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O, but I've already seen all of those. ;-;
Oh, I seriously doubt I could think of something you haven't seen or been recommended already. ^_^;

(I wish I could disagree, but I really can't, either. Not that it was actually bad, mind.)
No, certainly not, and I'm looking forward to Penguinbear or whatever it is Ikuhara is going to announce this week, but... I really feel it could/should have been more. Considering the show was relatively short and there were those novels getting released simultaneously, I kinda was expecting something well planned out, plot-wise, and... well, if it was, it didn't feel that way to me, toward the end!
(... and they didn't fix episode 10 for the video release! can't really blame them considering the sales, but still!)


Neo Member
Hey LostGAF, I need your help. There was an old fan trailer for Season 6 that I used to like a lot, but for the life of me I can't find it online anymore.

It was like 5ish minutes long, and it noticeably focused on Desmond. It also had this cool thing where the footage of Juliet banging on Jughead with a rock was interspersed with footage of notable events from the show (Such as Michael shooting Ana Lucia, Charlie jumping in the water to swim down to Looking Glass, Oceanic 815 breaking up in mid air, a couple of significant explosions etc.)...but played in reverse.

I'm pretty sure it was made before Season 6 actually started airing, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about and happens to have a link I'd appreciate it.


Hey LostGAF, I need your help. There was an old fan trailer for Season 6 that I used to like a lot, but for the life of me I can't find it online anymore.

It was like 5ish minutes long, and it noticeably focused on Desmond. It also had this cool thing where the footage of Juliet banging on Jughead with a rock was interspersed with footage of notable events from the show (Such as Michael shooting Ana Lucia, Charlie jumping in the water to swim down to Looking Glass, Oceanic 815 breaking up in mid air, a couple of significant explosions etc.)...but played in reverse.

I'm pretty sure it was made before Season 6 actually started airing, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about and happens to have a link I'd appreciate it.

I feel like I remember the one...tehre were so many good ones.

The one thing I'd KILL for is the Times Talks Live event they did prior to the finale.

My wife and I saw it in theaters and LOVED it. It went up on YouTube the next day in 1080p...and then a day or so later was pulled. I've written Times and they won't ever be putting it up again.

I'm so disappointed, it was such a phenomenal interview. I am so pissed that I didn't download it when I had the chance.


Neo Member
Yeah I'd like to actually watch the Times Talk too. I've heard some weird reports about things they supposedly said in it (Like I heard Darlton said Walt was supposed to appear in the finale, which really makes me wonder about how their production schedules were like).


Just finished watching the entire series with my 10 year old sister (who looked away during the sexier stuff, but absolutely loved it overall). It was a pretty cool thing to share that with her.

The finale and resolutions are just as affecting as they were to me on May 23rd 2010. The tears were flowing for me tonight. I love you so much Lost. Always will.

Live Together Die Alone!


So I'm sitting here discussing and theorizing and coming up with stuff related to the Bioshock Infinite story and it hits me that I haven't done this sort of stuff since Lost ended. I haven't even partaken in many post Lost arguments cause I was tired or theorizing and arguing etc.

Anywho BS:I is calling on that old Lost feeling, what an amazing game. Story draws some Lost parallels too, IMO.



I miss Lost so much. Yeah, seasons 5 and 6 weren't nearly as good as 1-4. Not nearly as textual. But man was that series a blast to watch.

I miss Michael Giacchino the most.


Yeah I'd like to actually watch the Times Talk too. I've heard some weird reports about things they supposedly said in it (Like I heard Darlton said Walt was supposed to appear in the finale, which really makes me wonder about how their production schedules were like).

YEs, they said that.

When I left the theater, I was convinced I knew the end of the series. It was going to be something like...Desmond was crossing over to bring all of the LOSTiest together at the concert so they'd remember the island which would allow them to cross back over.

Something like that. Damon had answered someone's question and his smile as he kept talking made it seem like he had said too much. It was weird.

FUck I wish I could see it again.


Fringe S3 > Lost S1 > Fringe S2 > Lost S3 > Lost S4 > Fringe S1 > Lost S2 > Fringe S5 > Lost S6 > Lost S5 > Fringe S4
Just watched Prometheus and it convinced me that all the nonsensical, irreconcilable nonsense that LOST is inundated with had to have come from Lindelof. So much shit raised without being addressed. It worries me for Star Trek 2. And JJ, you better keep this motherfucker away from my Star Wars


That is crazy and maybe a little bad that I read it earlier and thought of lost >_<

Side note, my roommate has been watching the show for the first time, we have 5 episodes left fo season 1 and he is going to stop after that :/ He likes the characters and stuff but the island doesn't intrige him, like there is no mystery or tension for him. He sucks. :(


Just finished Lost for the first time.

Not entirely happy with the ending. I think it would have satisfied me as an ending after S2 but after S3, 4 and 5 it just felt a bit contrived; like the purgatorial theme is how they originally intended to end the show early on but with all the subsequent story twists over 6 series they had to come up with a convoluted explanation for it.

