with weapons for suppressing large groups of people (Air Cannon, Rubber Bullets), as well as the more traditional forms of those guns for whatever purpose he may need them? I just don't see why it's so out of character.

Now, if you just dislike how it fits into the gameplay of Batman: Arkham Knight, that's fine. I mostly disagree, but that's not an unreasonable opinion by any means. But this notion that a Batmobile with a secondary Tank Mode is against Batman's character is, to me, just flat out wrong. Batman has all types of weapons and gadgets, and the Batmobile in Arkham Knight is multifunctional. It fits. It makes sense.

Personally, I don't like the batmobile being a heavy assault vehicle. Doesn't matter if it's bullets or missiles - it's not Batman's style. I would have preferred any combat sections involving the batmobile to focus on different ways of taking vehicles down. The game absolutely did not need the tank combat.

And it's silly to think that all Arkham Knight had to do was make those tanks manned and Batman would have had to come up with another solution. He should have the other solution anyway.

But to argue against the batmobile entirely would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I blast through the combat sections without giving them too much thought and focus on enjoying everything else the game has to offer.

The batmobile has been outfitted with rockets and missile frequently throughout Batman's history.
The batmobile is great. The only thing bad about it is that it took away from what could of been better boss battles. I was really hoping the Rocksteady saw some of the cool fights in Origins like the Deathstroke fight and the Bane fight, then tried to one up it themselves.

Especially with The Arkham Knight...
We had a tank fight with him and also one that used the predator aspect of the game. I was really hoping that there would of also been a straight up combat fight. Same with Deathstroke. Why the hell would they just put him in the same tank scenario that the AK was in. Really strange.


Gotham City was evacuated, leaving almost nothing but huge gangs of criminals all working for one nefarious super villain or another. Is it that jarring, thematically or mechanically, for Batman to have a tank outfitted with weapons for suppressing large groups of people (Air Cannon, Rubber Bullets), as well as the more traditional forms of those guns for whatever purpose he may need them? I just don't see why it's so out of character.

Now, if you just dislike how it fits into the gameplay of Batman: Arkham Knight, that's fine. I mostly disagree, but that's not an unreasonable opinion by any means. But this notion that a Batmobile with a secondary Tank Mode is against Batman's character is, to me, just flat out wrong. Batman has all types of weapons and gadgets, and the Batmobile in Arkham Knight is multifunctional. It fits. It makes sense.

This is the issue. You keep conflating different things.

"Is it that jarring, thematically or mechanically, for Batman to have a tank outfitted with weapons for suppressing large groups of people (Air Cannon, Rubber Bullets)"


"as well as the more traditional forms of those guns for whatever purpose he may need them?"

Miniguns that shoot bullets? Yeah, a bit.

And the fact that I dislike how it factors into gameplay does matter in regarding its context. There are certain elements of gameplay, things like a lack of pedestrians in and out of vehicles, that would take away from the sense of being Batman (when you crash into a civilian car) more than it would add to that sense (rescuing civilians). So the lack of civilians, and the contrived reason for that being the case, doesn't bother me so much.

The Bat-Tank part of the Batmobile, which I was never really excited for instances of while I was playing through the game, has no such reason for being. As I'm aware Batman has gotten through 75 years of existence with no reason to have a minigun equipped tank. So it doesn't have that same 'It takes away from part of the experience, but I understand that it's core to the character of Batman'. It really isn't.

So, to recap, my problems are first and foremost with the fact that I didn't find the sections at all compelling, and my secondary issue is with the fact that it has very little to do with the history of the character.
The tank battles weren't that hard though once you fully upgrade the batmobile weapons. Hack and EMP made even the craziest dodge the red lines game into a cakewalk.


Not if you consider that Batman is prepared for every eventuality. It's perfectly in character for a man with this trait and near infinite resources.

This makes it fit the character.

No, he usually finds a way around using guns that shoot lethal bullets, due to a traumatic thing that happened with his parents.

