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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Unconfirmed Member
You need to calm down.

I'm not the one using analogies, they are.

If someone says something hateful, there's nothing wrong with trying to start a discourse and trying to educate them, or at least to try first. That's completely different from someone actively trying to kill you like some people are saying.

Am I missing something? Do you guys seriously think he's going to kill someone?

Ghandi must be rolling in his grave.

Have you really read up on what he said?
You need to calm down.

I'm not the one using analogies, they are.

If someone says something hateful, there's nothing wrong with trying to start a discourse and trying to educate them, or at least to try first. That's completely different from someone actively trying to kill you like some people are saying.

Am I missing something? Do you guys seriously think he's going to kill someone?

Ghandi must be rolling in his grave.

It's not about "educating" anyone it is about dismantling their arguments.

Violence begets violence and that view is really childish.
You need to calm down.

I'm not the one using analogies, they are.

If someone says something hateful, there's nothing wrong with trying to start a discourse and trying to educate them, or at least to try first. That's completely different from someone actively trying to kill you like some people are saying.

Am I missing something? Do you guys seriously think he's going to kill someone?

Ghandi must be rolling in his grave.

Look at what Jontron is spewing out. This is hardcore, Stormfront level of racist bigotry. You are not converting him from his views, ever. The fact that he had a two hour 'debate' which consisted of him regurgitating said talking points is proof that he doesn't care about changing.

So once again, stop. You obviously either don't know what Jontron is saying, or more and likely, you don't care and you are trying to downplay it. Don't. This is hardcore racism. It shouldn't be excused. It should be stomped out from the face of the Earth.
You need to calm down.

I'm not the one using analogies, they are.

If someone says something hateful, there's nothing wrong with trying to start a discourse and trying to educate them, or at least to try first. That's completely different from someone actively trying to kill you like some people are saying.

Am I missing something? Do you guys seriously think he's going to kill someone?

Ghandi must be rolling in his grave.

As has been repeatedly pointed out, the two-hour conversation this thread is about *was* the civil attempt.


and that guy gets worse. WTF. the hell is wrong with people. Stop trying to normalize racism, stop trying to coddle racists or say "they didnt articulate what they wanted to say right", it's still racism no matter how people want to cut it.

Yo this level of getting angry at apologists can't possibly be good for my health

Edit: look at these morons that reply to Jim,


lmao, "we don't know him so we can't judge". People absolutely can judge him for the things about himself he chooses to put out in the open. Yeah I don't know what it's like to have a conversation with him but I do know what his thoughts on black people are because he said them.


Ok? I'm not talking about Japan spreading their culture, I'm saying that other cultures haven't penetrated japan that much, and people from other cultures definitely haven't

What are you trying to say? In the end if you walk around japan you'll have to look really hard to find something that isn't uniquely "Japanese", even if it's something american created, its usually something the japanese have taken and put their own twist on. America is the most inviting and complacent country in the world (I mean... that might change now that Trump is around D : ), and to a degree I do respect that. Could do with a bit of a better vetting process when it comes to allowing certain individuals in, but cutting out entire cultures is ridiculous.
If you walk around Japan, you'll see plenty of people wear clothes that are most certainly fashioned in the same mold as the rest of the developped countries.
America is inviting?
Are you for real?
Do you know how fucking hard it is to come into the US?
How hard it is to work and settle there?
Out of all the English speaking + European countries it is the hardest to be able to settle and the hardest it is to even enter by an order of magnitude.
It is easier to learn Japanese than it is to be able to live in the US (and would probably take less time too)
Btw in the middle east I wouldn't call US soldiers setting foot on foreign land a "cultural norm invading".

They're as mad about US movies being spread there they are about soldier bases.


Have you really read up on what he said?

Listen man, unless someone casts the first stone, I don't believe in not trying to settle things with words first and foremost. Someone could literally come up to me and say he hates my guts and wants me and all my kind dead, if it's just words then that's all they need back.

