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LTTP: Sonic 06


I haven't played this game in a very long time, not since it's launch. I'm going to willingly purchase it and probably document not only my progress but have video feed so everyone can see my reactions. I feel like just talking is not going to properly convey how much this game can fuck with your mental stability.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Green Scar said:
Question for those who watched the LP: wtf is Sanford Kong?
He judges you.

real answer: sanford kong is some dude that worked on several games (like an artist or something) and they just couldn't stop laughing at the fact that that's a real name


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
EmCeeGramr said:
also the instability of time caused this time-space rift

"Oh. That's all?"

Was that when Medibot came back? That was my favorite part.

They're like, "So we traveled back in time and all this stuff has happened and now we're Shadow, oh and Mephiles is telling us to do this thing and we're at Aquatic Base but it's 20 years ago for some reason."

And Medibot's just like, "Oh OK."
I couldn't stop laughing. All that convoluted crap and he just goes with it.

Best LP ever.


I still watch the Sonic and Shadow Radical Train, and the Silver ball-rolling bullshit parts of that LP sometimes, they're equally hilarious and depressing.
Andrex said:
Was that when Medibot came back? That was my favorite part.

They're like, "So we traveled back in time and all this stuff has happened and now we're Shadow, oh and Mephiles is telling us to do this thing and we're at Aquatic Base but it's 20 years ago for some reason."

And Medibot's just like, "Oh OK."
I couldn't stop laughing. All that convoluted crap and he just goes with it.

Best LP ever.
No, this is the Last Story intro cutscene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ag3LOm9Kqw#t=6m26s

Eggman and Shadow just start babbling nonsense about time space and they can't stop laughing and then Eggman does the glasses thing and they all crack up.

SmithnCo said:
I still watch the Sonic and Shadow Radical Train, and the Silver ball-rolling bullshit parts of that LP sometimes, they're equally hilarious and depressing.
The mach speed section for Radical train never gets old. It's been linked to enough in the thread already, but it's seriously the highest (lowest?) point of the entire LP.

Edit: Oh shit, I forgot how great the sound effect they make when Sonic gets impaled is :lol
Spirit of Jazz said:
I remember picking this up on the cheap and playing through the entire game. To this day I still don't understand why.

That's how I feel about me getting everything in Donkey Kong 64 as a kid. And I do mean EVE-RY-THING. Every colored Banana, golden banana, banana coins, blueprint pieces, banana medals, banana fairy, battle crown, boss key, rareware coin, nintendo coin, crystal coconut; EVERYTHING



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ


So you admit to 06 being an abomination but somehow it's fun? I don't really understand...

Why did you hate Colors exactly? What was wrong with the boost? There's no technical issues with it, I never ran into walls or anything. That's honestly my favortie aspect about modern Sonic games and it probably is here to stay like the homing attack. But Sonic is about speed, that's what differentiates it from other platformers. So what's to really hate about the boost?

One thing I can agree with you on is how Sonic controls (or you described it as the physics). In the Adventure series he controlled perfectly, now it's kind of wonky if you're not going really fast.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Just... why. Who decided this level would be a good idea?

Sinoox said:
So you admit to 06 being an abomination but somehow it's fun? I don't really understand...
I think I'm starting to understand. He thought it was going to be a huge mess, so kept his expectations really low. But upon playing it, he doesn't think it's that bad perhaps because his expectations were low. Getting past harder stuff feels like an accomplishment, perhaps. It's curiosity that's really helping in getting through the game, I think. Like, "How bad is it going to be *this* time?" upon seeing a new stage or something I guess.
I played and beat Sonic 06 when I was at my cousins place, that shit was the most awful experience of my life. I was drawn because I hate it and there was so much to hate. I've been in horrific car accidents, I've been to chop chop square, I've seen the worst of man and I still count Sonic 06 as one of the absolute worst things to ever happen to me.

OP is trolling, shit's obvious.


Ozone said:
I'm calling your bluff. Picture of the open box with the disc and your username written on a piece of paper or it didn't happen.