They'll shoot cables, they'll shoot rubber bullets, darts, but not usually normal bullets. He'll usually find a way around using those.

But it isn't a huge problem I have. But the point was whether or not it was 'jarring', and I think it somewhat is.


No, he usually finds a way around using guns that shoot lethal bullets, due to a traumatic thing that happened with his parents.

They'll shoot cables, they'll shoot rubber bullets, darts, but not usually normal bullets. He'll usually find a way around using those.

But it isn't a huge problem I have. But the point was whether or not it was 'jarring', and I think it somewhat is.

He will use whatever he has to, do whatever he has to, is prepared for anything happening. This is what makes him so capable and so feared. In a world with mutated creatures like croc and super powered villains and heroes, this is what allows him to hold his own.

The only thing he won't do is kill.

Just because he hates guns doesn't mean he wouldn't use them if he had to.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The tank battles weren't that hard though once you fully upgrade the batmobile weapons. Hack and EMP made even the craziest dodge the red lines game into a cakewalk.

All I will say is that the
poison ivy battle
I had to do like 5-6 times.. mind you I never spent a single upgrade point in the game figuring I would hold off on upgrades that I needed later on for unlockables... after dying like 4-5 times I finally said fuck it and bought basically every batmobile armor and weapon upgrade. I think I beat it the first or second attempt after that.

friends don't let friends play the bat tank sections without a fully upgraded bat tank.

No, he usually finds a way around using guns that shoot lethal bullets, due to a traumatic thing that happened with his parents.

They'll shoot cables, they'll shoot rubber bullets, darts, but not usually normal bullets. He'll usually find a way around using those.

But it isn't a huge problem I have. But the point was whether or not it was 'jarring', and I think it somewhat is.
huh? he doesn't shoot anyone with the tank. If you look again, he shoots crowd control rounds when firing at people. also when you "run them over" with the batmobile it actually pushes them out of the way and electrocutes/incapacitates them and even says something like "an officer will be by to pick you up"

batman doesn't kill anyone in the game. everything you destroy is unmanned.
I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as you make it seem.


There is a ridiculous amount of hyperbole around the batmobile. Its a significant addition to the game but its definitely not the "whole game" by any stretch. At most, I would say maybe 1/3 of the gameplay requires the batmobile. As far as free roaming goes, gliding is just as a viable option as the Batmobile.


Un Rama
He will use whatever he has to, do whatever he has to, is prepared for anything happening. This is what makes him so feared. In a world with mutated creatures like croc and super powered villains and heroes, this is what allows him to hold his own.

The only thing he won't do is kill.

Just because he hates guns doesn't mean he wouldn't use them if he had to.

But using a gun made him quit being batman.



There isn't anything wrong with the Batmobile mechanically. It's just that the fights with the drones are super repetitive and uninteresting plus they are extremely overused. The Batmobile itself is cool though.


But using a gun made him quit being batman.


That is one instance of Batman lore, this is another. that interpretation of the character isn't the only way for him to be. You can find lots of contradicting things in the history of Batman's appearances, but the core of him remains true and that's what makes the tank fit perfectly here.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
There isn't anything wrong with the Batmobile mechanically. It's just that the fights with the drones are super repetitive and uninteresting plus they are extremely overused. The Batmobile itself is cool though.

I wouldn't say uninteresting, but yeah, repetitive and overused. I still say that had they cut the tank combat by like 1/3 the batmobile would have been overall a considerably positive addition to the game. As it stands, it still is a positive addition.. just used a little too much.


Un Rama
I can't believe how divisive the Batmobile is. Really interesting to see so many radically differing opinions.
Have you finished the sidequest? You'll see...

Oh I get it (Arkham Knight end spoiler)
Never saw Deathstroke in any of the quests so I expected the AK was him despite how obvious it was it'd be Todd. Deathstroke doesn't show up until after you finish the game. Pretty sneaky.


I can't believe how divisive the Batmobile is. Really interesting to see so many radically differing opinions.