All you guys claiming discourse isn't the first course of action you should take in a civilised society are seriously upsetting.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yeah. Maybe next time use a blunt weapon. And while you're at it, print 'Moral highground' on it. I am sure racism will vanish in moments.

Guess who's now a laughing stock:

who's now actually afraid to spread his rhetoric,

and constantly losing credibility among his own allies.

Gee, it's almost like this shit actually works or something.

You're not wrong.
The idea that minorities should discuss their rights with those actively working to take them away is wrong.


if 2 hours of nonsensical and incoherent racist rambling is just a fraction of who he really is i don't think the remaining part is going to look all that pretty

"reasonable internet personalities supporting him"

Yeah... like, wait who exactly? TB? /r/the_donald?
Listen man, unless someone casts the first stone, I don't believe in not trying to settle things with words first and foremost. Someone could literally come up to me and say he hates my guts and wants me and all my kind dead, if it's just words then that's all they need back.

All you guys claiming discourse isn't the first course of action you should take in a civilised society are seriously upsetting.


How dense do you have to be? Let me guess, you are being this painfully obtuse, right?


Unconfirmed Member
Listen man, unless someone casts the first stone, I don't believe in not trying to settle things with words first and foremost. Someone could literally come up to me and say he hates my guts and wants me and all my kind dead, if it's just words then that's all they need back.

All you guys claiming discourse isn't the first course of action you should take in a civilised society are seriously upsetting.

So no then. You need to read everything. He cast a hell of a lot more than the first stone here. No one said discourse is not the first course of action. This is about what he said during a long well reasoned discourse. I am begging you to read or watch his debate before continuing to comment.

Edit: I am completely serious. If you'd like to see what discourse with Jon looks like it is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM

This discourse is literally the topic of the thread you continue to post in. I thank you for your views and contribution to this thread but you really have to be familiar with the things he actually said.


and that guy gets worse. WTF. the hell is wrong with people. Stop trying to normalize racism, stop trying to coddle racists or say "they didnt articulate what they wanted to say right", it's still racism no matter how people want to cut it.

Yo this level of getting angry at apologists can't possibly be good for my health

Edit: look at these morons that reply to Jim,


I need to go of Gaf for a bit. This makes me irrationally angry.


Yeah. Maybe next time use a blunt weapon. And while you're at it, print 'Moral highground' on it. I am sure racism will vanish in moments.


Have you messaged JonTron yet with your logical arguments about why basically his entire sociopolitical worldview is wrong?

I look forward to hearing of your success in converting him to empathy.


Listen man, unless someone casts the first stone, I don't believe in not trying to settle things with words first and foremost. Someone could literally come up to me and say he hates my guts and wants me and all my kind dead, if it's just words then that's all they need back.

All you guys claiming discourse isn't the first course of action you should take in a civilised society are seriously upsetting.

Dude, I'm from Canada, that place where people are suppose to be easy going, and what JonTron said was so much racist bigotry that it dumbfounded me, but what upsets me a hell lot more is when I see people like you trying to wave off peoples issues with it. What he said was ugly and wrong, that simple. No there isn't a debate if it was or not, IT IS.


It is never wrong to punch a nazi.
Yeah. Maybe next time use a blunt weapon. And while you're at it, print 'Moral highground' on it. I am sure racism will vanish in moments.


Not to change subjects but someone like Richard Spencer gettimg punched in the face is not the hill you should die on. It says more about you than any response you could possibly type.


Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.


if 2 hours of nonsensical and incoherent racist rambling is just a fraction of who he really is i don't think the remaining part is going to look all that pretty

the remaining part of "who he is" is whatever he thought he couldn't say out loud because it would "incriminate himself."

mclem said:
Can I suggest a title?

"Red Pillocks"

oh damn lol


If you walk around Japan, you'll see plenty of people wear clothes that are most certainly fashioned in the same mold as the rest of the developped countries.
America is inviting?
Are you for real?
Do you know how fucking hard it is to come into the US?
How hard it is to work and settle there?
Out of all the English speaking + European countries it is the hardest to be able to settle and the hardest it is to even enter.

