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Kotaku: Destiny 2 delayed beyond September launch, deciding on content to save for D2

This really opens up the door for The Division to take over this player base. By the time it comes out in March the Destiny content will be stale and no new content on the horizon. Not saying it will happen since the division might suck anyway, but it's certainly a good opportunity for ubi

I'm not a huge Destiny fan (as it currently sits post TTK) but having played a dozen or so hours of the Division.. there is NO way it's going to give us something better. It's worlds smaller with much less "to do and to get" from all i've played, seen and heard. The awkward 3rd person shooting and even more bullet spongy enemies will drive some nuts. It would have been much better as a first person rainbow 6 styled time to kill game. It's really only a few steps away from being better off having turn based RPG combat instead of the jank fest that it is now.


I really thought TTK was the turning point. I thought we'd see a steady flow of new content in the form of new guns, more surprise quests like the ones for the Black Spindle and No Time to Explain. I absolutely expected there would be another raid and that the Prison of Elders and Vault of Glass might get revamped.

But since November it's just been... nothing. And now it sounds like all we can expect for the next year is more nothing.
I'm both disappointed and relieved. As someone who plays Destiny for a few hours almost every single day the thirst for new content is real. But if there's less content for me to play this year then maybe I can finally finish The Witcher 3 and play some other games I missed out on last year.

Oh yeah, I'm the same way. I basically skippe out on 2015 after getting Destiny for Christmas. There just wasn't room for anything else. I stopped playing Destiny back in December or thereabouts, and now I've finished Fallout 4 and am halfway through The Witcher 3, with Dragon Age Inquisition, Metal Gear Solid 5, and Pillars of Eternity DLC on tap. I'm free!

I actually really don't mind this. In my ideal world Destiny would be a subscription MMO that managed to create WoW-amount of content to keep you playing year-round. But I'm cool with spending a few months leveling up my charactr, getting most of the exotics, running the normal and hard raid modes a few times, then moving on. I've certainly gotten my money's worth out of it, and I don't regret my time with it at all.


I always thought September was a great window for them because they'll inevitably lose customers if their game launches within a month of Call of Duty. Black Ops III proved CoD is very much still a juggernaut and even Advanced Warfare worked its way into the top 10 best selling games for 2015. I know personally I will not buy it if it comes anywhere near Modern Warfare 4.

Not really sure what the news of the article is. Destiny 2 will still likely launch in Fall 2016 but maybe not in September. Bungie might have a small team working on DLC throughout the year but maybe not. It's redundant when the main takeaway seems to be how we don't know what Destiny's 2016 roadmap is.
I'm not a huge Destiny fan (as it currently sits post TTK) but having played a dozen or so hours of the Division.. there is NO way it's going to give us something better. It's worlds smaller with much less "to do and to get" from all i've played, seen and heard. The awkward 3rd person shooting and even more bullet spongy enemies will drive some nuts. It would have been much better as a first person rainbow 6 styled time to kill game. It's really only a few steps away from being better off having turn based RPG combat instead of the jank fest that it is now.

I didn't even find the Division that personally compelling, but man was it miles beyond the mess that is Destiny. Everything in Destiny is so incredibly disjointed and nonsensical. Load screens are where you spend a majority of your time, and nothing in that game is worth exploring unlike the Division. I suppose if you thought the gameplay in Destiny was good you might be disappointed with the Division (I think a crouch button would do it a lot of good). Low level Division loot is more interesting/exciting than the best weapons in Destiny, and having real customization for your weapons rather than skill trees makes all the difference.


Nor would it make sense, CoD and Destiny are both Activision published games
So having two of their biggest heavy hitters out in the same month would be stupid.

Yep, they'd never do it.

I don't think so... there are different communities.
Destiny got more players from Halo than CoD to be fair.

When the mass exodus from Destiny occurred a couple months ago, it wasn't to play Halo. They're playing Blackops. You can also see this on PS Live and Twich. Most of the Destiny streamers exited and went to COD. Their viewers went with them. It's striking to see how many people are streaming COD on PS4 instead of Destiny.


Gold Member
In a perfect world we would get a small video update on YT with Urk, Luke and Deej every week.

People are still being too hard on Deej.


Im not sure if we are....His lack of content..he can't help. He is taking orders. His overall writing style is pretty patronizing.

He does get a lot of hate thrown his way though.


Sad to read that. I loved Destiny and had complete faith in Bungie till TTK. Even TTK was great at first till stuff became artificial gates of when they enable parts of the quests. Then combine that how many require raids to complete now and yea I've lost interest. Even the everse stuff I was ok with at first. Cosmetic is fine but then as mentioned came the boosters and then you had to buy shit to do some of the Halloween stuff and racing league stuff. That's the moment they lost me right there.

