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Jeff Gertsmann's Comments about Third Parties Picking a Side


Why would third parties be unhappy about the new approach to used games, lending games, et cetera? They'll be delighted, it's consumers that should be angry.

Because it's only favors the Haves. The pool of money being spent is finite. And if gamers can't recycle games, they'll buy less. And choose surer things. This benefits the AAAA titles. The CoD, Maddens, and Battlefields will get even more sales now. Everyone who's not a slam duck, will see their sales shrink. It's not that difficult to see why some wouldn't be all that thrilled at a redistribution that's going to favor the rich IPs even more.


No money if no one buys the system because of internet requirements though. Particularly, families with multiple kids.

Families with multiple kids (myself having one son) can all play the same game on the same console, and apparently the same Xbox Gold subscription. What get's me is the entire 'lending' a game to a friend thing.


This would declare the absolute death of mid-tier developers and publishers, and it's not like this gen they had it easy. I'm not sure for how long you can life off a moneyhat if the market is hogged entirely by two/three huge publishers and their games.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I was thinking more of an Eastern/Western divide myself since it doesn't look like MS are doing much to court Japanese developers this time around. I suppose one or two of the new IP could be from Japanese studios though.
That is a weird statement to make. Publishers not happy about curbing used games??

Publishers are the reason Microsoft implemented this feature to begin with. While there will always be exceptions, publishers will be more than happy to develop for the Xbox One where used games won't eat into their bottom line. Their investors will be even more happy.

They must be thrilled by all this positive press and excitement around this feature.


Because it's only favors the Haves. The pool of money being spent is finite. And if gamers can't recycle games, they'll buy less. And choose surer things. This benefits the AAAA titles. The CoD, Maddens, and Battlefields will get even more sales now. Everyone who's not a slam duck, will see their sales shrink. It's not that difficult to see why some wouldn't be all that thrilled at a redistribution that's going to favor the rich IPs even more.

Very good point.
Because it's only favors the Haves. The pool of money being spent is finite. And if gamers can't recycle games, they'll buy less. And choose surer things. This benefits the AAAA titles. The CoD, Maddens, and Battlefields will get even more sales now. Everyone who's not a slam duck, will see their sales shrink. It's not that difficult to see why some wouldn't be all that thrilled at a redistribution that's going to favor the rich IPs even more.

Which is why I forsee Sony not having a system level approach, but an open approach. If a publisher wants it so bad let them shoulder that, truth is publishers don't want to look like the bad guy in all this. EA could block used game sales for their games on PS360 whenever they wanted to, yet they didn't. Wonder why?


That is a weird statement to make. Publishers not happy about curbing used games??

Publishers are the reason Microsoft implemented this feature to begin with. While there will always be exceptions, publishers will be more than happy to develop for the Xbox One where used games won't eat into their bottom line. Their investors will be even more happy.

It's all going to be about the bottom line in the end. If curbing used games results in lower software sales altogether, it's going to be pretty telling that curbing used games does not result in making more money.


Sony can do what they want, no big publisher is in the position to ignore them because they depend on them. PS is roughly 50% of the console market, most publisher would be dead in the water without PS sales.


Many studios particularly big ones are also pissed at used games so odds are most will support microsoft

...........at first, because if gamers don't buy the XO nor its games sales will shift development to the PS4.
Sony can do what they want, no big publisher is in the position to ignore them because they depend on them. PS is roughly 50% of the console market, most publisher would be dead in the water without PS sales.

This is true as well. I just hope people vote with their wallet and let these guys know that they don't want this. If people value consumer choice and mid tier and indie studios then they have to make sure platforms like PS4 and even the Wii U come out on top. The worst thing that could happen is if the Xbox sells hand over fist better than those 2. Then they really have us over the barrel and start writing goodbye letters to studios.


Many studios particularly big ones are also pissed at used games so odds are most will support microsoft

...........at first, because if gamers don't buy the XO nor its games sales will shift development to the PS4.

That's entirely possible. I just hope it won't turn into years and years of developers forcing Xbox One's policies to work by pouring exclusive content to the console before they eventually shift focus. It would be a shame for the console war to hinge on such an ulterior motive.


