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Launching a Kickstarter campaign on an E3 press conference

I don't understand the controversy. Its not like there's a conflict of interest here. Both Yu Suzuki and Sony both profit from this announcement. When done correctly, that's essentially what E3 is all about. Unabashed and explicit marketing.

This was artful. If there's ever a text book about "How to succeed at E3" this would be one of the most educational chapters. I say well done.
people would be OK with valve having a HL3 kickstarter with the amount of money they make?

if that is true then GAF has lost it

The difference being Valve is in a much more viable position to fund a game than Sega is and LTD sales of the two series are incomparable.
Here is my take on kickstarter. I think when you're asking for money upfront for a game that isn't going to be finished for possibly multiple years, transparency is important. I don't blame people for having reservations about these kind of business practices. They are actually a bit shady imo. They don't really bother me personally, but probably because I've also zero interest in throwing money down on a game this far in advanced. You could probably invest that money and get a better return on savings. And we're fairly certain this game doesn't actually need the additional funding.

Anyway, I just made this post to point out that people are being reasonable when they have negative reactions to someone selling you something on kickstarter with such little information surrounding it. Why kickstarter? What is the deal with Sony? Why not xbox one? I feel like these are reasonable questions that should be already answered on the kickstarter page and their absence can cause a reasonable person alarm. People view kickstarter as a way to gain funds, not merely market or gauge interest. And I think these guys are out of touch for not addressing potential concerns.

Just stating my opinion just like you. I've yet to see one argument as to why using a kickstarter to gauge interest in a series that was once though dead is a bad thing.

Your opinion? Okay. But insisting that some people are only upset because it isn't coming out for xb1 or wiiu is clearly flamebait.


There is nothing unethical about this in any way, shape, or form. Anyone saying otherwise has a spurious understanding of ethics.

Now, you may not like them doing things this way -- I find that illogical, but that's fine. But you not liking something doesn't make it sketchy or unethical.


I don't understand the controversy. Its not like there's a conflict of interest here. Both Yu Suzuki and Sony both profit from this announcement. When done correctly, that's essentially what E3 is all about. Unabashed and explicit marketing.

This was artful. If there's ever a text book about "How to succeed at E3" this would be one of the most educational chapters. I say well done.

im not saying it's not smart for Sony, it is very much.

but Kickstarter is, or is supposed to be, a very A -> B transparent sort of ordeal. this aint.
They needed a platform to announce the kickstarter, I'm sure Sony was happy to oblige. It's a weird situation since Sony is in the bushiness of funding games, but it makes the most sense for Shenmue 3 a niche game that is literally being proped up only by fan support.

They reached the people they needed to reach and they did it when they knew those fans would be watching.

The goal is such that fans aren't going to fund the game, they need to prove fans were willing to put some money where their mouth is.


This 'bad precedent' argument is null for me.

I dislike Kickstarter but effectively £18 gets me a game I've desired for 14 years.

Shenmue is an acquired taste and I fully appreciate why a leap of faith such as money upfront is required. As such approaches like this KS really have to be assessed on a project by project basis.
There was a very high chance that no one, including Sony, would be able to justify the budget for the full game to the money men at their companies, so what they did was give the crowdfunding a huge huge huge amount of exposure to help gauge interest.

Seems like a win/win for everyone.

The video game industry has a tendency to turn what is normally a good thing for everyone into some kind of monstrosity. I can easily see the Kickstarter model being the next evolution of preorder bonuses.
Do you see the problem here?

The platforms have (seemingly) already been decided, despite the game not existing. In any form. At all.

How does that work? That's why there are questions.

I don't and it's fine that you do. If my business were about to invest in a risky project and there was a way for me to gauge the investment risk why not take the extra steps to do so? I have no interest in shenmue I am just surprised at how this is perceived as a problem.


There is nothing unethical about this in any way, shape, or form. Anyone saying otherwise has a spurious understanding of ethics.

Now, you may not like them doing things this way -- I find that illogical, but that's fine. But you not liking something doesn't make it sketchy or unethical.

don't think anyone's saying unethical there

mostly talking about transparency, publishing, future of funding, kickstarter's original intentions as a platform, etc etc

plenty to talk about from this. just hope we get more info soon, cause we should


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Which part of this are you taking issue with? If it released tomorrow you'd still have to pay for it, most likely for about twice the cost of getting a copy for backing on Kickstarter.

