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Long-requested sequels that are monumentally disappointing

These two titles spring into mind from last-gen:


Tomb Raider went all emo and tried to be much darker. Horrible bugs everywhere and a story which jumped locations and style a lot. The controls were kind of bad too. A real dissapointment for the TR series on a new generation.


I couldn't wait for this one. The excellent WipEout series from the PS1 was finally hitting PS2. It had loops and huge, wide tracks and ship upgrades etc. Ended up with the worst controls in a racing game for a long while and messy presentation. I just can't get over how bad it controlled.


Being monumentally disappointed in the final product = monumentally disappointing. Go watch the docu.

Sweetie, I've watched that hundreds of times. Yes the game didn't come out the way they originally intended but it was not a monumental disappointment and was actually a pretty good game.


Most of the games in this thread are actually "pretty good" games and watching that one, not very good, documentary hundreds of times means I'm talking to a crazy person.


WHAT? You ain't good in the head, son.

I'd say Final Fantasy 13.

And unfortunately Halo Reach

Multiplayer was good except for the all the texture pop problems. The campaign however was awful. Not even Keith David can save that game.


"I know you raziel you are worthy."
I'm guessing this thread was meant to be long awaited sequels rather than requested in terms of something we had to wait a long time for rather than just people clamoring for a sequel.

The former was made for Duke Nukem. I still enjoyed the game for what it was but 15 years in the making, it was a bummer.

For the latter, I'd have to say Dragon Age 2. After we got origins, everyone was all up ons for a sequel....until we got it.
Syndicate. A FPS? WTF

This makes zero sense. Read the thread title again. "Long-requested". Were people requesting for a Syndicate FPS since 1996? Bullfrog co-founder left in 1997 to make Lionhead Studios. Bullfrog was defunct in 2004.

Also, it's by a completely different developer.

I'd go for GTA 4. Monumentally disappointing. Not much of a sandbox compared to San Andreas, not many activities or side-missions that are more than just a fetch-quest. Awful controls, inexcusable input delay like going into cover took 2 seconds, and an awful framerate that actually made me scared of driving at fast speeds or then motion blur came to eat the whole screen.

The story was admirable of going the Eastern European immigrant "rags to riches" route, but Niko's motivations and revenge quest were badly handled and ended with a lackluster ending.

And I didn't even mention the "realistic" change.


Gee, now that it's officially the HD generation maybe Hudson could finally give Hi-Ten Bomberman a home release after all this time! With online support! That'd be swell!


You bastards.



I couldn't wait for this one. The excellent WipEout series from the PS1 was finally hitting PS2. It had loops and huge, wide tracks and ship upgrades etc. Ended up with the worst controls in a racing game for a long while and messy presentation. I just can't get over how bad it controlled.

I came late to Fusion (picked it up after Pure and Pulse) and actually didn't mind it so much -- the controls don't have the legendary "floatiness", but it was easier to play than the first Wipeout (which I've never managed to finish first in... ever).

And I've gotten some good use out of the Fusion music; add it to the HD/Fury soundtrack list and it fits right in!

My vote: going back several generations, but:


The majority of the awesome customization options from the original Baseball Stars: gone.

So disappointed.
Yoshi's Island DS if you consider it a sequel, ugh.

I didn't even dislike the babies, it was everything in that game that was utterly forgettable and just plain bad. The music was the biggest offender compared to the original YI.

Damn right. I was so excited for this and it just turned out so bland.


It's a bigger, prettier version, I'll give you that. I still really liked it, though. I think Skyward Sword was more of a disappointment, considering the wait.

TP has better bosses, better combat, better puzzles, better items and a more fleshed out overworld. The biggest issues TP has compared to OoT is the terrible pacing and the fact it came second. Personally I can't see any reason someone would prefer OoT outside of nostalgia.


I'd be in the dick

Two things

1: The game isn't out yet so we don't know if it'll be disappointing
2: It looks fucking awesome and many of the Max Payne fans here are really looking forward to it.

I wonder how many Kickstarter projects are going to be on this list in a couple years.
Jet Set Radio Future was great, though, even if they decided to take away the graffiti-spraying mechanic but once I got over that it was still an awesome mix between trend sport and jump n run. (I admit that I liked the Dreamcast original a bit more, though, but it wasn't a dissapointment). And it wasn't that long between JSR and JSRF anyway.

New Super Mario Bros DS did dissapoint me. First 2D Mario in over a decade and woha if it isn't my least favorite Mario Game, even behind Mario 2 USA... the only new elements like giant Mario were gimmicky and without real value to the gameplay, style and leveldesign felt bland, no surprises or cool new stuff... fortunately, the Wii NSMB was superb. While the style stayed rather bland, everything else was top notch and the multiplayer is easily the best!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
For me I'd have to go with Blood Omen 2.


What a travesty. I had awaited a sequel to this for a long time and after Crystal Dynamics delivered the excellent Soul Reaver 2 I was actually expecting something great. The end result, however, was an absolute mess of a game that offered none of what fans of the series would have expected.

Are you kidding me? It's shaping up to be an incredible game and perhaps the best in the series. Even Remedy seems to love it.
No one has said Deus Ex 2: Invisible War yet? Surprising.

I remember this as the first game to illicit PC gamer rage for being a shoddy console port.

- Dumbed down inventory system that was inspired by the PS2 port of DX1
- Tiny levels with multiple loading zones.
- Not long after the game came out I think a bunch of players discovered through snooping in the game files that the game was developed with the original Xbox in mind.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
These two titles spring into mind from last-gen:


Tomb Raider went all emo and tried to be much darker. Horrible bugs everywhere and a story which jumped locations and style a lot. The controls were kind of bad too. A real dissapointment for the TR series on a new generation.

I remember getting an OEM version with a sound card. Absolute crap. I think I remember dying from walking too close to the barking dog in the first 3 minutes of the game.

This is one of the games where if it didn't carry the baggage and therefore expectations of a major series it may have ended up a decent game.

No one has said Deus Ex 2: Invisible War yet? Surprising.

I remember this as the first game to illicit PC gamer rage for being a shoddy console port.

- Dumbed down inventory system that was inspired by the PS2 port of DX1
- Tiny levels with multiple loading zones.
- Not long after the game came out I think a bunch of players discovered through snooping in the game files that the game was developed with the original Xbox in mind.

The thing I remember the most about the game that it always felt like there was a "roof" over you at all times. Whereas in the first game you felt free to do whatever you wanted and never felt constricted at all.


We're bringing back Syndicate!


Oh but wait it's a piece of shit on rails corridor shooter that uses a few gadgets from the original game and bits and pieces of original music hooks.



Portal was great, that gem inside The Orange Box, trapped inside some centre alone, then they changed it into a game about witty remarks and lost that 'I'm all alone' kind of thing. I dunno, I just disappointed in it.

You were never supposed to feel like you were alone Portal 1. All of those big glass windows were supposed to make you think people were watching you.

And Portal 2 was hardly long-awaited anyway.
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