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Junior Member

I didn't even know this game existed till about 4 years ago. It really came and went without much effect. Anyway i'm back at home at the moment and decided to look through my little bros GC games (I left him all my stuff when I left). I noticed he had 2 new games, Baten Kaitos and F-Zero GX. I played Baten for a bit but turned it off an hour in. Great game but I don't have the time to invest into it.

I thought I knew what I was expecting because I had played X on the N64 but I definately didn't expect what GX offers. It seriously feels like a perfect game. It does what it does flawlessly. 60FPS and runs butter smooth. Gameplay is extremely tight and you always feel in control of your vechile. I'm up to chapter 7 in the story and so far it has been very challenging without feeling cheap. You know when you crash or fall off it's because you fucked up.

It released in 2003 but the graphics hold up extraordinary well. Varied tracks and busy back grounds are a visual treat.




Soundtrack is probably what really suprised. I know SEGA always deliver in this area but I just wasn't expecting much. It awesome. I like these 2 the best so far.


Amazing game overall. I feel silly for missing it. An F-Zero game with atleast Wipeout HD level graphics, 60fps, 30 player multi could be a technical marvel for the Wii-U.

I'm probably on my own on this one but I'd love to see a single player action-adventure game set in Mute City. The game has so much charm and the characters are great. I really enjoyed watching the cutscenes. Perhaps something similar to Infamous.


Best racing game ever for me. Spent so many hours on some of those missions... all worth it. I should replay this in Dolphin.


Nintendo need to sell this franchise to SEGA. F-Zero GX is the best F-Zero.

I thought it was pretty cool you could customize the deadzone of the analog stick too.


I'm up to chapter 7 in the story and so far it has been very challenging without feeling cheap.

I think I was stuck on chapter 7 for 3 years, most challenging chapter in the story by far. I am planning to eventually get back to the game to unlock the AX tracks, but I am a bit uncertain about if I ever will be able to do it. My goal is to have it done by the 10th anniversary for the game, but time is running out faster than I thought.


I think I was stuck on chapter 7 for 3 years, most challenging chapter in the story by far. I am planning to eventually get back to the game to unlock the AX tracks, but I am a bit uncertain about if I ever will be able to do it. My goal is to have it done by the 10th anniversary for the game, but time is running out faster than I thought.

I was stuck on Chapter 6 for far, far longer. I would get to the last stretch and just fuck it up every time.

Obligatory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLwM3nyY5g


I often sprain my hands when I slam into a U-turn with both shoulder buttons. Incredible.

I totally understand why there is no sequel - because it's the best possible futuristic racing game in existence. !


Nintendo need to sell this franchise to SEGA. F-Zero GX is the best F-Zero.

I thought it was pretty cool you could customize the deadzone of the analog stick too.

no. Nintendo's F-Zero X is better. i appreciate the GX effort by Sega but nintendo could do a better job with capable hardware (FZX lost a lot thanks to the crappy n64 hardware)


no. Nintendo's F-Zero X is better. i appreciate the GX effort by Sega but nintendo could do a better job with capable hardware (FZX lost a lot thanks to the crappy n64 hardware)

The only thing I like about X better is Death Race. But beyond that, I find, personally, everything better about GX. :)


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Man, that game was amazing. I was absolutely addicted to it.

I managed to do the following:

- Unlocked the AX Cup, which you could only do after completing the Master Cup
- I completed the Master Cup with ALL 41 racers (yes, even the shitty ones)
- I completed every Story Mode chapter on Very Hard
- I beat every single Time Attack (I forget the exact number, but it was something like 14 with a custom vehicle and 12 with Hyper Speeder, my favorite normal racer)
- I unlocked every special movie for every character

All of this--wait for it--without ever snaking ONCE! True skill right there, dawg. When I first got the game, I was about to put it away because I sucked balls at it. But practice pays off.

I don't think I've ever committed myself to beating a game so badly.
Best racing game of all time and in my top 5 of all time. What's not to love? Gorgeous graphics, 60FPS, 100% perfect controls, varied and super-fun courses, awesome music, blistering speed, no rubberbanding, story mode that's legendarily difficult but uber-rewarding, hilarious cutscenes... It might not have the stacked feature set of current gen racing games but when it comes right down to the actual RACING part, GX is miles and miles and miles above anything else out there. It's an absolute travesty this game didn't sell better


Easily with a doubt the greatest racing game ever made.The game focuses on what every other racing game neglects actual racing.No other racing game demands as much skill as F-Zero GX.Thank you AV/Sega giving us the greatest racer ever.

