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ITT: We post screens that showcase the visual charisma lost by modern Simpsons

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"so we'll march day and night, by the big cooling tower
they have the plans, but we have the power"

watched that one last night :D


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
They need to bring some of the old fucks back and have them really take over the show. Like bringing in Abe Simpson to replace the Itchy & Scratchy writers.

They should also bring back John Swartzwelder for his "old timey" touches.


Homer: Oh, my god! Some one's trying to kill me!

Homer: Oh, wait, it's for Bart



Jealous Bastard

"ladies and gentleman, the lincoln squirrel has been assassinated. we'll stay with this story all night if we have to."


God, I love cape fear episode :lol


Homer: Let me cut you a brownie. While they are still hot.

Bart: Dad, I'm kinda edgy right now. I'd appreciate you not coming to my room screaming... -...and brandishing a butcher knife.

Homer: Why ? Oh, right. The Sideshow Bob thing. I'm sorry boy.

Bart wanna see my new chain saw and hockey mask ?!


Oh, sorry. What am I thinking ?


Homer: Well crying isn't going to help. Now, you can sit there feeling sorry for yourself or you can eat can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food until your dog comes back, or you can go out there and find your dog.


Exclamation-One said:
Left out the best part:


Marge: Homer, there is a man here who says he can help you.
Homer: Batman?
Marge: No, he's a scientist.
Homer: Batman's a scientist?
Marge: It's NOT BATMAN!


Favorite exchange in the series ever.

...Maybe the Lisa the Vegetarian one tops it.

Homer: Marge? Since I'm not talking to Lisa, would you please ask her to pass me the syrup?
Marge: Dear, please pass your father the syrup.
Lisa: Bart, tell Dad I will only pass the syrup if it won't be used on any meat product.
Bart: You dunkin' your sausages in that syrup homeboy?
Homer: Marge, tell Bart I just want to drink a nice glass of syrup like I do every morning.
Marge: Tell him yourself, you're ignoring Lisa, not Bart.
Homer: Bart, thank your mother for pointing that out.
Marge: Homer, you're not not-talking to me and secondly I heard what you said.
Homer: Lisa, tell your mother to get off my case.
Bart: Uhhh, dad, Lisa's the one you're not talking to.
Homer: Bart, go to your room!
Lisa: Why don't you just eat him, Dad?
Homer: I don't need any serving suggestions from you, you barbeque-wrecking, know-nothing know-it-all!
Lisa: That's IT! I can't live in a house with this prehistoric carnivore. I am out of here! [leaves and slams the door]
Homer: That's it! Go to your room!


Pakkidis said:
The bee keepers were great.

"No noise indicates no bees...hmmmmm"


"Homer, you diabolical genius, selling the sugar for an inflated price and increased profits"

"Im doing what now?"

Not sure of the exact quote but so damn good.

You know what I noticed, some of the older Simpsons jokes are more relevant today than they were back then.

I love that.

"Bees are on the what now." with that blank stare just cracks me up.

Red Scarlet

So many of these clips I haven't seen since the 90's probably. I only have season 1 on DVD; really should pick up the others. To this day any time I hear the song "Baby Come Back", like on those swiffer commercials, I instantly think of that Simpsons episode where Homer calls the cops about Maggie being missing and they play that song while he's put on hold.

Azure J

This thread makes me feel amazingly old and I'm only 19... So many memories, even for a passive Simpsons watcher like myself.


DrForester said:
Surprised I'm first to post from this episode.


I remember the night this episode aired---I remember thinking "Man, this sucks. What the hell?!". Does this episode fall out of of the "good Simpsons seasons" category? Or was it written by a new writer? I just didn't like it at all.


Hail to the KING baby
pinkbunny said:
I remember the night this episode aired---I remember thinking "Man, this sucks. What the hell?!". Does this episode fall out of of the "good Simpsons seasons" category? Or was it written by a new writer? I just didn't like it at all.
It's got some good jokes, but I agree that it has a New Simpsons feel to it as well. It's from early in S8, so there were still some good episodes to go (Twisted World of Marge Simpson, Poochie, and a few more) but it definitely contributes to the "mixed bag" feeling of S8 IMO (I know some people love it).


AniHawk said:
Favorite exchange in the series ever.

