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Kamiya concerned that Nintendo isn't marketing Wonderful 101 much at all


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The defense of nintendo in here is quite sad.

I would say 90% of the posts in this thread are extremely negative towards Nintendo. I have seen some more measured responses but very little complete absolving of Nintendo.

But hey, whatever floats your board.


Communities show up shortly before the launch of game. This is how it has been for all games on Miiverse. Do you own a Wii U?

Of course! Well they have already Zelda and SSB communities.
What does it cost to create the community in advance? A new icon displayed on the plaza is already advertising.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
They need to be willing to invest in SOMETHING though, they likely are just saving all their marbles for the holiday. Too bad in my opinion, but no one wants the console now so why waste the spend is probably their thought

I do not believe this is correct- Nintendo has stated multiple times they will begin their advertising push the second half of the year to coincide with a regular stream of releases.

In Japan, ostensibly the topic of Kamiya's concern, Nintendo has 5 new TV ads they are presumably running.

I would imagine Nintendo will advertise W101 since it falls right in the middle of the string of 1st party releases Nintendo has been referencing for months.
The defense of nintendo in here is quite sad.

Is that because it's 100% guaranteed that their twisted marketing efforts will fail?

I don't know if W101 will sell what it "should" or if it will help kickstart Wii U sales with "proper" advertising, but shouldn't a statement like yours be made after we get the results?


Of course! Well they have already Zelda and SSB communities.
What does it cost to create the community in advance? A new icon displayed on the plaza is already advertising.

SSB is getting content shared by the dev team. Zelda is a general community to make announcements for all the Zelda games they released this yr.

If Platinum is going to share gameplay or make announcements, then a Miiverse would be opened early.
SSB is getting content shared by the dev team. Zelda is a general community to make announcements for all the Zelda games they released this yr.

If Platinum is going to share gameplay or make announcements, then a Miiverse would be opened early.

There totally should be a P* community like there is a UPlay community.

W101... Bayo2... Star Fox...


Try not giving your game a ridiculous title and marketing may be much easier. What did I think of when I first heard "Wonderful 101"? Nothing really other than, "well that sounds like a dumb kids game"

Nothing against the game itself but the title is stupid and does not help their marketing woes. To this day it looks fun but I have zero idea what this game is other than the aesthetic style.


Besides there's no reason to make a community early. They best work when a game is already out and the potential customer can purchase the game instanly when he/she sees the community.


SSB is getting content shared by the dev team. Zelda is a general community to make announcements for all the Zelda games they released this yr.

If Platinum is going to share gameplay or make announcements, then a Miiverse would be opened early.

It's Nintendo decision though and they're a bit slow. Platinum should make their voice heard more and not just say Next week in games magazine. They should be more pro-active. Why no blog about the game?
After seeing how nintendo advertised their lesser selling ips like the last story and xenoblade I would be scared as well for the marketing efforts given to something like 101
Kamiya hate to break to you bro but this game ain't really gunna sell well and most likely will bomb. Even with advertising its not really a marketable game just like bayonetta. However its gunna bomb even harder now with less marketing.


I'm interested in the game. That being said...

Terrible title. Potentially polarizing art style. Difficult to quickly explain gameplay mechanics.

I'm intrigued by however Nintendo tries to market it, because it won't be easy. They also really never push their smaller IPs, so I get Kamiya's frustration. It sucks.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I do not believe this is correct- Nintendo has stated multiple times they will begin their advertising push the second half of the year to coincide with a regular stream of releases.

In Japan, ostensibly the topic of Kamiya's concern, Nintendo has 5 new TV ads they are presumably running.

I would imagine Nintendo will advertise W101 since it falls right in the middle of the string of 1st party releases Nintendo has been referencing for months.

We shall see. Either way, people here will be upset, because Nintendo doesn't target us in their media buys anyway.
Is this a Nintendo or PG IP?


And according to Kamiya, it costs 1.5 times more than Bayonetta. You'd have to be an idiot to think Nintendo expects this game to not have any impact on Wii U software or hardware sales for this fall/holiday. Whether their advertising is good or not, you can't think that Nintendo has "given up" on its prospects.

We shall see. Either way, people here will be upset, because Nintendo doesn't target us in their media buys anyway.

Don't you watch Cartoon Network with a bowl full of Frosted Flakes?


Try not giving your game a ridiculous title and marketing may be much easier. What did I think of when I first heard "Wonderful 101"? Nothing really other than, "well that sounds like a dumb kids game"

Heh. You're right, "X" is much more descriptive.

And we all know that Bayonetta is about very small knives mounted in the ends of very small guns.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.

And according to Kamiya, it costs 1.5 times more than Bayonetta. You'd have to be an idiot to think Nintendo expects this game to not have any impact on Wii U software or hardware sales for this fall/holiday. Whether their advertising is good or not, you can't think that Nintendo has "given up" on its prospects.

Don't you watch Cartoon Network with a bowl full of Frosted Flakes?

