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Kamiya concerned that Nintendo isn't marketing Wonderful 101 much at all

This is stealth marketing from a known troll. He has the ear of Minami and Iwata but chose to "complain" on twitter about the marketing of his game only 6 weeks from release, right before his Iwata Asks?

Conveniently comparing the game to Bayonetta and Okami on twitter where he knows people will copypasta that shit.

Then queue the Nintendo marketing 1 month before the launch of the game as per their confusing Nintendo-style.

Not to mention JP almost simultaneously tweets this for copypasta consumption on all Kamiya-W101 internet threads relating to the above:

It's getting it's own Direct. Kamiya should also promote it more on twitter instead of replying to every single tweet he gets. Learn from JP Kellams:



Junior Member
Even if 101 itself is a difficult game to market (similar to Viewtiful Joe in this respect), Nintendo seems to have a marketing problem overall with everything on the Wii U. I have no idea why or how they've failed to get the word out on Wii U games the way they did Wii games. They don't even seem to be trying to market their games the way they used to.

At the same time though, pretty much everything Platinum/Clover has worked on has run into marketing and awareness problems. It's one of the reasons the group has never had a commercial hit (except for maybe Rising). I imagine Kamiya and Inaba reasoned having a first party publisher behind one of their projects would guarantee better marketing, especially if that first party's platform is starving for games.

It'll be interesting to see who else Platinum hooks up with in the future. Part of me wants a western publisher to strike a one or two-game deal with them, but then it's a matter of who would do right by them. Ubisoft maybe?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
he's right. put this shit on 360/PS3-4 with the right marketing and people would be hyped beyond belief.

I'm going to have to disagree. Just by simple virtue of how the game plays. Something like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising or Devil May Cry is pretty straight forward in videos. Swords, demons/angels, guns. Fight! They're flashy, but visually it's easy to differentiate the "hero" and the action going on.

W101 just appears more complex than I think it actually is. The number of heroes plus the enemies, it makes it look like a RTS (mentioned a couple times in this thread). It's one of those things that you get when someone actually explains the mechanics, but just looking at videos doesn't really make it clear what type of game it is to the average person.

It needs a demo, desperately.
It'll be interesting to see who else Platinum hooks up with in the future. Part of me wants a western publisher to strike a one or two-game deal with them, but then it's a matter of who would do right by them. Ubisoft maybe?

I don't think P* is regretting working with Nintendo at all. Nor do I think they have any reason to be displeased with Nintendo's efforts marketing P* games that they bankrolled themselves as titles that are supposed to help get their platform off the ground.

And any legitimate complaints would be made directly to Iwata; his doors do not seem closed to P* in the sense that Kamiya would have to run to twitter to discuss such a thing.
I don't think the name is an issue. There are tons of million sellers with names that don't really communicate anything superficial about the game. Nintendo's Wii U marketing in general lately hasn't been good for anything.
What are you guys confused about, specifically? Not trying to be rude here or anything, just wondering, since the Gamespot video does a pretty great job of explaining it.


There's a display of the controls at around 1:51 of the video. Guard, jump, and dodge are mapped to buttons, and the gestures are controlled by the right stick or the gamepad, as people have said earlier in the topic. Much like Okami, the game pauses/goes into slowdown when you want to use gestural controls. You hold the A button (or X button, the vid's a little unclear) to put the game in slowdown, then move the stick or draw on the gamepad to transform your dudes. To get more guys, you go up to people you rescue and draw a circle around them, and they'll join your team.

X is your basic attack. The team members don't attack on their own really, they act like part of an overall group. Instead of a bunch of little dudes, think of them like a slime monster that surrounds its enemies to attack.


Nintendo has said multiple times it is not marketing a game in advance, or hyping it for that matter, because it doesn't make any sense. Others could copy their ideas and I agree with that. Why hype a game one year before release? What if it doesn't live up to the hype? Some people here seem to be marketing geniuses, well guess what, marketing is not easy, especially for a niche game like this.