I've logged in maybe twice since October as a result. Honestly right now I'm not buying Destiny 2 or whatever it's called. Bungie lost a long time fan and has a hell of a lot of changes to make to win him back.
Bungie did this to themselves. They set expectations super high with the release of three major DLC packs. Now there is nothing. Live events are whatever but there is nothing else.

I do find it funny there has a been a delay of a game that has never been officially announced. We already know that roadmap was old and the 10 year plan isn't what it seemed like when they first signed the contract. So until there is some official announcement of a sequel I won't worry about any supposed delays.
Destiny is going to eat itself from the inside and become just another yearly Activision release at this point. With as much as TTK sold despite the ice cold reception the first game had you don't need to support it throughout the year. Just put a big release out each year and it'll make money.
Please delay it for another year if need be. I am up for more Destiny, but I want it to be the game we all saw in the potential, not the reality. A proper sequel from current gen only will be worth the wait. If feel like if they rush Destiny 2, the game will never get on the right track and Activision will run it into the ground sooner than later.
Yeah... Even I don't really think we'll see a clean break but it affords a neat opportunity. Jump 5-10 years forward in time. Your original Spartans are now veterans hanging in the tower, the Arbiter is healing nicely and coupled with the victory over the covenant humanity is re-establishing colonies on the moon but their growing technological prowess is drawing the gaze of the Prometheans towards earth.....

Cue a new generation of Spartans battling both the covenant and a possibly rampant AI fighting them with no regard to human life (cortana following her own programming) and they could sow the seeds for the franchise future and drop a lot of baggage.


Regarding the engine, Bungie's tech team seems to be pretty confident that they will be using it for the next few years. They also acknowledged that they failed on certain aspects, like content iteration and some other things. There is a pretty cool GDC talk about the Tiger engine's architecture where they mention this. Im pretty sure they are working hard on a new, improved version for 'Destiny 2'.

But yeah, they need to step up their game.
I didn't even find the Division that personally compelling, but man was it miles beyond the mess that is Destiny. Everything in Destiny is so incredibly disjointed and nonsensical. Load screens are where you spend a majority of your time, and nothing in that game is worth exploring unlike the Division. I suppose if you thought the gameplay in Destiny was good you might be disappointed with the Division (I think a crouch button would do it a lot of good). Low level Division loot is more interesting/exciting than the best weapons in Destiny, and having real customization for your weapons rather than skill trees makes all the difference.

I love posts that were written in the future.


Make sure it has a proper single player campaign. The one it has now both pre and post expansions are absolutely TERRIBLE

'err mah gad that must be the gate'

"but we can't use this gate'

"oh yeah? well bugger. Come back then"

I mean wtf is this

Best thing about the game is the weapons feel great which makes MP for the most part rather fun. It has it's own balancing and technical issues tho


It's been playable for a while now. I've spent more time in the Division than it takes to complete Destiny's campaign. There's just a lot more going on there.

That's good I hope I really like the division. That being said Destiny 2 (or whatever) day one. Nothing plays like Destiny.
It's been playable for a while now. I've spent more time in the Division than it takes to complete Destiny's campaign. There's just a lot more going on there.

I mean, that's hardly a stat to measure against.

You're comparing 1 single PvE aspect of 1 game, to a PvP aspect of another.


Neo Member
Honestly I'm not too concerned about this as long as we still get fair content for Destiny 1 in the meantime.

Not only that but what are the chances of "Destiny 2" being a complete start from scratch ordeal character wise?
This really does work out to be good timing for The Division's launch. I think they'll be able to count on plenty of disaffected Destiny players to try it out, at least for a short while.

Wouldn't count on it truly wooing away from Destiny though. Even Destiny's worst detractors will gush about the feel of the moment to moment gameplay, and the sci-fi setting allows Destiny to let gameplay and fun lead the way, without arbitrarily shackling their ideas to a counter-intuitive contemporary setting.

And for this reason I'd expect we'll hear *something* big from Destiny before The Division hits proper. Just something as a stopgap to keep the-other-Destiny from wooing players into its long term progression trap.
Honestly I'm not too concerned about this as long as we still get fair content for Destiny 1 in the meantime.

Not only that but what are the chances of "Destiny 2" being a complete start from scratch ordeal character wise?

If Destiny 2 was an actual sequel, I dunno. They've said in the past that they would want character progression to carry over but who knows what they'll end up doing. I personally hope they would just scrap all the past progression and start from scratch.

Deku Tree

They already have 600+ people working on the game IIRC.

Late reply but isn't this number somewhat inflated because Bungie unusually retains some large number like 250+ in house game "testers" with permanent jobs (rather than outsource that stuff or use temp season staff like a lot of other developers do) ?

Pretty sure that Urk at Bungie said that bit about the in house game testers in an interview sometime in the past year I forget exactly where...

