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Iwata: “Nintendo is not good at competing,” so must offer something different

Stop patting yourself on the back. There is nothing innovative about that tablet (I'm loathe to even call it a tablet because no tablet on the market, even the bootleg Chinese ones use that poor of a touchscreen).

i've used one and it's extremely precise, i can't say the same thing of my nexus 7 touchscreen...so yeah you're wrong.
Oh boy, I knew that quote was going to be taken the wrong way.

I wouldn't mind a handheld focused Nintendo (love my 3DS), and then they could still make console titles for the other platforms. They'd probably rake in the cash.

I don't know why people keep thinking this.

If they went handheld only they would make only handheld games.

It makes no sense to make console games that are:
- more expensive
- get you less money per sale
- on a competing platform to your own first-party platform
Oh boy, I knew that quote was going to be taken the wrong way.

I don't know why people keep thinking this.

If they went handheld only they would make only handheld games.

It makes no sense to make console games that are:
- more expensive
- get you less money per sale

Considering how much Nintendo is banking on the 3DS for profits recently, I would actually say they're a handheld-focused company right now.


No matter what Iwata thinks, Nintendo doesn't exist in a vacuum.

The fact that Wii U is such a disaster is a direct result of the fact that it's a product that actually competes against better products, both casual and core-oriented, for people's time and money.
Oh boy, I knew that quote was going to be taken the wrong way.

I don't know why people keep thinking this.

If they went handheld only they would make only handheld games.

It makes no sense to make console games that are:
- more expensive
- get you less money per sale
- on a competing platform

If they stop the focus on consoles then it won't really be a competing platform. As to the first two points, I'm gonna have to speculate that if you release your games multiplatform on the two major consoles (and PC) they'll sell quite well. If they already sell like hotcakes and don't go down in price on just Nintendo devices, imagine them on other consoles.

Regardless of these comments the fact of the matter is that Nintendo is lagging behind with keeping up with the competition. Innovation leads this world. If they don't step it up and Apple gains a bigger share of their market and/or releases a competing device (besides ipad/iphones), Nintendo might be going the way of dial-up and non-fiber optic cable signals.


Stop patting yourself on the back. There is nothing innovative about that tablet (I'm loathe to even call it a tablet because no tablet on the market, even the bootleg Chinese ones use that poor of a touchscreen).

Capacitive screens aren't as accurate for drawing and don't offer pressure sensitivity. They also require more expensive stylus technology to actually work as a drawing tool. There are pretty good reasons for Nintendo to do what they did with the screen. The fact that it was cheaper was clearly a factor, but given that the primary control method was still expected to be sticks and buttons, the addition of a capacitive screen wouldn't have really added much to the experience, and would have had serious drawbacks.


i've used one and it's extremely precise, i can't say the same thing of my nexus 7 touchscreen...so yeah you're wrong.

No, you're wrong. Nowhere did I say anything about precise. It's poor because it's basically an enlarged DS resistive touchscreen which basically nobody uses anymore outside of Nintendo. It also doesn't compare to the visual quality of tablets these days. So yeah you're wrong and you don't read people's posts closely before responding to them.

Capacitive screens aren't as accurate for drawing and don't offer pressure sensitivity. They also require more expensive stylus technology to actually work as a drawing tool. There are pretty good reasons for Nintendo to do what they did with the screen. The fact that it was cheaper was clearly a factor, but given that the primary control method was still expected to be sticks and buttons, the addition of a capacitive screen wouldn't have really added much to the experience, and would have had serious drawbacks.

Good points but if the primary reason for the screen is just drawing, then fine. But by going with the resistive screen, Nintendo alienates most of the children who are used to iPad and other tablets that are basically all capacitive.
If they stop the focus on consoles then it won't really be a competing platform. As to the first two points, I'm gonna have to speculate that if you release your games multiplatform on the two major consoles (and PC) they'll sell quite well. If they already sell like hotcakes and don't go down in price on just Nintendo devices, imagine them on other consoles.