They're as mad about US movies being spread there they are about soldier bases.

What other English speaking countries have you been to? London is full of different races and cultures but we're all very segregated and cliquey. Anyway I was just trying to be rosy about America for the sake of being positive, it wasn't my main point. My main point was about how Japan isn't very inclusive.

And no, Japanese fashion is very different from American fashion. VERY different. Even when it comes to casual clothes, the men and women dress very different in japan, when it comes to actual fashion... you couldn't get away with that in any other country.

Have you ever actually been to japan?

Tokyo is the most inclusive city in japan and even then you'll be hard pressed to find an indian restaurant in the entire place.

Sure technology and the like and the like are now internationally shared, but you're really stretching if you're going to start calling that "american culture"


Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.

No, they are not. Things are not 'pretty fucked up'.

Stop lying, racist.
Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.

Yes yes. Please don't let the blacks and Mexicans dilute the prescious white gene pool. Tell us more about how black lives matter is a hate group.


Junior Member
The recent series of events (starting with the satisfying punch to Richard Spencer) has taught me two things about some people who claim to be "moderate" or "apolitical." Warning: If you catch any sort of feelings about the general trends I'm about to describe, then maybe you should take a good hard look in the mirror. Also, #notallmoderates, or whatever.

1) A moderate is supposedly a moderate because their individual political stances/ideals do not subscribe to either side of the duality. It's supposed to be a position that takes great self awareness and a powerful moral compass to maintain.

I now see that there are many people who falsely indulge in the term "moderate," while the political debate steady slides to the right. Instead of maintain their moral compass, they simply slide to the right, in an effort to maintain their "both sides" are guilty narrative. These people are seriously asking their peers to condone blatant hateful racism, seeking to normalize it. This means these people are more devoted to staying "moderate" and in the middle, no matter where it goes.

These people aren't interested in maintaining their personal moral compass. These people just want to keep their hands clean, and absolve themselves of any personal responsibility to take a stand for anything.

(Note: This logic also applies to more than individual persons. This applies to many MSM outlets prior to the election. Thankfully some of them have become more bold, and have kicked their heels into the ground)

2) A much shorter point, and a much more recent revelation: The Bystander Effect extends to the internet.

People love giving advice about how to engage hateful bigots with "civility" but are nowhere to be seen in these times when their techniques could actually be applied.

In real life?

If it's someone I need to get along with I'll try and be the first to talk, just to get the hassle out of the way. If it's someone I don't care about and don't need to be around I'll just ignore them, I don't need their appreciation anyway.

To the people spouting hyperbolic statements like "WHAT IF THEY CAME IN TO YOUR HOUSE WITH A KNIFE AND TRIED TO STAB YOU".

That's not the same thing and you know it. I'm talking about words, John said some dumb things, he didn't actually stab or hit someone. He's not in your house, you can easily close the browser window.
So, to answer my question, no? Ok.


America's history is a multicultural one, and the many things America invented didn't come from just white people.

If you're ignoring the many cultures in America and their history, you're ignoring America's history.


I guess we should have told the Armenians to have a polite discussion with the Turks about their persecution and genocide, maybe they would've understood.


Dude, I'm from Canada, that place where people are suppose to be easy going, and what JonTron said was so much racist bigotry that it dumbfounded me, but what upsets me a hell lot more is when I see people like you trying to wave off peoples issues with it. What he said was ugly and wrong, that simple. No there isn't a debate if it was or not, IT IS.


It is never wrong to punch a nazi.

The hell, where did I say it wasn't ugly and wrong?

You guys are making it sound like I agree with him. All I'm saying is that if you disagree with someone you should try and talk to them first.

And no, I wouldn't punch a Nazi, as horrible as his views are I don't have any right to.


Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.

Out of interest, which concerns does he have that you can relate to?

The hell, where did I say it wasn't ugly and wrong?

