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Jonathan Blow : "doing a deal with MS is an existential risk for your company & game"


It's really interesting to see indie developers come out and talk about MS because the majority seem to say they have been treated poorly, but a couple praise MS for being nice and supportive. I wonder if it is a difference in treatment or a difference in outlook by the developers.


Did anyone else actually read the article and see this bit from Blow?

"We know that Sony says they offer self-publishing, but I don't even know what that is going to be like yet, and I was in their launch show," Blow said. "It is possible that, in reality, ‘self-publishing' on the PS4 ends up being not that different from ‘not self-publishing' on the [Xbox One]."

Clearly he is in Sony's pocket.
That is very impressive. It does seem like a strong game too. Although it also seems much more expensive than something like Braid/SMB.

I think either way, no one is really going exclusive, SoD is coming to PC, as is The Witness. As long as indie's are hedging their bets, it'll be best for everyone I imagine.

Incredibly strong. I hope it does just as well as PC on release.

Anyway, I was talking in more general terms. Blow makes a sweeping statement that dealing with MS means you're risking your company, when it appears that isn't the case for a a lot of developers who have found success (In varying degrees) on XBLA.

They way he describes it, it's like dealing with MS is like dealing with Bethesda and that simply doesn't appear to be true.


The general impression I got from indie game the movie was that many of these developers are just a bit clueless about how to behave and deal with a large business.


Is this Blow guy the new Pachter? I'm already tired of seeing his name.

Funny how you decide to come here and post about it. But seriously, Microsoft gave him a shitty deal. He is allowed to express his opinions WHEN ASKED FOR it by the interviewer. If his deal with Sony is more favourable doesn't mean he's suddenly in their pocket now.

Ploid 3.0

What is wrong with you? I would much rather hear about how game development is going for him than the same thing over and over again. It gets attention, which is why they ask him the same shit all the time. I don't have to fucking like it.

Think of it as a spread out Junket. The closest thing to a junket for gaming is after a event like E3 press conferences or whatever they are called. Different interviewers will ask the same questions over and over, reporting on the same answers, and if someone is following that interviewee it will get repetitive. The best you can do is wait for answers to the questions you have. The thread title wasn't a good starter for the questions you may have about his new game. Maybe in a few more days he can and will start talking about it more freely. Cross your fingers.

Tell me something, how much does astroturfing hurt your knees exactly? I heard its way more painful than real grass.

All I have to say is whoever invented that stuff sucks. Sure it's usually green but it's not even close to being soft or skin/flesh friendly. Sure there's traction and maybe it's easy on joints, but I'd probably rather fall on pavement than that stuff.


Huh, so what happened between them to cause this level of anger on Blow's part?

Didn't Blow start outing Microsoft policies that were part his contract in public? Then he got into a semi hostile row on Giant Bomb E3 podcast with E and Stepto. Hard to judge the tone of that one though. MS probably just said "enough of this shit" and stopped giving this guy the extra attention and leeway he wanted. I love Braid, and I'll probably love The Witness, and it's possible that he's a game designing genius, but it's also seems like he's ego gets the better of him.


Does it upset you that he speaks his opnions? Is it keeping you up nights? Does it worry you that people will listen and maybe think differently as a result?

If the answer "no, of course not, don't be ridiculous" to each of these questions, then why so serious? (If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then maybe bail out.)
I was making a joke post, that's why I wrote it that way, stop being so defensive people, calm down...


Incredibly strong. I hope it does just as well as PC on release.

Anyway, I was talking in more general terms. Blow makes a sweeping statement that dealing with MS means you're risking your company, when it appears that isn't the case for a a lot of developers who have found success (In varying degrees) on XBLA.

They way he describes it, it's like dealing with MS is like dealing with Bethesda and that simply doesn't appear to be true.
Anything is a risk. The fact you cited a success inherently suggests you agree with his statement really. Everything would be a success if there was no risk.

All the big hit indies appear to have made much more on PC, and had a much better time doing it. That will probably be true of SoD too, we shall see.

I don't see this as him pitching Sony, just pitching against MS.


The general impression I got from indie game the movie was that many of these developers are just a bit clueless about how to behave and deal with a large business.
Pretty much this and their expectations are a tad ridiculous.

Angry Fork

The people in here 'annoyed' by Blow are funny. How about you get annoyed by people who post his quotes/interviews? The only reason you even know what this guy is saying is because there are a lot of threads about him on gaf. Unless you actively search for Jonathan Blow interviews?

