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Konami Wii Megaton: DDR: Hottest Party

pooteeweet said:
I think it says right on his business card: Best Living Teoretical Physiker.

I'm no physicist, but I have friends that are and from what I understand Hawking is the EA of physicists.

Hawking has found the FIRST link between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity !!! He's famous for his teories and studies on Black Holes and that they can evaporate by emitting Gamma waves.

In particular, we know from Schrödinger's equation that a particle can be interpreted as a wave too and that from "nothing", a particle and its anti-particle appear and disappear in some nanoseconds. Then, we know that near a Black Hole, the gravity's force is so strong that even the light cannot escape. So it possible that a one of these tow particle/anti-particle remains trapped into the force field.

This means that (I LOVE this part) the mass of the black hole can (!) decrease and the "piece" of particle that is not attracted by the Black Hole remains alone and this generate Gamma waves (the radiation of Hawking).

Why it decrease ? Because to conserve the total energy of the system (this part is AWESOME) the energy of the partcile attracted by the Black Hole have to be negative and so the mass (because remember that mass is energy too) decrease.

We say that the Black Hole evaporate.


pooteeweet said:
I think it says right on his business card: Best Living Teoretical Physiker.

I'm no physicist, but I have friends that are and from what I understand Hawking is the EA of physicists.

Cut him some slack, English isn't his first language.


Nice addition to Wii library. I'm not into DDR, but it might sell a couple more systems. Likely it will sell a crap load of dance pads and games though. Good work Konami.
Sloane said:
It's Konami. What did you expect?

Yes, I know. But it's not cool that Konami gives PSP owners a true Castlevania game in the spirit of Dracula X (one of the more underrated hardcore games in the series), and then turns around and dumps this cash-farming dance bullshit on Wii.

They'll probably use the profits to fund a PS3 game.


I'm pretty sure that is a guy singing that song in the video. (I'd hope so anyway.)

He switches around the lyric from "girl" to "guy".

"My guy's in the next room, sometimes I wish it were you."

Konami am gay?



φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
HAL_Laboratory said:
Yes, I know. But it's not cool that Konami gives PSP owners a true Castlevania game in the spirit of Dracula X (one of the more underrated hardcore games in the series), and then turns around and dumps this cash-farming dance bullshit on Wii.

They'll probably use the profits to fund a PS3 game.
Maybe, just maybe, more people like DDR then Castlevania.

Hard to fathom, I know, but think about it.


HAL_Laboratory said:
They'll probably use the profits to fund a PS3 game.

Highly unlikely, but what if they did? Would Ninty fans Boycott Konami then? Makes you wonder if that's what all the monies from Elebits and Dewy will go to as well... uh-ohs!!!

This is by no means a mega-ton... but it's fitting that a game like this would end up on a "party-system"... it actually makes perfect sense...


HAL_Laboratory said:
Yes, I know. But it's not cool that Konami gives PSP owners a true Castlevania game in the spirit of Dracula X (one of the more underrated hardcore games in the series), and then turns around and dumps this cash-farming dance bullshit on Wii.

They'll probably use the profits to fund a PS3 game.

It's not "in the spirit of Dracula X," it IS Dracula X. It's as much if not more of a cash-farming venture since it's just a remake.


Mana Knight said:
This game definitely sells me on a Wii (My interests in Wii just went up by 1000X). I'm too big of a DDR fan to ever pass this up (I'm also a DDR Club member at my college). It looks so sweet.

It looks like the game is being handeld by KCET (not KCEH, since they still can't get timing issues right in their DDR games), so that's great news.

:lol oh god this is too perfect


Haleon said:
There's not much to talk about. We all know what DDR is. Now imagine playing DDR and having to make specific motions with your hands. It's going to be completely impossible.

I thought people were having a blast with the similar WarioWare mini game?


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Hawking has found the FIRST link between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity !!! He's famous for his teories and studies on Black Holes and that they can evaporate by emitting Gamma waves.

