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LittleBigPlanet delayed over Qur'an "expressions" (shipping Oct. 27th US; Nov 3rd EU)


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Chumly said:
Why? Is it because this thread isnt completely full of hateful, intolerant democrats instead of only partially full?

I am confused??? Never heard the argument that Obama supporters are hateful and intolerant... Is this the new republican strategy. Game changer????
Zeliard said:
Seriously. Go buy Dead Space. Slice the legs out from under some large, deformed beast and then curbstomp him. And then break out the flamethrower. Vent in that fashion - it's much healthier than taking your gamer rage out on a population of a billion.

Playing it right now. It doesn't help. Even though
the creatures are former space religion fanatics
Keep up the good work, NSider.

Make sure to listen closely to other tracks, and if you find anything, don't report it until November 4th.


MGrant said:
I agree with you, and enjoyed your post. But isn't what Nsider (apparently) did flying right in the face of that Voltaire quote? More like, "I may disagree with what you're saying, so I want it removed from every record."

No one on either side is exercising proper judgment.

Hmmm. Good point. I pretty much agree with you. I just wanted to point out that the abuse this guy is getting is way too much.


MThanded said:
I am confused??? Never heard the argument that Obama supporters are hateful and intolerant... Is this the new republican strategy. Game changer????

Lol, liberals are the new conservatives. Didn't you hear that the left-wing media is intolerant to Palins intolerant religion?


MThanded said:
I am confused??? Never heard the argument that Obama supporters are hateful and intolerant... Is this the new republican strategy. Game changer????
I just didnt understand the statement considering all the people in this thread are democrats and atheists. So I didnt know how that relates to obama not winning by a landslide.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Chumly said:
I just didnt understand the statement considering all the people in this thread are democrats and atheists. So I didnt know how that relates to obama not winning by a landslide.
uh what?


Upsetting, at least the delay isn't too long, of course now it is a ship date and not a street date.

Has anyone figured out the environmental cost of this fuckup? Shipping back and shipping new copies out, destroying hundreds of thousands or a few million blu rays, likely the manuals and cases won't be reused for new copies...

Religion and Global Warming team up to form a new axis of evil


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
And you're the arbiter of right and wrong now?

I certainly trust my judgment over scripture, if that's what you're asking. I think that it is wrong for religious dogma to affect the lives of those who do not adhere to it, and any complaint that seeks to enact such a situation is clearly immoral in my eyes.

I'll certainly grant that in this specific case, the complaint merely asked for a patch, which would have allowed anyone potentially offended by the lyrics to excise them from the product without affecting everyone else. I consider that request reasonable, but a hypothetical request to censor everyone's copy of the game would not be.


MThanded said:
I am confused??? Never heard the argument that Obama supporters are hateful and intolerant... Is this the new republican strategy. Game changer????

As someone above requested, while scoring points for your religious/political side is okay, please keep the insanely hateful stuff to the Poli-GAF topic.

Hazaro said:
Here's 2 words from the Bible, plus one.


As a Lutheran, I deem your colloquialism unfit for this board. MOD! MODERATOOOOORS!

Thank God that Christians don't act this way, otherwise we'd NEVER get any Japanese strategy RPGs over here.
Jaeyden said:
I think shit like this should be handled by the god that it offends. Maybe, these all powerful gods could step in once and a while and speak for themselves. Honestly, I've been waiting for a long time to 'see or hear' from anyone's god about they way that trivial little stuff like this disrupts the entire balance of the Universe. Where were these gods during the Crusades or the Black Plague, where were they during the Holocaust, where were they during the Tsunami, where are they on a daily basis while innocent children, women and men are enslave, raped, tortured, mutilated and killed by oppressive regimes all around the world? Where are they when nations unjustly invade other nations or the greed of man slowly siphons the wealth of hard working people away? Until they start showing their faces, it's all Easter bunnies and boogey men to me. Oh, by the way the there's a perfect set of teeth in the costume selections for LBP, it's come to my attention that this considerably offends the Tooth Fairy. Please release a patch immediately.

I approve of this rant. :D

It is kinda ironic how THE CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE needs these tiny little pathetic beings on some obscure little nothing planet orbiting a nothing special star in a nothing special galaxy to protect it. :lol
this reminds me of the controversy over a fisher price doll that made the news a while ago. People were accusing Fisher Price of promoting Islam. In USA Some shops such as Walmart and Target have pulled the doll after complaints from customers. Here is the video.

I have no doubt LBP's song track's Quranic content would have been eventually figured out by others and Sony be accused of promoting Islamic belief in a bright and cheery styled game (apparently geared toward children). People here have made this argument before and it is a plausible one along with the contention that LBP would have received criticism from certain segment of Muslim community. Sony avoided both problems by taking this step. I commend them.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
GhaleonQ said:
As someone above requested, while scoring points for your religious/political side is okay, please keep the insanely hateful stuff to the Poli-GAF topic.

