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Least likable TV characters

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Clay Davis' courtroom scene totally redeemed him in my eyes. He's shady as all hell, but sheeeeeiiiiiiit if he's not still totally awesome.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Fuck that kid. Carl is such a twat.

And her, she is dumb as bricks.
At least Debra makes cursing funny.

LaGuerta is just one giant gaping flaw.



Gaia, from Rome. I could empathize at least momentarily with pretty much every single other person on the show except her. Which made me extremely happy when
Pullo didn't forgive her for murdering Eirene and instead decided to just dump her corpse in a pond.


Go run off in the dark Car... I mean Carly like the dumb fuck that you are. Tell your equally as stupid mother to do the dishes so everyone can feel normal. Fuckin turds.

A completely unlikable character. The meta shit, his annoying speech and his oh so punchable face ruin every scene he's in. It's only gotten worse as the show's gone downhill. Time to kill him off.

He has basically become a horribly written caricature, but to be fair that last episode of Community was brilliant and handled his character very well. Too bad the show will then go back to "Abed the weird guy haha"



Really, though, this dumb fuck is my most hated character in television history. Everything about him pisses me off.
Clay Davis' courtroom scene totally redeemed him in my eyes. He's shady as all hell, but sheeeeeiiiiiiit if he's not still totally awesome.

Not got there yet, but the only way he'll redeem himself is if he transforms into a T-Rex firing lasers out of his arse, the slimy little bastard :p


I knew this thread would be full of female characters who get treated like shit by their husbands, then are berated by viewers for being "bitchy" when they act out.


Don treats Betty poorly? She ignores it happening for years and then snaps after she cheats and learns the truth, and then takes out her anger on Sally for the most part. Not cool.

Greg treat Joan like shit? She smashes him with vase/kicks his ass out. Awesome.

Nerdy long term bf tries to tie Peggy down? She tosses his ass to the curb, great.

Misogyny/double standards aren't in the top 100 reasons why Betty sucks at life.



Really, though, this dumb fuck is my most hated character in television history. Everything about him pisses me off.

Out of all the characters, him? As a character he really did nothing significant, the only reason he might be considered important is because we are told he is. Plus he pretty much makes like 5 min appearances max in episodes (other than ones focused on flashbacks).

Kate on the other hand....


There are a lot of characters I hate, because they're designed to be hated....but then there are those characters that are designed to be loved.....those are the ones that should really top the list....


Seven - Married with Children


The single episode focusing on him is the worst thing about the show and singlehandedly ruins it. Not to mention the fact that he's supposed to be the the 'good guy', but just comes off as a giant douchebag.
This isn't about "bad performances" so I don't know how people can post Skylar without posting Walt. They go hand in hand....expect Walter is much more deplorable.


Jacob from Lost

Really, though, this dumb fuck is my most hated character in television history. Everything about him pisses me off.
I don't really care for the character himself. He epitomizes everything I hate about the show though so he is definitely up there



look at me I am so meta, LOOK AT ME!!!
fucking made me stop watching community since season 2 turned him up to 11, along with everyone else to the point where they are now just caricatures of the characters they were in season 1


been 3 years since I actually watched Heroes still makes me rage every time I think about it
"I wanna be a heeeero"
no, fuck you kid, just fuck you


He has basically become a horribly written caricature, but to be fair that last episode of Community was brilliant and handled his character very well. Too bad the show will then go back to "Abed the weird guy haha"

Aren't they all pretty much caricatures now? It's pretty grating. But Abed is the worst.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
This abomination:


I stopped watching the show purely because of her, i just cant, its not like joffery hatred where i hate him but keep watching cuz hes a good character to hate....this chick, my skin crawls.


A completely unlikable character. The meta shit, his annoying speech and his oh so punchable face ruin every scene he's in. It's only gotten worse as the show's gone downhill. Time to kill him off.

I thought i was the only person on the planet who hated him, Britta isnt anywhere near as bad as this guy.


Sheldon from Big Bang Theory. That show is unwatchable.
Its not just sheldon, its the whole show.....inb4 haters gonna hate


Senator Clay Davis from The Wire
Joke post?



Don treats Betty poorly? She ignores it happening for years and then snaps after she cheats and learns the truth, and then takes out her anger on Sally for the most part. Not cool.

Greg treat Joan like shit? She smashes him with vase/kicks his ass out. Awesome.

Nerdy long term bf tries to tie Peggy down? She tosses his ass to the curb, great.

Misogyny/double standards aren't in the top 100 reasons why Betty sucks at life.
I wouldn't say that there aren't any double standards when it comes to fan reaction to Betty and Don. The fact that Betty is a terrible human being and mother does not excuse Don from also being a cheating scumbag and fellow terrible human being. Don't get me wrong, I "hate" the character (although she's still a very interesting and necessary counter to the other female characters), but her ignoring it and then finally snapping aren't things she should be demonized for considering woman's place in the society at the time. Peggy and (recently) Joan are outliers.
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