By S6 I would have been much happier with a bomb induced alternative reality ending than what it turned out to be. As it is most of the characters' story arcs are pretty bleak and the ending just complicates matters compared with how things would have been if the last episode had ended 10 minutes sooner.


By S6 I would have been much happier with a bomb induced alternative reality ending than what it turned out to be.
Pretty sure that's what it was supposed to be at the beginning of the last season, but they changed their mind for one reason or another.


Neo Member
Hey Erigu, do you still think the light in the church isn't meant to be the light at the heart of the Island?

Because while I normally agree with much of what you have to say on the series, that point kind of stuck out at me since Darlton went out of their way to have the "The light is life, death, and rebirth!" line in Across the Sea.
Just watched Prometheus and it convinced me that all the nonsensical, irreconcilable nonsense that LOST is inundated with had to have come from Lindelof. So much shit raised without being addressed. It worries me for Star Trek 2. And JJ, you better keep this motherfucker away from my Star Wars

The Prometheus script was a lost cause before Lindelof had even touched it.


Hey Erigu, do you still think the light in the church isn't meant to be the light at the heart of the Island?
I think it was the same "light at the end of the tunnel" as in a bunch of other stories.

Because while I normally agree with much of what you have to say on the series, that point kind of stuck out at me since Darlton went out of their way to have the "The light is life, death, and rebirth!" line in Across the Sea.
So it was only a third of that light? ;þ
I mean, they also went out of their way to say that it could teleport people if combined with water and a wheel... I imagine it also was what killed all those pregnant women? And probably why Locke saw Smokey as a light at the very beginning of the show, while we're at it.
It's life, death, rebirth, love, space, time, cheese, dessert. It's the spirit of disco. It's whatever floats your boat. It's whatever is convenient for the plot at the time. It's Rambaldi's red matter. It's Spock's red matter. It's the black goo. It's magic (so I don't have to explain shit).

The Prometheus script was a lost cause before Lindelof had even touched it.
It was considerably less stupid.
It was considerably less stupid.

I wouldn't say considerably. It lacked the silly snake scene and put more of an emphasis on action than wanton philosophising and mysticism, but I prefer Lindelof's David. They're both flawed but at the end of the day Scott had the final word and creative control.


I wouldn't say considerably. It lacked the silly snake scene and put more of an emphasis on action than wanton philosophising and mysticism
Also missing were the shitty dialogue and "science", and Lindelof's special brand of hateful protagonists (is it just laziness (free drama!) or Lindelof writing about what he knows?). And it made more sense overall. Lindelof never seems too concerned about trying to understand what's going on in his stories. So I'm still thinking "considerably".

I prefer Lindelof's David.
David suddenly turning Mad Scientist at the end of Spaihts's script was pretty fucking weak, yes. Not that Lindelof's David made sense in the end either, but there were a couple of new (relatively to the earlier draft, I mean) ideas that had potential.
(and then there was Fassbender, of course, but that's another matter)


Been rewatching season 6 after finally picking it up on dvd. It was the only season I didn't own. I haven't rewatched this season since it aired. I'm still really enjoying it. I miss these characters dearly. That Jin/Sun moment near the end......with the music.....why is this room so dusty?


Neo Member
It's whatever is convenient for the plot at the time.

Wow, I had actually forgotten about the "wheel + water + light" scene, lmao.

You have a good point. In my head the light seemed to have less magical shit attached to it, but yeah, it does seem like they attribute it to a bit too much in the series for any kind of single interpretation to stick, and that's not exactly good for something the entire show was building up to.

If the light was what caused all the pregnant women to die (Not sure what else it could be tbh. Smoky doesn't exactly seem like a reasonable culprit, though perhaps fatal abortions are another of his mysterious super powers), maybe MiB escaping the Island and destroying the light wouldn't have been such a terrible thing.


If the light was what caused all the pregnant women to die (Not sure what else it could be tbh.
Pretty sure that's the official explanation (it certainly was heavily implied by "the Man in Charge" or whatever that thing was called, anyway): "magical electromagnetism" did it after the Swan incident. The "energy of the island", whatever that is.

Smoky doesn't exactly seem like a reasonable culprit, though perhaps fatal abortions are another of his mysterious super powers
He apparently can teleport cabins left and right or give you dreams, so why the fuck not! ^^
Also, I guess he was the one who said "screw 'dead is dead'" and resurrected Sayid, too. Never mind how he was still in that statue thing in the beach (taking a nap, presumably? just how long did he stay in there?), whereas Sayid was in a temple he couldn't enter because magical ash and/or magical Japanese guy.
This show...

maybe MiB escaping the Island and destroying the light wouldn't have been such a terrible thing.
The exact effects of MiB leaving the island and/or destroying the light were amusingly left vague. It would be "bad". Isn't that everything you need to know? Ilana exploding just as it seemed she was about to finally spell them out was one of the show's biggest "hahaha, fuck you"'s to its viewers (many of which were still fans afterwards and even kept trying to defend the show against criticism... what the fuck).
Because I guess knowing the stakes of the "final conflict" is completely superfluous. Lindelof and Cuse would probably spin some "we purposely left it up to your imagination, you wonderful viewers, you! you're so awesome, after all!" bullshit.


