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Kickstarter Thread | List of gaming kickstarts

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Gamasutra had an article today about how a succesful Kickstarter company (making an iOS game - Star Command which looks pretty cool, actually) spent their money


When its Kickstarter campaign ended, the studio counted $36,967 in pledges, almost double the $20,000 it initially hoped to bring in to fund the Star Trek-esque sim RPG. However, around $2,000 of those pledges failed to transfer.

Kickstarter and Amazon Payments took their $3,000 cut from that amount, and then the company spent $10,000 on producing the incentives War Balloon promised backers, such as posters and shirts.

With $22,000 remaining, it spent $6,000 on Star Command's music, $4,000 on setting up the company (attorneys, start-up fees, etc.), $2,000 on poster art, $1,000 on iPads, and $3,000 on its PAX East presence two weeks ago.
Hey all. I wanted to share a project headed up by a long-time friend of mine, Dave Able. His project is for the iOS platform (iPhone and iPad) and is called Fly Killer Elite. His current Kickstarter page can be accessed at the following link:


That link is hopefully the future homepage of the game and currently serving as a redirect to the Kickstarter page.

Please check out the updates on his page and get a feel for what kind of guy he is and if you'd want to throw some funds his way. He has a great sense of humor and is possibly the most creative guy I know.

He's currently almost 2/3 of the way to his goal with a week left. I think the bonuses for the donations are pretty clever as well. His goal of $3,300 was arrived at by figuring out the costs needed for new hardware (his current Mac is aging and not up to the task) and the costs associated with licensing and getting started with this kind of thing.

Hope you guys like what you see and can help out a great guy.


I'm looking through this 4chan /v/ image which basically collects some really compromising details and gives some criticisms to the "Echoes of Eternia" kickstarter. It makes it look really bad. Should I post about it here or make a new thread for it?
I think I found the image you're referring to. 4Chan urgh, but still it does bring up some very valid points. The project does feel a bit scam'ish.

That being said, /v/ does seem to think this game is a personal affront to them.


I'm looking through this 4chan /v/ image which basically collects some really compromising details and gives some criticisms to the "Echoes of Eternia" kickstarter. It makes it look really bad. Should I post about it here or make a new thread for it?

So what was the image?


Unconfirmed Member

Looks like this is it, but it seems pretty exaggerated to me. Most of the stuff on there is just complaining about how they're trying to pitch the game and complaining that it's made with RPG maker.

Some of the questions raised are legitimate though. It is an RPG maker game but in and of itself I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing as long as you have the people to really make something interesting with the engine. But, they're using modifications and tilesets that someone else made and contracting out the music and promo art with their kickstarter money so the implication here is that they lack artists, programmers, and musicians (and probably sound too, expect default RPG Maker sounds).

So basically, they're just writing a story (who knows how good that will be) and making the maps (to be fair, considering they aren't creating any assets or doing any programming, that would take up the bulk of their time).


Gamasutra had an article today about how a succesful Kickstarter company (making an iOS game - Star Command which looks pretty cool, actually) spent their money


The whole feature and the comments under it are really interesting. Indie teams must not forget they are setting a business and that can cost more or less money if they know how to or have someone that understands the process. I guess having money available makes you less cautious in things that are not related with making the game.

Commenter are offering tips on how they could have saved money in different fields (aside of noting that physical rewards should be reserved for higher tiers, which is an a very reasonable tip).

The game looks cool BTW, I'll keep an eye on it.


Looks like this is it, but it seems pretty exaggerated to me. Most of the stuff on there is just complaining about how they're trying to pitch the game and complaining that it's made with RPG maker.

Some of the questions raised are legitimate though. It is an RPG maker game but in and of itself I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing as long as you have the people to really make something interesting with the engine. But, they're using modifications and tilesets that someone else made and contracting out the music and promo art with their kickstarter money so the implication here is that they lack artists, programmers, and musicians (and probably sound too, expect default RPG Maker sounds).

So basically, they're just writing a story (who knows how good that will be) and making the maps (to be fair, considering they aren't creating any assets or doing any programming, that would take up the bulk of their time).

If the summary is any indication, it sounds like a story made some JRPG Story Generator. Right down to the stupid JRPG-esque names.

This game has horrible written all over it - from concept to execution.
I'd kickstart the shit out of a good Advance Wars clone for iOS. There are a few attempts, but none get them quite right. No need for a story mode necessarily... just basically Dual Strike, on my iphone, with asynchronous multiplayer. Don't know why this doesn't exist yet. Ah, it's nice to want things.


Didn't feel like making a topic about this, and it's sort of gaming-related

Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 in Lego form


Grim Dawn is live

I know LastWindow was asking about a hardcover art book, it's in the $250 tier.

Edit: Just created the Grim Dawn Kickstarter thread

already listed, but added your thread.