Well, I can see why.

I groaned whenever a Bat-Tank fight came up instead of having any excitement for it. "Oh, another one of these".

But others were happy when another one of them popped up, or something.

Umm, what?

That's just from what I remember in the movies offhand.

Batman using explosive rounds to clear barricades? That's different. Batman using bullets offensively, like in Batman '89? That has always been jarring.


Un Rama
Well, I can see why.

I groaned whenever a Bat-Tank fight came up instead of having any excitement for it. "Oh, another one of these".

But you, and others, were happy when another one of them popped up, or something.

Errrrrrrr I fucking hated the bat-tank. Read my posts again.
I do like those parts of batmobile the video game, overall driving around, flying out of it and gliding through the skies, using it to complete some of the non-race riddler puzzles, bringing it around to clear out an area.

My main issue is every two seconds "I'm sending 20 tanks at you, sit in a spot and shoot them" "go pull this switch so the car can come through this area", etc.

I'm actually at a point in the game in which I think i'm not going to play it anymore, because theres like 25 tanks and helicopters flying in the sky and I have to take them all out, and I just can't deal with this lazy mechanic anymore. Its just pure laziness on the developers part IMO, no disrespect to those who put in so many hours to make this game, but fucking hell the level design of this game is just terrible.

How you can go from a cool section in which you take out 8+ guys in a room in any way you want, to sit in a corner and shoot 50 things because we couldn't think of anything creative, is just beyond me.

It seems like instead of trying to come up with more cool areas, its just plop the batmobile in a corner and shoot while things fly at you.

It's interesting reading this because I'm at the point where the tank battles are still fun, but they're already getting repetitive. It feels like frogger except I get to shoot things while I move.


Not going to lie or sugar-coat it... I can't stand the Batmobile.

Or, more precisely, I can't stand how tedious some sections are. I'm fine driving around from time to time, or the occasional puzzle, but it's SO overdone and overused.

The biggest offenders, to me, are those stupid Riddler races (don't even get me started on how Riddler made giant race courses) and those constant, insane tank battles. I was losing my temper trying the latest tank battle to diffuse one of the bombs over and over again, as 50 drones swarm in and the entire ground just lights up with danger areas. Even with fully upgraded armor and weapons, I get shredded so quickly.

The actual combat and stealth sections are better than ever... but whenever I need the Batmobile, the pacing comes to a screeching halt (ironically enough).


It's not a bad mechanic at all. The Batmobile functions perfectly and is cool to use. It's the fact that the game forces you to use it most of the time is what's bad. The actual mechanic itself works and works well.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I can't believe they have fucking stealth moments in a TANK.

lol... this was the only part thematically that I wish they would have taken you out of the batmobile. yeah that would have opened up more problems with you being more mobile than those tanks.. but it just would have made more sense that Batman, THE MOTHERFUCKING MASTER OF STEALTH, would have hopped out and disarmed those tanks on his own without the batmobile.

aside from that though... they were fine gameplay.. just thematically kind of "meh"


Batman using explosive rounds to clear barricades? That's different. Batman using bullets offensively, like in Batman '89? That has always been jarring.

Yeah but what's the difference between Batman using explosive rounds to destroy barricades or a minigun to destroy unmanned drones?

In both cases it is lethal weaponry used in a non lethal way to accomplish his objectives.


Yeah but what's the difference between Batman using explosive rounds to destroy barricades or a minigun to destroy unmanned drones?

In both cases it is lethal weaponry used in a non lethal way to accomplish his objectives.

Right. My complaint is about the gameplay. My secondary point was that the context in which Batman can use a minigun is pretty weak, anyway, and the story could have quite easily been written differently to have the Batmobile not need a minigun. It's just that the reasons they came up with (an army of unmanned drones) is a pretty weak context, and clearly there just to facilitate the minigun toting, grenade shooting tank-mobile gameplay, which was a section of the game I didn't care for.


Yeah but what's the difference between Batman using explosive rounds to destroy barricades or a minigun to destroy unmanned drones?