...Maybe the Lisa the Vegetarian one tops it.

Homer: Marge? Since I'm not talking to Lisa, would you please ask her to pass me the syrup?
Marge: Dear, please pass your father the syrup.
Lisa: Bart, tell Dad I will only pass the syrup if it won't be used on any meat product.
Bart: You dunkin' your sausages in that syrup homeboy?
Homer: Marge, tell Bart I just want to drink a nice glass of syrup like I do every morning.
Marge: Tell him yourself, you're ignoring Lisa, not Bart.
Homer: Bart, thank your mother for pointing that out.
Marge: Homer, you're not not-talking to me and secondly I heard what you said.
Homer: Lisa, tell your mother to get off my case.
Bart: Uhhh, dad, Lisa's the one you're not talking to.
Homer: Bart, go to your room!
Lisa: Why don't you just eat him, Dad?
Homer: I don't need any serving suggestions from you, you barbeque-wrecking, know-nothing know-it-all!
Lisa: That's IT! I can't live in a house with this prehistoric carnivore. I am out of here! [leaves and slams the door]
Homer: That's it! Go to your room!
:lol Bolded gets me every time.


pinkbunny said:
I remember the night this episode aired---I remember thinking "Man, this sucks. What the hell?!". Does this episode fall out of of the "good Simpsons seasons" category? Or was it written by a new writer? I just didn't like it at all.

The third act really fell flat for me, but I like the first two parts overall.

"Are you going to jail dad?"
Flanders: "We'll see son. We'll see."


pinkbunny said:
I remember the night this episode aired---I remember thinking "Man, this sucks. What the hell?!". Does this episode fall out of of the "good Simpsons seasons" category? Or was it written by a new writer? I just didn't like it at all.

It was actually pitched for season 3. I think it's a pretty average episode, but the dream sequence is incredibly well-animated.
CiSTM said:
God, I love cape fear episode :lol

Agent: Now, when I say, "Hello, Mr. Thompson," and press down on your foot, you smile and nod.
Homer: No problem.
Agent: Hello, Mr. Thompson! (presses on Homer's foot)
Homer: (whispers to other agent) I think he's talking to you.

One of my favorite parts of that episode.


AniHawk said:
The third act really fell flat for me, but I like the first two parts overall.

"Are you going to jail dad?"
Flanders: "We'll see son. We'll see."

Not sure when in the episode it's from, but my favorite is:

Coyote: This is just your memory. I can't give you any new information

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
AstroLad said:
"Now, this technology is new to me, but...I'm pretty sure that's Homer Simpson in the oven, rotating slowly. [closeup of turkey] His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees -- he's literally stewing in his own juices."

my favourite simpsons episode. this thread is awesome!


AstroLad said:
Mother Simpson is an interesting one because I don't think that the episode overall is all that great (the comedy has a bit of a late-Simpsons feel to it) but the ending is soooooo good.

I guess this is true, but god damn it, for whatever reason, the scene where Burns is about to ram down the door and the tape switches to Waterloo is hilarious every single time I see it. Just the way that the shots go with it, I think, I'm not really sure, but I love it so much. So when you combine a moment of funny that I really like with of course the heavily emotional ending, the whole episode just sits really well for me.

As a side note, another scene that isn't particularly funny that gets me every time is when Homer calls Bob "Mister Terwiggerger" in Sideshow Bob Roberts. For whatever reason, I can never not laugh at that moment. Its not really anything, but just how he says it gets me.


Homer: Oh. And how is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home wine-making course and I forgot how to drive?

Marge: That's because you were drunk!

Homer: And how.

keep this thread alive!:lol


Bane was better.
I was listening to "Happy Birthday Lisa" yesterday, and its one of those incredibly touching Simpsons moments that'll probably never happen again.

I hated new Simpsons before it was cool.

Scratch that I've hated the show since season 8.

Those first five to eight years though were some of the best television I've been privy too.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Saw the new 'ireland' episode..was the first simpsons I saw in aggees. The change in visual style was quite shocking. They changed the opening?!


Neo Member
Watched "Homer the Heretic" yesterday in honor of this thread....so awesome...it made me realize I need to start celebrating the feast of maximum occupancy...not a lot of shows can do something like that...
The show went downhill obviously with the overturn of a lot of key writers, but also specifically when they lost touch with what made the show great -- the characters were actually human.