The fact it was a giant fucking bait and switch?


Here is my take on kickstarter. I think when you're asking for money upfront for a game that isn't going to be finished for possibly multiple years, transparency is important. I don't blame people for having reservations about these kind of business practices. They are actually a bit shady imo. They don't really bother me personally, but probably because I've also zero interest in throwing money down on a game this far in advanced. You could probably invest that money and get a better return on savings. And we're fairly certain this game doesn't actually need the additional funding.

Anyway, I just made this post to point out that people are being reasonable when they have negative reactions to someone selling you something on kickstarter with such little information surrounding it. Why kickstarter? What is the deal with Sony? Why not xbox one? I feel like these are reasonable questions that should be already answered on the kickstarter page and their absence can cause a reasonable person alarm. People view kickstarter as a way to gain funds, not merely market or gauge interest. And I think these guys are out of touch for not addressing potential concerns.

Your opinion? Okay. But insisting that some people are only upset because it isn't coming out for xb1 or wiiu is clearly flamebait.

Exactly. I was ecstatic and hyped beyond belief to see Shenmue 3 announced. Then I saw the Kickstarter stuff and suddenly things began crashing down.
im not saying it's not smart for Sony, it is very much.

but Kickstarter is, or is supposed to be, a very A -> B transparent sort of ordeal. this aint.

This is really common for Kickstarters though. Almost every big game projects have had outside funding in addition to the Kickstarter money.

You can argue that this shouldn't be the case but to act like this is a brand new disturbing trend is plain wrong. Even if Sony isn't publishing, they may have agreed to help them out in exchange for them prioritizing the PS4 if it happened. Seems mutually beneficial.


Okay, so I think your issue is that you don't like Sony earning good publicity for a project they aren't actually investing money in? I guess I can understand that. It also seems like maybe you're not a fan of crowdfunding in general (correct me if I'm wrong).

How would you feel if you found out that Sony had already struck a deal to drop a ton more money on the project if they hit the Kickstarter goal, as many people here are theorising? Would that make you feel any better about the arrangement?

I'm completely fine with crowd funding but E3 is neither the time nor the place to ask fans to fund a game especially when the one doing the asking is a publisher. That's insane. If Sony wanted the game to happen or wanted to reveal it at E3 they could've fully funded the development themselves. Instead they played loose with fans emotions in order to minimize their own risk. That is the part that rubs me the wrong way. So no a pledge to offer funding if the kickstarter is successful wouldnt really change my opinion on the matter. I still think it was a terrible terrible thing to do and God help us if it sets a precedent for future kickstarter announcements at E3. E3 is for presenting a product to consumers not for asking help funding a game and even if such a thing were to happen it sure as fuck shouldnt be a publisher asking for the funding it should be the game developer by his damn self.


This is really common for Kickstarters though. Almost every big game projects have had outside funding in addition to the Kickstarter money.

You can argue that this shouldn't be the case but to act like this is a brand new disturbing trend is plain wrong. Even if Sony isn't publishing, they may have agreed to help them out in exchange for them prioritizing the PS4 if it happened. Seems mutually beneficial.

it's new for someone as big as Sony to get "involved", and it's big for it to be launched during something like E3

key here too being "involved" cause yeah, if this is the thing going forward I think it'd be cool to know what's the real money situation here and who's funding what


is... not cool?

and they kinda knew since boyes focused on THEIR PROJECT

but.. yeah. I know the 2mil is there to just be reachable and the game is gonna cost a lot more but asking fans to fund a game for your platform right there and there on actual E3 is a weird, weird thing.

I actually think Kickstarter is a great way for this game to be made, but not announcing it here.

I just want more info

- is Sony more involved?

- are they just gauging interest to actually publish it themselves or put more money in or something?

this just sets a really weird precedent. yay shenmue but I don't like it or it to start happening.

They very specifically said they had nothing to do with it.


The fact it was a giant fucking bait and switch?

You might have to elaborate a little for me.