Regardless of these comments the fact of the matter is that Nintendo is lagging behind with keeping up with the competition. Innovation leads this world. If they don't step it up and Apple gains a bigger share of their market and/or releases a competing device (besides ipad/iphones), Nintendo might be going the way of dial-up and non-fiber optic cable signals.

They will still be competing platforms. Handhelds are competing with consoles. People have a limited amount of disposable income, time, etc. They are making decisions which ecosystems to enter. If they're getting Nintendo games on their PC or their Playstation, the incentive to invest in Nintendo's handheld platform is affected.

Nintendo is innovating. It's the thing keeping them alive. that was the whole point of Iwata's comment.

"Competing" in the way Iwata is talking about it is about going head-to-head with others in the field, matching them feature for feature... that's not their company's core competency, they're not proficient at it. We've seen how much trouble Sony has had trying to compete with Microsoft's superior OS and online capabilities. PS3 lagged far behind in both areas. Nintendo has always been about coming up with inventive, innovative ways to play and selling that unique proposition. Their worst-selling consoles both have lagged in that particular proposition: Gamecube offered nothing really new despite being a madly efficient console that ran circles around the PS2. The Wii U is having similar trouble because people aren't seeing the uniqueness in a tablet controller.

You guys want to bring up the SNES, but you forget they were going up against SEGA... Sony and MS can't be beaten in the same way because if SEGA took the losses that Sony and MS have in order to remain viable, SEGA would've gone under... oh and hey, they did anyway!


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Considering how much Nintendo is banking on the 3DS for profits recently, I would actually say they're a handheld-focused company right now.

Do you think the 2DS will be a success? Furthermore, has Nintendo commented on the 2DS' profitability? Although they are offering the 2DS at 129.99$, the custom 3D screens, eliminating the clamp shell design and a single screen does decrease the cost. Will it be more profitable?


Do you think the 2DS will be a success? Furthermore, has Nintendo commented on the 2DS' profitability? Although they are offering the 2DS at 129.99$, the custom 3D screens, eliminating the clamp shell design and a single screen does decrease the cost. Will it be more profitable?

Why it wouldn't be? Even if it wasn't how is it relevant to what the person you quoted said? If it's a success for Nintendo then great but if it isn't not much at all is lost.


I've heard tons of people describe their first session(s) with the Wii as magical, or other similar superlatives.............

My first time playing the Wii was pure confusion. I kept asking myself how did a console that had such inaccurate controls make it to market.


IWATA is one of the best bosses in the entire world. He's good at what he does.

Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

Even the guys running Capcom are more on the ball than Iwata!

Iwata was out of touch in the NES era, never mind now. Kirby could never cut it with Mario and Sonic and it still hurts him now.
The reaction to this quote is hilarious. I honestly don't think Iwata is conceding that Nintendo CAN'T compete with Sony and Microsoft as many of you seem to be inferring. He probably means instead that Nintendo chooses not to compete with them so their brand stands out, which would pretty much explain why Nintendo does what they do. Wii U being a failure doesn't undermine that really, but it was just a risk that, thus far, hasn't been well recieved. Failure is bound to happen when you define your brand in such a way, but it doesn't mean Nintendo can never find success again.

I'm also not trying to defend Iwata's management performance, as some very poor choices have obviously been made, but Iwata did find the company much success in the past. It may very well be time for someone new to take the wheel, for sure, but to call Iwata a complete failure is just plain wrong.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Statement is definitely true. They just don't have in-house talent that's well versed in shooters, WRPGs and other games that sell well in the west. And outside of Fire Emblem they don't have much in the JRPG front either.

Without first party exclusives like Halo, Gears, Uncharted etc. they just can't compete with MS/Sony for that key 18-35 western male gamer market. Getting third party ports won't help either as the softcore gamers that dominate sales will just buy those on the Sony/MS machine they got for the big first party games (or because their friends all play CoD, Madden, etc. on that platform).

If Nintendo is going to thrive they have to offer something different that can either (or both) rake in casuals and get softcores to buy their machine to complement their main platform.