If they started showing Legend of Korra I might, haha



Then Kamiya needs to shut the hell up.
Nintendo will pay him and his team for their development services.
He has no business about how Nintendo will handle the game or its marketing.
If the game bombs (that most likely will be the case) fine. It's Nintendo's money and platform that are being thrown under the bus

I understand he has feelings about the game, it's his work but still can't complain if he's been paid


Hopefully they get some ads rolling soon. They really need to do spend more time in trailers on demonstrating the game than on goofy moments and explosions. I love the trailers but I'm sure it just looks like non-understandable chaos to a number of people. It doesn't help that a nice chunk of the press seems to have written the game off since the get-go; not sure if hands-on events can change that. Maybe a focused one where people only got to play 101, so that they won't just phone that preview in while waiting in line to play other games.
I'm starting to wonder what the point of getting these games as exclusives for your system is when you're practically sending them out to die. Seems like a lot of wasted time and money that could be better spent elsewhere.
I'm starting to wonder what the point of getting these games as exclusives for your system is when you're practically sending them out to die. Seems like a lot of wasted time and money that could be better spent elsewhere.

Crap. I hope this doesn't turn out to be another Sin and Punishment Star Successor situation.


What are you guys confused about, specifically? Not trying to be rude here or anything, just wondering, since the Gamespot video does a pretty great job of explaining it.


There's a display of the controls at around 1:51 of the video. Guard, jump, and dodge are mapped to buttons, and the gestures are controlled by the right stick or the gamepad, as people have said earlier in the topic. Much like Okami, the game pauses/goes into slowdown when you want to use gestural controls. You hold the A button (or X button, the vid's a little unclear) to put the game in slowdown, then move the stick or draw on the gamepad to transform your dudes. To get more guys, you go up to people you rescue and draw a circle around them, and they'll join your team.

X is your basic attack. The team members don't attack on their own really, they act like part of an overall group. Instead of a bunch of little dudes, think of them like a slime monster that surrounds its enemies to attack.

Yup the game has been explained and there have been many play throughs and previews about it. Gamestop even explained that it is not like Pikmin . Its going to be a niche game though so no amount of marketing it going make it sell 5 million copies.


Womderful 101 looks neat but even I have no Idea what kind of a game it is. They don't really explain it in the gameplay videos.


Considering theres enough gamplay videos detailing how the game is played and what kind of game it is, this is entirely your fault.

I don't think the game itself entice people enough to check out what kind of game it is. So no. It is not consumer's fault.

Let's face it. The game will bomb. I think in a sense Kamiya knows this as well, too.


Nope. Not at all. If it was more straight-forward and didn't rely on the tablet, I'm convinced.

Y'all overthinking it as usual. Complexity be damned, it just looks cool as hell (which is all that matters) and aesthetically it's definitely more casual friendly than those games you listed. As is, it's gonna die a slow, painful death in NA anyway. Stupid NOA.

you were obviously wrong about the tablet reliance, and it's amusing to see you modify your point to accommodate that error.

you're also kidding yourself on two other fronts: that a cartoony power-ranger looking game will somehow do much better with the dudebro xbox userbase than with the nintendo-family base, because there is no empirical evidence to suggest cartoony games do better there.
and no.2; that this is somehow more casual friendly than a game like MGR. it's not. its easy to comprehend a game like MGR. the average person will look at that and see a typical 'action game' where the avatar you control is clear as day and have a general idea of how to progress. it's conceptually predictable and THAT makes it more accessible to the average bro gamer.

i'm looking forward to tW101, but even i'm not sure how progression will work. is it timer based? enemy damage based? stage completion based? do i need to have played a game like pikmin or some other streamlined rts to understand how this game works? are they even the same genre? what genre is this anyway?

based on its visual appeal this game IS on the right platform. the only issue is nintendo's appalling marketing department; which is an issue not at all related to the concept of this game.

next thing you'll be saying mascot games sell better on xbox...

Considering theres enough gamplay videos detailing how the game is played and what kind of game it is, this is entirely your fault.

no, actually it's not.
if individuals on an enthusiast msg board have difficulty comprehending this game, then there's next to no chance in hell the average joe will.

they'll see the games cartoony graphics and make their decisions on that, i'm afraid.


I understand he has feelings about the game, it's his work but still can't complain if he's been paid

...Sure he can. What kind of thing to say is this? Being paid for the development doesn't mean he isn't allowed to have opinions on the way it's handled. If someone pays an artist for a painting, and then when it's done they set it on fire in front of him, you are saying he has no right to be upset? Really?


....but im.not sold on W101. I wont buy it without a demo.

I got my U exactly one week ago. The system has now been out for 7 months and the demo selection is abysmal.

I was really hoping to find some games to mess with, and its a few meager scraps and nothing more. If they can't even get a demo of Injustice or their own published Lego game, then you can bet your ass there won't be one for W101.

