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Least likable TV characters

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is it odd that most of these characters are female?


Sansa in Game of Thrones


least likable character in the show, and that's quite an achievement

With everything she is going through right now I can see her character changing. She is getting the spoilt child beaten out of her. I' starting to like her.

However The complete opposite for this guy (I loved him in the first season):



is now taking requests
The douche main lead in the dinosaur time travel show, he made me ditch that show after 4 episodes, because i figured he'd always behave like that.

Almost the same issues i have with cop #2 in the walking dead, but at least he is meant to be semi villain.


With everything she is going through right now I can see her character changing. She is getting the spoilt child beaten out of her. I' starting to like her.

No, you posted one of the most likeable characters. you were meant to post this little fuck:


This. I hated her in first season, I was so mad at the bulls*** she said "ooooh I'mma marry a prince and have blonde haired babiez".

I hope she will do something
with her new maid.

F*** Joffrey. Spear through neck.


Frank Burns


Insufferable, and written to make you hate and laugh at him without a single ounce of pity. Bar the rare glimmer of something more, it was his job to hold the "kick me" sign for as long as he was on the show.

In contrast...

Charles Winchester


Insufferable, but written to win you over with time. To say he replaced Burns is to simplify, he exceeded that role and became one of the show's most interesting characters. Arrogant, elitist, funny, and moving in ways his predecessor never came close to equaling.
Really absolutely despise this character:

I'm not a person of violence but if I saw Larry Hagman, old as he is now, walking down the street, I'd be very tempted to sock him in the face for the character he played.

Logan Echols from Veronica Mars. I fucking hated the guy. The actor pulled him off spectacularly, and I admit he was written well... but it doesn't mean I necessarily enjoyed him as a character. I just genuinely disliked everything about him.


This isn't about "bad performances" so I don't know how people can post Skylar without posting Walt. They go hand in hand....expect Walter is much more deplorable.

People in this thread are clearly mixing up "this actor sucks/this is a badly written character" with "intentionally flawed/evil character".


The actor that plays Joffery hangs around outside where I work I've been told, he is a student here. I haven't seen him yet though.





I never understood why I was expected to root for this guy. I just didn't find him likable at all. I can't help but feel that he wouldn't have stuck around so long had Milo not done Heroes.


Dodo. Luckily she didn't stick around long.


Tyrion Lannister is likeable mostly because it's hard to believe that such a confident, smug, and well acted performance is coming out of this small frame.


Frank Burns

Insufferable, and written to make you hate and laugh at him without a single ounce of pity. Bar the rare glimmer of something more, it was his job to hold the "kick me" sign for as long as he was on the show.

In contrast...

Charles Winchester

Insufferable, but written to win you over with time. To say he replaced Burns is to simplify, he exceeded that role and became one of the show's most interesting characters. Arrogant, elitist, funny, and moving in ways his predecessor never came close to equaling.

Wow, good call on both. Hadn't thought that far back...

My vote is easy:


Between the two of them and their insufferable, uninspired 'antics' that are written into every %#@#$@! episode, I almost can't watch anymore.


Ziggy from The Wire drives me nuts. Dude is horrible. I mean, I know that's the point but I can't see why anone even takes the time to even talk to him.


Wow, good call on both. Hadn't thought that far back...

My vote is easy:


Between the two of them and their insufferable, uninspired 'antics' that are written into every %#@#$@! episode, I almost can't watch anymore.[/QUOTE]

I swore I was the only person that saw Modern Family as garbage.

dexter got bad alright, but the reason i stopped watching was her.

Yes fuck her and her fucking shitty inability to fucking not swear every third fucking word. Never have I hated a tv character as much as her, fuck her. But really nearly all the supporting cast in Dexter sucks now, just none as hard as Deb. Betty from mad men is a good choice too, but at least she is hot... Or well, was. Betty being bitchy is one thing but she's quite clearly just crazy now, poor Sally, Bobby and that new kid.



Anderson from Sherlock
kim kelly - freaks and geeks

Herbert M. Sobel - band of brothers

1st Lt. Norman Dike - band of brothers



Insufferable, but written to win you over with time. To say he replaced Burns is to simplify, he exceeded that role and became one of the show's most interesting characters. Arrogant, elitist, funny, and moving in ways his predecessor never came close to equaling.

This is one of the best examples of a jerk with a heart of gold on tv ever. Really loved him. Burns was perfect for the fun MASH though, Winchester was just necessary on dramedy MASH.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Tobias from Arrested Development. He's the weak spot in the cast for me because all of the other characters have some redeeming or endearing trait that makes you care about them. Tobias just seems like a self-centered idiot.


Fuck this guy and his story.
Hurly has the best story dude! One of the highlights of the show is seeing his chicken place get hit by a meteor.


Every single character on Mad Men pretty much has no redeeming social/moral value whatsoever!

But I really want to smash the face in of this annoying sack of shit (Davis from Treme):


Joffrey Baratheon - Game of Thrones

Joffrey is awesome. I can't remember the last time I've really hated a character in a tv show because of how evil he was, not because of how poorly the actor was or how terribly written the character was. Joffrey does such a fantastic job of making me hate his ass that I like it.

He makes me so god damn angry though, I think if I lived like next door to him and I was near his age, I'd probably fight his ass every fucking day until he moves or I move out of the city because I'd get his acting mixed up to how his real life is.

Just wish more shows had characters like this. Spartacus came somewhat close in the first season.
Frank Burns


Insufferable, and written to make you hate and laugh at him without a single ounce of pity. Bar the rare glimmer of something more, it was his job to hold the "kick me" sign for as long as he was on the show.

In contrast...

Charles Winchester


Insufferable, but written to win you over with time. To say he replaced Burns is to simplify, he exceeded that role and became one of the show's most interesting characters. Arrogant, elitist, funny, and moving in ways his predecessor never came close to equaling.

Fantastic post! Burns was (with very few exceptions) so shallowly written that I felt sorry for the actor. He was a pointless, petty human being.

Winchester is a fantastic character, fills the "Burns" gap yet bringing a humanity to the role of Hawkeye's gentle rival.

Its a brilliant example of the same concept, badly and godly realised.



Logan Echols from Veronica Mars. I fucking hated the guy. The actor pulled him off spectacularly, and I admit he was written well... but it doesn't mean I necessarily enjoyed him as a character. I just genuinely disliked everything about him.

If you hadn't worded that so politely we'd be in fisticuffs right now.


Quark from Deep Space 9 was the most annoying character I've ever seen on a show. Didn't care much for the smoking man from X-file either, never gave answer just lead to more questions.
Tara from True Blood:

Good answer. While we're at it, Jason is annoying as fuck on there too because he's such a fucking unrepentant dumbshit.

With everything she is going through right now I can see her character changing. She is getting the spoilt child beaten out of her. I' starting to like her.

However The complete opposite for this guy (I loved him in the first season):


Littlefinger is one of those characters that waivers around between likability and being a total douche. Characters like him are one of GRRM's strengths when it comes to writing stuff.


+1 for Kara from battlestar:soo annoying!
+1 for the duo that is Lori and Carl: how are they still alive?!
+1 for Debra: how someone like Dexter could put up with her is beyond me
+1 for King Joffrey: this sadist, I can never forgive him:(
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