Are you saying it initially seemed like they were just revealing the game, only for it to actually be a Kickstarter? I thought they opened by talking about Kickstarter and only went to on reveal Shenmue after that?
I think the purpose of the Kickstarter has been grossly mistaken. There is absolutely zero intention that the tiny 2m target is to fund the game. Sony likely spent 10 times that on their new Call of Duty partnership. If 2m was all this took they'd have kicked it in by now. The majority of the funding will continue to come from Sony and other institutional backers. The Kickstarter is basically a way to gauge the potential market for a full on Shenmue sequel. This is basically Sony telling all the people on GAF asking for this to put their money where their mouth is. If it's funded, they will have some reassurance that they won't be wasting their money on something only a tiny vocal minority wants. It makes sense for these kinds of niche games and I actually think it's the best way to bring back long dead and abandoned Ips (ex Crash, Banjo, F zero, Half Life, Age of Empires).


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
You might have to elaborate a little for me.

Are you saying it initially seemed like they were just revealing the game, only for it to actually be a Kickstarter? I thought they opened by talking about Kickstarter and only went to on reveal Shenmue after that?

Maybe I missed it abit.. but I swear it was Shenmue 3... Shenmue 3!!!

Then Yu!!!

Then.. back my game on KS.


It's not unethical, but if 2 million was the difference between the game getting made and the game not getting made, I don't see why Sony told Suzuki to kick rocks and go to Kickstarter. Surely they have spent a lot more money on far riskier and more dumb vanity projects like Tearaway, Dreams, Until Dawn, etc, etc.
Idk, I'm sort of in the middle about this

I was screaming when they announced the kickstarter first.

But when you think about it, isn't the point of buying games funding a project? So what if they asked for fan donations to gain interest? It's not the backers of the game aren't getting the game and some sweet stuff with it.

Personally, trying to say Sony is being shady about their dealings is idiotic period imo. They released this "test" on their stage, talked with the developer and it's not like on GAF we didn't know this. Nothing is shady about any of this.

I think however that I am quite annoyed with the #SAVESHENUME hashtag that was going around where fans was showing their support in wanting a next game to be made but probably wasn't willing to understand how much this game will require to make. I think it was quite obvious that $2 million isn't the real goal, as even Nintendo paid more for that for Bayonetta. At the end of the day, the game wouldn't have gotten where it was if the shock value of knowing it - on the week of game premieres, was alive and ready to be something they've wanted for year wasn't announced there.

I do think people are really over exaggerating the situation instead of looking at it at merely a different perspective.


I don't like Kickstarter in general, but it does take it to the next level when multinational corporations start using it to minimize risk for their projects while still taking all the profits. I hope that's not what Sony is doing here.
Let's be real people, if they produced the game without kickstarter, almost nobody would buy it. This is to show that people will put their money where their mouth is when they say they want certain games. I'm surprised Battletoads hasn't gotten a Kickstarter from Rare yet.


There is nothing unethical about this in any way, shape, or form. Anyone saying otherwise has a spurious understanding of ethics.

Now, you may not like them doing things this way -- I find that illogical, but that's fine. But you not liking something doesn't make it sketchy or unethical.

1.moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.

these are subjective things

The video game industry has a tendency to turn what is normally a good thing for everyone into some kind of monstrosity. I can easily see the Kickstarter model being the next evolution of preorder bonuses.

this is literally what it has become though


i thought it's pretty obvious sony is helping, as if a measly 2 million can fund a true shenmue sequel
why else do you think the kickstarter doesn't include xbox1?

i think sega is just trying to grab some extra easy cash with this kickstarter


Idk, I'm sort of in the middle about this

I was screaming when they announced the kickstarter first.

But when you think about it, isn't the point of buying games funding a project? So what if they asked for fan donations to gain interest? It's not the backers of the game aren't getting the game and some sweet stuff with it.

Personally, trying to say Sony is being shady about their dealings is idiotic period imo. They released this "test" on their stage, talked with the developer and it's not like on GAF we didn't know this. Nothing is shady about any of this.