How was my comment hateful?

distrbnce said:
The same can be applied to McCain.
Wait what? What are you talking about?


I am against the crusade of political correctness of any sort.

But you guys should not attack NSider personally, so be cautioned.


This thread is going to be legendary ... there really does need to be a South Park episode about this ... it is begging for one. If anyone can find out how to contact Matt Stone and Trey Parker, let me know. I can write an e-mail to them.

For the record, Nsider, I don't not blame you for this. Well it sucks all kinds of balls, it was kind of Sony's decision to go about this how they did which irks me the most. If they can really pull off having these new copies in stores within a week or so after the initial date, I won't be too upset.

Nsider, you should really consider all aspects of your actions though as well before you make them. Are you trying to squash freedom of speech? Have you lashed out about all of the music which contains potentially inappropriate or offensive content as well? Just something to think about. Still though, I don't blame you.
Grayman said:
Upsetting, at least the delay isn't too long, of course now it is a ship date and not a street date.

Has anyone figured out the environmental cost of this fuckup? Shipping back and shipping new copies out, destroying hundreds of thousands or a few million blu rays, likely the manuals and cases won't be reused for new copies...

Religion and Global Warming team up to form a new axis of evil

I see no reason that the manuals will not get reused. I'm sure the sleeves will have a new code on them so the old ones will be garbage but the actual blu-ray/ps3 cases can easily be reused. The blu-ray discs are the big waste.

Also, I'm still trying to hunt down a copy here in Toronto.


Well, if someone thinks it's deeply offensive, I'm ok with the delay. I think Media Molecule isn't Rockstar, they don't want any problem with their content.
I wouldn't consider this the same situation as Ocarina of Time because in that game you had a group of Japanese people create an original score and they pasted in some ethnic sounding lyrics they thought were cool (I'm not sure if the track in Kakuto Chojin was original, but the game was developed in Japan).

With LBP you had a team of people that decided to license an existing song from a Grammy award-winging musician that as far as they could tell was not controversial........because the song had been out for 2 years and nobody had bothered to complain yet. The fact that the musician himself is Muslim makes this issue even further benign IMO. Nsider just wanted his 15 minutes or intarweb fame, and Sony was all too willing to give it to him.
RSTEIN said:
You have nothing to be sorry about. You saw something that you found offensive and you requested, as a consumer, that it be changed. SONY, not you, decided to delay the game. You had the option to not buy the game or to play the game as is. Sony had the option to not change the game, to patch the game, or to delay the game. THIS WAS SONY'S DECISION, NOT YOURS.

I would like to say sorry on behalf of GAF. I'm an athiest. I don't agree with your religious beliefs. However, to hurl racists comments, slang, etc. or any anger at you because you raised concern to a publisher about material that you found offensive, is simply unacceptable.

Totally agree.

The reaction to a one week delay is just embarassing for all of you who are getting worked up over this.

And those who are actually going as far as to make racial insults because of this, well, quite franky I think it is quite amazing that you are able to muster up enough brain power to breath.
yurinka said:
Well, if someone thinks it's deeply offensive, I'm ok with the delay. I think Media Molecule isn't Rockstar, they don't want any problem with their content.

There will always be someone to be deeply offended by just about any product out there. The fact is that here it only took one guy's message sent to sony to make them freak out, and they took such extreme action only because the offense is religious in nature.


DoctorWho said:
I see no reason that the manuals will not get reused. I'm sure the sleeves will have a new code on them so the old ones will be garbage but the actual blu-ray/ps3 cases can easily be reused. The blu-ray discs are the big waste.

Also, I'm still trying to hunt down a copy here in Toronto.
I do not think they have the assembly line process to unshrinkwrap, gut, and replace the guts in a new case without damaging them.


matticus said:
I'm assuming he's referring to blacks that will vote for Obama solely because of his race.

This is not my opinion... just trying to clarify his

That's what I thought he meant too, I just wanted clarification. I suppose out of the 20 Alan Keyes supporters, 10 might switch to Obama, but that's nothing like the number that won't vote for Obama because of his race.


What amuses me about this is the statement Sony put out:

During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused.

Review process? The game had gone gold, gone to retail and was already in a large number of players' hands.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Red Blaster said:
Moot point as most blacks vote democrat anyway.
yeah its sort of dumb. Now that barack is black they cant be democrats without being racist :lol . Just like you don't want to be called a fundamentalist because most of the christian fundamentalists are McCain supporters dont discount African Americans because they are voting for Barack. I am black and I understand what is at stake in this election.


Red Blaster said:
Moot point as most blacks vote democrat anyway.

I somewhat agree with this. I don't think there are many African Americans who would've voted for McCain if he weren't running against an African American candidate.
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