I don't see how. GX is just the X formula again. Anyone could have made it, really.

No, only Sega could have done GX the way it was.Sega is serious when it comes to arcade games and this game shows.
Amazing game. No other game captures the sense of speed better than this.

My best friend and I still bring up the race in which he beat me by .001 seconds, which can't even be the length of a pixel in that game.


Man, that game was amazing. I was absolutely addicted to it.

I managed to do the following:

- Unlocked the AX Cup, which you could only do after completing the Master Cup
- I completed the Master Cup with ALL 41 racers (yes, even the shitty ones)
- I completed every Story Mode chapter on Very Hard
- I beat every single Time Attack (I forget the exact number, but it was something like 14 with a custom vehicle and 12 with Hyper Speeder, my favorite normal racer)
- I unlocked every special movie for every character

All of this--wait for it--without ever snaking ONCE! True skill right there, dawg. When I first got the game, I was about to put it away because I sucked balls at it. But practice pays off.

I don't think I've ever committed myself to beating a game so badly.

I snaked, didn't do as well and fuck you!
Snaking? You can do that in F-Zero GX?

Also, all hail my Mighty Hurricane!

Totally my favorite racing game ever. (Though the new Mario Karts are cutting it very close.) If Nintendo could pull the SEGA team away from Yakuza for a little bit and convince them to make another F-Zero for the 3DS or Wii U, it alone will make the whole generation worth it for me.


No, only Sega could have done GX the way it was.Sega is serious when it comes to arcade games and this game shows.

F-Zero X is the blue print. A godsend from the genius designers at EAD. F-Zero GX is a wonderful game, but it really is F-Zero X on better hardware with a bigger budget. That bigger budget is the one that paid the large staff (which includes multiple companies not just Amuzement Vision). That same budget ended up burning Nintendo when the revenue from underperforming sales came back.

Most of the F-Zero GX team is working on Yakuza or Sonic at the Olympic Games. Others have left to other companies.

F-Zero X. 60 frames per second on screen racing with 30 racers on screen. 4 player splitscreen racing at 60 fps. Random track generator. Death race. Metal Soundtrack. Roster of 30 scifi superhero/villain characters. F-Zero X was amazing. As was GX.


I only wish other racing games like Wipeout took more influence from GX in terms of tight controls and deep racing mechanics.


It might be my favorite racing game of all time. Absolutely incredible.

This. I spent months fighting to unlock everything possible, and then spent a few more months building and racing my own custom vehicles, with custom decals, etc. Such a damn good game.. in terms of racing games, I'm not sure that I could love another one more.

I buy one racing game per generation. I'd much prefer next gen's game to be an F-Zero title instead of a Mario Kart title.
I like F-Zero GX.

However, I wish it was just the teensiest bit easier so I could actually unlock the rest of the AX tracks and characters. I think I have 3 or 4 characters to unlock.


The soundtrack in GX was a gigantic disappointment to me. Not because it was bad (quite the opposite), but because the soundtrack of X was just so gdlk. The tame techno tunes of GX just can't compare to stuff like this.

F-Zero GX has well written electronic music, X was midi rock, I'll take the good electronic every time, but that's just me.


This is my favorite racing game of all time. Incredibly satisfying.

Soooooo fucking hard, but I 100% it! I felt so good.


My favorite game of all time. I managed to unlock everything in just a month, which is something I still consider my top gaming achievement. Also, this was the last game I played non-stop for weeks without doing anything else. I basically became a hermit during that time.

I seriously believe Ninty hasn't made a new one because they know they can't top this masterpiece.


F-Zero GX has well written electronic music, X was midi rock, I'll take the good electronic every time, but that's just me.

Midi rock = not well written?

Seriously, listen to X's guitar arrangement sometime. It blows GX's music out of the water.


Few years ago I was like "... wait... THERE IS A FREAKING F-ZERO FOR GAMECUBE?". I played a bit at a friend's place and I really wasn't fucking ready.

I bought it in April 2011 for less than 8 bucks on GameStop, what a steal!

Really tight graphics, really really tight soundtrack, and the sense of speed vertigo is outstanding. Worth every penny.