Something else: People who seriously think P* would be better off with another publisher let's not forget nobody wanted to fund their games. Nintendo sure as hell knows what risks there are with funding TW101 and Bayo2 and they probably don't mind taking a little loss with these games just to have "hardcore titles" on their system.

This is an impressively ridiculous apologist post...

"Marketing is hard, guys" doesn't really work. This is Nintendo. They're a multi-billion dollar international corporation. They don't get to have that excuse.

And this isn't a year before release, it's two months. If in the next few weeks, they aren't shoving this in the face of every kid everywhere, they're failing at their job. They have an exclusive. That is a rare thing. They should be exploiting the fuck out of it.

The game is about superheroes? Don't know if you've noticed, but superheroes are super in right now. They need to get ads for W101 bookending every kids TV show everywhere.

I don't think the name is an issue. There are tons of million sellers with names that don't really communicate anything superficial about the game. Nintendo's Wii U marketing in general lately hasn't been good for anything.

They did fine with Luigi's Mansion 2. They can't be totally inept.


W101 looks awesome. They just need to show off how crazy and action packed it is. When I saw footage, that's what convinced me. If it worked for me, and for others on thsi board, why wouldn't it work for other people?



This is a joke right?
Nope. Not at all. If it was more straight-forward and didn't rely on the tablet, I'm convinced.

I'm going to have to disagree. Just by simple virtue of how the game plays. Something like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising or Devil May Cry is pretty straight forward in videos. Swords, demons/angels, guns. Fight! They're flashy, but visually it's easy to differentiate the "hero" and the action going on.

W101 just appears more complex than I think it actually is. The number of heroes plus the enemies, it makes it look like a RTS (mentioned a couple times in this thread). It's one of those things that you get when someone actually explains the mechanics, but just looking at videos doesn't really make it clear what type of game it is to the average person.

It needs a demo, desperately.
Y'all overthinking it as usual. Complexity be damned, it just looks cool as hell (which is all that matters) and aesthetically it's definitely more casual friendly than those games you listed. As is, it's gonna die a slow, painful death in NA anyway. Stupid NOA.


Fisher Price Presents: My First Bayonetta.


That is too good Smoky. Anyways, I'm pretty sure we all knew WoW101 was being sent to die, which is a damn shame. The game looks pretty fun, but seriously: Wii-U exclusive, Platinum Games, New IP. It has bomba written all over it and that is completely independent of the quality of the game. I may pick the game up when I get a Wii-U eventually, but the title is niche as fuck. Really curious to see what kind of attach rate the game gets, the sales could be truly brutal.


Unconfirmed Member
Good, my point stands. Put this on a different machine, with decent marketing, and see what happens.

assuming all the other factors in its creation and development would remain exactly the same besides the release platform, people would probably complain about it not being a 20 dollar downloadable with its current aesthetic
Don't worry, I'm sure Nintendo will start ad campaigns soon. If all else fails, we can make a fan-campaign ala rainfall except for marketing, basically free marketing for Nintendo.


I was personally disappointed in the game at the initial reveal because it looked like Pikmin or something. It was only after I learned more about it that I became at least as excited for it as Bayonetta 2, even though I should've known better because Hideki Kamiya.

But I mean, if Nintendo was taking this game seriously then we wouldn't have to put up with stupid shit like a late NA release. It's pretty obvious that they just assume it's going to bomb and we have to prove them wrong, I guess.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
HAhahaha wow, there's seriously Nintendo defenders in here saying the developer should be marketing the game, not the publisher?
I was personally disappointed in the game at the initial reveal because it looked like Pikmin or something. It was only after I learned more about it that I became at least as excited for it as Bayonetta 2, even though I should've known better because Hideki Kamiya.

But I mean, if Nintendo was taking this game seriously then we wouldn't have to put up with stupid shit like a late NA release. It's pretty obvious that they just assume it's going to bomb and we have to prove them wrong, I guess.