No sane person would do this while knowing exactly what they're getting themselves into.

Ok, so today my package from Amazon arrived.. I was waiting for Generations but...


Well, it doesn't look like my Generations CE.




Brand new


Installed and ready to go!

Oh, I almost forgot..


Little proof for you, dear Ozone.
this is THE game that angered me the most in my entire life.

no game has match the level of negative emotions that this invoked in me when i played this for 1 day

i wish we could live and pretend it never existed


Junior Member
Rikkun said:
Ok, so today my package from Amazon arrived.. I was waiting for Generations but...

Good stuff.

Now download a complete file copy and just listen to the soundtrack in the options.


Phonomezer said:
I think we should all play Sonic 2006 this weekend.

Oh Skyrim.

Today then.

It's just too easy to celebrate the anniversary by playing Generations. You have to dig in your memories and play some Shadow the Hedgehog, some Sonic Advanze 2, some Sonic 06.


You could teach a class about this game. I can't think of any other games that provide such clear lessons on how NOT to make a game.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Phonomezer said:
I think we should all play Sonic 2006 this weekend.

Oh Skyrim.

Today then.

Nope. I tried replaying it a few months ago. I got as far as Dusty Desert in Sonic's Story and I just couldn't do it anymore.
Phonomezer said:
I think we should all play Sonic 2006 this weekend.
That's ironic, I was considering doing that if my copy of Generations hadn't turned up on the release day. I'd probably take the challenge up if it didn't involve suffering Silver's desert level again.

As a side note, why on earth does Sonic 2006 have a logo on the 360's Play Game option? Old games only have that if developers went back specifically and added it.


Azure Phoenix said:
As a side note, why on earth does Sonic 2006 have a logo on the 360's Play Game option? Old games only have that if developers went back specifically and added it.

They knew you would've come back.


I was contemplating getting it out and completing it as a challenge after finishing that LP. I ended up deciding to do it when I've more free time though.
Is it wrong that I want to pick this game up after enjoying Generations so much?

I was never a Sonic fan, but loved Adventure. Is that at least as good as Adventure is (by current standards)?


It is very wrong

this game is shit

It is a broken mess and liking Adventure 1 and 2 won't change that

But go ahead.

qq more

canadian crowe said:
Is it wrong that I want to pick this game up after enjoying Generations so much?

I was never a Sonic fan, but loved Adventure. Is that at least as good as Adventure is (by current standards)?
As a person who likes the Adventure series... I'm going have to say that Sonic 06 is still a very fucking awful game.

Very very fucking awful, I think even Sonic Blast (another awful game) is better!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Khorino said:
Can you survive 10 minutes with Silver's "It's no use!"?


Youtube comments:

its no use

thats no excuse

an egg shaped moose

thats chao abuse

i wanted juice

stop trying to seduce

NO not the noose


Also OP has to be brain damaged into thinking Sonic 06 is good and Generations is bad. I may hate Generations for not being Sonic 1-3 Genesis-level, but it's way better than Heroes (which I played) and 06.


TheSeks said:
Also OP has to be brain damaged into thinking Sonic 06 is good and Generations is bad. I may hate Generations for not being Sonic 1-3 Genesis-level, but it's way better than Heroes (which I played) and 06.

No, OP is brain damaged if he thinks that.

who's OP
canadian crowe said:
Is it wrong that I want to pick this game up after enjoying Generations so much?

I was never a Sonic fan, but loved Adventure. Is that at least as good as Adventure is (by current standards)?

PROS shared with Sonic Adventure
+Music is fucking awesome. Easily best aspect of the game.
+It has the Egg Carrier
+Adventure Fields have awesome music, makes their barren existence way more bareable. (really the music is 70% of the reason I made it through this game)
Free roam gameplay
+Ridiculous story on par with adventure, but it's even funnier because it's 100% serious and not tounge and cheek.
+Sonic Man
+Unforgettable hits like: "ITS NO USE!" "TAKE THIS!" and "THAT TORNADO IS CARRYING A CAR!!"
+You get to see Sonic breakdance.
+Sonic's gameplay is almost fun until...

