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Jim Sterling Goes Independent


Think about what a talking head on ESPN makes for reviewing and analyzing sports. Why shouldn't Jim get even a fraction of that for doing the same for gaming?

because the sports commentary market is in more demand than video game commentary.

also that talking head works for a corporation that sets his salary.. stephen smith isn't out begging on the streets of LA for analysis about the next clippers game

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
That's how I feel, he left dtoid because the escapist offered a better opportunity and now ditches them. I won't watch because I'm not donating and this ends my consumption of Jim Sterling media.

His stuff will still be public. You'll still be able to watch it on YouTube


Not really.

Other content creators earn a fuck of a lot more for a fuck of a lot less. There's no scale for content volume versus income earned.

TotalBiscuit's earnings for a single video, for example, far eclipse what Jim's hoping to earn through a month's worth of content creation.

He's not asking that people shoulder the burden themselves. He's asking for just 6000 fans, 6000 people of the 78,000 people subscribed to his channel, just one in thirteen viewers, to pay a single dollar per month to see more of his content.

That's not an especially hard thing to ask for.

Except that TotalBiscuit earns that money through YouTube, does he not? As opposed to asking his viewers for money directly? If content creators are gaining income from completely different revenue streams, what makes you think that how much they earn is comparable?

The Cowboy

I don't really care what he gets in terms of money, the great thing is as someone who will pay nothing (sorry Jim, can't afford any) i get to watch the videos advert free (huzzah!) - its like watching TV on BBC iplayer etc after they air - you don't have to pay the licence fee (if your not from the UK, we have to pay a yearly fee to watch live TV), you don't get all the crap in between shows - you get all the good stuff ad free and funded by others.

This is the good thing about this, it matters not what Jim gets money wise, if you don't think he's worth it - then don't fund him but still watch his shows, simples.

Get your money Jim :D.


All the best Jim! You were my reason for going to Destructoid, you were my reason for listening to their podcast and you were my reason for going to The Escapist. I will follow you anywhere. You have my support!


Except that TotalBiscuit earns that money through YouTube, does he not? As opposed to asking his viewers for money directly? If content creators are gaining income from completely different revenue streams, what makes you think that how much they earn is comparable?

TotalBuscuit is paid for some of his videos, by the developers/publishers. Thousands of dollars change hands for some of his reviews, because he's got a substantial userbase. Many of his videos are promotional items specifically paid for by publishers.

TotalBiscuit's Youtube advertisement earnings are peanuts next to his promotional revenue.

Please, next let's pretend PewDiePie doesn't get any promotional funding. I like living in a fantasy land.
Personally, i'm definitely going to support Jim on this as Iv always really really appreciated the amount of content that he's put out over the years for free. Hell an episode of Podtoid every single night was what I'd fall asleep to and it was a constant source of joy at a time in my life when I was feeling awful crappy.

Hell I bought him a solidus figure once, so a couple of bucks a month seems fine by me.
There are plenty that won't. That's how the internet works.

You probably think you said something intelligent, but you didn't

There are plenty of people who will vocally bitch about the content they enjoyed no longer being free to consume and then try to get others not to support it either because they don't give a fuck about the well being of the content creators as long as the content is readily accessible

That's unfortunately how the internet gets used, but not how it works
I'm going to need to see Jim F. Sterlingson's tax returns for the last 3 years before I can decide that he actually needs this money or not.
It's nice that this will give him the freedom to do what he wants, but I'm worried about all of these videos being pulled that he keeps having to deal with. I'd imagine they're a lot harder to manage solo.

Best of luck Jim!


ZeroPuncuation says hello.

Good on you, Jim!

Is Zero Puncuation still even relevant anymore? I mean the guy literally does the same exact joke in all of his reviews. I haven't even heard his name pop up in YEARS.

Escapist are also pretty scummy people too imo. They treated Extra Credits like shit when they had their web show on the Escapist, and the site has become pretty corrupt over the years. Also their forums are really...well how should I put it..."become more like YouTube comments?". And lastly, I still find it hiliarious how you have to pay like $20 to view the video content stuff on mobile. It's a joke.

Anyway, good for you Jim! Wish you the best and hope you do well in your next venture! You were way too good for the Escapist.


I'll be supporting him. His Inquisition videos have been tearing apart the nonsense devs/publishers have been participating in for a while now whilst others don't have the balls to speak up, he's been increasingly vocal against GG, and his no-nonsense bullshit no matter who it was coming from is generally what I now demand from people in this industry.

Good luck, Jim Sterling. I'm a big fan.
The Patreon thing gets a little out of hand when you want to support EVERYONE that makes videos off it.

That said, I decided a while back that I would come up with a "Patreon budget." I'd divide that among the people I want to support. And Jim Sterling, I think, is worth adding to that list.

So yeah, Jim, I'm in for a few a month :)


Is Zero Puncuation still even relevant anymore? I mean the guy literally does the same exact joke in all of his reviews. I haven't even heard his name pop up in YEARS.

Escapist are also pretty scummy people too imo. They treated Extra Credits like shit when they had their web show on the Escapist, and the site has become pretty corrupt over the years. Also their forums are really...well how should I put it..."become more like YouTube comments?". And lastly, I still find it hiliarious how you have to pay like $20 to view the video content stuff on mobile. It's a joke.

Anyway, good for you Jim! Wish you the best and hope you do well in your next venture! You were way too good for the Escapist.

I'd say Zero Punctuation is the only draw Escapist has now.


A) I "rail on" broken games that are misrepresented before sale being sold on Early Access. I have, in fact, highly praised several good Early Access games, such as Nekro.

B) The Jimquisition is not exactly an unproven product. I've produced over 200 episodes of the show to date and have been one of the hardest workers in the industry. It's not as if you can't see how much work I put in.

C) I don't need a C, because A and B were awesome.

To everyone else: Thank you for the support. GAF's been really good to me for the past couple years, and the positivity here is helping curb my panic attack. :)

I'll be supporting you. This is awesome news. I know you'll be successful
Hey, Jim. You get $10 a month from me for as long as Jimquisition remains must see weekly content. Doing this over being left out to dry over the GamerGate mess is the sort of thing I can support.



I can't speak to how much most journalists make in a month, but I do know they don't have to host and maintain a website

Hosting websites isn't an expensive thing until they get very, very busy.

Don't underestimate the cost of living and supporting a family in the UK though.
I'm not gonna lie, I forgot about Zero Punctuation until this thread. Anyways I gave a few bucks on Patreon and wish you the best. Although to be honest I'm just glad I can finally see new episodes on mobile.
If with all the tax breaks, the patreon cut etc and he only ends up making 50ish k a year and people are cut because of that ...

Well that is ridiculous. He's one of the most intriguing critics/journalist in gaming. If he is only asking for 50k .... Well then I feel really sorry for any other critic or journalist trying to make a full time living.


Remember when a big chunk of the internet hated Jim? Good times.

(not really those people were idiots jim was always great)
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