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Jonathan Blow : "doing a deal with MS is an existential risk for your company & game"

Kind of like a lot of people on this forum.


good one!
I imagine Sony will have a system similar to Apple. Indie people can make a game and ask Sony if it can be released on PSN. Sony is free to say yes or no. They don't require the devs to be published by a larger group, but they won't greenlight any crappy broken game.


I'm curious has Notch said anything about MS's XBOne policies?Probably not (for obvious reasons) but you never know.


Saying that doing business with Microsoft as an indie developer is an existential risk seems like it would be helped by some specifics of what that exactly means. Did Blow encounter a situation where Microsoft would have destroyed his product or claim ownership of the game and his company?

That quote is used as a standalone in the article in a strange way. The other comments were perfectly reasonable, but saying that Microsoft will potentially cause your game and your company to cease to exist with no anecdote alongside it seems ... weird?


Holy shit, did MS kill his family or something?

I have never seen someone show as much hate for a company as this guy.
I dont think he puts out statement like this, but rather that it is asked by others in interviews. And if the same question is asked by different people, it is natural that he will give basically the same answer to everyone.

I'm curious has Notch said anything about MS's XBOne policies?Probably not (for obvious reasons) but you never know.
Not from what i've seen, but Mojang havnt done any work on Xbox 360 from what i know. Minecraft for Xbox 360 is done by 4J Studios, not by Mojang.


Trucker Sexologist
I don't really like Blow or his games (same goes for Fish), but they're both probably right in this case. I get the feeling that the indies that do like MS (like the Behemoth) were probably moneyhatted by them.
They were the devs that MS championed when XBLA was still finding its niche. But it's a different kind of environment now. Most of MS's original XBLA/XBox visionaries are gone. It's harder to be financially successful with XBLA exclusives these days. The platform is growing but the tastes are getting narrower and the expected production values are going way up.


I never have and never will understand the hate for Jon, he seems like a really nice dude who is very passionate about his craft and I say that as somebody who didn't even like Braid that much. What he says here seems perfectly reasonable given what else we've heard.


I never have and never will understand the hate for Jon, he seems like a really nice dude who is very passionate about his craft and I say that as somebody who didn't even like Braid that much. What he says here seems perfectly reasonable given what else we've heard.

Well, I don't particularly like the guy, something about a person who gets upset that you really like their stuff but for the wrong reasons rubs me the wrong way.

but will say that he is always worth listening to, even if you disagree with him


The Retro City Rampage guy is also scathing about MS after they released his game on Jan 2nd.

I just read the Game Informer XBLA Exodus article about it from issue 242.


Well, I don't particularly like the guy, something about a person who gets upset that you really like their stuff but for the wrong reasons rubs me the wrong way.

but will say that he is always worth listening to, even if you disagree with him

It can come with the territory, creative people often want something they make interpreted in some manner. Given I don't know the full extent of how upset he was, I never read many of his complaints, just a few.

Didn't seem outlandish to me, given the sampling I saw.
Wow we lost some folks in this thread too. I figure MarleyMan and Wiz' times were short though.

Blow seems to be saying what other indies are saying too now.


Blow seems to be saying what other indies are saying too now.
Pertaining to what exactly? Self publishing? Blow himself states he doesnt even know the details of Sonys policy. They just might end up being just as restrictive as MS depending on the circusmstances.


I read something similar regarding MS' handling of XBLA for indies in one of the most recent issues of Gameinformer. Basically MS made it very unfriendly and not cost-effective for indie devs to put stuff up. Oddly enough, Braid was one of the success stories of XBLA, and ended up one of the select few that MS put marketing resources behind.
He's worked with both Sony and Microsoft and he had a large amount of success with Microsoft. So I definitely think his opinion is worth listening to.

I thought it was common knowledge that Microsoft is a nightmare to work with. Look at all the studios they shut down, look at the Bungie break up, look at Valve getting pissed at them, look at indie devs spurning them for the PS4. There is a pattern developing. Most people that work with Sony, on the other hand, sing praises of Sony's creative understanding and support.


I don't think MS "gets" how to run a store for smaller, app-like products. They are so used to being able to charge hundreds for their bloatware, they can't wrap their heads around how to sell smaller, tighter software at lower costs... :p
Blow has always been opinionated, but he does think his games don't have to play by publishing and content submission rules. Rules all devs have had to deal with. MS Sony and Nintendo have always had these certifications, so that the user experience maintains a standard. And I think that in many cases Sony has now bent their rules, to attract more devs to their platform. MS does this too. Minecraft broke many XBLA guidelines, and MS accommodated them. Even blow said so in 2008


That's just a mess. I really just don't get people like him at all.