I think it's impossible for Nintendo to think that game will bomb. It is supposed to be a key title out of six (?) this fall/holiday to revitalize the Wii U sales and get people to start buying the console more.

Considering that Kamiya said it cost Nintendo 1.5 times what Bayonetta cost, and Nintendo intentionally pushed back the launch date (which they didn't with Lego City), I think it's safe to say that Nintendo expects this game to sell well.

Of course, that will depend on how the game is marketed over the coming weeks and months from pre-release and into the holidays.
They probably don't mention the game because it's similar to Pikmin and they don't want to hurt Pikmin's sales. But that's assuming Pikmin and W101 are going to be released at around the same time.


You think so?


Considering I'm already buying it on day one on the Wii U, I'd say your assumptions are full of shit.

Seriously, smfh.

it'd bomb just as hard, maybe even harder
Oh definitely, if the release date was the same, yeah definitely. No arguments there. Game should be out right now or in the next few weeks. Especially to cash in on that Pacific Rim hype. Delaying it out and pushing it up against GTA fucking V is the height of foolishness, regardless of marketing.

assuming all the other factors in its creation and development would remain exactly the same besides the release platform, people would probably complain about it not being a 20 dollar downloadable with its current aesthetic
Perhaps. As long as it sells. Even downloadable titles can be a success with the right push and word of mouth. Look at State of Decay and how successful that was.


I am extremely hyped for this game and will be buying day one. But ultimately, it probably just doesn't make good business sense to throw megabucks at a long term advertising campaign for a game that will be extrememly lucky to sell 500k copies. There is just no return on investment. If you are going to sink $10-20 million into marketing you better be doing it on a multimillion seller or you are wasting your money.

Unless, of course, you are trying to build up a brand and are willing to take a bath on the initial product to grow your fanbase. Then you follow up with the anime series, toy line, infinite cheap merchandise, the inevitable sequels, etc. I just don't see any indication that Nintendo is going that route with W101 or that the tone of the game even lends itself to such exploitation. And who knows to what extent they even own the IP on this.
Kamiya: I_made_a_huge_mistake.gif

He's a troll. I think he did this on purpose. Not a coincidence that the game will be launched in 6 weeks, a Nintendo Direct is coming out, an Iwata Asks with Kamiya is coming out and Nintendo marketing usually starts a month out, like it has for Pikmin 3.

Isn't it funny how he's complaing about no game magazine features for W101 when his usually shtick is "next week.... in game magazines" ?

Isn't is curious that he's tweeting to complain knowing people following him for exactly this type of shit, and then compares this game to Bayonetta and Okami

Isn't is odd how JP gets on twitter to tweet about TW101 and also Kamiya's tweets at the same time?


That is too good Smoky. Anyways, I'm pretty sure we all knew WoW101 was being sent to die, which is a damn shame. The game looks pretty fun, but seriously: Wii-U exclusive, Platinum Games, New IP. It has bomba written all over it and that is completely independent of the quality of the game. I may pick the game up when I get a Wii-U eventually, but the title is niche as fuck. Really curious to see what kind of attach rate the game gets, the sales could be truly brutal.

I don't know what it is about this game, but it's probably my most wanted game on Wii U this year. Both my Wii and Gamecube really only had Nintendo games, maybe it's the starved state that the Wii U is in, but I'm dying for Wonderful101.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Your marketing budget is a percrentage of your expected sales. Considering how poorly software is selling on the Wii u now, it's likely simple financing that's determining their ad dollars and it appears to be pretty low across the board. Hence cheap, ownable channels like Directs and Asks, double downing on their core for WoM.

They need to be willing to invest in SOMETHING though, they likely are just saving all their marbles for the holiday. Too bad in my opinion, but no one wants the console now so why waste the spend is probably their thought


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Your marketing budget is a percrentage of your expected sales. Considering how poorly software is selling on the Wii u now, it's likely simple financing that's determining their ad dollars and it appears to be pretty low across the board. Hence cheap, ownable channels like Directs and Asks, double downing on their core for WoM.

