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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure |OT| Get back, Stand up

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Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
from smashgaf



Because there seems to be a concerted effort to fuse Smash Gaf and Jojo Gaf into one singular entity, I thought some might find amusement from this old fanart I stumbled upon:

Edit: Will fix later


Aw man I have friends in Japan and I was thinking of asking them to bring a souvenir for me. I was thinking either something Gundam or Jojo related but I can't find any sites that have some of what I want in stock. Anybody know a good site?




Welp add me to the list of people that don't get King Crimson's power. It seems more like a time slow down than time erasure thing.


Welp add me to the list of people that don't get King Crimson's power. It seems more like a time slow down than time erasure thing.

I'm not done with Part 5, but it seems pretty similar to The World, just with a more complex explanation. But the result is basically the same: A brief period of time where King Crimson did stuff while the other person didn't.


His power is
for a set amount of time, Diavolo can dodge all attacks but he can not attack in this time, or perhaps chooses not to because the other person can still block?. Then when the time finishes the other person forgets what happened in that time. He then attacks from behind while the other person is confused.
Aw man I have friends in Japan and I was thinking of asking them to bring a souvenir for me.

Check AmiAmi maybe? It's what I use.

Also KC's ability is just
Diavolo sees the effect within a certain time frame then alters it.

That's pretty much how I see it.


I'm not done with Part 5, but it seems pretty similar to The World, just with a more complex explanation. But the result is basically the same: A brief period of time where King Crimson did stuff while the other person didn't.

I'm not done either, but yeah I guess that's basically what it is. I just got to the part where they first meet KC.

It just seems like the explanation was weird, to me it looks like he slows down time a bit so he can dodge people's attacks and then has the chance to position himself better. His ability makes people forget what transpired in those few seconds and he uses that opportunity to make his attack.

Also yeah I went on Ami Ami, they had a cool Joseph and Ceasar mug that I'd want but it was sold out sadly.

Thanks for the help guys.


I just passed that image of King Crimson destroying shit in the manga, heh. 4 more volumes to go. Apparently? I'm wondering when the hell Polnareff will reappear.


Finished part 5. That was alright. It feels odd to me, I don't know why but it felt like it was kind of short. Really weird to see Fugo just phased out like that too. I now see what people mean when they say Giorno is something of a cardboard protag. He just feels like some mary sue type character.


Gives all the fucks
I can't remember where I heard it (might have been here), but I heard Fugo was phased out because his stand was overpowered, so he was written out of the story since they didn't know what to do with him after the fight he was in. Though yeah, kind of lackluster how he just....stopped appearing in the arc.


I figured that it was something like that honestly. I can't really think of too many things they could have done with him but it was so odd to just see him leave like that.

I was also kind of wondering when that might happen given the fact that there have been some really bullshit stands in the past.

Either way, part 5 was really meh. It had a potentially interesting premise that was dropped right away for a completely different plot that just failed to deliver. I mean I can see why Diavolo would be so relentless in erasing all traces of his past but ultimately it was just a boring conclusion.

So the way things are right now: Watched parts 1 and 2, read completely 3 and 5. I've read most of part 4, but it seems like there was a stop with the release of retranslations.

Started reading part 6 already.


Finished part 5. That was alright. It feels odd to me, I don't know why but it felt like it was kind of short. Really weird to see Fugo just phased out like that too. I now see what people mean when they say Giorno is something of a cardboard protag. He just feels like some mary sue type character.

I'm going to reread part 5 once(if?) the retranslations come out. I heard the Duwangian translations really sucks the personality of Giorno out, whatever's left of it anyway.
Bruno was the better main character, plus he had the better arc.


Bruno was pretty awesome. Honestly him, Mista, and Narancia are what made the fifth part interesting. Diavolo was pretty eh.
Part 5 wasn't DUWANG'd. Part 5 just had an actual literal translation with no actual feeling put into it which is why most characters seem to lack character.


I think Doppio makes Diavolo a pretty awesome villain.

Well Doppio and Diavolo are supposed to be two different people. Doppio was prett interesting, the whole phone thing was funny. Diavolo though I just felt that as a villain he was kind of weak. It's odd for me to explain but I just don't feel like he was all that great of an antagonist.


I think I've expressed my dislike for Vento Aureo enough in the past, so I'll just say that I'd probably enjoy it more if it had been Duwang'd.


Aight caught up with Part 8 up til Ch. 26 and that Sameface stand is too ridiculous, but hey this is Araki, wacky shit is his forte.

Oh and that person was a guy? I actually thought it was a woman in Ch. 26 =V


Part 6 has some really great stuff and some really bad stuff. Probably the most inconsistent of all of them. Definitely the least satisfying end to a final fight.


Part 6 is terrible. Quite possibly the worst.
I knew you must among who hate it lol
The cast are great, the main villain too.. great punk atmosphere, and maybe the only 2000's JoJo that have some comedy touch.
Have some really memorable fight like the Survivor+ feng shui fight, Green Baby, Bohemian Rhapsody, and all Pucci's fight was great.

I don't mind incoherency at many moment, despite that its always grabbing my attention.
Part 6 has some really great stuff and some really bad stuff. Probably the most inconsistent of all of them. Definitely the least satisfying end to a final fight.

The final fight was great, aside the Emporio stuff I like the conclusion.. and inconsistent? SO isn't my favorite part but when I miss JoJo its my go-to for re-read big part of it because I thought its never reach boring moment even at weak part.


Part 6 gave me Foo Fighters so it can't be all bad.
Part 6 then forgot all about Foo Fighters' existence as soon as it got cold. Or you want to convince yourself that the reason it's nowhere to be seen at the end (whereas everybody else is there, literally and/or represented in the sky) is that it's in its plankton state, invisible to the naked eye!

No way, It's much better than Part 5 and 1 at least, and arguably 3.
I can't even begin to understand that opinion!


The final fight was great, aside the Emporio stuff I like the conclusion.. and inconsistent? SO isn't my favorite part but when I miss JoJo its my go-to for re-read big part of it because I thought its never reach boring moment even at weak part.

Well I don't think any Jojo past the first ever got boring. I thought the moments leading up to the ending were good, with Jotaro
trying to protect Jolyne and sacrificing himself
but it felt like they suddenly just won. You could probably say the same thing for Part 5 too, but I think everyone fighting towards the arrow and SCR made GER feel more earned.

I'd probably have to reread it to pinpoint why it felt inconsistent to me. It did have some fucking awesome stands though, like Bohemian Rhapsody.
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