You guys are making it sound like I agree with him. All I'm saying is that if you disagree with someone you should try and talk to them first.

And no, I wouldn't punch a Nazi, as horrible as his views are I don't have any right to.

I don't see what your point is. The reason this thread exists is because someone did try and talk to him about this stuff and the conversation went on for two hours and ended with Jon looking a hell of a lot worse than he did at the start.


I guess we should have told the Armenians to have a polite discussion with the Turks about their persecution and genocide, maybe they would've understood.

Can't lay everything on the Turks for reacting so violently when the Armenians insisted on escalating the argument. Both sides are to blame.
The hell, where did I say it wasn't ugly and wrong?

You guys are making it sound like I agree with him. All I'm saying is that if you disagree with someone you should try and talk to them first.

And no, I wouldn't punch a Nazi, as horrible as his views are I don't have any right to.

And we have told you, countless times, that with someone presenting this hardcore of a racist thought process, talking to them is pointless.

So yes, you agree with him, considering how much you are banging that drum. We can see through your transparent nature in regards to this.


Unconfirmed Member
The hell, where did I say it wasn't ugly and wrong?

You guys are making it sound like I agree with him. All I'm saying is that if you disagree with someone you should try and talk to them first.

And no, I wouldn't punch a Nazi, as horrible as his views are I don't have any right to.

Here is a video of someone spending over an hour talking to Jon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RQA9GZprqM it is the topic of this thread. Please do not continue to ignore the actual topic of the thread you are posting in
I want to precede my question with the context that I'm not agreeing with Jon or anyone referenced to in the OP. It's a poor sight to see someone I used to enjoy watching deploy such horrid ideas but I have to ask:

Why exactly is idea of 'founding stock' idea wrong? Why is it wrong to 'protect' a culture from immigration from places that typically either don't agree or have 'contempt' for it?.

Because they're founded on generalizations, exaggerations, baseless claims and outright lies. They're built on the idea that almost everyone from a certain country, religion or ethnicity are immigrating with the sole intent of fucking up their destination country or converting it or committing crime or some such nonsense. That is demonstrably false. Single and infrequent events are blown out of proportion to incite fear and backlash against entire groups and manipulate people emotionally into treating fellow citizens and non-citizens alike as enemies and somehow inferior.

"Protect" means to keep safe/defend from harm. These people believe the mere existence of an immigrant is harmful, regardless of whatever else they do, or that "good" immigrants aren't worth it because they're outnumbered by bad, so let's ban them all. The facts say otherwise. Hyper-nationalists don't give a shit about facts.

Respectful, positive treatment of people is a good way to combat negative preconceptions, contempt or even hate, especially when we're talking about multiple generations, and benefits societies on national, regional and global levels. This is simply indisputable and it should not even be a fucking debate in 2017. The fact that humans suck so much at grasping this concept is not evidence of it somehow being incorrect.

We still punish immigrants who break laws and this has nothing to do with somehow allowing them not to adhere to local, legal standards. I feel compelled to bring that up because it relates to a persistent and bullshit claim that some people want to let immigrants break the law or that they care more about the legal rights of an immigrant than a native. Fucking infuriating, made-up shite.

I'll say this: if we had the chance to see Earth in 500, 600, 1000 years from now, no doubt hyper-nationalists and their ilk would off themselves immediately. The world of the future will eventually abandon this pathetic clinging to and obsession with nationalism and cultural, religious, even genetic purity. I take comfort in knowing that, despite how long it will take. It is simply inevitable.
Listen man, unless someone casts the first stone, I don't believe in not trying to settle things with words first and foremost. Someone could literally come up to me and say he hates my guts and wants me and all my kind dead, if it's just words then that's all they need back.

All you guys claiming discourse isn't the first course of action you should take in a civilised society are seriously upsetting.
Well as we've seen so far in this thread discourse didn't work out so what's next?