I know a lot of 'average families' too and this will just be one more thing for them to say, 'ok we're done spending 60 bucks per game on this thing. We'll buy you some itunes points instead'
I completely disagree. I see around 600+ kids a week at my job. Ages 6-12. All they talk about is minecraft on Xbox. I mean it's the ONLY thing they talk about. I assume they all play online together, but I have no idea. I think the new Xbox is a given for these kids as Christmas gifts, even before they start begging for them.
My favorite bad parenting scenario I use to illustrate how parents are push overs today is that one time I had a conference with a parent over how awful his kid was. Total terrorist. Bullies, steals, etc. After telling this guy as politically correct as possible that his child is the spawn of satan. He acts as though he is concerned and understands. Then says, "Hey Billy, wanna go get ice cream?"

Or one I see all the time. Kid screams and begs he wants [fill in the blank]. Parents finally give in. "I'll get it if you stop crying."

In other words, if kids want the new Xbox, they're gonna get one.
Sony can do what they want, no big publisher is in the position to ignore them because they depend on them. PS is roughly 50% of the console market, most publisher would be dead in the water without PS sales.

Yup. Sony is too big for the big pubs to miss out with their top franchises. As most people here said, the big franchises such as COD, BF, FIFA etc are all multiplatform. I see smaller projects being exclusive though.
I don't believe any developer will choose which side they want to be on based on company's used game policy. The most important factor is install base. Developer should have realized that MS pissed off customers ---> customers refuse to buy XB1 and choose PS4 ----> PS4 have larger install base. Regardless of used game policy, devs and publisher will always side with a console aiming for their target audiences and having larger install base.


Because it's only favors the Haves. The pool of money being spent is finite. And if gamers can't recycle games, they'll buy less. And choose surer things. This benefits the AAAA titles. The CoD, Maddens, and Battlefields will get even more sales now. Everyone who's not a slam duck, will see their sales shrink. It's not that difficult to see why some wouldn't be all that thrilled at a redistribution that's going to favor the rich IPs even more.
The death of the games industry right before us.


I'd be in the dick
I think his comments are a bit overblown. He was referring to the fact that there will be some third party exclusives again at the beginning of next gen (Ryse, Titan, etc)

Pubs need both consoles to survive and stuff like timed exclusive DLC don't sway people's decisions much.
I think his comments are a bit overblown. He was referring to the fact that there will be some third party exclusives again at the beginning of next gen (Ryse, Titan, etc)

I agree but only if the Xbox doesn't jump out into a crazy lead in sales. I don't think it will, I think ultimately the install base for the PS4 will be so large it will be impossible to ignore. As part of some cosmic justice I hope 3rd party games sell more on the PS4 than the Xbox.


Pubs need both consoles to survive and stuff like timed exclusive DLC don't sway people's decisions much.

True, but there might be a new motive behind timed exclusives and DLC now.

Perhaps developers might choose to give that stuff to Xbox One to push for that version to sell more in order to make Xbox One -- strict policies and all -- more successful than PS4... just so a used PS4 version of ______ won't be as much of a financial hit.

It's a far out scenario, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.


If Sony gets a significant lead early, it's very likely that betrayalthons will ensue. This could happen to MS too but I doubt that will happen after the terrible first impression.


I could definitely see Microsoft's policies scoring them preferential treatment from third parties. This is every publisher's wet dream.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Used games could be the new "pirated games"
But in on a larger scale
Developers will go where the userbase is.
I think MS will get a few exclusives from it but so will Sony
But I see only one giving in and joining the rest in the end.
Publishers won't be 'picking sides'. Franchises will be co-marketed in exchange for exclusive content, but it won't even fall straight down publisher lines, for example we already have Activision associating CoD with XB1 and Destiny with PS4. Ubisoft are on both, as are EA.
This is far too rational. Obviously EA has gone exclusive...