There's no way, for instance, I'd buy both a PS4 and X1 next gen as the game libraries will be too similar with most things being multiplatform these days, and most exclusives I play being shooters that have reasonable equivalents on the other platform. But I could possibly get an Wii U down the road if there are enough games I want as Nintendo games are quite different that the exclusives on Sony/MS. Probably unlikely as I doubt my gaming time will pick up, and I just can't justify a second console when I can't even keep up with games on one anymore. But if I do, I'd consider a Wii U to complement my PS4 once I pick one up, and not an X1.


Well you're certainly not doing a very good job of it, Iwata. Wii U was stillborn and the 3DS is lagging behind the DS.


Thats bullshit.

The NES was similar to every other console.

So was the SNES.

So was the N64 bar carts

So was the GC bar the shit control pad.

This loser attitude only came about with the Wii and Iwata's rise.

Nintendo need to lose him quick time! He's sending Nintendo to their doom starting with the WiiU...probably the most pathetic console they've released since the Virtual Boy!

it went because of consequences of prior generation .
doing same -> loosing more and more appeal in their case.
They will still be competing platforms. Handhelds are competing with consoles. People have a limited amount of disposable income, time, etc. They are making decisions which ecosystems to enter. If they're getting Nintendo games on their PC or their Playstation, the incentive to invest in Nintendo's handheld platform is affected.

Wouldn't that be a similar situation between deciding among the Wii U vs the other two, and not only that but deciding between the Wii U and the 3DS for your Nintendo needs?

I own a 3DS and that's enough Nintendo for me. I'd love to still play their big titles though, but refuse to get a Wii U. I doubt I'm the only one in this case. I get your point but I'm not grasping the theory of removing a decision by the pool and somehow them ending up losing.


I don't mind them offering an alternative, that's good and all but when your console just relies on exclusive games to sell then they have a problem.

Both X1 and PS4 have their exclusives but they also see tons of third parties that Nintendo will never have in their console so even if you prefer their exclusives it's always going to be a trade-off.

Some of the biggest titles are multi-plat so if you only have a Wii U you are going to miss a ton of games. In the end they end up being a second console just to play Zelda and Mario, hardly a good position for a console to be in.

Being different is great and all but you should get the basics right or in the end you will just end up being the odd man out.
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

Even the guys running Capcom are more on the ball than Iwata!

Iwata was out of touch in the NES era, never mind now. Kirby could never cut it with Mario and Sonic and it still hurts him now.

It was really telling when Iwata saved Kirby as the big announcment at the end of the last Nintendo Direct.

the man is obessed with the franchise, he is placing way too much emphasis and important on his personal creation when time and money can be used to better use.


Stop patting yourself on the back. There is nothing innovative about that tablet (I'm loathe to even call it a tablet because no tablet on the market, even the bootleg Chinese ones use that poor of a touchscreen).

Sure, they should go with this mindset, it'll fix everything!
Wouldn't that be a similar situation between deciding among the Wii U vs the other two, and not only that but deciding between the Wii U and the 3DS for your Nintendo needs?

I own a 3DS and that's enough Nintendo for me. I'd love to still play their big titles though, but refuse to get a Wii U. I doubt I'm the only one in this case. I get your point but I'm not grasping the theory of removing a decision by the pool and somehow them ending up losing.

Nintendo wins if you take the 3DS or the Wii U. Either way you're investing into their ecosystem.

If they decide that they'll only offer one product (say, a handheld), that would be consistent. But putting games on competing platforms doesn't make any damn sense.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

I know right, being a Japanese person from Japan who grew up speaking Japanese. Only terrible people would do such things.

Iwata is a total degenerate.
I think I wrote what Iwata just said a day or two ago. They don't like to compete.

This puts them at a disadvantage because they won't build a Skyrim, GTA, Forza, or Halo because they don't have the core competency or understanding to do these sorts of games. If they want to compete in the larger console game market without the assistance of 3rd parties they would have to begin building these sorts of games and more. They would need to be knocking out or straight up paying for mainline sports games to encourage Xbox and Playstation gamers to jump the fence. It isn't going to happen.