They need to be willing to invest in SOMETHING though, they likely are just saving all their marbles for the holiday. Too bad in my opinion, but no one wants the console now so why waste the spend is probably their thought

You might very well be right, but these posts are incredibly premature.

Nintendo just started advertising for Pikmin 3 in Japan, which comes out in a week.


My feeling is that most people don't know what is this game. I think is a worldwide problem, even enthusiasts don't understand.
Your marketing budget is a percrentage of your expected sales. Considering how poorly software is selling on the Wii u now, it's likely simple financing that's determining their ad dollars and it appears to be pretty low across the board. Hence cheap, ownable channels like Directs and Asks, double downing on their core for WoM.

They need to be willing to invest in SOMETHING though, they likely are just saving all their marbles for the holiday. Too bad in my opinion, but no one wants the console now so why waste the spend is probably their thought

They ran ads on TV for Lego City in March even though they had decided in January to push Pikmin, W101 and other games back into the 2nd half of 2013. So I don't think your reasoning holds with that case.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
They ran ads on TV for Lego City in March even though they had decided in January to push Pikmin, W101 and other games back into the 2nd half of 2013. So I don't think your reasoning holds with that case.

NoA has been operating on a three month cycle for awhile now. They've likely had to readjust this given they were short last fiscal


Your marketing budget is a percrentage of your expected sales. Considering how poorly software is selling on the Wii u now, it's likely simple financing that's determining their ad dollars and it appears to be pretty low across the board. Hence cheap, ownable channels like Directs and Asks, double downing on their core for WoM.

They need to be willing to invest in SOMETHING though, they likely are just saving all their marbles for the holiday. Too bad in my opinion, but no one wants the console now so why waste the spend is probably their thought

But what I don't understand is that selling this game to your current userbase is cheap. Why no community on Miiverse? (Same for Pikmin) Why no E3 demo on the eShop? This game begs to be tried.
But what I don't understand is that selling this game to your current userbase is cheap. Why no community on Miiverse? (Same for Pikmin) Why no E3 demo on the eShop? This game begs to be tried.

Communities show up shortly before the launch of game. This is how it has been for all games on Miiverse. Do you own a Wii U?

NoA has been operating on a three month cycle for awhile now. They've likely had to readjust this given they were short last fiscal

I don't even know how this speculation should be tied to a marketing push by Nintendo for fall/holiday 2013. They didn't push these games back to not market them. Pikmin 3 is already getting TV ads. So is Yakuza HD.


But what I don't understand is that selling this game to your current userbase is cheap. Why no community on Miiverse? (Same for Pikmin) Why no E3 demo on the eShop? This game begs to be tried.

E3 demos are not always optimized to run on retail units -- E3 demos tend to crash. Opening a Miiverse for the game now would be pointless unless it was one for the devs to post footage or discuss the game.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Communities show up shortly before the launch of game. This is how it has been for all games on Miiverse. Do you own a Wii U?

I don't even know how this speculation should be tied to a marketing push by Nintendo for fall/holiday 2013. They didn't push these games back to not market them. Pikmin 3 is already getting TV ads. So is Yakuza HD.

What speculation are you referring to?


This game will have phenomenal word of mouth and will become a cult favourite, likely also being prime pick-up material for late Wii U adopters.

It won't be a hit, but an ultra slow-burn sleeper hit might be likely. It certainly won't be a flop.
What speculation are you referring to?

NoA has been operating on a three month cycle for awhile now. They've likely had to readjust this given they were short last fiscal

You said maybe they want to hold back until holiday to fire all their bullets and then I mentioned Lego City TV ads. Whether NOA ran the Lego City ads before their "three month cycle" told them to readjust or whatever - I don't see how any of that is related to a marketing push by Nintendo for the fall/holiday of this year.

They intentionally held back certain games and created a new lineup with a specific order. And it's pretty clear, right or wrong, that they intend to market it in their own way, in a specific order.

The only real question is if their strategy is optimal or effective.
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