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Lionhead Teaser Page Goes Up


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.


Huggy said:
Haven't played the expansion pack. Care to spoil?

It was commercial death. B&W was designed as a four or five games long saga, the last chapter would be in the future, where gods were forgotten, so it could happen but I kinda doubt it.
So, beyond the obvious hinting toward a full unveiling of that Milo game, where's the other shit, Lionhead?! This teaser is not doing enough teasing.


The karma option is also represented by two hands.
So I'm guessing multiplayer as well. The lack of was a complaint with the first two games.
MightyHedgehog said:
So, beyond the obvious hinting toward a full unveiling of that Milo game, where's the other shit, Lionhead?! This teaser is not doing enough teasing.

Cue Ches face morphing into Milo wearing a bourret.


Hopefully this is a game ABOUT a revolutionary...

I suspect this just means that they will SHOW something revolutionary. Probably not related to Che :(
A new Black & White that uses Natal perhaps? Instead of controlling the hand of God on screen, you use your own hands to manipulate the world?
Black and white had more potential than fable in my opinion...the first game was excellent until you lost your creature...then it was turd...


GarthVaderUK said:
A new Black & White that uses Natal perhaps? Instead of controlling the hand of God on screen, you use your own hands to manipulate the world?

Hmm, in that case they could have used some famous orchestrator instead of che :lol


You won't be able to teach him shit, though.



You know, I'm actually surprised that Lionhead didn't make Republic: The Revolution. Seems to be their sort of game.


"Che Guevara's Revolutionary Golf"




You have to choose which revolutionary good or bourgeois evil clubs to arm yourself with.


listen to the mad man
stalker360 said:
Im torn, I love lionhead, but I hate Che.

ya the baddest thing about che is how he inspire president barry "hussein" soetero to implamint socialism in uSA so IMO its too soon to really make a game about socialist when we're livin' in it!
Ventrue said:
You know, I'm actually surprised that Lionhead didn't make Republic: The Revolution. Seems to be their sort of game.

Demis Hassabis started at bullfrog and later lionhead before making elixir. Also i heard many times without any links or anything that Molyneux actually funded the studio a lot.

But some dev team bought elixirs IPs so doubt lionhead are making republic the revolution 2.
How intriguing. I'm growing a bit tired of teasers, though. Although I guess it could be argued that the lightning-fast pace of our gaming related news calls for these kind of tactics in order to keep us interested for a bit before chasing the next shiny object.
Black and White 3 using Natal.

To move the camera you 'grab' terrain and drag it just like the first two games with the hand cursor, tons of gestural stuff (picking up trees, petting your creature, throwing rocks, etc).

Seems like a perfect fit.


Ventrue said:
You know, I'm actually surprised that Lionhead didn't make Republic: The Revolution. Seems to be their sort of game.

Well, the studio was created by ex-Bullfrog, ex-Lionhead and Peter's advanced alumni Demis Hassabis. Hassabis was, among other things, co-desiger and co-lead programmer with Molyneux in Theme Park, so you can imagine that the influence it´s strong.
Acosta said:
Not Black & White. That makes no sense, B&W died with II.
Well i always felt Fable was a still-born RPG TBH, it was just stale. Lionhead needs to make something of the calibur and scope and general head-fuckery of the original Black and White. Peter "He Can Recognize REAL Emotions!!" Molenuex needs to do more worky and less hypey.


duckroll said:
He should stop trying to make people give a shit about some stupid animal or character inside his games, and make people give a shit about his GAMES instead imo.

Considering most of his games are well reviewed and sell well, I think he already does.
Your character starts off as a young boy in a country where the government is oppressing the civilians. None of this really matters until your family gets killed in front of you by a government official and your new destiny is leading a revolution against the corrupt government. You have to be able to convince people to follow you using an in depth expression wheel. The only way to have people follow you is if you spam the "heroic leader" expression enough. After you gain enough followers, the revolution takes place, but you can still play and so side quests.


The only thing I like about lion head is the hype they make for their games. Man, I was jumping on my seat when that Peter-dude said "He can see true emotions in us", They know how to market for their games IMO.

I'm not saying their games are bad. Hell, I liked Fable II more than Fallout 3 for some reason. A new black and white game might happen but I don't think they can make Milo AND B&W on the same time.

Back to the topic, I guess what the teaser meant is that they are making something revolutionary in video games and that Lion Head games are like Che-san in the video games world , I hope they don't face the same end as Che-san. :lol

So put these words together
revolution + Lion Head = Milo.
which mean that Moly-guy is going to reveal more stuff regarding Milo.


I always appreciate Peter more for his ambition than for the end product of his vision...But I still think the industry could use more dreamers like him.


HiResDes said:
I always appreciate Peter more for his ambition than for the end product of his vision...But I still think the industry could use more dreamers like him.

Yes, the one thing about Peter is that unlike most people who hype, he's not doing it to cover the game's own shortcomings, he's doing it because he actually believes what he's saying.


HiResDes said:
I always appreciate Peter more for his ambition than for the end product of his vision...But I still think the industry could use more dreamers like him.

Just for curiosity, what games of him have you played?
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