Hey all. I wanted to share a project headed up by a long-time friend of mine, Dave Able. His project is for the iOS platform (iPhone and iPad) and is called Fly Killer Elite. His current Kickstarter page can be accessed at the following link:


That link is hopefully the future homepage of the game and currently serving as a redirect to the Kickstarter page.

Please check out the updates on his page and get a feel for what kind of guy he is and if you'd want to throw some funds his way. He has a great sense of humor and is possibly the most creative guy I know.

He's currently almost 2/3 of the way to his goal with a week left. I think the bonuses for the donations are pretty clever as well. His goal of $3,300 was arrived at by figuring out the costs needed for new hardware (his current Mac is aging and not up to the task) and the costs associated with licensing and getting started with this kind of thing.

Hope you guys like what you see and can help out a great guy.


Found this:


Looks interesting? Not sure about the actual scope though. 60k is not a whole lot of money.

already listed.


Looks like this is it, but it seems pretty exaggerated to me. Most of the stuff on there is just complaining about how they're trying to pitch the game and complaining that it's made with RPG maker.

Some of the questions raised are legitimate though. It is an RPG maker game but in and of itself I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing as long as you have the people to really make something interesting with the engine. But, they're using modifications and tilesets that someone else made and contracting out the music and promo art with their kickstarter money so the implication here is that they lack artists, programmers, and musicians (and probably sound too, expect default RPG Maker sounds).

So basically, they're just writing a story (who knows how good that will be) and making the maps (to be fair, considering they aren't creating any assets or doing any programming, that would take up the bulk of their time).

When I originally saw the kickstarter some of those things mentioned in the image were definitely red flags for me. It being RPG Maker was pretty obvious from the screens, and the pitch itself is not particularly compelling. That said its a pretty typical overreaction from /v/, although I would have a really hard time giving money to this when people are using RPGMaker and putting out these exact types of games already(and good ones at that) without the need for kickstarter funding.

From what I've seen these RPGMaker games get very little attention when they are released, even the somewhat notable ones like Eternal Eden, so using kickstarter to basically get the word out about your game and get some upfront funding is clearly much more effective than trying to sell a game through your own site or some other tiny website. I would consider giving money upfront to RPGMaker developers I am already aware of, but not this one anyway.


I belive TotalBiscuit is going to do more for these under the randar Kickstarter projects than what NeoGAF will.
Not sure about that, but he'll do more than every other videogame website ever, who have already turned on kickstarter with the same speed they rushed to defend the ending of ME3.


Ravaged met it's goal. It's at 17,308 right now and they needed 15k, guess it's thanks to TotalBiscuit that their Kickstarter blew up today.


Looks like this is it, but it seems pretty exaggerated to me. Most of the stuff on there is just complaining about how they're trying to pitch the game and complaining that it's made with RPG maker.

Some of the questions raised are legitimate though. It is an RPG maker game but in and of itself I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing as long as you have the people to really make something interesting with the engine. But, they're using modifications and tilesets that someone else made and contracting out the music and promo art with their kickstarter money so the implication here is that they lack artists, programmers, and musicians (and probably sound too, expect default RPG Maker sounds).

So basically, they're just writing a story (who knows how good that will be) and making the maps (to be fair, considering they aren't creating any assets or doing any programming, that would take up the bulk of their time).
Well, they are a bit hyperbolic in their critique, but I must say I can't blame them.
The whole project doesn't inspire much confidence and the whole premise about RPG being "too westernized" in these days was cringe-worthy.
That said, I may probably sound prejudicial about it, but I was way more incline to give them a bit of credit before noticing it's a RPG Maker project (something that I missed entirely). That alone for me is a complete interest-killer.



Space combat PvP game by the Jumpgate/Lego Universe/Etc. guys

-Goal: $250,000
-Deadline: MAY 19

"Take control of a state of the art spacefighter in SQUAD WARS™, the new free-to-play team based space combat game from END Games Entertainment. Our team includes the creative forces behind the classic groundbreaking space combat MMOG, Jumpgate, and numerous other online games from the last 15 years."



Unconfirmed Member
Well, they are a bit hyperbolic in their critique, but I must say I can't blame them.
The whole project doesn't inspire much confidence and the whole premise about RPG being "too westernized" in these days was cringe-worthy.
That said, I may probably sound prejudicial about it, but I was way more incline to give them a bit of credit before noticing it's a RPG Maker project (something that I missed entirely). That alone for me is a complete interest-killer.

Yeah, I'm definitely hesitant to fund an RPG maker game. But at the same time I'm not going to fault someone for using a game making tool to make a game. If a group has a talented programmer making some interesting or unique gameplay elements and a decent artist(s) so their game doesn't look like your average, no budget RPG maker game, then they'd definitely have my attention.

The only thing Echoes of Eternia has going for it is the fact they managed to get a really good artist for their promo stuff, but that has no correlation with the quality of the game.