MS french fried when it should have pizza'd. If you french fry when you should pizza, indies are gonna have a bad time.


And YET XBLA still gets many more games, is still getting new games every week since launch and PSN isn't and hasn't had anywhere near the level of success. These are a COUPLE of developers out of the HUNDREDS of XBLA developers. Microsoft must be doing something right if they are still getting more indie suppport than Sony after over 6 years. YES, Sony gets alot more now but Microsoft still sees more releases on XBLA. Maybe these developers need to write better contracts for themselves...it's just business.


Indies already self publish on PS3 and Vita. Not sure what Blow is being coy about on this issue. There is no grey area.

That's the issue indies have with Xbox. They don't want to share their revenue with a publisher since they aren't needed.


I'm still giving MS some credit for basically getting the ball rolling with XBLA but their Xbox one plans sure sound terrible for indies

Indies already self publish on PS3 and Vita. Not sure what Blow is being coy about on this issue. There is no grey area.

That's the issue indies have with Xbox. They don't want to share their revenue with a publisher since they aren't needed.
How does it work on the 360? Is a game like Telltale's walking dead not also basically selfpublished?


Yeah, they did, and it's disgusting. This getting angry over individuals for expressing their opinions thing needs to stop. It's fine if you don't agree with them, but getting mad about them even speaking out is ridiculous.

The majority didn't hate Phil Fish for speaking his mind, they disliked the way he embarrassed and singled out a developer when he was up on stage by saying what he thought in a douchebag way. These two cases are not the same at all.
And YET XBLA still gets many more games, is still getting new games every week since launch and PSN isn't and hasn't had anywhere near the level of success. These are a COUPLE of developers out of the HUNDREDS of XBLA developers. Microsoft must be doing something right if they are still getting more indie suppport than Sony after over 6 years. YES, Sony gets alot more now but Microsoft still sees more releases on XBLA. Maybe these developers need to write better contracts for themselves...it's just business.

New gen, punkin. New winds blowing.


Neo Member
I love the games Capy makes, but not their post-release support. It's just terrible. They came from platforms where it didn't exist and they aren't adapting to the idea of it.


Braid, fez, super meat boy, all these developers got quite famous because of xbla now they all have turned their backs on MS.

Find that funny.


And YET XBLA still gets many more games, is still getting new games every week since launch and PSN isn't and hasn't had anywhere near the level of success. These are a COUPLE of developers out of the HUNDREDS of XBLA developers. Microsoft must be doing something right if they are still getting more indie suppport than Sony after over 6 years. YES, Sony gets alot more now but Microsoft still sees more releases on XBLA. Maybe these developers need to write better contracts for themselves...it's just business.

Or they could just go to apple, steam, or sony.... oh wait


people on random forums can laugh at blow all they like, but in indie developer circles he's a well-liked and highly regarded figure. his words carry weight and since he helps run the Indie Fund he talks to basically everyone.

if he is badmouthing microsoft, developers will listen to him and take his words to heart.


people on random forums can laugh at blow all they like, but in indie developer circles he's a well-liked and highly regarded figure. his words carry weight and since he helps run the Indie Fund he talks to basically everyone.

if he is badmouthing microsoft, developers will listen to him and take his words to heart.

I agree, Blow is a smart person wether you like him or not he says the truth. So if MS is ass backwards like they seem to be then I believe him. He isn't the only one to be complaining about all of this stuff. Just more reasons for Sony to capitalize, which it seems they are doing so far.


Im getting tired of people putting importance to Blow's words. He's mostly known for one game, a mediocre one at that, and suddenly he's the Warren Buffet of the gaming industry. Christ.

he was the first really big indie success story this gen, and most people think braid is a bit better than mediocre. he used his success in conjunction with some other devs and started the indie fund, which has helped monaco, antichamber, qube, the swapper, and dear esther reach completion without having to sign over their IP rights and profits to a publisher.

i'd say he's earned a bit of cachet in the industry.


He's still harbouring a lot of anger.

He needs to let go. No one is forcing him to develop on Xbox.

He has a platform he enjoys developing on now, so enjoy it. No need to backhand a publisher that put you where you are.


He's still harbouring a lot of anger.

He needs to let go. No one is forcing him to develop on Xbox.

He has a platform he enjoys developing on now, so enjoy it. No need to backhand a publisher that put you where you are.

Oh so we shouldn't complain about problems at all? Come on now. Just because they put you were you are does not mean he has to shut up and just be quiet. If anything he is warning all other indies to not do business with them if they do not have to.
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