So what is Nintendo to do in such a deficit? I personally think they should be chasing a creativity market with games like Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Modnation Racers, Trials, Project Spark, Little Big Planet, etc. with wide audience Nintendo sensibilities. Still crank out a good Mario, Zelda, and Metroid but try to make them not so damn obvious. Build around creation tools. They used to be so good at tools like Mario Paint and they used to be so wise about grabbing and porting interesting games like Tetris and Simcity.

They still do this. They just don't release AAA versions of content like this, I guess, so it doesn't count to most people. They make/port plenty of new and interesting titles, puzzle games and whathaveyou, and plenty of "new" types of games/creation tools as well. They have level building and game-building tools in some of their games. But I agree - they should have a big-budget game-creation "game" as a major release, even if it will fail.
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

Even the guys running Capcom are more on the ball than Iwata!

Iwata was out of touch in the NES era, never mind now. Kirby could never cut it with Mario and Sonic and it still hurts him now.

What is this nonsense?
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

Even the guys running Capcom are more on the ball than Iwata!

Iwata was out of touch in the NES era, never mind now. Kirby could never cut it with Mario and Sonic and it still hurts him now.

I hope this is sarcasm...I really, really hope you're joking here.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Why it wouldn't be? Even if it wasn't how is it relevant to what the person you quoted said? If it's a success for Nintendo then great but if it isn't not much at all is lost.

Aquamarine is a Nintendo investor like myself. I was simply asking further information on their 3DS strategy as Nintendo has not yet addressed, to my knowledge, the profitability factor on the 2DS. I'm sorry if this was not deemed relevant to you.


I hope this is sarcasm...I really, really hope you're joking here.

"Dude can't even speak english properly." doesn't give it away?

Aquamarine is a Nintendo investor like myself. I was simply asking further information on their 3DS strategy as Nintendo has not yet addressed, to my knowledge, the profitability factor on the 2DS. I'm sorry if this was not deemed relevant to you.

Try PM next time instead of saying something unrelated without even stating you're doing so.
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.

Even the guys running Capcom are more on the ball than Iwata!

Iwata was out of touch in the NES era, never mind now. Kirby could never cut it with Mario and Sonic and it still hurts him now.

oh please, i understand his English perfectly... he's a good boss and deserves a lot of credit for his hard work and keeping moral up during difficult times.


I think you are the only person I've ever heard describe playing the wii as magic. How does that even happen? I remember my first time being pure disgust at the lack of 1:1 with the controller after all there boasting, and how horribly ugly Zelda looked on a HD display. Even my family thought something was wrong with the screen because of how ugly the game looked when put next to 360 games they played.
You clearly missed the official topics over here after the launch, there were tons of raving first impressions just like what he said. And I have to agree, first time playing Wii was magic, I even stopped playing on the 360 altogether for almost a year because it just felt like an extreme case of "been there, done that - for like 20 years!" compared to Wii. :/ I got over it though lol, and Wii collected by far the most dust in the end, but the first impression was definitely something out of the ordinary.


I like Nintendo and their games, but I would love if they would focus on the handheld side and have a VitaTV like device to connect it to the TV. Just imagining the output that handheld would have with Nintendo 1st party games without having to develop for a second platform. Would be amazing.


Good points but if the primary reason for the screen is just drawing, then fine. But by going with the resistive screen, Nintendo alienates most of the children who are used to iPad and other tablets that are basically all capacitive.

How does it alienate children? My near 4 year old daughter loves the thing. She uses art academy sketchpad, Netflix, and is learning how to play Mario, all while her lame Dad watches something on TV.

Edit: I don't think Nintendo implicitly gave the Gamepad Screen a primary purpose. It does whatever developers design their game around it doing. It's a natural drawing tool. It's also very good for inventory management, mini games, maps, co-op assistance, etc. I think Rayman Legends used it very well. My wife and I have a blast with it.
I like Nintendo and their games, but I would love if they would focus on the handheld side and have a VitaTV like device to connect it to the TV. Just imagining the output that handheld would have with Nintendo 1st party games without having to develop for a second platform. Would be amazing.