Edit: Squad Wars sounds awesome.



Space combat PvP game by the Jumpgate/Lego Universe/Etc. guys

-Goal: $250,000
-Deadline: MAY 19

"Take control of a state of the art spacefighter in SQUAD WARS™, the new free-to-play team based space combat game from END Games Entertainment. Our team includes the creative forces behind the classic groundbreaking space combat MMOG, Jumpgate, and numerous other online games from the last 15 years."




For those interested, if you're using Firefox, there's an add-on that shows the history and backing projections of a Kickstarter campaigns.


This is how Shadowrun looks on it:




Useful, but kind of depressing for the games I decided to donate to.


Another Kickstarter will happening soon by Autumn Moon, who is made up of many former LucasArts employees. Autumn Moon have made the adventure games A Vampyre Story and Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island.


The voice acting alone turned me off A Vampyre Story. How was that ghost pirate game?

I'd like to throw money at the Ben and Dan guys since they're among the few modern adventure game devs that know how to write good dialogue.
The voice acting alone turned me off A Vampyre Story. How was that ghost pirate game?

I'd like to throw money at the Ben and Dan guys since they're among the few modern adventure game devs that know how to write good dialogue.

Ghost Pirates had really good humor, I thought. Voice acting was fine but then again I didn't mind it in Vampyre.


I really hope Starflight Inception gets enough of a surge in the final day that they make their goal even if just barely like Takedown. I'd really like to see the game, hopefully they find another way to fund it if the worst happens.


I really hope Starflight Inception gets enough of a surge in the final day that they make their goal even if just barely like Takedown. I'd really like to see the game, hopefully they find another way to fund it if the worst happens.

Same here


Can anyone PM me and look over the rewards we're thinking of offering for our Kickstarter? We'd appreciate the feedback!
I just saw this project, which I imagine will resonate here:
Boot Hill Heroes

It's a wild west-themed 16-bit love letter to SNES RPGs.

It really does look like Earthbound/ The Mother series combined with a western setting. Interesting.

Also it's good to see Banner Saga hit it's goal. And Leisure Suit Larry is getting close to it's 500,000 goal too. It's already at 443,515. 56,485 to go and 11 days left.


I just saw this project, which I imagine will resonate here:
Boot Hill Heroes

It's a wild west-themed 16-bit love letter to SNES RPGs.
I must admit, what I don't like about "love letters" to SNES RPGs is that actually I have no "love" for SNES RPGs.
Even those few I actually enjoyed to some extent in the end were good for their unique traits, not for the widely shared aspects that most of these small projects tend to copy in a pedantic way.

But of course, this simply means these projects are not for me, I guess.

EDIT: Damn, Ecstasy Of Gold by Ennio Morricone. That's playing with my emotions. D:


I just saw this project, which I imagine will resonate here:
Boot Hill Heroes

It's a wild west-themed 16-bit love letter to SNES RPGs.

The trouble with this I think is that the lowest tier that gets you a game is $15, yet the game likely will be sold for what, $5 at most on the indie section of XBLA.

Isn't that the reverse of how it's supposed to work - backers get the game for a discount, not triple the price?

Would I pay $5 for this kickstarter? Probably. $15? No.


The trouble with this I think is that the lowest tier that gets you a game is $15, yet the game likely will be sold for what, $5 at most on the indie section of XBLA.

Isn't that the reverse of how it's supposed to work - backers get the game for a discount, not triple the price?

Would I pay $5 for this kickstarter? Probably. $15? No.

Yeah, that's basically my line of thinking. Especially since it seems guaranteed to be funded. $15 seems like way too much to pay for something that will be far cheaper when it actually releases.


Suprised this hasnt been mentioned here. Considering the nerdboners gaf gets for ios & pokemon.


Ok, since Micromon is indeed a monster capture game it's inevitable for people to compare it to other games such as Pokemon, but Micromon is a completely different game, think Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat. Here's a list of features that we believe makes us different from Pokemon and other monster capture games out there:

Quest system.
Sandbox environment, you choose where to start and where you want to end your adventure!
Multiplayer rankings & leagues.
You can level up your trainer to have access to different leagues online.
Fast-paced battles (no more text commentary).
Monster's speed affects battle directly (the faster your Micromon is the more turns you get).
Terrain has direct impact on the battle depending on what element affinity your Monster has.
The turns will be displayed during battle for better planning.
You can actually see where the Micromon's are, just by looking for shaking grass, if you don't feel like battling you can just avoid them altogether.
Key items (we don’t have HMs).
Multiplayer tournaments (We will create different tournaments throughout the year).
More than a dozen starter Micromon to choose from.
Multiple starter avatars to choose from.
More mature and deeper story.
Stamina system.
Content updates.
Micromon social network and centralized community (website).
Just to name a few :). More features will be added! Remember, the community gets to decide what to add/remove!
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