I think however that I am quite annoyed with the #SAVESHENUME hashtag that was going around where fans was showing their support in wanting a next game to be made but probably wasn't willing to understand how much this game will require to make. I think it was quite obvious that $2 million isn't the real goal, as even Nintendo paid more for that for Bayonetta. At the end of the day, the game wouldn't have gotten where it was if the shock value of knowing it - on the week of game premieres, was alive and ready to be something they've wanted for year wasn't announced there.

I do think people are really over exaggerating the situation instead of looking at it at merely a different perspective.

It is important to point out that Shenmue and its sequel were for many years (until GTAIV, I think? Don't quote me on that) the most expensive games ever conceived. We also know how much game development costs grew since then.


relies on auto-aim
Also forgot to mention the $29 pricepoint is pretty good. Forgot about that. If it was $50 or $60 could totally be a different story.


It's obvious why they did it. This is a game that will require a lot of money to pull off. The goal is high, but realistically it;s better if it gathers at least 2-3 times more. And there's no better way to promote start of kickstarter then duringa conference watched by millions of people.

So what people are complaining is Shenmue 3's KS getting more money than it would otherwise.


I promise X amount of dollars and I get Y in return...Y being a continuation of a beloved series which otherwise had no chance of getting funded.

What's the problem here?


im not saying it's not smart for Sony, it is very much.

but Kickstarter is, or is supposed to be, a very A -> B transparent sort of ordeal. this aint.

see this feels a lot like when humble bundle started selling other types of bundles on their site. People got an idea that humble bundle stood for only this certain thing and then got mad when they did other things as well.

Kickstarter is merely a platform where you can help fund other people's projects if you feel they are worth backing. There is a guarantee that they can't just take your money and run and have to deliver their rewards but there is not remotely a guarantee of transparency.

if Hideo Kojima decided he wanted to do a kickstarter, made the page and all that was on the page was a video of him going "I want to make a game with kittens that fire rockets" and then set up tiers $10 digital version of kitten game, $100 Kitten doll plus $10 rewards and hit enter without any other information at all (aside from brief spots that need to be filled in with basic info) he could. Now if it was an unknown person the project would just be ignored because nothing was known, but with Kojima's name on it it would be possible this kickstarter without any real information could be funded and it would be fine as long as he releases a game where kittens fire rockets.

To be fair with this kickstarter it's mostly filled with buzz words, There isn't any real promise of scope of the game, just statements like "Our ambition is to deliver a Shenmue experience that will draw in newcomers to the series and reward diehard fans with its deep story and rich gameplay." and "We are balancing our ambitions for a grand sequel with the pragmatic realities of developing a game of this scale. " which could easily mean that the game doesn't have a huge budget and is aiming to be a high budget PSN game that would normally retail at $15-$20 instead of a full budget AAA title.

Given the people behind the kickstarter it should approach closer to a full budget sequel people are hoping, especially after adding 10 mil or so from kickstarter, but I mean this one is hardly transparent compared to others that go in great detail about the scope of the game, and clearly post what their goals for the game are.

Just saying people expect transparency because that is what most of the big funded projects are because people have more faith in projects they can see a clear path of being made instead of things shrouded in mystery, but that is by no means the purpose of kickstarter.

It's obvious why they did it. This is a game that will require a lot of money to pull off. The goal is high, but realistically it;s better if it gathers at least 2-3 times more. And there's no better way to promote start of kickstarter then duringa conference watched by millions of people.

So what people are complaining is Shenmue 3's KS getting more money than it would otherwise.

the goal is high? heh heh how about we put this in perspective
$47 million (equivalent to $67 million in 2015). -budget of Shenmue 1
2 Million isn't remotely near that and games haven't exactly gotten cheaper now. Who ever is backing them outside of kickstarter is likely putting up a lot of money. it would have been nice if they did it like bloodstained and said straight out the kickstarter was only 10% of the budget to prove there is demand.


