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JBaird has mental breakdown as he invents elaborate "murder/rape" hoax (Update #4151

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If you just found out your gf's sister and potentially your gf had been murdered why would you be posting about it on an internet message board?
That seems awfully fast to find a body 20 miles into a forest from the crash site. That's pretty far away and seems quite a distance for a search to have had results so fast.


m0ngo said:
If you just found out your gf's sister and potentially your gf had been murdered why would you be posting about it on an internet message board?
This is a community. He is reaching out and is confused. Give him a fucking break.


20 miles into the woods?

Since when was this reported to the police? Do you know how long it takes to search 20 miles of woods?

Dude,really, this all sounds very VERY suspicious.


OP, I can't even imagine what you must be going through right now, but I would most certainly get off of neogaf and go find a family member/friend to be with. Stay strong.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
BattleMonkey said:
That seems awfully fast to find a body 20 miles into a forest from the crash site. That's pretty far away and seems quite a distance for a search to have had results so fast.

Especially without some kind of access road. Too far to walk, woods are too dense to drive...


NYR said:
This is a community. He is reaching out and is confused. Give him a fucking break.
When my father passed away (when I was 17) I first told three of my friends and then instantly jumped on Ragnarok Online and told my guild.

We're a community. When it all comes down to it, we care.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I'm searching for a news article but i don't see anything. This is very sad if true.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
BattleMonkey said:
That seems awfully fast to find a body 20 miles into a forest from the crash site. That's pretty far away and seems quite a distance for a search to have had results so fast.

That is what I'm thinking but it is possible a 3rd party/passerby found the body and called police.


pxleyes said:
They found a body, 20 miles in the woods, in under 12 hours? Uh...amazing police work if even possible.
They've been missing for 4 days :/

You have to think the family reported them missing within 24 hours.... 72 hours is a completely reasonable timeframe :S


If police were searching 20 miles into the woods for the bodies of two females the breaking news story on the Ashland website wouldn't be "Landslide repair work to begin Monday"


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm calling bullshit. If it turns out to be true you can ban me for two weeks. But yeah......this story is really sketchy. now ecuse me, wile i go ly dow
JBaird said:
I gotta go ly dow,



MassiveAttack said:
Nothing there. It would have been reported already and spread like wildfire through the local press. There is no way the police can stop the story from getting out.
Stories of this kind don't typically get reported directly to the press, so you all need to chill the fuck out. It's a police investigation, a rather sensitive one at that, and details are being found and released slowly. If all of this is true, then by late afternoon something will likely be released from the press. If not, then there won't be a story.

However, in all fairness, crimes of this nature don't always get reported on. Every rape and murder is not covered by the press, for various reasons, so a news story might never surface.

Also, everyone's an expert, etc etc etc.


20 miles INTO the woods?

Does anyone realize the size of the search party that would be necessary to accomplish that? I seriously doubt the Ashland, TN PD has that kind of manpower.

And, how would you get a victim 20 miles into the woods in the first place without an access road?


JBaird said:
20 miles into the woods.
If this is true (I think it is, you people are half-deluded and half way too much into the internet detective persona) I suggest you IMMEDIATELY seek some form of help or support, in a family member, a friend or anyone you trust if you aren't being accompanied by someone you trust right now. The situation right now as you describe it is horrible, and there's not much for me to say other than express preoccupation for your health and well-being.
ChefRamsay said:
They've been missing for 4 days :/

You have to think the family reported them missing within 24 hours.... 72 hours is a completely reasonable timeframe :S

There would be some actual proof or media coverage if they have been missing for 4 days and reported that long ago.
richiek said:
This is easily the most fucked up thread I've ever read on GAF, true or not.


Only posts like AstroLad's are making it bearable. I really hope this is fake. I'll be upset either way.

Edit: It's been four days and still no news report? Missing person alert?
joelseph said:
If police were searching 20 miles into the woods for the bodies of two females the breaking news story on the Ashland website wouldn't be "Landslide repair work to begin Monday"

My thoughts exactly. And I'm sorry if I seem like a dick, but I gotta agree with the comment above about the broken typing. That always just seems a little suspicious to me. If the OP is telling the truth, you have my condolences. If not, then....
Fisticuffs said:
If this is a hoax, how sick in the head do you have to be? No normal human being would think this is a good idea.

You are new to the internet.

If there was a police search massive enough to find someone 20 miles out, it would have been reported in small town America.
okno said:
Stories of this kind don't typically get reported directly to the press, so you all need to chill the fuck out. It's a police investigation, a rather sensitive one at that, and details are being found and released slowly. If all of this is true, then by late afternoon something will likely be released from the press. If not, then there won't be a story.

However, in all fairness, crimes of this nature don't always get reported on. Every rape and murder is not covered by the press, for various reasons, so a news story might never surface.

There is a person missing and one body presumably found dead. They would be doing a full scale search (including BOLO alert) right now. They aren't going to keep this quiet.
okno said:
Stories of this kind don't typically get reported directly to the press, so you all need to chill the fuck out. It's a police investigation, a rather sensitive one at that, and details are being found and released slowly. If all of this is true, then by late afternoon something will likely be released from the press. If not, then there won't be a story.

However, in all fairness, crimes of this nature don't always get reported on. Every rape and murder is not covered by the press, for various reasons, so a news story might never surface.
Being released slowly...by only one person. And yes, in a town that small, a missing person would be huge news, let alone a murder/rape, not to mention that you'd think they'd release details of the still missing person. You know, so people could look and all.


Outdoor Miner said:
Gullible-Age Forums
If anything, Sceptical-Age. A surprising amount of reasonable skepticism in this thread. Probably justified from the amount of information we've gotten.


Anyone that would joke about this is FUCKING SICJK. I the whole fucking reason I'm on here is ccaus I am at whome alone right now and can barely type much less fucking talk.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
What a shitty thread.

If it's true, a ton of people are acting like asses.
If it's fake, the OP is a seriously troubled dude or starved for attention.

...but without knowing, it all just feels really awkward.

Obviously it seems fake...but if for some reason it isn't I can only imagine what some of the responses would make someone feel.

We need Jordie Laforge to roll under some closing door gifs up in this.
Everyone's already said it, but the 20 miles thing did it in for me =P. Amateur work, OP could've strung us out for a lot longer with some more effort!

(ps, my bad disclaimer if it's all true!)


Beat EviLore at pool.
joelseph said:
If police were searching 20 miles into the woods for the bodies of two females the breaking news story on the Ashland website wouldn't be "Landslide repair work to begin Monday"

Exactly. It is no where on the page of any kind of reports. If one was found dead in the woods with the car on the road. It should at least be on the page.


JBaird said:
Anyone that would joke about this is FUCKING SICJK. I the whole fucking reason I'm on here is ccaus I am at whome alone right now and can barely type much less fucking talk.

Then PLEASE get off of GAF, call a friend or family member, and have them immediately get you to the hospital or a counselling center.
JBaird said:
Anyone that would joke about this is FUCKING SICJK. I the whole fucking reason I'm on here is ccaus I am at whome alone right now and can barely type much less fucking talk.

Have you tried contacting a friend? Victim's services in your area? I'm sure someone on GAF can get you a number if you need it.
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