Great game, my favorite racing game ever probably. It is very satisfying to perfectly nail a track with the sense of speed the game has.


This game is so good, I'm sad that I never hear enough about it. Honestly, I think too many people played the story mode first and got burned out on the difficulty. The Grand Prix is where this game is at, especially at harder difficulties. The track design is incredible.

I was also lucky enough to get to one of the AX arcade machines and try it out. So much fun.

One thing I thought was amazing was that they made a little theme song for each driver.


I remeber marathoning the story mode compeleting it in the middle of night in pool of sweet like I ran 10 miles.

The best raceing game every created.


Is this the fucking hardest racing game to exist? I swear, if I remember, the computer would routinely kick my ass and I would (although joyously, yet slightly upset and frustrated) continuously have to replay races like 100 + times to finally win.
Yes! I liked how they made a little bio and whatever for each driver and sometimes their machines. I thought that was a nice touch. Although now I'm puzzled why they always make Octoman a bad guy; he seems like a nice fellow. Also he's got my best machine.
GX has by far the best rendition of Mute City's theme.

Also: this thread is a gentle reminder that Nintendo regards F-Zero's fanbase with about the same level of contempt as Pikmin's.


Junior Member
This thread is making me want to boot this up again, but shit that game was hard.

Allow me to recite a rant that encapsulates my feelings on the game from my good friend, Anonymous:

Anonymous said:
I unlocked all the AX courses legitly and about half of the AX racers too. I gave up and used AR when I was doing the "Save Jody" Mission on V. Hard when the FUCKING DOORS CLOSED ON TOP OF MY CAR JUST AS I REACHED THE FUCKING END.

Dear Nintendo:


Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking television in some impotent primal effort to get the thing to work. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your product - YOUR PRODUCT, YOUR GAME, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN DEVELOPER AND CONSUMER THAT THE CONSUMER WILL ENJOY YOUR PRODUCT - but instead the damn thing's been crawling out of the console and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the console through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your QA or testers or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your games through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy Story Mode Chapter 7. INSULTED.

WORK WITH ME HERE: The goal's simple enough! Come in first! Hey, that's fine, it's just like playing the grand fucking prix; not a problem! Only deal is your cross-eyed team of tongue-slapping wunderkind decided to give the game every single fucking advantage possible TO THE GAME rather than me.

How in the fuck does Black Shadow - whose car is the heaviest and lamest piece of shit next to the Crazy Bear - suddenly become SO FUCKING GOOD that he can stay in first without using a drop of boost? Huh!? Why!? You never see this shithead anywhere near the top fucking 20 in a normal race. BUT HO HO HO THIS TIME HE'S MEGA-COCK, THE FASTEST FAGGOT IN THE WORLD. 1.21 GIGAWATTS MARTY, LET'S GO BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE.

But it's not just Black Shadow with the magical powers, it's the entire fucking lineup of racers! THEY'RE ALL FASTER THAN YOU. AND DON'T REQUIRE ANY BOOST.

But but but I of course, am still driving some piece of shit hamster-powered jalopy who guzzles it's entire energy bar in no less than four fucking boosts! Add to this the entire course just got shitted on by some retarded space tiki volacano god and you've got a course full of hazards that'll drain at least 1/4 of your energy bar JUST BECAUSE IT CAN. WHOOPIE.

HURRR, you say. THAT'S JUST THE CHALLENGE. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE EASY. Well fuck that noise, you lopsided frankenfaced fuckfurter.

Tell me, please, why does the GAME have to win? Huh? What happens when the game wins and I lose? Is there some huge fucking kegger waiting for it when it gets done? Is there money involved? Or perhaps the motives are more sinister. Maybe the game's family is being held hostage by another game and that game has it's cock in F-Zero's wife's mouth and he's holding a cell phone up to her and F-Zero can hear her pained moans and cries for help and the asshole game then says, "You beat that cock-sucking human, or I'll blow her brains out." I COULD UNDERSTAND THAT. I CAN BE SYMPATHETIC.

It's not any fun if I can't win, you faggots. I want to move on. I want to unlock whatever piece of shit clown car you have hidden away from me so I can start racing and get pissed off with that too. When your game prevents me from fully enjoying the product I have bought you have failed in your fucking mission to deliver a game. You lose! You break the contract! You contract the gay and fucking DIE DIE DIE.
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