In both cases it is lethal weaponry used in a non lethal way to accomplish his objectives.


And besides all of this, it fits the character of a man who has infinite resources and is prepared for everything.

Right. My complaint is about the gameplay. My secondary point was that the context in which Batman can use a minigun is pretty weak, anyway, and the story could have quite easily been written differently to have the Batmobile not need a minigun. It's just that the reasons they came up with (an army of unmanned drones) is a pretty weak context, and clearly there just to facilitate the minigun toting, grenade shooting tank-mobile gameplay, which was a section of the game I didn't care for.


The game is full of contrived set ups to make the gameplay work, even the first two games.

It fits his character as explained above.
I kinda get where you're coming from OP but it doesn't bother me as much. I actually kinda like it sometimes, especially when I can fly in and out of it so seamlessly

I like gliding around, only to dive bomb straight in to the bat mobile and then floor it, gives me goose bumps.

This is the issue. You keep conflating different things.

"Is it that jarring, thematically or mechanically, for Batman to have a tank outfitted with weapons for suppressing large groups of people (Air Cannon, Rubber Bullets)"


"as well as the more traditional forms of those guns for whatever purpose he may need them?"

Miniguns that shoot bullets? Yeah, a bit.

And the fact that I dislike how it factors into gameplay does matter in regarding its context. There are certain elements of gameplay, things like a lack of pedestrians in and out of vehicles, that would take away from the sense of being Batman (when you crash into a civilian car) more than it would add to that sense (rescuing civilians). So the lack of civilians, and the contrived reason for that being the case, doesn't bother me so much.

The Bat-Tank part of the Batmobile, which I was never really excited for instances of while I was playing through the game, has no such reason for being. As I'm aware Batman has gotten through 75 years of existence with no reason to have a minigun equipped tank. So it doesn't have that same 'It takes away from part of the experience, but I understand that it's core to the character of Batman'. It really isn't.

So, to recap, my problems are first and foremost with the fact that I didn't find the sections at all compelling, and my secondary issue is with the fact that it has very little to do with the history of the character.

It sucks that you don't find the Batmobile sections enjoyable.

However, to your second point, I guess we just have different perspectives. I don't remember specifically if the Batmobile has prominently used a type of gun in the comics, but it has in the Tim Burton Batman movies, the Christopher Nolan Batman movies and I believe it will in the Zack Snyder Batman v. Superman movie. Now, I love the comics, but I'm not a purist. If you disregard the movies, then the Batmobile Bat-Tank would be more jarring. I still think it makes sense for the character, but I understand if that is where you are coming from.

Now what I would find really distasteful is Batman using a gun - something that unfortunately HAS happened in the comics.

I don't begrudge your feelings on the Bat-Tank in Arkham Knight. For me, it makes sense and feels appropriate. I'm sorry it doesn't for you.
There are times when I like the batmobile and there are times when I just hate it. I like driving it around for transportation but I really dont find all the drone combat enjoyable. It's tedious. I would have preferred if it remained mostly a form of transport than an actual gameplay mechanic. The little puzzles are fine but a bit boring.

At high speeds the handling becomes very difficult and just when I think I've gotten the hang of it I get caught on a tiny building corner and start cussing.


Right. My complaint is about the gameplay. My secondary point was that the context in which Batman can use a minigun is pretty weak, anyway, and the story could have quite easily been written differently to have the Batmobile not need a minigun. It's just that the reasons they came up with (an army of unmanned drones) is a pretty weak context, and clearly there just to facilitate the minigun toting, grenade shooting tank-mobile gameplay, which was a section of the game I didn't care for.

I get that you didn't care for it, that's reasonable.

I don't understand the concept of it not fitting with the Batman mythos though. Batman has used guns before and in this concept he uses guns in non lethal ways. I'll ask again, what is the difference between him blowing up a drone and him blowing up a barricade? If anything he has more reason to blow up the drone as it could kill someone if left alone.