So they may be more comparable to a studio that has 350+ people working on the game?
i think 3 year gaps between destiny games is perfect no need to rush games out the door.

the thing is, based on what kotaku said the level editor was hell, taking days to move a lightpost around a room or whatever and taking forever just to load up the editor. if that's the case we are basically getting little to no content during the wait for them to revamp their creation tools or game engine or whatever. They need to push out 'destiny 2' or whatever it is so they are capable of releasing a steady stream of expansions and content in between 'main games' or the whole thing is just doomed.

let me be clear, I am in no way saying I want them to rush anything destiny related. They just need to work as efficiently as they can to get destiny 2 out the door as soon as realistically possible.
Late reply but isn't this number somewhat inflated because Bungie unusually retains some large number like 250+ in house game "testers" with permanent jobs (rather than outsource that stuff or use temp season staff like a lot of other developers do) ?

Pretty sure that Urk at Bungie said that bit about the in house game testers in an interview sometime in the past year I forget exactly where...

So they may be more comparable to a studio that has 350+ people working on the game?

Sure, but don't forget to count the High Moon Studios staff.
Can't say I'm not surprised. From the earlier Kotaku article in the behind he scenes look at the development of Destiny, it looks like their developer tools are severely lacking and a hinderance to any efficiency.

I have no doubt Bungie is working very hard and I believe they are learning from their mistakes and will ensure Destiny 2 is not as critically lukewarm received as the first, but it is going to take time to do it right, especially if they dont fix their dev tools.

Deku Tree

Sure, but don't forget to count the High Moon Studios staff.

I don't really know how Nirolak came up with the 600+ number, and I don't know how many people work at High Moon Studios. I was just taking Nirolak's number and subtracting 250+ based upon my recollections of the old Urk interview.

Bold One




man, all this Destiny talk is making me want to play more
isn't destiny still one of the most popular and most played games (console) online still today?


Despite all the backlash, Destiny is widely successful. The bast game, the 2 DLCs and the major expansion Taken King have all sold very very well. That's because despite everything bad about Destiny, there is a ton of stuff good about Destiny.

Unfortunately, the bad stuff doesn't seem to go away, and in fact, seems to keep getting bigger and bigger. I posted about this a while ago: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1169510

What has a lot of people worried is the future. Bungie holding off on "Destiny 2" sucks for a lot of us who are growing bored, but it also makes us worried. Because a lot of Bungie's decisions seem to be flakey, or wishy-washy, we're now worried about our existing characters. We were told our characters would transfer up to "Destiny 2" a long time ago, but because of all the lies and misinformation and everything else out there, we're now getting worried this might not actually happen, or at least not happen to the extent we feel it should.

Basically, we're worried that when "Destiny 2" does come out, our existing character (or more importantly, our existing gear) is going to be flushed down a toilet, and we'll have to start from scratch. If that's the case, I want to know sooner than later, but likely will not get an answer until a couple months before "Destiny 2" releases.
In my honest opinion, they need to stop getting "cute" with events and such and produce a strong, tangible chunk of content that is not rendered moot with future updates, restrictions on times and access, stupid grind times, or requiring outside grouping tools to make accessible.

And I do not buy their "engine" excuses either. I feel that maybe if their design choices were smarter and their scope more realistic then they would be doing better overall. I feel they have spread themselves too thin with trying to do "just enough" of everything under the sun and they made PvE a secondary thing in the overall game in a vain attempt to draw in "whales" to maximize cash flow, Activison be damned.

I loved this game at the onset, but when you hit the wall in this game, you hit it hard and there is very little replay ability to keep you engaged; and grind is NOT engagement.


not being able to deliver big endgame content this year could be a big problem. I kinda want them to just take the year off and fix shit. I do not want them rushing the sequel out. the hardcore base and the devs need a break. The engine needs rebuilt from the ground up, they need to scrap PS3/360, and they need to work on story content.
Basically, we're worried that when "Destiny 2" does come out, our existing character (or more importantly, our existing gear) is going to be flushed down a toilet, and we'll have to start from scratch.
Already felt that way playing The Taken King. All the new gear was technically higher level, but it felt like going back to wearing rags again and starting over because it all looked like starter gear with bigger numbers.
I feel like Bungie need someone to come in who has a reputation for getting things done (like Rod Ferguson did for Bioshock Infinite/Irrational) and make the tough decisions to help right the ship.

As much as Destiny as obviously made a fuck load of money (and will continue to do so) it seems like its development has had overwhelming issues from staff turnover (key people like Marty and Joe Staten), content being scraped and re-done... Bungie don't seem to know what the fuck they are doing.

For a new IP this is probably to be expected, but its not the first time this has happened to them

From what was reported recently, the engine seems like the huge bottleneck for the development of this game. Seems like they just can't create enough content and that's causing all the problems. Not sure if someone like Ferguson can fix that

Also, destiny isn't a game like bioshock. They have to constantly deliver content and have to meet financial expectations. I would not want to be in their shoes right now. Seems like a stressful game to deal with
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