The guy is spewing racist shit and we are all supposed to sit down and ignore him and hope he gets a change of heart? What kind of reasoning is that? I'm not saying we should physically attack or threaten him but everyone here has a right to reject and condemn him for what he's saying. Condemning racism and intolerance in all its forms is what every decent human being in this planet should do. Imagine if the world attacked and condemned Hitler's fascism and racism back in the day instead of initially ignoring it like they did? I imagine we would be living in a much better and different world than we are living in right now.


Should probably add that Shane and Dazz from DYKG are having a Twitter tussle with the writer of the Gizmodo article for implying that Jon has any control or influence over the channels on NormalBoots. Both them and Jirard seem to want no association with any of what transpired. Make of it what you will.
Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.

You can understand the fear that immigration is diluting the racial purity of America?
You can understand the premise that black people are predisposed to committing crime?


I guess we should have told the Armenians to have a polite discussion with the Turks about their persecution and genocide, maybe they would've understood.

Equating the slaughter of over a million people to some shit a youtuber said is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this thread so far.


All I'm saying is that if you disagree with someone you should try and talk to them first.

"Should" an officer talk to someone in the midst of an armed robbery before arresting them?

"Should" an employer talk to their employee about the sex they're having on the job before firing them?

"Should" I as a black American talk to a racist who believes I should be dead?

Equating the slaughter of over a million people to some shit a youtuber said is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this thread so far.

Not the defense, dismissal, and coddling of racism?
Equating the slaughter of over a million people to some shit a youtuber said is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this thread so far.

That's pretty much your thought process in this thread at the moment.

But of course, we're the pathetic ones. Not you, who is doing a runaround job of defending a guy spewing pretty racist shit.
Well as we've seen so far in this thread discourse didn't work out so what's next?

The guy is spewing racist shit and we are all supposed to sit down and ignore him and hope he gets a change of heart? What kind of reasoning is that? I'm not saying we should physically attack or threaten him but everyone here has a right to reject and condemn him for what he's saying. Condemning racism and intolerance in all its forms is what every decent human being in this planet should do. Imagine if the world attacked and condemned Hitler's fascism and racism back in the day instead of initially ignoring it like they did? I imagine we would be living in a much better and different world than we are living in right now.


Im standing on Jon's side on this one, maybe comparing Sweden and America isn't the best analogy (btw, im from Sweden, and things are pretty fucked up here at some parts of the country, that's not a lie) but I can understand his concerns.

It's disingenuous to conflate the refugee crisis in Europe and immigration in the US.

The main difference is, refugees were flooding into European countries, in some areas changing over 5% of the receiving countries population. In the US, immigrants are trickling in by the tens of thousands, and we are more well equipped at integrating new populations.


No, they are not. Things are not 'pretty fucked up'.

Stop lying, racist.

its an alt account, one with less than 100 posts in 3 years, and just so happens to pick now to restart activity and driveby post support for vile racism.

So when the police,medical personal and public transportation are to afraid to enter certain zones of a city, things aren't fucked up? whats your take on this?

My take, is that you are an alt account troll, "just asking questions" using noncredible sources. Let met guess where you found out about these no-go zones? BrietBart? Fox News?
It's pretty scary that some of the most popular youtubers that loads of very young people watch are like this. I mean these Youtube shows for kids these days are akin to Reading Rainbow and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood back when I was a kid, as in shows I'd watch religiously.

I fear that we're going to have a new generation of young adults who have all had racism normalized for them from a very young age. Great...
You need to calm down.

I'm not the one using analogies, they are.

If someone says something hateful, there's nothing wrong with trying to start a discourse and trying to educate them, or at least to try first. That's completely different from someone actively trying to kill you like some people are saying.

Am I missing something? Do you guys seriously think he's going to kill someone?

Ghandi must be rolling in his grave.

It's noble idea to educate the misinformed and bigoted, but it's hard to do so in a case like JonTron who snickers smugly when he's confronted with dissenting viewpoints grounded in evidence, or even from the grounds of fairness and empathy.
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