I'm interested in W101 as it reminds me of a more fleshed out The Last Guy, but no doubt Nintendo will send it out to die because its not starring one of their feature characters.


nintendo didnt even show the game at e3... if they talked about sm3dw from start of e3 to finish, why not doing the same with this game? It was not that difficult/expensive to give it some more minutes in the e3 nintendo direct, put a developers interview video on their youtube channel and some gameplay videos, the game should have also been in any nintendo e3 summary video, give the developers enough time for talking about the game to the prees, having enough demos of the game at e3, miyanoto taking about it sometime in stead of taking about pikmin 3 during ALL e3 would have help, doing... i though that they planned what they were going to talk about at e3... maybe they had a dossier about what they were going to do at e3 but they lost the WONDERFUL 101 page?... the game is now dead... well they can anounce it in smash bros tomorrow, revive the game.


An blind dancing ho
I don't think the game itself entice people enough to check out what kind of game it is. So no. It is not consumer's fault.

Let's face it. The game will bomb. I think in a sense Kamiya knows this as well, too.

Nintendo paid for the game so PG should be completely safe right?


Seeing people here questioning what kind of game this is reminds me of people that enter in celebrity threads just to say "WHO IS THIS PERSON?" while the search bar just sits there begging to be used.

nintendo didnt even show the game at e3... if they talked about sm3dw from start of e3 to finish, why not doing the same with this game? It was not that difficult/expensive to give it some more minutes in the e3 nintendo direct, put a developers interview video on their youtube channel and some gameplay videos, the game should have also been in any nintendo e3 summary video, give the developers enough time for talking about the game to the prees, having enough demos of the game at e3, miyanoto taking about it sometime in stead of taking about pikmin 3 during ALL e3 would have help, doing... i though that they planned what they were going to talk about at e3... maybe they had a dossier about what they were going to do at e3 but they lost the WONDERFUL 101 page?... the game is now dead... well they can anounce it in smash bros tomorrow, revive the game.

And they didnt do that?


nintendo didnt even show the game at e3... if they talked about sm3dw from start of e3 to finish, why not doing the same with this game? It was not that difficult/expensive to give it some more minutes in the e3 nintendo direct, put a developers interview video on their youtube channel and some gameplay videos, the game should have also been in any nintendo e3 summary video, give the developers enough time for talking about the game to the prees, having enough demos of the game at e3, miyanoto taking about it sometime in stead of taking about pikmin 3 during ALL e3 would have help, doing... i though that they planned what they were going to talk about at e3... maybe they had a dossier about what they were going to do at e3 but they lost the WONDERFUL 101 page?... the game is now dead... well they can anounce it in smash bros tomorrow, revive the game.

Please tell me your joking?
nintendo didnt even show the game at e3... if they talked about sm3dw from start of e3 to finish, why not doing the same with this game? It was not that difficult/expensive to give it some more minutes in the e3 nintendo direct, put a developers interview video on their youtube channel and some gameplay videos, the game should have also been in any nintendo e3 summary video, give the developers enough time for talking about the game to the prees, having enough demos of the game at e3, miyanoto taking about it sometime in stead of taking about pikmin 3 during ALL e3 would have help, doing... i though that they planned what they were going to talk about at e3... maybe they had a dossier about what they were going to do at e3 but they lost the WONDERFUL 101 page?... the game is now dead... well they can anounce it in smash bros tomorrow, revive the game.
It was at their E3 direct, it was also on the showfloor. It even had some live demos on some sites like IGN.....and they didn't talk about SM3DW from start to finish for that matter. I do agree that there should have been a developer direct like Bayonetta 2 got. Kamiya could show his game off better than any Nintendo rep or showfloor footage can.


...Sure he can. What kind of thing to say is this? Being paid for the development doesn't mean he isn't allowed to have opinions on the way it's handled. If someone pays an artist for a painting, and then when it's done they set it on fire in front of him, you are saying he has no right to be upset? Really?

Ehh... no he can't and you're twisting what I said. I'm talking from a legal perspective
Does the artist have the right to be upset about his work being set on fire? Absolutely.
Does the artist have the right to say a thing to the person who paid him for that paiting about its use? Hell no. Yes, he made it. but it's not his paiting.

Using your own logic, just imagine how upset a car designer would be if the car manufacturer he works for doesn't promote his work at all. Doesn't mean he can't share what he thinks about it but at the end he has no word about it because his creation belongs to the car manufacturer not to him.

Same applies for Nintendo and Kamiya. He developed the game and from an emotional perspetive he can be upset about how Nintendo is handling its promotion but he can't really complain (legally) because it's a Nintendo product after all. They're free to do whatever they want with it.


"nintendo didnt even show the game at e3..."

This was not literal people... reading the rest of my comment is obvious that i followed e3 and nintendo media. I know that i am exaggerating, its just that i didnt like how nintendo handled it. I can assure that, following nintendo media, it seemed that nintendo wast leaving the game in the background. It was eassier to find information of the other games through nintendo. I am sorry, but nintendo didnt treat the game like the other, and it was obvious. Nintendo youtube channel during e3 was a great example.
After seeing how nintendo advertised their lesser selling ips like the last story and xenoblade I would be scared as well for the marketing efforts given to something like 101

Xenoblade sold out instantly and fetches roughly 4x retail in second hand markets. What exactly would Nintendo have gained by advertising it?
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