Yeah, now nintendo should just start making playstations and xbox devices.. that'll really make them unique and different...


I know right, being a Japanese person from Japan who grew up speaking Japanese. Only terrible people would do such things.

Iwata is a total degenerate.

He is head of a multinational. He's the head of NOA. It's important.

Sony has Kaz....night and day.
They still do this. They just don't release AAA versions of content like this, I guess, so it doesn't count to most people. They make/port plenty of new and interesting titles, puzzle games and whathaveyou, and plenty of "new" types of games/creation tools as well. They have level building and game-building tools in some of their games. But I agree - they should have a big-budget game-creation "game" as a major release, even if it will fail.

If they made a Little Big Planet style build your own Mario side scroller product with the jumping and physics accuracy of a mainline Mario title they would probably do pretty well. People would probably go bananas for that.

If they got UFG to reskin Mod Nation as a Mario Kart title and double down on the community and sharing aspect, they would once again do very well from it and would be pushing their incredibly safe and stale IP forward.

Minecraft speaks for itself, and Minecraft is incredibly limited in terms of game types it can offer within its construction and control framework. Something like Spark is Minecraft and more. I doubt it will do near as well as the lighting in a bottle that is MC but it is an attempt to push the envelope a bit.

Mario Paint was from an era of Nintendo where they were actually interested in pushing these sort of boundaries and games like these are not massive cash sinks either. You can put a few of them out and if one really hits it'll cover the rest.

Excitebike on the NES shipped with an editor way back in 85/86. Look at Trials Evolution in comparison. Almost the same game in so many ways but blown up and out with great visuals with a tiny team and sells for $20! Why is that not a Nintendo product? That game alone steamrolls many "AAA" titles on sales, appeal, and brand name recognition. The Nintendo Excitebike IP tax could sell that for $40 easy.
Dude can't even speak english properly. He's awful and out of touch.



oh please, i understand his English perfectly... he's a good boss and deserves a lot of credit for his hard work and keeping moral up during difficult times.

He created these diffifcult times. It's all his fault.

Poor vision
Poor planning.
Poor experience
Poor performance.

He needs to do the honourable thing and quit. Let someone new take over.


They will still be competing platforms. Handhelds are competing with consoles. People have a limited amount of disposable income, time, etc. They are making decisions which ecosystems to enter. If they're getting Nintendo games on their PC or their Playstation, the incentive to invest in Nintendo's handheld platform is affected.

How is that different from what is happening now?

This is actually one of the reasons why Nintendo handhelds and home consoles should not compete for the same market. Especially since the kids/family market offers limited revenue opportunities to begin with. There's only so much stuff that kids (without disposable income) and parents (who don't game much) can afford / want to buy.

And, to make things even worse, current Nintendo doesn't even bother to differentiate their home console games from their handheld counterparts in terms of art and (more importantly) scope.

At least, back in the day, Nintendo offered big scope productions on their consoles. There was Mario 64 on their home console and Mario Land on their handheld. Today their vision for the next-gen Mario on consoles is a production similar in scope with its handheld counterpart.


I like the way Nintendo does their own thing. It might not be popular with the hardcore gamingcrowd, hell, it's not even popular with the casual crowd seeing how Wii U is failing overall. But to just change just because some gamers want them to isn't necesarily a smart thing to do. As Lorne Lanning, I believe Nintendo will be around for a long time. And I think this is exactly because of this stubborn attitude.


Wii never deserved the success it had but it tapped into the casual market and was soaring for a while but in the meantime had the worse SW lineup compared to 360/PS3.

With all due respect -- and I love my PS3 library -- as someone who doesn't care for console FPS or cinematic action/TPS games, I'm firmly of the opinion that the Wii software library kicks the [expletive] out of the 360/PS3 library.
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