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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Hands-On Event Impressions


Ten ton Hammer:




includes a 50 minute video of the game

Gametrailers Combat Interview:

I really dig the bear designs in the Allestar video from G4, sort of a shame that they dident go through the finesse, or magic trees in the abilites one though. you can easily see Rolstons hands in the design the moment the guy gets caught stealing and the guard catches him almost identical to TES. I'm actually kind of surprised but none of the videos have really shown any in depth combat for either the Greatswords, or the Fae Blades, it seems like those are the only two weapons that have not been shown off very much.

Sure they will come up sooner or later, just interesting. I really love all the color, and the fact that so many areas look so different from one another. I think one of the previews mentioned that without doing anything else he estimated from his time with the preview that it could take 50 hours alone just to traverse the world map, pretty impressive if accurate.

Card Boy

I've never heard of this game until i saw it on Gametrailers. The game looks amazing, why aint more hyping this?

Day 1 on Steam. The EA backing worries me abit.
Read a couple of more previews and I think I'm sold. I just hope it's moderately difficult, one of my biggest knocks against Fable is how brain dead easy the game is.

Slightly off topic but are EA and Valve still refusing to play nice? Is it safe to assume this won't appear or STEAM?


Sir Garbageman said:
Read a couple of more previews and I think I'm sold. I just hope it's moderately difficult, one of my biggest knocks against Fable is how brain dead easy the game is.

Slightly off topic but are EA and Valve still refusing to play nice? Is it safe to assume this won't appear or STEAM?

Quite the contrary actually because this is only a part of the partnership thing that EA started with companies like 38 studios and insomniac, I'm not sure how much say they really have. Especially since Curt Shilling himself already confirmed that the game will be available on PC for Origin, Steam, and Impulse.

I'll see if I can find the interview in question, but he did say it directly. So PC players can rejoice at the fact that Origin is not required.
ReaperXL07 said:
Quite the contrary actually because this is only a part of the partnership thing that EA started with companies like 38 studios and insomniac, I'm not sure how much say they really have. Especially since Curt Shilling himself already confirmed that the game will be available on PC for Origin, Steam, and Impulse.

I'll see if I can find the interview in question, but he did say it directly. So PC players can rejoice at the fact that Origin is not required.

That's good to know. The more I've read the more I'm excited about it. Sounds like a Fable / Oblivion hybrid with better combat. Just typing that sentence got me hyped.


More hands on impressions:

Gamebreaker TV

It's the first game they talk about, around 20 minutes of footage that I had not seen before. Some really awesome looking armor designs
in this vid.The one negitive about this video is that the two guys talking about it are a bit misinformed. It's kind of obvious that some
people are confused about this vs. the MMO. I kind of think it's good that they are not talking about the MMO yet as it would probably
just further confuse people.

Ps3 Trophies/XboxAhcivements:


Some somwhat older footage here but Machinima always has great quality video so still worth a look.

Also if anyone has not had a chance to watch the gameinformer video, it's probably one of the best extended videos of the game i've seen yet.
The one playing does not seem to be very good, there is a section where starts getting ping ponged around between traps kind of funny, alittle
annoying. A good walkthrough though.


New community Q&A from the dev team went up today.

Q: Any chance we'll see some puzzles, riddles or environmental hazards (swinging blades, shooting flames, etc) in the some of the dungeons? Thanks! – By subotai

A: You'll find many dungeons to explore in Amalur that offer puzzles, hazards, and traps. In some dungeons, you may find puzzles that you must solve in order to progress on certain quests, and also to gain access to deeper reaches of the dungeon itself. You may find hidden doors and levers, as well as secret exits or jump platforms. You may also notice there are a variety of traps in Reckoning—we sometimes use these as puzzles, and also sometimes they conceal ways to get to special loot or reach other areas of a dungeon.

We also sometimes present traps themselves in the form of environmental hazards, such as pools of poison water, or the more naturally occurring plant traps that will snap at you. Some of these traps will add to the dungeon's environment in a way that affect your pacing or timing. You may have to dodge certain traps or use an ability to quickly maneuver swinging traps hanging from the ceilings. Some good advice for the stealthy hero might be to invest some points into your Detect Hidden skill, making these traps easier to spot on your map. Be careful where you tread, heroes of Amalur! – By Kitty "Neko" Hughes, Level Designer

Q: Just how "open" is the world? I know it has been said you can stray off the path, and there are five distinct zones. But how will the transition between these zones take place? Is it Elder Scrolls level "If you can see it, you can go to it?" (Within reason) – By Outlander

A: The world of Reckoning is huge, and at any point you can decide to veer off the main roads or take a break from the main quest. We strongly encourage it! The main quest does a good job of giving you a tour of the world, but it only touches on the depth and breadth of the different regions. A lot of care went into giving those explorers out there a vast world to roam and fight through. There are sweeping plains and dense forests that are stocked full of side content, but there’s also a great deal to be found from just free exploration. You might uncover some of our secret nooks and crannies that are hiding some of the best loot in the game, or even extra bits of lore.