CONS making it worse than Sonic Adventure
-Everything in this game is out to get you. Camera, collisioning, slowdowns. This is essentially the beta version of the game.
-It has load times 10x longer than Adventure 1 and 10x more frequent.
-Mach Speed shit is fucking uncontrollable until you memorize how to maneuver these broken controls.
-Every playable "amigo" character controls worse than any previous appearance. Knuckles can't climb properly, tails has a shitty spastic ring attack (his spin was fine!!), If Sonic hits a wall he stops dead in his tracks and falls on his ass. The list goes on and on.
-Useless filler stages and missions. Soleanna Trials. Hit bells. Alberto Robert. So much bullshit.
-No auto save
-Art style is creepy and realistic. The humans look right out of crowd simulator shit.

It's essentially Sonic Adventure 3, closer to SA1 than 2. But if it was made by Satan. Occasionally there are glimmers of what could have been, but it's sad how quickly it's smothered. Until we get a true finished and bug tested sequel, this is as close as you'll get to another Adventure.


Unconfirmed Member
SwiftSketcher said:
The sad part is that the uploader actually cut the load times to about a 1/4th of their actual length. For all 12 of them.
Good lord...

I need the full version


So, since I started this thread, I've enjoyed the best Sonic game since the Genesis days, a new Zelda, and final exams.

Now that I'm finished all of those things... I've popped this fucker back in the 360. It's time to start Shadow's story!

In case you're new, I'll sum up my feelings on the game so far: From Sonic's story alone, I prefer this game to Colors and Unleashed. I hate boost gameplay, and the mach speed segments are so ridiculous that I find them fun.

Will I feel the same after Shadow and Silver's story? Lets find out!

Snow Stage:

-Shadow doesn't feel too bad after one stage. His homing attack is kinda weird. He's like... spazzing out when you spam a. And why is his running animation so ass? That was the best thing about him in Sonic Adventure 2!

-OH SHIT TITS. Don't tell me I have to find chaos emeralds...

-Apparently not. Was that supposed to be a stealth section? Breezed through it in 5 seconds. Now I'm Shadow again.

- "It's a request from the president." -Shadow the Hedgehog

-Now I just destroyed all the search lights with homing attack. Nothing is happening. Yami Yugi keeps telling me I have to use missiles, so I'm guessing I have to use these comically bad looking vehicles to shoot missiles? Well, not only can I not get into these things, but they don't even seem to be solid objects. I'm walking through one right now. After a few minutes of trying everything, it turns out you need to jump onto the car (not as easy as it sounds, remember what game physics I'm playing with here), and press Y. Blew some shit up, and I'm done the first Shadow stage.

Not too bad, so far.

-Ah, recycled boss battles. Considering I just played Skyward Sword, this doesn't bother me as much as it probably should.


1 second clip of boss dying


5 second rank screen


oh loading screens, how I've missed you. And speaking of loading screens, we've returned to Soleanna. For a second, I thought Shadow and Silver's stories wouldn't force me to explore this place again. ugh.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
How could you play Radical Train as Sonic + mach speed and still prefer it to Colors and Unleashed.

I just... I...


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Blew some shit up, and I'm done the first Shadow stage.

Not too bad, so far.
Oh my... D:

oh loading screens, how I've missed you. And speaking of loading screens, we've returned to Soleanna. For a second, I thought Shadow and Silver's stories wouldn't force me to explore this place again. ugh.
Soleanna sucks. It sucks. I know I say that Unleashed's towns make me dizzy sometimes but they're really pretty and the lighting is fantastic. But Soleanna is so damn bland.


I'll probably get killed for suggesting it...

If they took generations engine and moved the assets etc from 06 across.. Do you think it could be remade (salvaged) into something worthwhile and playable?


I'll probably get killed for suggesting it...

If they took generations engine and moved the assets etc from 06 across.. Do you think it could be remade (salvaged) into something worthwhile and playable?

Playable? Sure, but I think the consensus is even then the game would still be mediocre and subpar.
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