There are so many people who don't seem to want developers to have opinions and I don't understand it. Everyone should be more forthcoming on everything. Why are you concerned about them burning bridges? That isn't your problem. It's your job to ignore things you don't like, not endorse self censorship because you have hurt feelings.


Funny people acting like Blow's alone here when Fish and Team Meat have basically said the same thing.

But I guess they all just feel jilted by the benevolent MS who were kind enough to allow them to get a hit.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
shilling, bro.

chilling is something you do on the beach.

I modified my post to reflect this.

Edit: aha, caught before your edit.

But, chilling would go well with the astrosurfing context.
Did anyone else actually read the article and see this bit from Blow?

Clearly he is in Sony's pocket.

Sony doesn't have their policies for self-publishing developers set up yet? That is a bit strange. Getting close to the finish line to have so much still undecided on the developer front.

This interview recent?
Didn't Blow start outing Microsoft policies that were part his contract in public? Then he got into a semi hostile row on Giant Bomb E3 podcast with E and Stepto. Hard to judge the tone of that one though. MS probably just said "enough of this shit" and stopped giving this guy the extra attention and leeway he wanted. I love Braid, and I'll probably love The Witness, and it's possible that he's a game designing genius, but it's also seems like he's ego gets the better of him.

I can believe his ego might have got the better of him, but at the same time, it definitely feels like there's more to his overly critical view of MS.

Anything is a risk. The fact you cited a success inherently suggests you agree with his statement really. Everything would be a success if there was no risk.

All the big hit indies appear to have made much more on PC, and had a much better time doing it. That will probably be true of SoD too, we shall see.

I don't see this as him pitching Sony, just pitching against MS.

True, I just find his comments at odds with the reality of the situation. I'm not really talking about games doing better on PC nor about him pitching for anyone, just his comments.

They seem incredibly exaggerated and don't really reflect the reality of the situation. If it were like Activision or Bethesda with a lot of studios closing down after dealing with them, then I could believe it, but that hasn't happened to developers dealing with MS to the best of my knowledge.
Sony doesn't have their policies for self-publishing developers set up yet? That is a bit strange. Getting close to the finish line to have so much still undecided on the developer front.

This interview recent?

I did see pictures of promotional T-shirts which colluded to the fact that Sony will be heavily prioritizing developers and their collective delivery mechanisms?



I was about to pop in here and groan about Jonathan Blow mouthing off again, but what he's saying here has been said and hinted at by other indies. I don't know how Microsoft went from the go to place for smaller independent devs to the current environment. WTF happened?
I was playing some Donkey Kong Country the other night on the ol' SNES. I got to thinking about Rare and what they had been reduced to since going to Microsoft. It made me tear up a bit.


Have the Skulls of the Shogun guys gone on record about how their Microsoft deal worked out? They went full on Microsoft with XBLA, W8 Tablets, and a W8 only PC version you have to buy through the Windows store.


I did see pictures of promotional T-shirts which colluded to the fact that Sony will be heavily prioritizing developers and their collective delivery mechanisms?


The blue one is just a PlayStation t-shirt, nothing out of the ordinary.

The black one just looks like it is reinforcing what they have said before, get rid of all the hurdles devs have to go through to get a game on a Sony platform. Wasn't it like 53 stages before or some shit?

I think their aim is to go more like this

Developer: Howdy Mr Sony, we would like to self publish this game on your device.
Sony: Certainly, need any help?
Developer: Why thanks, that would be useful
Sony: No problem.

Getting rid of all that doesn't really mean they have sorted out how the actual publishing will work yet.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


just odd considering braid on xbla was a large reason why he came into relevance.

yeah and in spite of the success Braid achieved, his experience with Microsoft soured him so much that this is the end result. So I don't see how it is odd.

For people interested, Blow was a guest on Giant Bomb's E3 podcasts either last year or the year before, and shares a ton of insight about how terrible it was to work with Microsoft, and what kind of insane requirements they have for indies. The dude is pretty well spoken and comes off as a reasonable guy who was stuck in a bad situation with MS.


I don't really like Blow or his games (same goes for Fish), but they're both probably right in this case. I get the feeling that the indies that do like MS (like the Behemoth) were probably moneyhatted by them.
I think is really going a bit too far. Come on Blow, there is no need to use such hyperbole, and calling it an"Existential Risk" is just silly. Just warn other developers about your negative experience, and how it may impact them like it did with you and Braid. Business isn't really that hard to deal with emotionally.
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