I'm completely fine with crowd funding but E3 is neither the time nor the place to ask fans to fund a game especially when the one doing the asking is a publisher. That's insane. If Sony wanted the game to happen or wanted to reveal it at E3 they could've fully funded the development themselves. Instead they played loose with fans emotions in order to minimize their own risk. That is the part that rubs me the wrong way. So no a pledge to offer funding if the kickstarter is successful wouldnt really change my opinion on the matter. I still think it was a terrible terrible thing to do and God help us if it sets a precedent for future kickstarter announcements at E3. E3 is for presenting a product to consumers not for asking help funding a game and even if such a thing were to happen it sure as fuck shouldnt be a publisher asking for the funding it should be the game developer by his damn self.

Ok, I think I understand where you're coming from. Personally, I don't really care who funds the games I play. The reality of the situation for me is simply that Kickstarter is enabling developers to create games that could never exist without crowdfunding. If a big publisher wants some reassurance that they'll stand to make a profit on something before they sign the cheque, I can understand that too.


it was Kickstarter

We're proud to present a kickstarted project we dont own


Yu saying it cant happen without Kickstarter

That was how I remembered it too.


see this feels a lot like when humble bundle started selling other types of bundles on their site. People got an idea that humble bundle stood for only this certain thing and then got mad when they did other things as well.

Kickstarter is merely a platform where you can help fund other people's projects if you feel they are worth backing. There is a guarantee that they can't just take your money and run and have to deliver their rewards but there is not remotely a guarantee of transparency.

if Hideo Kojima decided he wanted to do a kickstarter, made the page and all that was on the page was a video of him going "I want to make a game with kittens that fire rockets" and then set up tiers $10 digital version of kitten game, $100 Kitten doll plus $10 rewards and hit enter without any other information at all (aside from brief spots that need to be filled in with basic info) he could. Now if it was an unknown person the project would just be ignored because nothing was known, but with Kojima's name on it it would be possible this kickstarter without any real information could be funded and it would be fine as long as he releases a game where kittens fire rockets.

To be fair with this kickstarter it's mostly filled with buzz words, There isn't any real promise of scope of the game, just statements like "Our ambition is to deliver a Shenmue experience that will draw in newcomers to the series and reward diehard fans with its deep story and rich gameplay." and "We are balancing our ambitions for a grand sequel with the pragmatic realities of developing a game of this scale. " which could easily mean that the game doesn't have a huge budget and is aiming to be a high budget PSN game that would normally retail at $15-$20 instead of a full budget AAA title.

Given the people behind the kickstarter it should approach closer to a full budget sequel people are hoping, especially after adding 10 mil or so from kickstarter, but I mean this one is hardly transparent compared to others that go in great detail about the scope of the game, and clearly post what their goals for the game are.

Just saying people expect transparency because that is what most of the big funded projects are because people have more faith in projects they can see a clear path of being made instead of things shrouded in mystery, but that is by no means the purpose of kickstarter.

I get why you get me saying that, but I know the type of complaint you're talking about and im not really about that here

I don't mind the platform changing or being used in other ways. I think the transparency here should come from Sony, not necessarely thinking it's something kickstarter should demand

I can have all the money in a bag and still go to kickstarter saying I don't have any, that kinda thing

edit: in fact having transparency up front can change the outcome of this product in kind of a big way, which is what makes this whole thing more interesting.
Having Shenmue 3 being funded on Kickstarter makes sense though. it's literally making people prove they would pay to make Shenmue 3 a thing

Making games just fucking happen is pretty much the point of games on Kickstarter anyway

Bring on the Valkyria Chronicles 3 Kickstarter


What is the budget transparency for this Kickstarter campaign like?
Is it contributing to the unrealistic Kickstarter budget expectation for games that some smaller indie devs have been complaining about?

People keep saying that there is much more external funding, but is this confirmed or just rumor.


I get why you get me saying that, but I know the type of complaint you're talking about and im not really about that here

I don't mind the platform changing or being used in other ways. I think the transparency here should come from Sony, not necessarely thinking it's something kickstarter should demand

I can have all the money in a bag and still go to kickstarter saying I don't have any, that kinda thing

ah, I do think it would be nice if sony came out and said that they are funding X amount as well, but it's not a requirement. It's the job of the backer to decide if the person/company you are backing deserves your money. I mean people had issues when Zach Braff took to kickstarter, but I can't blame him. Just because he has money doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to use a platform like kickstarter. It's a great way to gaige customer demand without a big risk to yourself. It's something that Shenmue could be seen as well. Customer demand seems legit but it would be huge loss if they put 100 mil into Shenmue 3 and then found out only like 100k people actually wanted the game.