I think, and correct me if I am wrong here, you don't like the Batmobile in this game which again is totally fine and reasonable but this topic of it being out of character is a bit of a reach.


To elaborate a point...

When doing combat or stealth, I feel like Batman, like this is something Batman would really do.

When fighting 50 drones with a tank and mini-gun, blowing stuff up all over the place, or racing around an obstacle course trying to get a fast time in a secret underground racing arena, I do NOT feel like Batman.

It's too blunt, too explosive, too flashy. And it happens constantly.

That's not Batman to me, and it's not what the first two games did so well.
The GOAT-tier Batmobile was basically a fortified war machine


On the idea that guns on the Batmobile comprises the essence of Batman: Batman doesn't kill, but he doesn't go around with a neon sign advertising this fact. He INTIMIDATES and wants to instill in people the idea hes a lunatic that could kill them. Once people get accustomed of the idea that Batmans a pussy that just hands them over to GCPD then his intimidation factor is lost. Thats why he has a gun in TDKR that shoots rubber bullets. So people run for their goddamn lives.
The worse mechanic? Not by a long shot in my opinion. It takes some getting use to because of the control setup and it feels unwieldy but it somehow works and you get use to it. Now I can understand that they were a little heavy handed when it comes to the missions with the bat mobile and the tank battles can get old fast for some but its fine mechanic wise. The biggest offender is it may not live up to the other perfectly solid gameplay mechanic the rest of the game has.
OP, by worst if you mean best then I agree. Although I'm only 30% in story mode and only done one Riddler race so far (which I liked). Its nowhere near as hard to drive in rain as hyper cars in Driveclub
Yes I went there


The Bat-Tank part of the Batmobile, which I was never really excited for instances of while I was playing through the game, has no such reason for being. As I'm aware Batman has gotten through 75 years of existence with no reason to have a minigun equipped tank. So it doesn't have that same 'It takes away from part of the experience, but I understand that it's core to the character of Batman'. It really isn't.

So, to recap, my problems are first and foremost with the fact that I didn't find the sections at all compelling, and my secondary issue is with the fact that it has very little to do with the history of the character.

As pictured above, one of the most influential and famous Batman books of all time features a 'mini gun equipped tank'.

Batman going with heavy equipment in times of crisis is very much a part of the core character.


I get that you didn't care for it, that's reasonable.

I don't understand the concept of it not fitting with the Batman mythos though. Batman has used guns before and in this concept he uses guns in non lethal ways. I'll ask again, what is the difference between him blowing up a drone and him blowing up a barricade? If anything he has more reason to blow up the drone as it could kill someone if left alone.

I think, and correct me if I am wrong here, you don't like the Batmobile in this game which again is totally fine and reasonable but this topic of it being out of character is a bit of a reach.

Maybe. But if the minigun equipped Bat-Tank isn't out of character for Batman then nothing really is. I'm not saying it's impossible to contrive a reason for him to have a minigun on a Bat-Tank, just that it has never been a core part of the character like pretty much everything else Rocksteady does with Batman.

As pictured above, one of the most influential and famous Batman books of all time features a 'mini gun equipped tank'.

Batman going with heavy equipment in times of crisis is very much a part of the core character.

Rubber. Bullets.


Maybe. But if the minigun equipped Bat-Tank isn't out of character for Batman then nothing really is. I'm not saying it's impossible to contrive a reason for him to have a minigun on a Bat-Tank, just that it has never been a core part of the character like pretty much everything else Rocksteady does with Batman.

Rubber. Bullets.



To elaborate a point...

When doing combat or stealth, I feel like Batman, like this is something Batman would really do.

When fighting 50 drones with a tank and mini-gun, blowing stuff up all over the place, or racing around an obstacle course trying to get a fast time in a secret underground racing arena, I do NOT feel like Batman.

It's too blunt, too explosive, too flashy. And it happens constantly.

That's not Batman to me, and it's not what the first two games did so well.
Nicely put.
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