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King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (really) Rottenwatch - Currently 5% RT / 44 MC

-Plasma Reus-

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This isn’t an actor’s movie, although Law does at least find a few moments to play Vortigem like a preening Mussolini, shouting at the assembled masses while swathed in fur and eagle-head epaulets. Otherwise, the characters are there to move the story along and to be consistently heroic or villainous throughout.
Sounds FUCKING awesome.


Opinions and all that but I'm genuinely surprised people thought the trailers looked good. This trailer and the new Transformers trailer are the most boring trailers I have watched in a long time.
One of those movies where, when I saw the trailer, I was genuinely at a loss for words at what I saw. It just seemed so odd and distant from what my brain comprehends as "King Arthur".

The only thing I liked was that Excalibur is made of Damascus steel in this, with the cool grooves in the metal. But with the runes, it comes off as another over designed Hollywood concoction.
So, this thing is going to get murdered by Guardians of the Galaxy 2 at the Box office this weekend?

It's pretty much a given at this point, even though there wasn't much of a chance that this was gonna be a much of problem for GOTG Vol 2 in the first place.


How is it that Guy Ritchie has earned so much good will with only Snatch? It's the only actually great movie he's ever made, and even then it was still kind of a Tarantino rip off.


Rather, he comes across as an aging rebel worried about being judged un-hip, clearly over-compensating in order to remain one step ahead of fellow stylists Zack Snyder (”300"), Tarsem Singh (”Mirror Mirror"), and Alex Proyas (”Gods of Egypt") — all of whose genuinely outrageous, inadvertently awful work appears to be a source of inspiration here.
I lol'd
I really hope Aladdin expands on that more

What we all should be hoping for is that Disney drops Guy Ritchie.


How is it that Guy Ritchie has earned so much good will with only Snatch? It's the only actually great movie he's ever made, and even then it was still kind of a Tarantino rip off.

UNCLE flopped financially but was very entertaining.
What a shocker, guy who hasn't made a decent film in almost two decades continues to make garbage. Hope Disney fires him from Aladdin.

And before you bring up the Sherlock Holmes films, don't. The ONLY reason those films worked was because of RDJ. Anyone else in the role and they'd be crap.

Why is Hollywood so bad at fantasy movies? Outside Jackson Lord of the Rings, I'm having trouble thinking of any good live-action fantasy films, and the more like "traditional" high fantasy they are, the worse they are.

It's been 14 years since Return of the King and nearly a decade since Marvel figured out how to churn out superhero movies (of all things) like a machine while still ensuring that even the worst of them is at least decent. But fantasy movies are still downright terrible 90% of the time.

It can't be that hard, can it? I mean, fantasy is super popular in other mediums. Clearly there's something there that speaks to people. Why can't they unlock the formula?

Its because for some asinine reason, Hollywood has it in their heads that audiences don't want conventional Fantasy films and will only see them if they have some sort of "twist" in them, be it anachronisms (Your Highness, this garbage) or deconstruct the genre to show what "really" happens (Game of Thrones, the god-awful 2004 King Arthur film).

This despite the fact the thus far, the regular fantasy films like LorR and Harry Potter have been by far the most successful, while of the ones that play with the genre, only Game of Thrones has been a hit (and that one plays straight just as many Fantasy tropes as it deconstructs). The rest have been shit, yet Hollywood keeps trying to "Spice Up" fantasy films instead of just, you know, making a good fantasy film.

True. This thread being full of adulation for the hack is surprising.

I mean, Lock, Stock and Snatch were REALLY good.

But yeah, they were flukes...


WB paid reviewers to trash their own film so that Ritchie could be kicked off Aladdin and have to direct Suicide Squad 2 to make up for the bomba

All according to keikaku
This looked like ass from the jump, much as I like the talent involved. Though I'll still watch it, I hope this encourages Disney to pick a director with closer roots to Aladdin to direct.


Sorry folks, but this movie always looked like crap. These reviews should come as no surprise.

Also, Hunnam is a terrible actor.
People should youtube the interrogation scene though a few months from now, that shit was fun. And the movie does go full on video game fantasy at times if you're into that sort of thing
Still holding out hope this is the John Carter/Lone Ranger of 2017.

Fuck RT.

I was also hoping the same thing of Jupiter Ascending... :(
Still holding out hope this is the John Carter/Lone Ranger of 2017.

Fuck RT.

I was also hoping the same thing of Jupiter Ascending... :(

It's not.

It's only good in small moments (too brief considering how damn long this is) rather than an underrated whole tbh

Damn shame though. I disliked the last king arthur movie more than this (that was just straight up boring and dull) but I was really pulling for a good movie that would bring back the fantasy magic to the myth.
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