Having Shenmue 3 being funded on Kickstarter makes sense though. it's literally making people prove they would pay to make Shenmue 3 a thing

Making games just fucking happen is pretty much the point of games on Kickstarter anyway

Bring on the Valkyria Chronicles 3 Kickstarter

I have only backed a single game on kickstarter (to long of a wait, to much risk for me) but I would likely back a ton of translations if they kickstarted them and is something I have hoped companies would do for a while.

Namco Bandai launches kickstarter for god eater 2
at 2 million we make a digital english release
a 5 million streatch goal for physical english release.

reasonable pricing on the game and go.

basically a preorder to fund translation before the translation starts.


ah, I do think it would be nice if sony came out and said that they are funding X amount as well, but it's not a requirement. It's the job of the backer to decide if the person/company you are backing deserves your money. I mean people had issues when Zach Braff took to kickstarter, but I can't blame him. Just because he has money doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to use a platform like kickstarter. It's a great way to gaige customer demand without a big risk to yourself. It's something that Shenmue could be seen as well. Customer demand seems legit but it would be huge loss if they put 100 mil into Shenmue 3 and then found out only like 100k people actually wanted the game.

some guy witn an xbox going "uh what, is there ever going to be an xbox version? why isnt it listed?" is valid tho

there's more than 1 thing about this particular project that raises more questions
It was smart, I think.

It ties the game to Sony's systems, even if it doesn't stay console exclusive.

It helps the kickstarter by giving it a major stage, capitalizes on the previous half hour of hype, and gives a singular point of focus for everyone watching. Suddenly, it's not just a new Shenmue, it's a cultural zeitgeist.

Plus, I suspect Sony helped negotiate SEGA selling the rights to Yu Suzuki. The kickstarter makes literally no mention of them.
This move just legitimized major publishers going to Kickstarter.

Unreal the applause this is getting.

But if this is what is cool with people that's fine. Just expect to see a lot more of it now that the gates have been opened.


It seemed odd to me too. If you are going to present the Kickstarter during your conference you better also announce that you are donating a sizable sum to the campaign. I thought for sure Sony was going to throw some money at it and then encourage everyone else to do the same.

It's a console exclusive, so Sony are definitely putting money towards it, it's just not part of the Kickstarter campaign. Honestly, 2 million dollars is not enough to make a current gen Shenmue, so you've got to assume that there is other money coming in.
I get why you get me saying that, but I know the type of complaint you're talking about and im not really about that here

I don't mind the platform changing or being used in other ways. I think the transparency here should come from Sony, not necessarely thinking it's something kickstarter should demand

I can have all the money in a bag and still go to kickstarter saying I don't have any, that kinda thing

edit: in fact having transparency up front can change the outcome of this product in kind of a big way, which is what makes this whole thing more interesting.

I don't understand what transparency you're looking for though. Does it change anything if Sony publishes the game after it gets $2 million? Or if Sega publishes it? Someone probably will, but does it matter? The game won't get made if they don't make $2 million, regardless of who is standing there waiting for them to reach that goal. You don't need transparency to see that.

Sony said they had nothing to do with it. So far it seems like they don't, outside of putting it on their stage, which benefited everyone involved already completely at face value.


some guy witn an xbox going "uh what, is there ever going to be an xbox version? why isnt it listed?" is valid tho

there's more than 1 thing about this particular project that raises more questions

oh I won't disagree with that there.
heck the voice acting in the trailer for the female is just horrid (maybe it's the original voice but standards have changed I didn't play a ton of shenmue)

I was told sony said on their stream that it was ps4/pc only but I personally missed it. I mean it does say ". Created for modern platforms (PC and PlayStation 4)" but it should say ". Created exclusively for modern platforms (PC and PlayStation 4)" if they want to make it clear it won't come to the 360.

it just launched though, and there is time for questions and answers. and with the backing of the sony conference and fans it's going to make it's goal no problem so it's not a big deal. but yeah this isn't remotely the best put together kickstarter.
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