Anyway, to take it further, it would probably actually be good if one of the two systems doesn't implement systemic draconian measures - as it allows them to hedge their bets even more.
Seems far too early to know. I don't think there's probably been enough dev experience for creators with either console, and if some weird quirk makes one more difficult than the other, that seems like it would have a greater effect than company policies.

Any variety of other things might have an effect. So while imagine on some level devs will take a side, it won't be now, and it could be for something no one even understands yet. The rub though? A paycheck from Sony or MS would have a way of changing devs minds.


Trucker Sexologist
That doesn't make any sense. The two consoles share a lot of silicon, which would make porting even easier than before.


No money if no one buys the system because of internet requirements though. Particularly, families with multiple kids.

why ? What is the difference with multiple kids. A family would have to buy multiple copies of a game on the ps4 or xbox one to play the same game at the same time.


Publishers hunt after user base. What good is it to publish on the One if it has no installed user base? If it's Ps 2 <> Xbox age again, with the new generation, mulitplat isn't needed often.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
why ? What is the difference with multiple kids. A family would have to buy multiple copies of a game on the ps4 or xbox one to play the same game at the same time.

They don't play with each other. When I was a kid, I borrowed my brothers games all the time. What happens when, even if you're using the same console, you want to make a new game and it's one of those many titles that only has one save slot?


Publishers will love the PS4 since PS4gamers have more money to spend, they can easily trade games and don't have to pay for online.
I'm not sure the used issue will cause publishers to wholesale defect to the ONE but it'll definitely curry some favor with the larger companies, the exact ones that MS is now targeting. Guess their plan is to keep the publishers happy at the cost of the gamer.


It's in Polish. I asked if there's any problem with Xbox One, and they said that the production is going fine. So yeah, it's not 100% confirmation and everything, but I'll take it :).

Just an e-mail to the PR lady.

PR doesn't always know what they're talking about so I would take that with a huge grain of salt


I don't think any publisher (save for EA, who are stupid) will risk half their install base for the possibility of reduced piracy/used game sales. Especially when used game sales are put back into new game purchases.

EA at most is going to watch early console sales and adjust their partnerships accordingly.


Not if PS4 gets an early install base lead.


In my friend circle no one plans to buy xbone (because of used games). I plan to buy one if it will be compatible with Fanatec wheels but that is 10 to 1 at least.

I am not saying this is ratio which consoles will be sold. Anti-used protections will be pretty much meaningless to developers if xbone will sell less.


Did I hear someone said microsoft and ea deserve each other. Careful what you ask for, let playstation not have madden, dead in north america.


I don't think any publisher (save for EA, who are stupid) will risk half their install base for the possibility of reduced piracy/used game sales. Especially when used game sales are put back into new game purchases.

EA at most is going to watch early console sales and adjust their partnerships accordingly.

yep, so far EA's biggest games are only giving exclusive dlc not becoming exclusive


Is the One's announcement of used games and always online/24hr check in festure what he meant when he made these comments on the bonus round?

Based on what we know, Sony doesn't have a mandatory 24hr check in system, they also won't allegedly be blocking used games, but will instead leave it up to publishers.

What if the some developers/publishers aren't too happy about the pretty draconian methods being implemented to curb used games and have decided to forego the One as a platform altogether?

CDPR, for example, refuse to acknowledge if there's a One version in the works. Many, including myself initially thought that it would be a timed exclusive and show up at the MS presser, but it apparently won't be shown in public at all this year (BHC), so where does that leave the One version?

CDPR aren't the only ones, many smaller developers are simply foregoing the One due to its approach to self publishing, not receiving dev kits and simply not being happy with the direction MS are going..

Anyway, to get to my point...is what we are seeing now what Gertsmann meant when said third parties would be picking a side?


If anything, most indie developers will be upset and just run over to Sony, who even promises to allow them to self-publish their games.

Don't expect the Axis of Evil (EA, Activision, Ubisoft) to feel that way, though.
Anyone willing to give up their rights as a customer to play a goddamn video game is a silly individual

While I hear that side definitely, I'm far more concerned that that is the priority in people's minds over the fact that MS wants us to pay them to place a state of the art camera with a microphone, voice recognition, and always online into our homes.

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