The show became moronic when it lost sight of that. Bart was funny because he represented something inside each of us. So did Homer.

Homer in particular showcases the downfall of the show really well. Before, Homer did a lot of stupid things, but he generally did them for the right reasons. He tried hard to be a good father and overcame the insane situations he was in because his heart was always in the right place.

Now, Homer is stupid for the sake of being stupid. "Feelin' stupid? I know I am!" You can't relate to him and he's pretty much unlikable. Marge and Lisa are just resigned to it, Homer doesn't care anymore, and Bart just tags along for the stupidity ride.

The movie sucker-punched me with the Marge-videotape scene, as it was like a short window into those glory days of the Simpsons, when it had heart. The best episodes often had the touching moments in them... my sister still gets teary-eyed at episodes like Lisa on Ice and the "Do It For Her" moment.

I think this ties into why parents didn't let a lot of children watch the show (although in my family, it was actually a required family activity - literally :lol ). This wasn't a "look at the funny images" cartoon, it was a satire on life and the American family. Some of the stuff was pretty biting and very cynical, often delving into the realm of the absurd. Considering this is a country where even today animated products are looked at as "kid's stuff," I think a lot of people didn't know how to take it.

Love this thread, by the way.


Homer: Hey! Somebody sign an autograph? Please? Somebody...sign an
autograph? Hey, would you sign a...You fat, stupid jerks!
[the players turn around]
It was him! [points at Flanders]
Stan: Ned? Is that -- Ned Flanders?
Ned: Heidely-ho, Stanster.
Homer: You know Stan Taylor?
Stan: Know me? Ned Flanders saved me. I used to party all night and
sleep with lingerie models until Ned and his bible group showed
me that I could have more.
Homer: Professional athletes, always wantin' more.
Stan: Ned, they gave me the game ball, but I want you to have it.
Homer: [gasps]
Ned: Tell you what -- Homer Simpson here's just about the biggest Atom
fan that's ever graced God's green earth. I bet he'd enjoy it
even more than me!
Stan: Sure, anything for Neddy. Here you go!
Homer: Wow. Now I have four children. [to ball] You will be called
Who controls the British crown?


Who keeps the metric system down?


We do, we do


Who keeps Atlantis off the maps?


Who keeps the Martians under wraps?


We do, we do


Who holds back the elctric car?


Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?


We do, we do


Who robs cavefish of their sight


Who rigs every Oscar night?


We do, we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

painey said:
Homer: Hey! Somebody sign an autograph? Please? Somebody...sign an
autograph? Hey, would you sign a...You fat, stupid jerks!
[the players turn around]
It was him! [points at Flanders]
Stan: Ned? Is that -- Ned Flanders?
Ned: Heidely-ho, Stanster.
Homer: You know Stan Taylor?
Stan: Know me? Ned Flanders saved me. I used to party all night and
sleep with lingerie models until Ned and his bible group showed
me that I could have more.
Homer: Professional athletes, always wantin' more.
Stan: Ned, they gave me the game ball, but I want you to have it.
Homer: [gasps]
Ned: Tell you what -- Homer Simpson here's just about the biggest Atom
fan that's ever graced God's green earth. I bet he'd enjoy it
even more than me!
Stan: Sure, anything for Neddy. Here you go!
Homer: Wow. Now I have four children. [to ball] You will be called
"If anyone can do it, it's Stan 'the Boy' Taylor!"

And then the crowd chant:

"Stan, Stan! He's our... boy.
If he can't do it, no one... will?"


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah I just want to pile on and say the movie was quite bad. I saw it with my wife and I think we may have laughed once each (not exaggerating for effect). Like an average episode of New Simpsons (the New Simpsons I'm familiar with, which granted is probably better than what's on now) with snazzy animation. If they couldn't pull that off LOL.


Can't...stop...doing...the Monkey!

Also I don't think I've seen one yet but someone needs to make a gif of Homer at the end of Last Exit to Springfield when Burn's says he can have the dental plan. You know when he's on the floor somehow running in circles. I'd make it myself but I don't know how to gif.
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