There are load screens between the five biomes for technical reasons, but you can spend real-world days exploring the massive amounts of content of each one. There are also over a hundred and twenty hand-crafted dungeons to explore.

All in all, you could spend countless hours just wandering the world of Reckoning and uncovering its secrets. Please tell us what you find! – By Colin "Hugohan" Campbell, Lead World Designer

Q: What is your favorite secondary world? Why? – By Lady Nerevar

A: Honestly, and this will make me seem immensely old, I would have to say Myst. The first game was AMAZING, and (spoiler) learning that both brothers were evil in their own special way (/spoiler) blew my freaking mind. The Miller Brothers were good enough to write some really great books in the Myst universe (The Book of Atrus, for starters) that explored what it really meant to create worlds through the books.

A favorite "scene" I have is young Atrus, learning how to create stable worlds, sitting on the edge of a cliff in his new world to watch the moon rise. The moon looked unexpectedly reddish, and it soon became clear he'd written the moon too close to the world and it was pulling magma through the surface as it orbited. Run, Atrus!! Good stuff. Since then, I've often thought about how interconnected everything is, and how fun it would be to figure out how to create the most basic of worlds in the same way. It kind of makes sense that I'd work on an insanely big, open-world game for the last five years… – By Sean "notthatseanbean" Bean, Producer

Q: Will mages be able to wield swords? – By TecHead

A: Absolutely. Unlike armor items, which have ability-based equipment requirements (you can’t use a mage helmet without investing enough points in Sorcery, for example), weapons only require the player to be a certain level before they can be equipped. If you're playing a mage, and find you love using the longsword, you can be just as effective as if you were using a staff or sceptre.

With the Destiny System, you're encouraged to experiment with other weapons, regardless of which ability trees you have focused on. Complement your sword-wielding spell caster with one of the Fighter-Mage destinies, and you’ll have a brutal combination! – By Will "BHG_Miller" Miller, Systems Designer

Q: Is it possible to re-listen to a specific Lore Stone, once we have found and activated it, through the Lore Stone menu option without having to revisit that particular Lore Stone? – By Ajwol Semreth

A: You can listen to any and all lore that you have found via Lorestones in the world through the Lorestone page, found under the in-game Status sub-menu of the main menu. On the Lorestone page you can see the area, name, and description of all Lorestones as well as the reward for finding all of the Lorestones in a set. Once you have found a Lorestone in the world, you can go into that set and listen to the individual pieces of lore. Accompanying the audio is a transcription of the spoken lore, which ranges from the comedic to the morbid. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them! – By Alex "xael" Horn, Narrative Designer


Damn, this game actually looks half way decent. I hadnt been paying attention to this developer at all for the past few years. Only thing I ever remember from like 3-4 years ago the dev's is that it was Curt Shillings company, and hiring R.A Salvatore as the only things were mentioning. I thought at the time they were making some kind of MMO or something, but I guess not, as this looks to be an Action RPG. Either way, looks surprisingly good.


Wedge7 said:
Damn, this game actually looks half way decent. I hadnt been paying attention to this developer at all for the past few years. Only thing I ever remember from like 3-4 years ago the dev's is that it was Curt Shillings company, and hiring R.A Salvatore as the only things were mentioning. I thought at the time they were making some kind of MMO or something, but I guess not, as this looks to be an Action RPG. Either way, looks surprisingly good.
An MMO is coming later.


Billychu said:
An MMO is coming later.

Ah damn your right, just googled it after posting. Seems interesting enough, trying to have them sorta co-exist in the same type world or whatever. Wonder how much of the upcoming MMO will depend on the success of this game though.


Wedge7 said:
Ah damn your right, just googled it after posting. Seems interesting enough, trying to have them sorta co-exist in the same type world or whatever. Wonder how much of the upcoming MMO will depend on the success of this game though.
The MMO is already in development by 38 Studios. Big Huge Games is a separate development studio owned by 38, but this team is focusing on the single-player side (this game and hopefully more).


Macstorm, after reading most of the previews and thinking about it, I had a few questions that I was wondering if you could answer.

The first is what did you think of the music in the game? I'm a pretty big fan of Kirkhope's music so i'm really curious how his score for this game holds up. Did it seem like there was a quality to the music, or did it come off as forgettable?

Second would be what was your impression of the writing/lore in the game from what you got to play, I'm curious about this obviously because of R.A's involvement and i'm curious to know how that side of the game is holding up. Any characters in the game that stood out to you personally?

The last question for now would be if you came across any bugs in your playtime, I have not come across many previews that mention anything major, or even minor really. Game looks great to me but I can't imagine that it's completely bug free. Although being in a pre-alpha build should be takin into account obviously.


I worry this game will suffer from Fantasy Name Syndrome. Watching the video, I'm getting a taste of it already. I mean, hell, there's already strange new lore in the title of the game itself.