Neo Member
Pretty sure that's the official explanation (it certainly was heavily implied by "the Man in Charge" or whatever that thing was called, anyway): "magical electromagnetism" did it after the Swan incident. The "energy of the island", whatever that is.

Ah, right. I forgot about that silly epilogue.

That's why I never hold magnets close to pregnant women, don't want to accidentally kill the fetus. XD

He apparently can teleport cabins left and right or give you dreams, so why the fuck not! ^^
Also, I guess he was the one who said "screw 'dead is dead'" and resurrected Sayid, too.

The Sayid thing really pissed me off because I thought the MiB reveal was the most well planned one up until then. Sure you could cite the girl in the Eko flashback as counter-evidence, but there was also reason to believe the doctor was incompetent (The tape that was played for Eko had the doctor flirting with his girlfriend during the autopsy or something, because dead children are such a turn-on I guess).

With the whole show in context though, I guess that little girl really did come back to life.

Never mind how he was still in that statue thing in the beach (taking a nap, presumably? just how long did he stay in there?), whereas Sayid was in a temple he couldn't enter because magical ash and/or magical Japanese guy.
This show...

Obviously MiB made one of those copies of himself using his cloning ability which then flew high, high above the ash until it wasn't in range, and then floated above the Temple, and then descended upon it to resurrect Sayid! This is checkmate, Beatrice!

But yeah, it's a huge mess.

The exact effects of MiB leaving the island and/or destroying the light were amusingly left vague. It would be "bad". Isn't that everything you need to know? Ilana exploding just as it seemed she was about to finally spell them out was one of the show's biggest "hahaha, fuck you"'s to its viewers (many of which were still fans afterwards and even kept trying to defend the show against criticism... what the fuck).
Because I guess knowing the stakes of the "final conflict" is completely superfluous. Lindelof and Cuse would probably spin some "we purposely left it up to your imagination, you wonderful viewers, you! you're so awesome, after all!" bullshit.

Seriously, it couldn't have been THAT hard for clear stakes to be made around the MiB. We have little reason to think he wants to kill every last person on Earth, so they could have said like, I dunno, if he leaves the Light goes out forever. And that's bad because the Light allows for goodness in people or is the force that holds all matter together or SOMETHING.

Whatever the reason, there could have been a flashback in AtS where Jacob tries explaining this to MiB, but doesn't believe him because he thought it was just a lie that Mother had told him or SOMETHING.


The Sayid thing really pissed me off because I thought the MiB reveal was the most well planned one up until then.
Well, there was Ilana's apparent dismissal of the fake Locke right after the crash (they already had the real Locke's corpse in a box)...
Then again, she didn't seem to care much about protecting Sun either... Too busy with her ultimately nonsensical carrying of that crate, I guess.

(I shouldn't be so mean to her... The poor girl had just been turned from a bounty hunter to a member of some other Others, and was about to become Jacob's secret daughter and then officially irrelevant pieces of flesh on the sand. Talk about a shitty existence.)

Sure you could cite the girl in the Eko flashback as counter-evidence
You'd have to remember her though, and it doesn't look like the writers did!
(Well, it's not nearly as bad as when they forgot about the Kwon kid.)

there was also reason to believe the doctor was incompetent (The tape that was played for Eko had the doctor flirting with his girlfriend during the autopsy or something, because dead children are such a turn-on I guess).
Well... "the doctor was simply incompetent" would work, technically, but it would still be a huge cop-out, up there with "the psychic was just a fraud" or "Faraday was crying because plane crashes are sad"... "Oh, you were intrigued by that mystery we introduced back then? Well, that's too bad: there was absolutely nothing interesting, there." Man, it's almost as if they never knew what was up with those... But surely, that can't be right! Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse wouldn't blatantly lie to their audience, would they?!

Obviously MiB made one of those copies of himself using his cloning ability which then flew high, high above the ash until it wasn't in range, and then floated above the Temple, and then descended upon it to resurrect Sayid! This is checkmate, Beatrice!
That's how you can tell I'm horribly biased when it comes to this show: I hadn't even considered that perfectly logical and elegant hypothesis!
Hey, maybe that's also how he appeared to Michael as Christian right before the freighter exploded! Flying smoke clone!
And I'm sure he had very good reasons to do that, back then. And to not do that, in other circumstances.

But yeah, it's a huge mess.
Naaah, best show ever!

Seriously, it couldn't have been THAT hard for clear stakes to be made around the MiB. We have little reason to think he wants to kill every last person on Earth
I know, right? And yet, Widmore spills the beans when the MiB promises not to kill Penny. So (at least as far as Widmore is concerned) Barry was indeed about to kill every last person on Earth, not indirectly by destroying the island and triggering the end of the world or whatever, but with his own smokey hands. Well, that's not silly at all!
Also, "Motivations? What's that? Do we really need some of those? Can't good-looking characters and Giacchino do the trick?"

there could have been a flashback in AtS where Jacob tries explaining this to MiB, but doesn't believe him because he thought it was just a lie that Mother had told him or SOMETHING.
I'm sure that's because season 6 was already packed to the gills with absolutely vital stuff.
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