In particular, we know from Schrödinger's equation that a particle can be interpreted as a wave too and that from "nothing", a particle and its anti-particle appear and disappear in some nanoseconds. Then, we know that near a Black Hole, the gravity's force is so strong that even the light cannot escape. So it possible that a one of these tow particle/anti-particle remains trapped into the force field.

This means that (I LOVE this part) the mass of the black hole can (!) decrease and the "piece" of particle that is not attracted by the Black Hole remains alone and this generate Gamma waves (the radiation of Hawking).

Why it decrease ? Because to conserve the total energy of the system (this part is AWESOME) the energy of the partcile attracted by the Black Hole have to be negative and so the mass (because remember that mass is energy too) decrease.

We say that the Black Hole evaporate.
What a cool summary of Hawking radiation. I love forums with smart people on them.


As far as I can tell, the use of hand motions (a la Eyetoy Groove or even the recent incorporation in regular DDR home versions) never really took off. My guess is that this will sadly continue the trend, but who knows.


LiveFromKyoto said:
House music all night long.

Ha! I just listened to that record the other day when I was sorting through all my vinyl. I'm finally trying to get it all organized beyond the date when I bought it. It takes forever.


Amir0x said:
:lol oh god this is too perfect

Part of being a fan of something should also mean you're discerning about it. DDR with Mario does not inspire confidence for Nintendo-based dance games. :p Although the GT video does seem to portray something on the whole harder than most of the DDR w/ Mario crap.


Party Pooper
antipode said:
And is that really the beginner level for that song?

looks like maybe an 7 foot song on Heavy... maybe a little lower than that. i saw at least one double step in there, and you can't recall seeing many of those on standard. but the last home mix i played was the JP version of extreme, so maybe things have changed
Do you guys really not like DDR that much?

What gives, I thought this game got lots of love?

I for one openly welcome this to wii, I cant wait, I friggin love DDR.

(dont pretend that you have to use the wiimote all the time, im sure they'll have a option to not use it)


What's wrong with you people? This could potentialy be massive. Europe alone will buy this game by the containership load.
Wow that's great news. Awesome Nintendo support from Konami!! I hope this motion/dancing mix will work well.
I think it's a good thing it's not a mario title too.
Belfast said:
Part of being a fan of something should also mean you're discerning about it. DDR with Mario does not inspire confidence for Nintendo-based dance games. :p Although the GT video does seem to portray something on the whole harder than most of the DDR w/ Mario crap.

The thing that I like about this version is that it doesn't seemed to be all Mario-ed up. This seems to be straight up DDR, obviously with Wiimote capability, but it sounds like there's a whole bunch of options, and I'm totally game.

I can definitely see why some people are down on this though; DDR reaches a very niche (yet insanely dedicated) market; at least in the "hardcore" sector anyways.

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LiveFromKyoto said:
House music all night long.

You freakin win the thread.....i really miss the tongues :-(


Gold Member
Dolphin said:
What language is that? If that was supposed to be Kiswahili it should be "Nini", "Nani" means who.

its japanese and means what?

i think they should rename the game to excite dancing and it should feature dancing trucks.


Mana Knight said:
This game definitely sells me on a Wii (My interests in Wii just went up by 1000X). I'm too big of a DDR fan to ever pass this up (I'm also a DDR Club member at my college). It looks so sweet.

It looks like the game is being handeld by KCET (not KCEH, since they still can't get timing issues right in their DDR games), so that's great news.

I don't think you have to worry about Konami Hawaii developing this:


Also, technically, there's no such thing as KCET anymore, as all of their subsidiary studios were absorbed into Konami awhile back.


This'll be pretty much an instant buy for me as long as the song list doesn't outright suck--which basically has never happened in the DDR series, from my recollection.

That said, I really want to see a DDR Nintendo Mix some day, and with the full features/difficulty of a standard DDR game. Mario Mix could have been so, so much better than it ultimately was...

Desperado said:
I wish there'd be an option for classic DDR style without the wiimote, but I severely doubt there will be.
Why the doubt? Usually you can turn off other things that weren't in the series from the beginning, like the hold arrows...
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