I just hope there's not a lot of "Walk forth to Bangang'ten'i where you will find Findeh So-So-Legs the High Fector of Nahaghanaghen. Defeat his Tsetiiti and carfeh his diagnaxi cooctui chingeningen yo yo ma?"


Well, I love Fable and love Oblivion, so I've been sold on this game from day 1. Curt Schilling and the rest of 38 Studios seem to really understand what makes those game work well, as well as what doesn't.


bengraven said:
I worry this game will suffer from Fantasy Name Syndrome. Watching the video, I'm getting a taste of it already. I mean, hell, there's already strange new lore in the title of the game itself.

I just hope there's not a lot of "Walk forth to Bangang'ten'i where you will find Findeh So-So-Legs the High Fector of Nahaghanaghen. Defeat his Tsetiiti and carfeh his diagnaxi cooctui chingeningen yo yo ma?"

I understand what your concern is, but I have to ask what else would you expect? It's a new IP, it's supposed to have it's own lore. You don't really hire someone like R.A to write all this lore, and background for your game if you have no intention on making it count.

I don't really see what the difference is with the title of this, compared to something like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It's the same premise, Kingdoms of Amalur is the name of the world, Reckoning is the name of the game, but the term counts in regards to the overall story. It makes sense since they are planning to build this world out more with other stuff like the MMO, and other media.

Sometimes i'm curious if people really even want new IPs, or if they just want continuous sequels, and reimagined reboots of franchises long since dead. Honestly I'm not the biggest fan of the name, I don't really think it rolls as well as it could. However to dismiss a great looking new IP because of it's name and because it has it's own lore/story seems alittle short sighted.
bengraven said:
I worry this game will suffer from Fantasy Name Syndrome. Watching the video, I'm getting a taste of it already. I mean, hell, there's already strange new lore in the title of the game itself.

I just hope there's not a lot of "Walk forth to Bangang'ten'i where you will find Findeh So-So-Legs the High Fector of Nahaghanaghen. Defeat his Tsetiiti and carfeh his diagnaxi cooctui chingeningen yo yo ma?"
"The production value of this porno is really good."

"Yeah, it almost looks like the Lord of the...... OH MY GOD"


ReaperXL07 said:
The first is what did you think of the music in the game? I'm a pretty big fan of Kirkhope's music so i'm really curious how his score for this game holds up. Did it seem like there was a quality to the music, or did it come off as forgettable?
The music blended really well within the game. It never came off as overbearing or anything like that, but would often be lightly in the background, but would grow subtly as you got closer to a boss or your goal. It had a very cinematic feel to it without being in your face.

ReaperXL07 said:
Second would be what was your impression of the writing/lore in the game from what you got to play, I'm curious about this obviously because of R.A's involvement and i'm curious to know how that side of the game is holding up. Any characters in the game that stood out to you personally?
The lore is deep. Very deep. I imagine that people that love digging in deep could get lost it, but as a poster above said, the terms and names and such can be a bit of fantasy overload at times. Not that you have to know every details to understand the plot, as that was all straightforward without going over your head with fantasy (at least in the little I played), but for those digging in and reading every little book and finding all the lore stone, they will have a lot to do.

ReaperXL07 said:
The last question for now would be if you came across any bugs in your playtime, I have not come across many previews that mention anything major, or even minor really. Game looks great to me but I can't imagine that it's completely bug free. Although being in a pre-alpha build should be takin into account obviously.
No, it was not bug free, but there were not a ton of issues. There was an occasional lock up and graphical glitch, but honestly for a post-alpha build I was really surprised how smoothly things went. No one had issues with losing all their progress or anything, but we were encouraged to save a lot, because the team still had lots of debugging to do. This is always tough to judge this early on. The team could clean it up completely by launch or there could be tons that creep in over the beta stage that don't get cleaned up. This is an open-world RPG and if things can go wrong, these free-roaming, open-world titles are where they do.

bengraven said:
I worry this game will suffer from Fantasy Name Syndrome. Watching the video, I'm getting a taste of it already. I mean, hell, there's already strange new lore in the title of the game itself.

I just hope there's not a lot of "Walk forth to Bangang'ten'i where you will find Findeh So-So-Legs the High Fector of Nahaghanaghen. Defeat his Tsetiiti and carfeh his diagnaxi cooctui chingeningen yo yo ma?"
I totally agree with you on the fantasy name problem. Some people won't like it. I hate the game's title and only refer to it as Reckoning, as I fear "generic fantasy name" issues from that title alone. That said, in the story I never had to worry about overly wordy fantasy mumbo-jumbo. The background lore could get deep, but the main quest and side quests never had anything nonsensical.

Loxley said:
Well, I love Fable and love Oblivion, so I've been sold on this game from day 1. Curt Schilling and the rest of 38 Studios seem to really understand what makes those game work well, as well as what doesn't.
I have to give credit to Big Huge Games. The tools they build for their prior RPG seem to have been fine tuned and really helped them here.
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